MTL - Deep Love and Favor: Cold-blood CEO and His Young and Beautiful Wife-Chapter 208 Sun Meng called for help

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"Reconciled with Director Mu?"

Tang Yao asked.

"Why do you say that?"

"Looking at you like a spring breeze, if it is not reconciled, I can't think of other reasons."

Yu Yunsheng touched his face and smiled, "It would be reconciled, but with her hot and wayward nature, I don't think I can get her right now."

Tang Yao smiled. "Then you cheer. If you catch her, I can also have one less strong rival and be better in the company." Tang Yao blinked and said playfully.

Yu Yunsheng smiled, thinking that Tang Yao was actually very interesting and a woman with many faces.

"I want to talk to Leng Mo."

"it is good."

After Tang Yao and Yu Yunsheng separated, he entered his office, but received a call from Sun Meng.


She picked it up.

"Yaoyao, help, that Guo Quan, he put something in what I eat. I'm in the blue lotus pond now."

Maybe it was because someone got off something, and Sun Meng was out of breath.

"I'm going now, you hold on."

Hanging up the phone, Tang Yao thought or called Sun Yuangan and called the police, then took his own bag and hurried out.


In the office.

"Reconciled with Chen Xi?"

Su Lengmo played with the pen in his hand and looked at Yu Yunsheng with a smile.

Yu Yunsheng smiled. "You and Tang Yao asked exactly the same thing. It really deserves a pair."

"How's it going to take her?"

"What do you say."

Su Lengmo raised an eyebrow. "So sure, it seems the show is coming."

The smile on Yu Yunsheng's face faded. He pulled over the chair and sat down. "Leng Mo, celebrities don't talk secretly, Chen Xi has loved you for many years, how could she fall in love with me all of a sudden, she will look for me this time, also But she wants to use me. It is not easy to get close to your rake and take her down, but if you do n’t step in, I believe that one day, she will fall in love with me. "

"Don't worry, I won't step in. If you need to, you can tell me."

Then, Su Lengmo suddenly chuckled, and Yu Yunsheng glanced at him suspiciously.

"It's okay, I just remembered that just now, Tang Yao was also worried that we would become enemies because of women, so let me have a good talk with you, how about it, would you like to have a drink at night?"

"Of course." Yu Yunsheng also laughed. "She's really poisonous in her eyes, and she speaks sharply. She is smarter than many women I know, at least speaking and doing things well and not taking the limelight."

"I thank her for your praise."

Su Lengmo put down her pen and dialed the inside line of the secretarial department to directly ask Lida to call Tang Yao for a trip.

After hesitating over there, she said, "General Manager Su, Secretary Tang has just left in a hurry. I think she looks nervous. There should be something important."

"I see." Su Lengmo frowned and hung up the phone.

"What's wrong, the expression is so stinky."

Yu Yunsheng asked.

Su Lengmo shook her head and took out her cell phone to call Tang Yao.


He asked straightforwardly.

"Sun Meng? Cyan lotus pond?" Su Lengmo's tone cooled down. "I'm going now. After you get there, if there is no one who can help you, don't take it lightly, you know? I know you are worried, but you should just Ask me to follow you, do you know how dangerous it is to be alone? I'm not scolding you, I will tell you in the past. "

Hanging up the phone, Su Lengmo turned off the computer, took a suit jacket, walked around the desk expressionlessly, and walked towards the door.

Yu Yunsheng didn't ask much, and followed him out.

Sitting in the car, he glanced at Su Lengmo, "What happened? It's hard to see you angry."

"Sun Meng was put something in the food by Guo Quan, mostly trying to use her strong, but she escaped and called Tang Yao for help." Su Lengmo said concisely while driving.

"Guo Quan?" Yu Yunsheng chewed these two words carefully. "If I remember correctly, this person's reputation in the circle should be very bad. It seems that he has been designed to let two Qianjin pass by, but Because the family business has cooperation with their company, this matter is finally gone. I didn't expect to have the courage to move his grandmother. He was not afraid of the Sun family's people and slaughtered him? "

"Sister Xun, I have made money from other families before, seeing that they didn't bother him. In the future, everyone lost money and broke the silver teeth and swallowed in the stomach, so they were a little confused about their identity." Su Lengmo Cold eyes, Shen channeled.

"Leng Mo, this time he bumped into your hand, I'm afraid he will peel off a layer if he doesn't die."

Yu Yunsheng looks good.

Su Lengmo didn't speak, but the silence also represented the default.


Tang Yao arrived in the blue lotus pond, and when he rushed in, he happened to meet Guo Quan and he was looking for Sun Meng. She asked Su Lengmo to give her a picture of Guo Quan last night, so she recognized it all at once. Leng, originally thought of the past, but thought of Su Lengmo's advice, so now the priority is to find Sun Meng's first.

She went directly to the bathroom, knocked at each compartment, and got a response in the innermost room, and Sun Meng opened the door for her.

"Dream dream." Tang Yao saw Sun Meng curled up and crouched in the corner, a pain in her heart, crouched down, "Are you okay? I will take you out now, rest assured, Brother Sun is coming, it is estimated that the police will soon Here, no one can hurt you. "

Sun Meng's consciousness has been a little fuzzy. For nearly an hour in the past, it has been very difficult for her to support for so long. She grabbed Tang Yao's hand and said with difficulty: "What about Guo Quan's turtle grandson?"

After listening for a long time, Tang Yao barely heard what she meant.

"He's still outside, he has brought a lot of people, and now he can't find the restroom. I guess there are some taboos, so I have been waiting for you outside."

"When Mr. Ye comes back, he will buy me water."

Sun Meng said intermittently.

Mr. Ye?

Tang Yao flashed these three words suspiciously in her mind. She only recently knew Ye Longsheng as the surname of Ye. Is Sun Meng talking about him?

If it was him, why didn't he take Sun Meng away the first time?

No matter how much it is, it is imperative now to take Sun Meng out first, and depending on her current situation, I'm afraid it won't last long.

Tang Yao helped people up and walked out of the compartment.

As soon as he was out of the bathroom, he was blocked by Guo Quan. He should have drank a lot of wine, so his face was flushed. After three meters, Tang Yao could smell the strong taste of his body.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!