MTL - Destined Wife: The Apple of My Eye-v6 Chapter 239 Amazing talent

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"Well. The team once picked up the Mystery Scroll, which is easy and difficult. Fortunately, each of them got a free attribute point." Iger admitted.

There are really free attribute points! The warlock's heart was fiery. At first he thought it was a false propaganda to send people to the property. Honestly, with equipment and skill scrolls, he is already very happy. I never expected that a bigger surprise would come later.

"Two people can pass the customs. There are five people this time, what are they afraid of?" Qin Qing said as he walked to the first arrow tower and informed Lin Yu, "Let's get started."

With three more helpers, he was too lazy to install the spar.

Eight people are enough to pass the level, two people pass? Iger froze. However, he knew that these two non-human beings were in front of them and it was possible to put anything on them, so he said nothing.

"Come on." Lin Yu decisively notified the system to start the game.

After a while, twenty little zerg were refreshed.

Qin Qing held the Vampire Sword horizontally and waited quietly. When the bug rushed in front of him, he wielded a blood-sucking sword and slashed to the front one.

"Fat, let the brown bear!" Lin Yu shouted.

His original intention was to pinch back and forth to bring the Zerg together, making it easy to use range skills. Who knew that the brown bear suddenly appeared in front of Qin Qing, just blocking the second flutter.

The fat man smiled at Lin Yu with a reserved, shy smile, and seemed to feel that he had done something important.

Lin Yu, "..."

Fatty's judgment cannot be wrong. Switching to another team, this is no problem, which can largely help MT reduce stress. But as the Star Union said, then ...

Qin Qing was dissatisfied. "What did this bear grow up and why is it so fat? It's too much trouble to stand here!"

The fat man was dumbfounded, and the whole man was stunned.

Lin Yu had to explain the instructions clearly, "No need to help, the priest can stand up. Let the bear go to the other end and surround the swarm."

Pastor alone, is it okay? I think so, the fat man didn't dare to ask more, obediently gave instructions to the brown bear.

So the brown bear turned from the safe area to the rear of the swarm, stood up, picked up a worm, and threw it into the worm. The swarms of worms were dense, and they hit four or five at once. Two turned their heads to attack the brown bear, but all were shot and flew.

Without the brown bears blocking the way, Qin Qing rushed towards the wolves with a vampire sword. Relying on his own defense, he only attacked but did not defend, and instantly cut off three mobs.

"Pay attention to the knife!" Qin Qing reminded loudly.

The words did not fall, three thunder and lightning broke down, and the residual blood monster head was harvested cleanly.

Lin Yu calmly withdrew the staff, and said to the silly warlock and Iger, "Don't be stupid, output!"

Iger woke up like a dream and hurriedly pulled his bow to shoot an arrow.

The warlock sighed and disappeared for a month, and the two seemed to be getting worse. Settled, he began to attack seriously.

Qin Qing only felt that the Vampire Sword was very useful and the recovery efficiency was super high! Coupled with the halo effect of the fat man, after a while of fighting, he was full of blood.

Lin Yu had to admit that the pressure on his teammates subsided. Originally there was only one output from him, the mana value was always not enough, but now he can use thunder and lightning to grab heads.

"It's strange that the blood has been changed for the target!" Lin Yu reminded again.

The fat man stunned, and the magic bullet that had been crooked went straight to the residual blood monster. Suddenly, he throbbed. He didn't want to grab monsters! This is a mistake! !! !!

Lin Yu took the first step to kill the Remnant with an ice bomb, aimed at the fat man, and said lightly, "Be careful."

The fat man nodded and he vowed secretly in his heart. He must strengthen basic long-distance training in the future, and he must not make mistakes!

Glancing around, Lin Yu was slightly relieved. Warlocks and archers have a high hit rate and rich combat experience. At first glance, they rely on their strength to support their current hands. It's not like a fat man, so teach it little by little.

Fighting, the two even started to cooperate spontaneously. The archer took the lead in setting traps. After the bug stepped on, the warlock sent flame missiles, and the archer attacked with penetration. Immediately, the bug had blood.

Or the warlock uses imprisonment to lock the target, and the archer immediately attacks with penetrating skills. When the warlock replenished the flame missile, he destroyed one more.

Lin Yu reaps his head with thunder and lightning, while watching the fat man paddling beside him, his heart is helpless. He couldn't help but think, no wonder this product is based on skills, it is very self-aware.

"Summon the poisonous snake. Then you stop and see how the archers and warlocks do it, and learn well." Lin Yu gave a decisive instruction.

The fat man rushed to do it.

The poisonous snake appeared and spewed a poisonous mist first.

Seeing this, the warlock immediately filled the meteorite.

Qin Qing rushed into the swarm and added a holy commandment to herself.

As a result, the field was full of blood monsters.

Lin Yu calmly used hail to clear the field.

The fat man opened his mouth. He has never seen such a powerful teammate! Not only is the attack high, but they also pay attention to cooperation with each other. Passing the customs is easy.

Iger lowered his bow silently, excited in his heart, knowing that he was right. He hasn't had time to shoot, his teammates have cleared up the blame, this is the strength of the Star Union!

