MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 56 蹊跷

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"One month and a half before the Silvermoon City has not been out of the situation, but perhaps the Tallinn will be scheduled for a later time." The bartender bowed his head and meditated, slowly said, "In fact, more than four months ago, The most recent alliance lord meeting did not go well.

Now everyone in the Silvermoon Alliance knows that this land may establish a unified country, but in the merger negotiations of major coalition cities, differences are still inevitable. At the meeting of the lords more than four months ago, perhaps in order to gain greater autonomy and status, the two lords of Airward and Quelva set obstacles in the negotiations, making everyone unhappy.

Some people say that this time, Ms. Alaszhuo held a grand celebration in advance, hoping to make up for the relationship between the two sides, so that the negotiations on the founding of the country can continue. It may be that after the incident, the Tallinn began to plan a conspiracy in an attempt to assassinate and destroy the celebration. ”

Qin Lun nodded and quickly realized that he had made a mistake in judging the timeline. The members of the Tallinn Association were looking for the dead soul flower in the land of death, indeed one and a half months ago.

However, it is a big deal to carry out the destruction at the Silvermoon Festival. The Tallinn should not entrust the task to the branch near the door of Bode, but will dispatch personnel directly from the headquarters to avoid missing information.

The headquarters of the Tallinn Association is located on the north bank of the Sea of ​​the Moon - the Fortress of Tilti and the Crow Fortress. It is seven or eight thousand kilometers away from the place of death. It is the first time to take a flight and ride in peace. It will take two months to arrive. In the border area of ​​Bod, the time is almost the same as four months ago.

"So from then on, has there been any abnormal situation in Yinyuecheng?" Qin Lun blinked and asked cautiously.

"I'm pretty sure not in Silvermoon City." After a while, the bartenders began to get better. The information and news from the past few months were filtered from the mind, and the eyes finally looked like they remembered. What, "But in a farm not far from the eastern suburbs of Silvermoon City, I remember that there was something that was not too big."

"Oh? Who is the farm?" Qin Lun asked.

“It’s just a farm that ordinary farmers have opened. They were attacked by the gnolls at night. Everyone died and there was no living. After receiving a report from the caravan, Silvermoon City sent a team of silver guards. The annihilation of the gnolls who were there, converging their bodies."

The bartender said indifferently, "Because the incident was solved smoothly, and the relationship outside the city, our bright hands did not send a brother to investigate the incident."

The world of Torrell is different from the ordinary human world. There are many wisdom races in this magical world, and the strength of wild creatures is very strong. Although human beings occupy the status of the protagonist of the times, they are not a dominant race.

Things like the brutal races of the Gnolls attacking the Wisdom races are endless, especially in the wilderness without any strong protection. Every year, Silvermoon City receives several reports of such attacks. In addition to mourning for the victims, most of them have become accustomed to it.

"So now there are people living on this farm?" Qin Lun narrowed his eyes.

“No one lives, Silvermoon City will return the farm to the relatives of the original owner or auction off, but this legal process is generally very slow, at least a few months to determine the successor. Before that, the farm will Was left idle." The bartender touched his chin and said faintly.

"So, from then on, that place has become the best hiding place for the conspirators!" Qin Lun sneered and shook his head and said, "It seems that the scattered Tallinn will play a plot of conspiracy, and I think I should Give them a gift and congratulate them."

"You'd better not act rashly. The assassins of the Tallinn are very powerful. After you don't stun the snake, you will lose your life." The bartender frowned slightly and persuaded him.

"This is no need to worry about you!" Qin Lun smiles still, but the meaning of rejection is very obvious.

"Thank you for your message, what price do I need to pay for this information?" Qin Lun asked with a smile. He did not ask the specific location of the farm. Since this matter has long been circulating in Silvermoon City, there should be a lot of things. People give him directions.

"No, although I don't know your identity, but how do you say that you are doing your best for the safety of Silvermoon City. If I still collect your money, then the bright hand is not a bright hand." The teacher glanced at the face of Qin Lun's elf and looked proudly.

When I heard the bartender's words, Qin Lun had to admit that this strange thief organization did have its own unique charm. They are less expensive than other thieves, but they are still able to absorb new blood and establish themselves in the famous cities of the mainland. The wonderful concept clearly occupies a large part of the credit.

The members of the Bright Hand are different from other thieves. Even if they are caught by the City Guard during the theft, they will look up proudly like the Paladin of the Bright Church. "I am justice!"

Although a thief said that this sentence is a bit funny, many people eat their set.

