MTL - Dear Mr. Lu-Chapter 47

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"This kind of thing can be found by looking it up with a little effort, but there are some things that the person involved knows best. Tell me about the situation at that time."

Luo Wencheng thought for a while, organized his words and said: "At that time, Luo Wenjun came back for almost half a year. He was very kind and timid on the surface, but as long as he was in a place where Luo Kaifang and Luo Wenhao could not see, he would use all kinds of words. He acted to stimulate me, and I said harsh words to him several times. Someone invited me to drink that day."

Luo Wencheng glanced at Lu Chong, and said with some shame: "It was the other three who were called the so-called Haining Four Young Masters with me at the time. After drinking, I was very excited and spoke harsh words in front of many people. Said to kill Luo Wenjun.

As a result, when I was going out, I saw Luo Wenjun and Han Ying. I didn't know what to think at the time. I was very strange. I got in the car and drove over as soon as I stepped on the accelerator.

In fact, I just wanted to scare him, but the gas pedal, which is usually good, became very sensitive at that time, and the speed was not right. As soon as I stepped on the gas pedal, the speed increased to more than 100 yards, and then I ran into Han Ying. "

Speaking of this matter, he had subjective elements. Although it was for the purpose of intimidating the other party, he really bumped into it after all. This is also one of the reasons why he could not defend himself in court and did not speak out in the end. one.

But at the same time, he was also very clear that there must be something wrong with the alcohol he drank, the car had been tampered with, and the appearance of Luo Wenjun and Han Ying was definitely not a coincidence.

Lu Chong listened and said, "So, the other three of the Four Young Masters also have a share?"

Luo Wencheng shook his head: "It's hard to say, I think there is something added to my wine, even if they didn't drink it themselves, they should know about it. As for whether they participated in this matter, I don't know."

"This is easy to handle, arrest and torture the three of them, won't everything be clear?"

Zhou Yishan, who was sitting in front as the driver, said suddenly.

Luo Wencheng smiled, and didn't say pretentiously that the three of them were well-known people in Haining, so it's not good to touch them like this.

Firstly, Zhou Yishan didn't care about the identities of those people at all, and secondly, Lu Chong made it clear that he wanted to advocate for him, and he also hoped to do so, so it would be meaningless to pretend to refuse now.

Lu Chong didn't intend to stop Zhou Yishan, he asked Luo Wencheng again: "Do you know who Luo Wenjun contacts?"

Those people here are of course not referring to ordinary people.

Luo Wencheng said: "Luo Wenjun grew up in a slum and met a lot of people, but I remember he mentioned Brother Kun many times."

Zhou Zhoushan interjected again: "This nickname sounds like a punk, and he's out of character."

Luo Wencheng looked at him and said nothing. Anyway, he couldn't tell the difference between these nicknames. It seemed to him that Master Jiu was not much taller than Brother Kun, but of course he couldn't say such things.

Of course, in fact, this brother Kun is really just a gangster.

Lu Chong said to Zhou Yishan: "Go and check this Brother Kun."

If it's just a punk, it's impossible for him to make such a fuss under his nose.

Either this brother Kun has some background, or there is another hand reaching out to Haining, wanting to break his wrist with him.

When the car arrived at the villa, Luo Wencheng found that the car behind him hadn't followed. Lu Chong hadn't had any accidents, so he didn't mention Han Ying again.

He knew that since Lu Chong had promised him that this matter would pass soon, it would definitely pass soon, and there would definitely be a good result.

In the next few days, the students of Haining Academy of Art were surprised to find that the post they thought would be blocked was not blocked.

Some people thought that Lu Chong might not dare to post it due to public opinion, while others thought that Lu Chong didn't value Luo Wencheng so much, so he ignored the matter.

In short, they continued to discuss this matter very enthusiastically and fiercely in the post, and someone also uploaded photos and videos of Luo Wencheng and Han Ying's confrontation at the school gate that day.

Because the shooter didn’t dare to blatantly get too close to shoot, so the sound of the video is not very clear, but the contrast between Luo Wencheng’s arrogance and indifference, and Han Ying’s grief and misery is quite obvious, which makes the comments in the reply below lean more toward Han Ying, more accusations and crusades against Luo Wencheng.

Luo Wencheng simply didn't go to school anymore.

Now that his right shoulder is injured, although he can still hold a pen, he still needs to rest after all. Going to school is just a theoretical class, so it's better to stay at home.

With Lu Chong's promise, he didn't worry about the outside affairs at all, and even after thinking twice, he let go of revenge on Luo Wenjun.

Let go and wait for the result Lu Chong gave him.

His only trouble was that his right arm couldn't move freely, so he couldn't cook for Lu Chong.

Fortunately, after recuperating for such a period of time, he has to do rehabilitation every day. After the rehabilitation, he was allowed to do some simple movements with his right arm, so he took this opportunity to go into the kitchen to tinker.

Unknowingly, the weather is getting colder and colder, and New Year's Eve has finally arrived, but there is no New Year's atmosphere in the villa, except that Uncle Ding wrapped a few big red envelopes for everyone, there is nothing special about it.

And Luo Wencheng, as a half-crippled man, couldn't make a fuss about it.

However, he still made a large pot of dumpling stuffing by himself, and then made a lot of dumplings with the chef and helpers in the villa, so on this New Year's Eve, everyone in the villa sat around and ate dumplings.

These people are all from Beijing, so naturally they don't have a home to go back to celebrate the New Year, so it would be nice to eat dumplings together.

Luo Wencheng took his and Lu Chong's shares and went upstairs to find Lu Chong.

Lu Chongzheng was sitting on the terrace with ribs lying on his lap, looking at the small river with street lights reflected in the distance and the lights of Wanjia in the distance.

Luo Wencheng slowed down his pace, he felt that the journey at this time looked very lonely, but he also knew that Lu Chong didn't need anyone to comfort his loneliness and loneliness.

His world doesn't seem to allow anyone to set foot in it, even if he treats him well and gets better and better, but Luo Wencheng always feels that there is a big distance between himself and him, which he can't bridge no matter what.


As soon as this thought came up, Luo Wencheng was taken aback by himself, and realized that his thoughts were really dangerous recently.

It is one thing to be grateful to Lu Chong, it is another thing to have a lot of good feelings, and it is also necessary to want to repay him for helping him, but we must not have any over-the-top thoughts towards him.

This man is not easy to touch, and I don't have that much time.

He didn't want to do unnecessary things, which would be very irresponsible to himself and others.

Lu Chong didn't look back, but he knew that Luo Wencheng was coming. He gently stroked the cat's back with one hand and whispered, "Another year has passed."