MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 88 Minotaur

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"Maze..." Gillim heard the report of the thief, but did not show much surprise, even without questioning, just frowning and sinking, "Maybe we are hitting a higher biological nest!"

"Biological nest?" The apostles and others face each other, and there is such a biological nest, which creatures will specially build a labyrinth fortress in the dark areas.

"It's a Minotaur's lair!" Gilliam didn't let the apostles confuse for too long, and soon he smiled back.

"The Minotaur? The half-orc of Beiyuan?" Marstaff asked curiously.

"No, not the kind of Tauren of Beiyuan..." The old dwarf's eyes are somewhat blurred. It seems to have fallen into some kind of memory, and he muttered, "The origin of the creature of the Minotaur goes back to more than 30,000 years. Prehistoric... The elves haven't come to Torrell's lizard era!"

More than 30,000 years ago, Feren was still a primitive continent covered with forests.

At that time, the world of Torrell, even the laws of the world were not stable enough. The space barriers of other planes were very weak, and there were often other creatures in the plane that entered the torre. Of course, the largest ethnic group in it is the elf who replaced the lizards to rule Feren in the future.

In addition to the elves, the prehistoric dragons, Titans, Flames, Ghosts, Baro Devils, Monsters, Minotaurs, etc. all come from other planes, not Torrell. A native of the world.

The elves come from the Fairier plane; the dragons come from the dragon world; the Titans come from the gods, and the dwarves are legendary stone spirits created by the Titans using their own blood and rock. The flame giant spirit and the gas giant spirit come from the elemental spirit world; the eye magic monarch comes from the nightmare plane; the balo demon and the minotaur come from the abyss plane.

Later, the Titans did not know why they left Torell. However, in addition to creating dwarves, the legendary hill giants and trolls also had part of their lineage.

The number of dragons that entered Torrell was not many. Later, they also played with the giants many times, and they were wiped out by the elves and dwarves, and slowly disappeared on the mainland.

The flame giant and the gas giant have established a short-lived civilization, but not long after, the two broke out in the current Kalinshan, and eventually disappeared into history.

The traces left by that war have not been eliminated so far, that is, the Karin Desert north of Karin Port.

As for the rarer races of the Baro Devils, the Eyes of the Monarchs, and the Minotaurs, they were driven into the dark areas by elves and dwarves, and they never touched the surface world.

Over time, the world law of the Torrele world gradually stabilized, and the abyss creature of the Minotaur slowly lost most of its abyss talent and was assimilated by the world of Torrell. Even so, they still retain a strong fighting ability, and to some extent, the physical talent is more abnormal.

"The pure-headed Minotaur can reach high-level strength as long as they are adult. Their strength is very strong, their body defense is very high, even if they don't wear any armor, it is equivalent to a plate knight." Gilliam said with a smile.

"The Minotaur is born with bloodthirsty, violent, self-healing and other ethnic talents. After the teachings of the ancestors, he can basically master several combat skills such as trench, assault, trampling, and blockade. It is a natural mad warrior."

The older dwarf became more and more depressed, licking his temples and continuing to say, "Of course, this is not their most abnormal place. The most troublesome ability of the Minotaur is their magical physique. This barbaric abyss monster is Adulthood, immune to all mental magic of non-forbidden spells, free from most shadows and corrosion damage, immune to elements below the five rings!"

"The harpist mentioned by the harpist is actually only the hybrid that the minotaur and the orc have made after the match." Gilliam spread his hand and said helplessly, "If it is a real minotaur... Frankly, With my combat ability, I can only deal with two positives!"

The people around Gillim listened to each other, and the legendary strongman of Gillim was able to deal with only two adult Minotaurs... The faces of the apostles suddenly became unpredictable, and I don’t know what to think.

Berserkers have immune control, which they can understand, but what is the meaning of the elemental damage below the five rings? ? ?

In the rules of the magic net of the Torrel world, the zero-ring magic corresponds to the apprentice spell, and the one-ring and two-ring magic correspond to the low-order spell, the three-ring and the fourth ring, and almost come to the middle-level spell. Although the five-ring magic can enter the high-level, but converted into apostolic skills, it is the B-level magic skills!

Can a B-level skill affect the Minotaur? If you want to directly hit them, do you want A-level skills? Lose an A-level skill to destroy a monster? The black robes of the Weiss team, Romon, turned into a wonderful face immediately!

Powerful, defensive power is equivalent to the plate knight, comes with bloodthirsty violent template, warrior's trench, assault, block and other combat skills are also mastered, but also magical elemental damage...