A smile from his heart appeared on the warlock's face. After putting on new equipment and acquiring new skills, his strength has greatly improved. This feeling of having great strength is wonderful, and it can not help but intoxicate.

"Good job." Qin Qing took a moment to look at the situation, knowing that the archers and warlocks were performing well, and were very satisfied.

"The two are adapting well. The biggest problem is you." Lin Yu looked at the fat man with his hands around his chest, and seemed to be thinking about how to deal with him.

The fat man was frightened, and he wished that the whole person would shrink into a ball, hiding in a corner that was ignored.

"I and I are also very useful! I'm a vice t!" The fat man whispered.

Qin Qing came together, adding coldly, "the auxiliary t who completely blocked the main t attack line."

Fatty: "..."

Lin Yu thought for a long time, raised his head Lin Yu, "You answer me a question first, why is the summoner still alive?"

The fat man wondered, "Why not?"

"The calling time is long over." Lin Yu was puzzled.

Not to mention the other summoning skills, Viper Summoning is the skill she gave to the fat man. In the scroll introduction, it is very clear that the existence time is one minute. But now? The poisonous snake had been there for two minutes, and was still walking around vigorously, it would not disappear at all.

"Calling time?" The fat man looked blank, "What's that?"

Qin Qing and Lin Yu looked at each other and understood that something was wrong.

Qin Qing thought about it and asked, "The watch sticks out, let me see your skills."

The obese obediently obeyed and reached out his fat hand.

"Skill: Viper Summon. The current skill has been mutated. You have a Level 1 Viper. The same copy can only be summoned once, and the next copy after death can be summoned again. The Viper can be upgraded, the current experience value is 29%. After respawning, the state is restored to that before the copy. Casting a skill costs 50 mana each time. "

Skills have changed! Growth Summoner! Not afraid of life and death! Qin Qing's pupils shrank.

Almost instantaneously, Lin Yu thought of the future development direction. Add intelligence to the master, select a special bonus of +100 mana, and form an army of summoners!

Qin Qing glanced at the skill table, and found that the brown bear and tree spirit summoning skills had also changed. He quickly realized that skill variation should be a talent effect.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help lamenting, how could such a good talent fall into the hands of a fool?

"Looking at the data just now, you didn't find a variation in his skills?" Lin Yu asked Qin Qing.

"The key attributes and talents, skills were skipped directly." Qin Qing was angry, and asked, "What about you? Did you notice?"

"No." Lin Yu shook his head honestly. The word Variation follows the skill name, and he must be able to see it. Can you notice it in the description later?

"Any questions?" The fat man asked cautiously.

Qin Qing glanced at it, and said that the biggest problem was how do you play a cow x profession until you hang up.

"How to upgrade the summoned thing?" Lin Yu's face was light and light.

The fat man thought about it for a long time, not sure, "You should be able to upgrade if you participate in the battle ..."

In other words, the fat man himself is not clear. Qin Qing's expression was complex. Looking at the fat man was like looking at a fool who clearly had a large vault but didn't know how to spend money and was about to starve himself to death.

"In the future, you don't need to participate in the battle." Qin Qing considered it for a while and gave instructions. "Add more intelligence and get more summoners out."

The fat man was shocked and delighted. "Really?" Although he hated fighting and was not very good, he got the privilege of watching beside him. He was very unreliable and always felt that everything was really untrue.

Lin Yu whispered, "You stayed by your side to help the team."

The fat man blushed and smiled wryly.

"Just have your summons to help with the work, just rest." Qin Qing said.

The fat man finally relaxed.

"Although we have performed better, the fat man has always been more valued because he has talent." Iger was so energetic and envious.

The warlock said, "I don't want the assistant and the priest to pay too much attention to me. This is just fine now."

"Regardless of talent or regardless of strength, in the final analysis, the three of us are pawns. What they say, what do we do."

"Fat is very talented and I welcome all things that can improve the strength of the team. Now I just hope that I can play a few more games, and everything else is not considered."

Iger shrugged, not minding, "It's nothing bad to play chess pieces, it's much safer than when I was free." After touching the equipment on his body, he had full confidence in the future.

"Yes, as long as he plays to the end, whether he is a **** or some other role." The warlock smiled.

In the chat, bat-like worm groups are refreshed.

Lin Yusai gave the fat man a bottle of blue medicine and said in a commanded tone, "Drink, summon the tree spirit."

The fat man did it honestly, although deep down he felt a little waste of medicine ...

Qin Qing turned to look at the archer and warlock, and said casually, "You two up."

Iger knew this was a test and took a deep breath, vowing to prove his ability. He just wanted to put an arrow, but saw that the sprigs of the tree were woven into a tree net, and then split his head and covered.

Qin Qing inexplicably remembered a video of catching a sparrow with a net that he had seen before. Settled, he glanced quickly and found four bat bugs in the tree net.

The poisonous snake spewed out a poisonous mist, the brown bear hummed and came to help attack, and the tree spirit beat with the only two rattans left.

After only a few moments of work, the four bat worms had blood.

There was a hint of surprise in Lin Yu's eyes, and he quickly harvested the head with an ice bomb.