Silvermoon City was built by the Silver Guards like the Iron Barrel. Has Alasz and her followers really been unaware of the existence of the Bright Hand for so many years?

Of course not, the bright hand can set up a secret stronghold in the "Golden Oak", it can be seen that the Silvermoon City Lord did not intend to ban them.

Perhaps in the hope of Ms., instead of handing over the underground network of the city to the gang and other thieves' guilds, it is better to let the bright hands dominate. At least these thieves in the chaotic and good camp will not be ruined in the city.

After leaving the door, Qin Lun suddenly turned back and said: "I am Ferrar Moonlight, we talked for so long, have not asked your name..."

"Conan Rondo is at your service, respected guests!" The bartender smiled and raised his hand. In the air, he crossed a silver light. The silver coin that Qin Lun had handed over to him before was thrown back again. "Be careful, hope. I can see you again!"

After seeing Qin Lun leaving the darkroom, the bartender frowned and muttered: "Ferrar Moonlight, if I remember correctly, the famous Prince of Seo Pia, who was famous some time ago, also called this name. If he is here, I am afraid that Alaska has a headache."

After leaving the darkroom, Qin Lun did not immediately return to his room, but sat in the lobby of the underground bar, called a pot of ale and barbecue, slowly eating, waiting for the return of Hill and Rand in the seat.

After the bartender went out in Qinlun, he returned to the bar after a while, but the two did not talk, and even their eyes did not meet again.

After about an hour or so, as the night grew deeper, Hill and Rand finally came back from the outside. Silvermoon City is different from Nishimai City. There are some banquets and dances every night here, so there is no curfew. They spent two or three hours walking around the city.

In fact, to be precise, Hill is accompanying Rand. The fireworks of firefighters have an amazing memory and sense of direction for the urban road network. As long as he walked roughly, he had already formed a complete and detailed traffic map in his mind.

This talent obviously plays an extremely important role in the apostolic adventure. Sometimes Qin Lun, who has a death list, is very envious.

“The layout of the farm outside the city four months ago?” After the news of Qin Lun’s two people, they could not help but feel a little surprised by the strict plan of the scattered Tallinn. If it wasn’t for the Mason’s old butler’s accidental death and the secret letter of the Tallinn’s meeting, it’s hard to imagine the consequences of this action by the Tallinn.

“No!” Hill frowned slightly, his eyes flashing and said, “If even the local snake of this bright hand is not aware of the plot of the Tallinn at this time, then whatever the Tallinn would want to do, exclude our apostles. The impact of this plan is very high.

Since the scattered Tallinn will take nearly four months to arrange, it is obvious that they must believe that this action can destroy the harmonious atmosphere of Silvermoon City and various alliance cities, leading to the failure of the founding of the Silver Moon and even into a civil war.

The problem is that we all know that in the real history of the world, the Silvermoon Alliance will become the Silvermoon Federation. So what is the unexpected factor that led to the failure of the Tallinn’s conspiracy? ”

In the face of Hill's doubts, Qin Lun and Rand were in silence.

After a long while, Qin Lun suddenly raised his head and his eyes flashed. "The specific situation may only be known if you have contacted the Tallinn. However, one thing you reminded me. Why do you think that the Tallinn will have such a success in history?" What about the plot?"

"What do you mean... there are also apostles on the side of the Tallinn to help?" Hill and Rand immediately realized, "But the plan four months ago... no apostle team can stay in the mission world for so long. ?"

"It's possible, think about my situation!" Qin Lun showed a smile. "If I enter the world of Torrell twice, it will work. I last entered the time and space of the world of Toril. Is it more than four months ago!"

"This is also true!" Hill and Randton were speechless and smiled. "No wonder the task content suggests that this may be a competitive task."

"Qin Lun, when are we going to the farm to see?" Rand asked cautiously.

"It’s better to catch up early, let’s go now!” Qin Lun blinked and smiled.

Although Silver Moon City should have closed the gate at this time, Yinyue City is surrounded by mountains and waters. With the hands of Qin Lun, there are many places that can sneak out of the city.

"Bring up Ilistin and Idria!" Hill asked with a smile. "We don't know how many people Tallinn will lay out on that farm, and make them safer."

"Well, I will go upstairs to inform them. You should go to the River Rubin first and find a place to cross." Qin Lun nodded. Several people did not mention Mastaxia, Linda and Lenny. By.

In fact, although the three are in the ranks, they will not necessarily cooperate with Qin Lun. In particular, the two candlemen members have not revealed their true purpose until now.