MTL - Devil King From The Otherworldly Dimension-Chapter 657 Dark world

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Wu Lingfeng naturally noticed the opposition between the Angel Legion and the Fallen Angels in the sky. When they were shot to kill them all, the angels and the angels disappeared, and he did not have a reason to do it.

At this moment, what makes Wu Lingfeng more concerned about his children...

The baby boy’s black-and-white magical tower gradually becomes more and more fluctuating. It is not the power above the power, but a kind of power above the soul. Then several black magic rings fall from the dark magic column. They have been put on the ankles of the baby boy, and there is a black cloak that has fallen from the sky. The black cloak has gradually become smaller, and it has become a style of apron on the baby boy...


Wu Lingfeng was speechless for a time. The breath of the magic column and the cloak was an artifact-level existence. It was a mythical legend when it was born.

At the same time, Wu Lingfeng felt that his body seemed to have something to rush out. He couldn't stop it. Then he broke a dimension crack in his chest, and a black crescent drilled out of his body. Posted on the buttocks of the baby boy, turned into a black crescent birthmark...

Is this also an artifact? The artifact is spiritual, choose the Lord and serve?

Wu Lingfeng vaguely remembered that when the Seventh Devil was awakened, it seemed that there was this black crescent. He thought that this thing had disappeared, but he did not expect that it would come out now. It was really amazing.

After the artifact was delivered, the magical pillar of Tongtian disappeared, and the baby boy suddenly lost the power of floating and slammed down. At this point his black wings have shrunk behind his back and turned into a dark wing tattoo.

Wu Lingfeng quickly held the baby boy in his hand. What is he? In short, his own baby son, Sophie’s child was born with a vision of heaven and earth, but it seems that no such guy is coming.

"Ah, husband, pain... and... there is another..."

At this time, the face of the poisonous island scorpion was pale again, and the fine sweat was covered with a face. There was no way. Wu Lingfeng had to help the poison island to cheer again.

"Come on, scorpion, look, this is our son, the face is a bit like you, you see, he still laughs. Work hard..." Wu Lingfeng said with a small hand holding the poisonous island scorpion.

"Come on..." Suddenly the baby boy said something.


Wu Lingfeng and the poisonous island scorpion look at the baby boy, suddenly speechless, you will just talk when you are born, okay...


The poisonous island scorpion was so excited that he suddenly cried and another child was born.

This little guy is not simple either. A horrible force is circulating around her body...

It is the fusion of elements! !

Wu Lingfeng suddenly shocked. Has this child inherited his righteous power?

Then a huge purple dragon rushed out of her body and wrapped her around, a little girl.

After the purple dragon appeared for a while, it disappeared into the body of the baby girl, but...

A pair of wings appeared behind the baby girl. But not a dark wing, not a tangible wing. It is a beautiful energy wing like a butterfly, a multicolored wing composed of five colors of black, white, blue, red and gold.

"It's so beautiful..."

Wu Lingfeng suddenly looked at this beautiful wing. He liked it very much. This baby girl completely inherited the power of Wu Lingfeng. The power of elemental integration, the energy fluctuations in the body are completely similar to the energy fluctuations of Wu Lingfeng, as if two people are alone. general.

Then the colored wings gradually disappeared and the baby girl fell from the sky.

Wu Lingfeng quickly took the baby girl in her hand and kissed her little face, or her daughter was cute, hey, finally a daughter, and so close to him.

"French, let me see... my child..."

The poisonous island scorpion suddenly said to Wu Lingfeng that although his face was pale, he still revealed a joy, the child, she had children, and Wu Lingfeng's children.

"Well, for you, son, you are holding, daughter, I am holding..." Wu Lingfeng quickly handed the baby boy in his hand to the poison island scorpion, holding the baby girl and shaking it.

This little nose and small face is really like him, but the eyes are like the poisonous island scorpion, the emerald color.

Perhaps the reason for the similar energy, the baby girl stayed in Wu Lingfeng's arms and suddenly stopped crying, and a small, tender and tender hand grasped Wu Lingfeng's finger in his mouth with "yun xi".

Wu Lingfeng is the more she loves her daughter. When she grows up, she must stick to him. Her own star catalogue can be taught to her. Even when she was born, she mastered the essence of elemental fusion. Sophie’s son mastered it. Frost, the son of the poison island scorpion masters the darkness, only this little guy inherits the essential power of Wu Lingfeng, and the elements fuse power.

"Hey, well, my daughter took it too, and watched you happy..." The poisonous island scorpion suddenly got a glimpse of Wu Lingfeng, preferring her daughter.

"Oh, okay..."

Wu Lingfeng quickly put his daughter in the arms of the poison island, and the two little babies fell asleep in her arms.

"Well, give them two names..." Dudao scorpion said to Wu Lingfeng, the name of this name must be done by Wu Lingfeng.

Wu Lingfeng had some headaches. After thinking about it, he said, "First give your daughter a name. When you were born, there was a purple dragon. Then you called Wu Zizhen. Well, son, not so good. When you were born, Tongtian Magic Pillar It’s better to say that the demon is hard to hear. It’s better to be a little more concise. It’s called Wu Mo. What do you think?”

"Wu Zizhen, Wu Mo, it's still alright, well, let's do it first..." Dudao scorpion nodded, still good, not too hard to hear, not too vocal, but how does she think her daughter's name is a little better, no Will the name prefer daughter? No cure, this guy, obviously sees like a daughter.

