MTL - Devil-Chapter 120

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The next day, Huanhuan woke up on the hard floor.

There are no thoughtful covers and quilts, and there are no scenes such as playing in the bedroom.

How did he lie on the ground and sleep, how did he wake up?

□ □ The upper body was lying on the floor for half a night, and Rao was physically strong and uncomfortable.

Looking up and looking out the window, the sky was already lit and the sun rose.

Auntie was lying in front of him. He could only see his legs when he woke up. When he climbed up, he was a little worried about his face.

What if I don't have a long time?

But soon, after seeing the face of Auntie.

The pale, seemingly no-sunshine face is the same as the usual appearance of Auntie. It is very rare. The eyes on the face are closed, and Auntie is asleep.

After the joy of swearing.

It seems... It’s the first time I saw Aunt’s eyes closed.

The aunt who fell asleep seems to be about the same size as himself.

The sleep of the monsters is very alert, and they will wake up as soon as they are stared for a long time. Thinking of this, Ji Huan immediately removed his gaze.

He thought, Auntie said that the ticket had been bought yesterday, but he did not say that it was a few tickets.

He thought again, you can see the grandfather and the black egg when you go back. So many days have passed, and I don’t know how they have been at home.

Then he remembered the aunt.

This time, I don’t know when it’s time to meet next time. The city of Rugerman, where the Saloye fights, is a city farther away from Yefar than Yuma City...

In addition to sleeping, it is rare to have a leisure time, even if the body is still, his brain can never stop. Although young, he is already used to worrying when other peers still inhabit the wings of their parents.

It seems that there have been a lot of things gathered, ah... Yes, after being brought back by the aunts, the two days of life have been arranged by him, and he has nothing to think about.

It seems that I don’t have to think a lot when I live with my aunt.

Looking at the sunshine behind the curtains, I was stunned.

"Good morning." Just as he stared at the sun and continued to think about things, there was a sudden male voice behind him. Looking back, it was Aunt who didn't know when to get up.

The clothes that have always been neatly rumpled are hard to be crumpled, and the aunt looks in his direction.

The eyes are black - when they see each other's eyes, they are relieved.

"Good morning." Ji Huan also greeted the aunt and said hello.

Seeing that Auntie stared at herself for a long time without talking, she looked at herself uncomfortably and saw her own chest. He pointed to a group of rags that had been thrown on the ground earlier.

"That... top, used to wipe the floor yesterday."

Aunt looked at the floor again.

"No, let me come and change clothes." He turned and walked back.

Auntie stood up together, the vision was emptied, and after the joy, he saw the empty bag placed on the other side of him...

A ring?

The bag is very familiar to the family. It was the red bag with the red fruit that I placed next to my aunt yesterday. Now that the bag is empty, does it mean that the aunt has already eaten the things inside?

Then there is the ring next to it.

The bag and the ring were smashed, and I was ready to throw the empty bag into the trash can. As for the other ring...

"Auntie, ring." Following the screaming aunt.

He handed the ring to the aunt.

It was a beautiful ring, a golden ring, and a round red jewel in the center.

It looks very valuable.

Aunt looked back and suddenly smiled:

"That was the ring I got from Mrs. Roma, but I have run out."

Just last night, he absorbed the things in the ring gem.

A drop of blood from the Saroye demon, the absorption process is painful enough, but the power gained after absorption is endless.

Now he is standing here and feeling that he is stronger than ever.

"Get it to the black egg, I think he likes the bracelet before." Auntie said to him.

After hesitating, I finally put the ring away.

I got a set of clothes from the aunt, and I got the ticket after the joy.

Noon train.

"Having eaten breakfast and rushed over, just go back and book for you the express train ticket, you can get home at night."

When I changed clothes, I waited for the greetings, and Auntie took the initiative to tell the problems he had worried about before.

"I bought a gift for the black egg and Aye, and took it with me later."

There are still gifts... Now the successor has been shy, but he didn’t buy anything when he was shopping. He didn’t want the aunt to look at it.

"Thank you..." The last button on the line, after the joy to say thank you, but the aunt did not let him say.

"After going back, let the black egg and I video call, I feel that I haven't seen him for a long time, huh, huh."

When I heard the aunt mention the black egg, I couldn’t help but lick it, then nodded.

"it is good."

"This button should be tied to the top, so that the collar can stand up." Just as he thought he had already packed up and could go out, the aunt stopped him and tied him to the collar of the shirt. Above, the aunt also got the collar right for him, and even found an angle.

The distance between the two people was so close for the first time, looking at the man in the mirror who was closer than himself. The collar of the man, after licking his lips.

"If the shirt is tied to the top and the one represents unmarried, unbutton a button to represent the married, and unlock the two buttons to represent the widow."

"There are many kinds of monsters here. Different monsters have their own traditional costumes. You have started to work and are working with the outside world. You should pay more attention to them in the future."

Auntie’s voice is next to Huan’s ear, warm and low, and the cello is average.

"When I first left Yefar, I didn't understand anything, and I didn't recognize the words. I took a lot of detours..."

