MTL - Death Benefit-Chapter 1025v2 Celestial Soul and Immortal

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  The first step in the cheat book of "Flying Immortals Beyond the Sky" is to use absolute time to create differences in human identities.

   Through the difference, the life span is differentiated, so as to collect life force and transform it into mana.

  The problem is that Lu Bai's own original soul is located in the inner light state of gestation.

  The fourth-degree human body on the outer layer also has very little soul information because it cannot be connected to the ghost.

   There is definitely no way to condense lifespan and transform it into mana.

   But it doesn't matter, the so-called principle of longevity, Lu Bai has already dissected it thoroughly.

  Under the original driving force, life should have a destiny experience.

  Lu Bai's fourth-degree human body, although it has no lifespan.

   But with a little conversion, you can get something that is not too different from the lifespan.

  For example, the power of Tianxin.

   are all pushing forces, just need to adjust the order slightly.

  For example, at this moment, Lu Bai’s four-dimensional human talent is activated. Under absolute time, Lu Bai disappears from the current space dimension, and then he is under the perspective of a higher dimension.

  Strong interference force also came out, and a little base appeared in midair.

   Then in the corresponding order, different bases form base pairs, stacked on each other to form a long-chain helical structure.

  The genetic information is filled, and then energy is introduced into it, and an embryo has already emerged in it.

  Time leaps rapidly under the interference of absolute time, the vitality of the embryo develops rapidly, and then a 'person' is formed.

   It was at this moment that Lu Bai felt that Tianxin was paying attention to this place.

  Lu Bai is now considered to be interfering with human beings with extraordinary power, so Tianxin's interference power will also fall. He will not care about the fact that this "person" will immediately lack nutrition and die without Lu Bai's interference power.

  The impetus belonging to Tianxin fell, and wanted to interfere with the "person" created by Lu Bai and maintain its independence.

  Lu Bai also happened to be at this time, the body of the fourth-degree person emerged from the high-latitude space, and the 'person' dissolved at this moment and was loaded into the body of the fourth-degree person.

  Suddenly, the driving force of Tianxin was also coerced and pulled into the body.

   Then that impetus and the people created by Lu Bai formed a power similar to life span, which was refined by Lu Bai and completed the foundation building.

  Other practices are actually the same, using the identity crisis to create another human being, and then using the interference power of Tianxin to interfere with one's past lifespan.

  Lu Bai just borrowed the similar interfering force of Tianxin because the body of the four-degree person outside has no driving force for longevity.

  So, what Lu Bai did was not a separation of identities, but a physical integration.

  Obviously, Lu Bai succeeded. He captured a part of Tianxin's driving force, and then shaped a kind of soul, imprisoning that part of the driving force as the original.

   In this way, a real 'soul' can be regarded as created by Lu Bai.

  Because of the fusion of 'human' and Siduren, even though Tianxin was 'vigilant' to land on Lu Bai, he would not attack Lu Bai again.

  This kind of behavior is actually only available to Lu Bai.

   Watched the immortal method from a high-level view, and then imitated the method of borrowing the power of Tianxin from the immortal method, and adjusted the normal foundation-building method.

  Ling has no real soul, only a little past and vitality of the fourth-degree human body, and completed the cultivation of immortality and foundation building for human beings on earth.

   It can be regarded as truly possessing the Earth Immortal Registration, and can practice the Earth Immortal Kung Fu smoothly.

  After that, the soul of life was cultivated without hindrance, and within a few breaths, it had already reached the second heaven.

  Then, the consciousness is connected to the ghosts and gods sent by the upper half of the people, and the power of ghosts and gods is used to protect the life and soul, forming a corresponding power contract structure, and then the third heaven arrives.

   As for the fourth heaven - the soul of heaven, Lu Bai did not rush to proceed.

  Because of the so-called heavenly soul, Lu Bai actually possessed it from the very beginning.

   Immortal cultivators, after condensing the soul of life, have a steady stream of mana, and after condensing the soul of the earth, they can manipulate ghosts and gods to save mana consumption.

  What the cultivators care most about now is actually Tianxin, and the display of extraordinary power must avoid people's eyes and ears.

  Once exposed to people, it is a dead end.

  Even fighting skills are not safe. There was a time when there was no step of condensing the soul of heaven.

   There is a Taoist who found an interesting thing, that is, when fighting with fellow Taoists, if he hypnotizes himself to put down his current Tao name, he will treat himself as the ordinary human being he used to be.

   Then he will be regarded as a mortal by Tianxin to a certain extent, and then his opponent is very likely to face the backlash of casting spells.

  Although this is likely to be due to letting go of the name of the Tao, if the heart of seeking the Tao is not firm, it is very likely that one will really lose one's cultivation because of this.

   But this trick is also a weapon that is really destructive to the enemy.

  Thanks to the genius idea of ​​that great genius, during that time, the frequency of people fighting in the Taoist sect plummeted.

   Until the appearance of the soul of heaven.