Looking at the palace lady who had fallen to the ground, Wu Lingfeng suddenly shook his head helplessly. He calmed down the poison island and then went out. Replace a group of palace ladies, those who are comatose past the estimated time to wake up, it seems that this palace needs some quality palace ladies, let Aska train some palace ladies, at least can be a bit.

When Wu Lingfeng walked out of the palace, he discovered what kind of changes have taken place in the world. The whole world is no longer the same as before. It is dark. The sky is a purple moon. It should be like the daytime. It has turned into a dark world. What kind of work is it?

Altolia also looked at the sky and the world and the earth in confusion.

Although there is no darkness in the end, you can see things during the day, but the sky is dark and the sun is also a purple moon. The earth has become a dark blood, and it is like walking in the world like this in the world.

"This is the birth of the Eighth Devil, awakening the dark side of the world." Belle and Galen came over and spoke to the angel of Bellia.

Wu Lingfeng turned to look at Belle and asked, "Do you know?"

Beliya nodded and organized the language and said: "Well. I naturally know that the eighth demon is a switch that opens a switch between the demon world and the mainland seal. That is to say, the demon and demons in the current demon world can Feel free to enter the ground world. Without any obstruction, they still need some troublesome means to enter the ground world. But now it is not necessary, I think it will start soon, you have to be prepared..."

Wu Lingfeng suddenly surprised and said: "Well, even if this is the case, then it can only be accepted, and I have long wanted to fight with the guys in the Devil world. What if I had earlier?"

"The birth of the Eighth Devil King has already touched the heavens, but now the Great Gods have just opened a head, the heavens will not join now, or the situation will be more chaotic." Bellia suddenly frowned.

"Well, you told me that I don't understand. I want to ask what is the impact of this dark world." Wu Lingfeng asked.

Beliya looked at the purple moon in the sky and said, "This dark world will not stop. That is to say, from now on, there will be no bright sun in this world. All is what we are like now. It is also a dark look during the day, but I can see things, and nothing else changes, but..."

"but what?"

"But at night, I suggest that you try to keep civilians out of the house. At night, the power of darkness will increase. The physical strength will disappear quickly on the dark ground. Some demons will emerge from the earth. They Hidden behind the dark earth, for those who are physically exhausted, they will hit a slam..." Belie looked at the dark earth, and there was a lightsaber in his hand, which was inserted into the ground for a moment...


Suddenly a scream of screaming came out, this **** earth is actually "shen yin"?

"Know it, this land is already alive, and this is exactly the same as the land of the Devil. That is to say, now the demons of the Devils can already freely move in this land, to fight well. Ready, presumably soon the devil's offense is about to begin..." Beliya took the lightsaber calmly.

This is really troublesome...

Wu Lingfeng once again asked: "Can the devils invisibly enter this dark land? That would be really troublesome. I don't know when it will attack. A little bit of eating our power, then it really..."

"Do not……"

Beliya shook her head and said: "I said that the demons in the earth and the demons in the demon world are not the same two existences. I said, this land is the life, the devils who come out of the earth. It is the existence of the missing body in this earth, no matter what creatures will attack, humans, demons, elves, warcraft, livestock, etc. will attack, it is its nourishment...

The demons in the demon world are also somewhat afraid of the demons that come out of this **** earth. But the powerful people, the demons that come out of these earths will not attack, they will only find the weak existence, or find the order. People start, so at night for the devil of the devil, it is still unfavorable for the life of the ground world, do not come out at night.

If you want to come out at night, it is best to have a few people in groups, or a single powerful person. Otherwise, it is best not to come out, and it is worth mentioning that the demons that come out of the earth will change into your impressions. Or someone who respects, and becomes very imaginative, the look and shape of the simulation, etc. can be said to be perfect, but these simulated demons have a weakness, that is, hate the flame, so bring a torch when going out at night, face Anyone who talks to the front must use a torch to get close to him. If it is a demon, then it will show the prototype..."

Wu Lingfeng nodded and continued to ask: "What else should I pay attention to?"

Beliya nodded and said: "There is naturally, although the demons of the devil do not dare to enter this land, but there is still a kind of demon is exceptional, they feed on the demons in the earth, devour their power to become stronger After this kind of demons can hide in the earth, they must be extra careful. They are very powerful. Although the number in the devil is a small demon race, they are extremely powerful and disenchanting.

This is one of the demons - the succubus, the succubus is only female, no male, they are born to seduce the man's fairy, one is not only beautiful and cute but also sultry, enchanting but poisonous, and naturally confusing men The aroma, this fragrance makes men very excited very quickly...

After the succubuses are happy with the males, they will completely absorb their strength. When they have absorbed enough energy, they will breed a new succubus...

The most powerful of the succubuses is the ability to hide all their power. Even the Lord God can't find their true face. Using a weak woman's gesture to seduce people is their most powerful place. They are also very smart. The powerful men who can't kill, they are eager to please, the weak men will kill...

The succubus is a natural killer and assassin. Killing and stealing intelligence is their ability to excel, but they also have defects. The flaw is that their eyes will turn into purple gems when combined with men. This is the only thing. A way to identify them.

The succubus is also divided into grades. The lowest level is the small succubus, then the succubus, the succubus, the succubus, and the more powerful than the thousand succubus. It is the enchantment, the charm is no fault. However, it seems that it is very difficult to be born. The charm master is above history, only once or twice...

This is something to pay attention to. The succubus is very troublesome, but warns the civilians not to come out at night, and if there are women who talk at night, don't bother to pay attention. In the evening, the female is the succubus... ..."