No wonder the legendary dwarves all believe that they can only deal with two!

"Cough, that... Gilliam, according to your opinion, there will be a few Minotaurs in this labyrinth fortress?" Qin Lun observed that his companions were not very emotional, and suddenly coughed and asked Gilliam.

With the problem of Qin Lun, the apostles suddenly wake up, the power of the Minotaur is not important, the key is not much. In general, high-order creatures have a territorial concept, and the number in a certain area does not concentrate too much.

"According to my family's historical records, the Minotaurs who were driven into the dark areas are usually family-based, but there are also several families that make up the tribe's records." Gilliam frowned and said, "Take the maze in front of us." In terms of floor space, there will be at least ten, and the upper limit will not exceed thirty."

"Ten to 30 Minotaurs..." All the apostles only felt pain in their mouths. According to the description of the old dwarves, let alone thirty, even if there were only ten heads, they were more than the rats they had encountered before. People tribes are much stronger.

The mouse is timid and weak, and will run away if it is not. The Minotaur is obviously not. This is a mad warrior with a bloodthirsty temper. If you don’t touch the South Wall, you will never look back. The so-called cow temper refers to this kind of monster.

"However, you don't have to worry too much, the Minotaur is not without weaknesses!" Seeing the ugly face of Qin Lun and others, Gillim comforted and smiled. "The history of my family also records that the Minotaur is a rare abyss. A creature with a strong sense of honor. In the case of a small difference in quantity and size, they usually fight to death and will not call their companions!"

Upon hearing this good news, Qin Lun and others finally got their eyes bright. If this is the case, this battle can be tried. If you can cut off a part of the number before the Minotaurs perceive the crisis, it will be much easier to do later.

"Gilliam, what should we do?" Qin Lun asked humbly.

"Choose people with sufficient ability to divide into three teams to enter the maze of the Minotaur." The old dwarf said, "The labyrinth is both a nest and a hunting ground. The traps and terrain of the labyrinth are enough to trap the prey entering it. Then the adult Minotaur will come alone to harvest.

This time will also be our best chance to kill it. In our size, three people are not enough to let an adult Minotaur call a companion. Once half of the adult Minotaurs are eliminated in the early stage, the remaining old, weak and sick are better. ”

"Three people deal with a Minotaur?" Qin Lun and Weiss each calculated in the heart, found that the exploration team can form up to four three-team.

In addition to Gilliam, there are several middle and high-ranking powerhouses among the dwarves, which can form two teams. The apostles were unlucky, and the combat power of the black robe mage was basically abolished. If Hill and Rand did not use the cards, they would not have much combat power.

Although the female priest and the thief have a role, each squad has only three positions. If one is given to them, the pressure of the other two will be great, so they can only be used as a support team outside the maze.

This left only Qin Lun, Weiss and Shield Newton, plus Ilistin, Marstad, and Idria, they can only form two teams.

The crowds combined with each other's fighting skills, Weiss, Shield Newton and Marstad formed a team, so the meat shield and long-range attacks are all there. On the side of Qin Lun, Ilistine is a meat shield. If the elf druid becomes a giant bear, the defense is also very high. Besides, there is also the Hellfire Devils Cypress.

After making the decision, the expedition team began to return to the original cave cave, they planned to rest and adjust, and then divided into four directions, while entering the maze.

"Ferrar, these days with It’s really wonderful!" Sitting in front of the campfire, Marstad’s face was unpredictable, and he smiled and said, "No. I thought that I would see the legendary Minotaur one day, and when I go back, the companions of the Harper League will not believe it!"

"Master, I am also very happy to be with you!" Qin Lun smiled and raised the glass to the highland elves. Even if the dwarves explored in the dark areas, they did not forget to bring their spirits.

"And me and Idrija!" Ilistin shook the powder punches to the two, pretending to be dissatisfied, the face under the bonfire seemed more charming and charming, so that Qin Lun looked slightly lost. If you look at the appearance, it is estimated that no one can think of this elf beauty, and sometimes it will become a violent creature like a giant bear.

After a full 12 hours of rest, until Qin Lun and others confirmed that the body and spirit have returned to the best condition, they finally regrouped in front of the maze.

“Take care!” The four teams have cherished each other and each has entered the maze from different entrances. The other dwarves and apostles were kept at the entrance. If the battle is unfavorable, they will immediately enter the maze and rescue the three-person team in distress in the first place.

If it goes well, then after removing one or two batches of Minotaurs, they will also enter the whole, and then it will be the final battle.