MTL - Demon’s Diary-v7 Chapter 1508 Come out

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"There are so many unknown stories in it... Yinger, you have supported everyone in these years, it’s really hard for you." Huang Yuyu sighed and comforted.

"After returning to the Imperial City, Xin Yi has the support of the Master, and this is the position of the Emperor." However, it seems that I am not capable enough. The surface of these dynasties seems calm, but the internal and external troubles Constantly, nowadays, not only the elders who are led by the elders of the sky, but also a lot of words about me, Liu Jiayu is even more resounding of the heroes. I finally lived up to the expectations of the father." Zhao Qianying said with a smile.

"How come, I have been looking at everything you have done in these years, and I have done a good job. The situation in the dynasty is not a cold day, it can be changed overnight. I believe in your intelligence and wisdom." As long as you have passed through the difficult period at hand, you will definitely become a qualified queen." Huang Yuyu looked solemnly.

Zhao Qianying heard this and showed a smile. It seemed that the look seemed a lot easier, but there was still a trace of incomprehensibility between the eyebrows.

"Yinger, with the strength of the emperor, must have killed the demon corpse in the secret. With the magical environment of the magical mystery, perhaps at the moment is retreating and trying to impact the eternal life." Out of Zhao Qianying’s worry, he said that he was relieved.

"Well, it must be like this." Zhao Qianying gently nodded and said softly.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the hall.

"The emperor has something to tell the devil to kneel down." This voice is a child elder who has just left.

Zhao Qianying heard the words and hurriedly sat back to the main seat. Huangfu Yuxi walked over to sit down and waved his hand to lift the noise barrier around him.

"Come in." Zhao Qianying said.

With the sound of footsteps, the silver-haired middle-aged imperial boy walked into the hall quickly, and his face looked nervous.

"Child elders, you just left when you suddenly came back, but you have already found out the details of the Liangzhou rebels?" Huang Yuyu asked.

"This is exactly the case. I just received the exact news. The leader of this rebel army is the son of Liu Jia’s owner Liu Huifeng, Liu Chenglong, and there is evidence that Kong Xiang’s family did participate in this rebellion. In addition, I heard Gaohe. At this time, the family is also a bit eager to move, it seems to have gathered a number of small and medium-sized family owners to participate in any ethnic event, do not know whether it is related to this matter." Huangfu boy's face is somewhat ugly.

Zhao Qianying heard this, and his body was shocked and his face was pale.

A hole in the family has already made her a bit sloppy. If the Gaohe family is tossing something at this moment, the balance that was originally encouraged to maintain will surely collapse.

Huangfu Yuxi is also a dignified face, but she is still calm compared to Zhao Qianying.

"How many of the rebels are there, can you find out?" Huang Yuyu asked.

"According to the information just sent, the number of rebels is at least 300,000, of which nearly 100,000 are in the Liu family. The rest may be the people of Kong Xiang family. It has already started from Liangzhou and seems to be ready to attack. Adjacent to the land of Qingzhou!" The elder boy said quickly.

At this moment, another footstep came from outside the hall. It was the emperor who took up the sky and went straight into the hall without a pass.

"Accounting for the elders, you don't pass the pass and break into the hall of the deliberation. Can you forget all the rules of the dynasty?" Huang Yuyu's face flashed with anger, and he screamed.

Zhao Qianying's expression has now returned to calm, and there is a sigh of anger in the beauty, but she did not speak.

"I just heard that the rebels had to start attacking Qingzhou, and things were urgent. This is not a pass, but please forgive me." Huangfu took advantage of the eyebrows and said to Zhao Qianying.

"Now is a special period, so I will not pursue it, but I also ask the elders to lead by example. Don't chaos the rules." Zhao Qianying sighed.

"Xie Yan has a lot of generosity." Huangfu’s eyes glimmered in the eyes of the sky, and the mouth said so, Shi Shiran stood up straight and continued:

"Your Majesty, if this is not able to block the rebels, the war will invade the hinterland, but at that time it will seriously shake the foundation of the DPRK."

"I am negotiating about this matter, and it is just right for the elders of the sky. I don't know what is the best way to deal with it?" Huang Yuyu said with a flash of gaze.

Zhao Qianying heard the words, his face was also a move, and he looked at Huangfu Zhantian.

"The subordinates believe that at this moment, we must act decisively to stabilize the hearts of the people. First of all, we must send troops to stop the rebel forces to continue the in-depth offensive, and at the same time smash the other side of Liangzhou emptiness to send troops to recapture." Huangfu accounted for a moment, and said.

"Accounting for the elders, now the rebel army is huge. If the soldiers are divided into two ways, with our current strength, I am afraid that we can't take care of it." Huang Yuyu said.

"I have already considered the worry about the elders of the jade. We can follow the example of the year, convene the small and medium-sized families in the mainland, form a family alliance, and fight against the enemy." Huangfu said that the sky is not slow.

