MTL - Deity of the Emperor-Chapter 18 Strictly confidential

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At the moment, Qin Xinxin is simply telling things again.

After listening to it, Qin Yuanshan was completely dumbfounded.

"Sacred Heart Rui is the ninth son of the Holy Dange, and the owner of the house loves this child, and you are dusty..."

"However, there are some alchemy talents. It is nothing. I think he is a Dan genius. It’s a pity to die. Just give him a few words!"

Qin Chen smiled and said: "Two uncles, my father is still waiting, let's go!"

"Oh, okay, good!"

Qin Yuanshan looked at Qin Chen at the moment, I really don't know what to say.

It is obviously a sixteen-year-old boy, but at this moment it looks like it is... mature and steady.

It seems that suffering from the loss of the Star Gate really made Qin Chen grow up.

Qin family house, a large courtyard.


Qin Cangsheng looked at Qin Chen, looking left and right, it seems that Qin Chen has gold.

"Hey, don't be surprised!"

Qin Chen smiled bitterly: "Things are such a passing!"

When the public broke Du Siyuan's arm, he faced Du Zhe strongly, but also pointed to the heart of the heart, but also let the Sacred Heart Rui abolish Ling Chengfei's arms and legs.

Which of these things, in Lingyun City, will set off a storm.

But Qin Chen, where is like a little bit on the heart.

"Well, this matter is not mentioned for the time being. Master Xu Yuan and Master Chen Feng, your uncle has checked, it is indeed a full-fledged private sac, and it has already squandered my Qin family to trade money. It has already copied their home!"

"But, you beat them in public, these two people, certainly will not be my Qin family alchemy, we Qin family, three senior Dan Shi, this is two less, Danfang's business ... turnover does not Come here!"

Qin Cangsheng has a bitter color at this moment.

"That, according to the father, can these two people be used?"

"Although they are full of pockets, it is enough to knock. After all, in the whole Lingyun City, which family of Dan Shi is like this..."

“How is this going?” Qin Chen said: “The reputation of Qin Jia Danfang has been ruined!”


Qin Yuanshan said at the moment: "What you mean is that you can handle it softly and keep them. After all, without Dan Shi, Danfang business can't work..."

"This is simple!"

Qin Chen is suddenly saying.


Both Qin Cangsheng and Qin Yuanshan are a glimpse.

"This way, my father, recently, the Dan Fang in the Qin family, the order of Shangpin Fandan, I am going to refine, the next product and the middle product, and continue to be handed over to the following Dan Shi!"

"You have chosen me a few reliable intermediate Dan and lower Dan, I will teach them alchemy!"


Upon hearing this, Qin Cangsheng and Qin Yuanshan were completely paralyzed.

First of all, when will Qin Chen refine alchemy?

Secondly, even if it is, Shangpin Dan medicine, even if it is a high-ranking Dan teacher, a day of refining a furnace is enough, Danfang business transactions in the major towns under Lingyun City, where is Qin Chen?

Furthermore, train Dan Shi?

It is as simple as cultivating Dan Shi, that in the Northern Ming Empire, low-level, intermediate-level, high-level, top-class Vandan divisions will not be so scarce.

What Qin Chen said is simply impossible!

"Dust, but...when did you learn alchemy?"

"this matter……"

Qin Chen whispered, raised his head and screamed: "Father, two uncles, this matter must be strictly confidential."

Seeing the dusty eyes of Qin Chen, Qin Cangsheng and Qin Yuanshan suddenly became cautious.

I am afraid that there is still a secret in this matter.

"Oh, my uncle, on the same day, I was stripped of the star gate. In the rainy night, the sky was thundering. I was actually in the thunder, but the accident didn't die!"

"Actually, after a ray of thunder, after squatting on the child, during this time, between the day and night, the child is in a dream, there is always a predecessor telling me a lot of things!"

"For example, the tiger screaming dragons and squats, and the alchemy..."

"And that predecessor, calling himself... Jiuyou Emperor!"


At this moment, both Qin Cangsheng and Qin Yuanshan were shocked at the moment.

The nine secluded emperors, in their northern empire, are legendary figures, and the legends left by this person are countless.

Qin Chen, actually inadvertently got his inheritance?

"Father, second uncle, this matter needs extra secrecy, otherwise, we Qin family... nothing will happen!"

"I understand!"

Qin Cangsheng calmly said: "This thing, knowing the truth, we all know that once this matter spreads, even if it is the Tenjin Academy, it is not for you to grab and search for all your memories!"


Qin Chen could not help but smile at the moment.

The thing that awakens the memory of the ninth is naturally unspeakable, and even if he says that the father and the two uncles, I am afraid that it is impossible to believe.

This statement may be easier for them to accept.

Saying goodbye to his father and his uncle, Qin Chen returned to his small courtyard.

"Dust brother!"

Qin Xinxin ran over at the moment, and smiled and said: "You want the Dan furnace, I brought it to you!"

In the small courtyard, there is a Ding Dan furnace at the moment.

The Dan furnace is half a meter high, and the whole body is dark, and the entire Dan furnace is standing on the three feet. Above the furnace, there is a tiger in the show.

"Where did you get it?"

"Hey, St. Dange, that holy heart, is very polite, I don't want it, he has to give it to me, saying that it is for you to make alchemy, use it!"

Looking at the Dan furnace, Qin Chen patted it.

"The best of the best, let's use it!"

The medicines taken from the Shengdan Pavilion will be placed one by one.

Shu Gudan is the next product, Van Dan. Although the two brothers have been scrapped, the arms are well-being, but it is the opening of the door. If not, it is impossible to write a good word.

Shu Gudan is the only thing that Qin Chen thinks can help his second brother.

With Shu Bingdan temporarily unblocking the hidden ailments in the body of the second brother, when the sacred spirit is found, it can be directly penetrated.

The fire of the sky is the birth of the skyfire, the value is expensive, it can be said that the entire North Ming Empire, there is no treasure of heaven and earth.

The second brother will swallow the fire, not only the injury can be cured, but even the repair can also skyrocket.

"Shu Gudan, you need three flavors of the main medicine, four kinds of auxiliary medicine!"

Qin dust talked to himself and took out Shu Shucao, bitter bean root and flowers.

It is not so easy to refine the medicinal herbs. If not, the status of Dan Shi is not so high.

In the process of condensing the fire, the seven hundred and eighty-eight warriors were turned away.

Qin Dust puts the three main herbs one by one. Shu Shucao needs the green juice in the grass leaves, while the bitter bean roots need the roots of the roots, and the flowers are removed from the peel. The center of the flesh.

All three main herbs need to be carefully cleaned.

Not only that, after cleaning up, leaving the essence, you need to refine it with Danhuo.

Refining the essence of the core, we can begin to enter the Dan furnace and carry out alchemy.

Between this, the level of complexity is not something that outsiders can imagine.

This is only the next product, Vandan, to the Ling Dan, the means needed, more complicated.

However, Qin Chen opened the memory of the ninth century. He, the fifth world, named the nine yuan Dandi, one hand Danshu, and was superb.

These are simply familiar to him.

Qin Chen started to work very fast, and the three kinds of medicines, including four kinds of medicines, were broken down one by one.

Is this... in alchemy?