  The so-called heavenly soul is itself.

   To untie the bell, the person who tied it must be needed, since the problem is in letting go of the Dao name and returning to the status of a mortal.

   Then use your mortal identity.

  Generally, after the establishment of the foundation, one's former mortal identity would be abandoned, so now he picks it up again, and then forms a "white list" in Tianxin's cognition.

  The identity on the whitelist is Tianhun.

  Then form the duality of fate, the white list can change with the soul of fate, forming a structure in which you lead me and I lead you.

   In this case, Tianxin's suppression of practitioners will be reduced to a certain extent.

  From then on, casting spells in front of a few people can also be covered with the soul of heaven, so as to avoid the blow of Tianxin.

   Unless there are too many mortals and Tianxin pays too much attention, the cover of Tianhun will be broken.

  In this way, at least when fighting with other people, they will not suddenly find that the enemy has suddenly changed from a Taoist to a 'mortal', and then suffer backlash.

  Heavenly Soul can also be regarded as a milestone stage of practice.

  The problem with Lu Bai now is that there are actually only two of his identities that can form a white list.

  One is a 'human' who has just been born and integrated into the body, and the other is Lu Bai himself. As for the original consciousness of the fourth-degree human, it is just a non-human being and is not eligible to enter Tianxin's white list.

  The one who was just born didn't even have a personality, and was still a person in the biological sense. With this, he didn't have much 'repressive power' to form a heavenly soul.

   This is also the reason why children and fools are easy to see 'ghosts'. Their personalities are not perfect, and extraordinary power appears in front of their eyes, so they don't need too much cover.

  Although Tianxin will protect people in the biological sense, when people themselves can hardly recognize that this is extraordinary, the power of Tianxin will be difficult to be aroused.

  Tianhun pays more attention to people in the psychological sense.

  So, if Lu Bai needs to condense the soul of heaven, then he needs the will of the inner soul to fall.

   It's just that this must also be a trace, and if it is on the white list, it is also on the list. Once an immortal pays special attention to this aspect, it is likely to be able to discover the existence of Lu Bai from here.

  So Lu Bai does not intend to condense the heavenly soul for the time being, anyway, without the heavenly soul, it is not impossible to practice.

   Not even the soul of the earth can complete the three holes, and then condense the three flowers to become a fairy.

   It's just that the two steps of earth soul and sky soul are missing, and the ability to cast spells is more restricted.

  Lu Bai put down his practice work, continued to turn the pages of the secret record, and read all kinds of information in the secret record.

   Then Lu Bai discovered that the secrets above were basically related to immortals.

  From ancient times to the present, in the roster of immortals, there are a total of eleven immortals with clear records of their actual identities.

  Among them, there are four immortals who are still alive, and there are still people who have seen them in modern times.

   There are three celestial beings who have clearly died, and they belong to the fact that they have been confirmed dead by other celestial beings.

  As for the remaining four, they are basically in an unknown state. No one knows whether they are dead or living in a hidden corner.

  Whereas Lu Bai sensed the causal legal net before, he could feel that there are twenty-seven immortals, that is, fourteen.

  Although it is said that even if an immortal dies, his immortal law may not necessarily dissipate, but there is still a difference in the end.

  The laws of the Immortal of Death basically have only one function, which is to ensure the appearance of an 'heir'.

   That is to say, even counting the dead immortals and the half of the immortals whose identities are not on the immortal roster, there are still two immortals who are in an unknown state.

   Not to mention, it is possible that the law of karma of a death immortal hides another unknown immortal.

  Therefore, there may be more real living immortals than imagined.

   "In the southeast practice world, Xuan Yi, the founder of Xuan Yi Sect, did not become an immortal, but his disciple Xuan San was the first immortal in history with clear records, and the records are unknown at present."

   "If he is still alive, it is estimated that it will be two thousand years ago."

   "It is said that when he showed up for the last time, he transformed a 'disciple' into a fairy."

   "It's a pity that this disciple of immortal talent died in the disaster of flying immortals."

   "If you look at it from here, then half of the people are really powerful." Lu Bai thought.

  If the middle-aged elder of the Xuanyi sect hadn’t lied, and half of them had really entered the sect at the same time as him, then half of them would have basically become immortals in about thirty years.

  And the master of the two men mentioned by the middle-aged man is also recorded in this secret record.

   Master Xuanxuanxuanxuan, and a page of eternity.

  These two names are both Dao names, and people in Taoism practice are basically commensurate with Dao names, so it will appear very 'weird'.

  These two people are still alive, among them Xuanxuan Xuanxuan is the Xuanyi sect, and also the pillar of the southeast practice circle.

  As for the one-page long book, which is the master of half of the people, he has been implicated in some way and is in a semi-retired state.

  Both of them are in the eighth heaven-three flower stage.

  Second update, I'm sorry for being more than ten minutes late. I may be a little tired from running around recently, and I overslept in my afternoon nap.