"According to the elders of the heavens, you can do this. The elders of the jade are obeying orders. I am commanding you to lead the six major legions of the city. I will go to Qingzhou on the same day and must destroy the rebels at the fastest speed. As for the convening of the family alliance, Handed over to the elders of the heavens, it is necessary to complete the recruitment within five days, and send troops to regain the lost land in Liangzhou." Zhao Qianying indulged for a moment and told him.

Huang Yuyu heard this, his face was amazed, he seemed to want to say something, but he did not say anything at the end. He turned to Zhao Qianying and said:

"Huangfu Yuxi took the lead."

"Huangfu Zhantian is obeying the instructions." Huangfu’s eyes flashed a glimmer of joy, and he said.

A few people discussed it for a while, and Huangfu Zhantian and the child elders each retired. In the hall, only Zhao Qianying and Huang Yuyu were left.

"Yinger, you asked me to send out the army. The imperial city is bound to be empty. If something happens, how do you deal with it?" Huang Yuyu said with some concern.

"The situation is now turbulent. I am worried that things will drag on for a long time. It will make the families that have been swinging around and losing their trust in the majesty of the dynasty. Therefore, the master must make a quick decision, and this will be erected again for my emperor family. It is a prestige. This is the central imperial city. It is impossible for foreign enemies to invade this place. In addition, the father gave it to me at the time, but it was not only the virtual magic." Zhao Qianying smiled slightly and turned over a black token. Holding a slogan.

"The konjac! This is the case, then the teacher is relieved." Huang Yuyu's eyes lit up and nodded.

"I don't have to worry too much about the masters here. I am worried about the war in Qingzhou. Since the Confucius family has openly colluded with the rebellion of the Liu family, it will not only have these forces in front of them. I am afraid there are still left-handers. In addition, the recent anomalies about the Gaohe family. In action, I will continue to send people to monitor." Zhao Qianying said with some concern.

"Yinger is assured. Right, there is one thing you need to pay attention to. Although the Long family has always been very close to my family, but also have to be wary of one or two." Huang Yuyu changed his tone and said.

"The teacher is assured, I will send people to pay close attention." Zhao Qianying frowned, then nodded and promised.


At this moment, a dark palace in the Magic City.

Some wall "giggle" rang for a while, cracking a small door, a figure walked in, it was the emperor's account.

He went straight to the depths of the room, where there was a stone bench.

He recited words in his mouth, waved a law, and landed on the stone platform.

A moment later, a ray of light appeared on the stone platform, forming a communication circle, and a golden figure slowly condensed out in the circle.

The golden figure turned around and was a golden robe youth. It was the dragon family owner.

"How is the matter going?" Long Hao asked in a faint voice.

"Oh, that little girl can't resist the pressure. I have already ordered the six corps of the Emperor's family to go to Qingzhou. The protection power of the Central Imperial City is basically an empty shell. It is a good time for us to seek great things." Huangfu took up the sky without a proud smile.

"Well! I will help you when I am, but after the event, you have to fulfill your promise and use the virtual magic to lend me." Long said.

"This is natural, the dragon family is assured." Huangfu took advantage of the sky.

"Right, about the emperor, have you heard the exact news? Has he really fallen?" Long Xiaowei was indulged, and he asked some questions.

"The Dragon Master is assured of this matter. According to my observations over the years, the news about Huangfu's retreat to enlighten the eternal life is just the trick that Zhao Qianying released to stabilize the people. From the information collected at the time, the emperor was trapped in Among the magical deities, it should be eighty-nine. "The emperor said that the sky is affirmative.

"That's good." Long Hao smiled, his body flashed, turned into a golden light, disappeared without a trace, the law flashed two times, and disappeared.

Huangfu Zhantian stood in the darkness, and smiled a few times with a smug smile. Then he became confused and formed into the void.

One day later, there was a huge camp in the west of the Central Imperial City.

The flag of Zhaizhong fluttered, and the six major legions of the Emperor's family, nearly half a million people gathered here, and divided into six huge squares.

At the front end of the camp, Zhao Qianying, Huangpu Yuxi, Huangfu Zhantian and other Tongxuan existed here.

"The elders of Yuxi, will be handed over to you against the Qingzhou rebels." Zhao Qianying now has a purple emperor, and carefully handed a purple token to Huang Yuyu, said in the mouth.

"Under your heart, your subordinates will not let you down." Huang Yuyu took the token and solemnly said.

Huangpu Yuxi then flew to the top of a huge Japanese and Japanese warship in front of the Sixth Army. He waved his hand and announced:

"set off!"

As soon as the voice fell, the six legions seemed to be six huge incomparable dragons. They all vacated and smashed the sky toward Qingzhou.

For a time, hundreds of thousands of people almost covered the sky near and far, and there was no time for it.

Zhao Qianying looked at the figure of the six legions, and there was a complicated color on his face, which disappeared.