“The most easy to reveal is the details.”

Aunt has been saying that he is not talking fast, and can even say that he is very slow.

He said it for a long time, and he realized that he was talking about his own affairs!

Although I have long guessed that Auntie used to be a monster from Yefar, but Auntie did not know much about her origins, and said nothing about the past.

Now... actually took the initiative to say it? !

"Then you must be very... wrong." The eyelids hang down, and after the joy, I said, "I don't know anywhere else, but people in the town of Bade will basically untie two in their shirts."

Ji Huan’s later school uniform is a shirt, and all the buttons are tied to the neck. Therefore, he has always solved the two buttons like other students. This kind of action is nothing in the eyes of the locals. It turned out to be in the eyes of Auntie... ...

Are you a full houseman?

After a hard time, I was amazed.

Then he heard a low laugh.

"Ha ha."

"When I first went there, there were a lot of things that couldn’t be understood because of the original custom."

"Yefar's house... the book in the room... Did you buy it later?" Afterwards, he asked a question.

"Not all, the house originally had a master, a very learned person, and a lot of books. I wanted to find him to borrow books at that time..."

"Then, he taught you to study?" After the joy, I thought of a story of a monster and a scorpion.

"No, he refused. Later, when I got the money, I bought his house, so his books are all mine." Auntie added two collars to the collar of the successor. .

Silver, very simple.

Following the joy: =-=

"Your size is not high, so don't hump." Then, after Huan felt that his back was photographed, then he felt a strong palm on his shoulder and put his shoulder bone. Planning in the right place, after the joy is a bit awkward, but the strength of the other party to suppress themselves, after the Huan had to be forced to stand up.

No one has ever corrected him like this.

After the joy is a bit awkward.

In the following period of time, he and Auntie continued to talk a lot about Ye Feier, about the aunt, about the successor...

Until the aunt looked at the time.

"It's time to go to breakfast."

The magic time is over.

Auntie is now a normal aunt.

Like a competent host, he took a very rich breakfast with his team and then sent them to the station.

"Goodbye." When he was about to enter the station, he waved his hand behind the car, and the aunt was sitting in the car. For some reason, he did not get off.

Abu also waved in the direction of the car, and the little gray devil had a sigh.

Only Najib, he seemed nervous, until a few people walked into the station and could no longer see the black car that the aunt took.

"Call..." Naji was relieved and wiped his cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

Seeing him, Abu is a bit strange: "How come you are afraid of this situation? What happened last night?"

Naji stayed for a while, and honestly said:

"He...he wanted me yesterday...signed a contract...and don't buy me a ticket, don't let me go, go home with you."

"Ha!" Abu was shocked.

I still stood up and explained it: "The contract was not a blank contract last night. It was a contract that had already been signed. It was very old. Moreover, the ticket was bought early in the morning. Auntie just scared you."

Naji flattened his mouth and whispered: "But it is really like... really..."

After the joy, he patted his shoulder.

Since Cheng Jihuan has taught Abu and Najib how to get on the bus, they will lead the way when they return.

However, Najib will still be confused, but Abu, although he is illiterate, but he used the words on some key guiding cards of the station as a graphic back, and he turned into a car with everyone.

Najib and Little Gray Devil looked at Abu, and Abu snorted and licked his head.

"But from this experience, I have to learn a few words when I go back." Abu said, looking forward to seeing success.

Naji and Xiao Gray’s eyes also looked over.

By the way, Naji’s hair, after giving him a slight change in head shape, worried that those who were fighting in the battlefield would recognize him again. After the approval of Najib’s consent, he cut a bang.

Naji is still very suitable for this hairstyle.

Stared at three pairs of eyes, nodded after the joy.

"We can buy more books at the station as a textbook..."

"it is good!"

There is no nostalgia for big cities, and several young monsters are eager to return home.

When I left, I realized that the name of the place I left was called "home."

The young monsters discussed the plans for going back to the future, and from time to time they also pointed to the scenery outside the window.

For the ash that was taken over in the rear compartment, the scene along the way was brand new.

Abu and Najib introduced you to me in a slogan.

When they came, they didn't look carefully because of the little gray demon.

The mood is different now, and the scenery I have seen has become brand new.

After the joy, I listened quietly to the side, or explained their problems.

The old devil sits in the farthest position, his eyelids are pulled on his cheeks, and he seems to be asleep.

Finally, when other monsters went to the toilet, he said a word to him after whispering:

"That red bag... he ate."

The old monster nodded.

After the joy, the old magical object and the aunt must have known each other, not only knowing, but also knowing for a long time.

The past between them... probably another story.

Sitting in the seat, I was allowed to diverge for a while, and this time was not long, because they soon returned, Naji and Xiao Gray.

The little gray devil still holds a stack of cards in his hand.

"The guest who got off the bus gave him a message. He said that I was very cute, just gave it to me." The little gray devil handed the card to Ji Huan.

Following Huan:...

"Just say you are cute, don't touch you?"

"He wants to touch his head, I am hiding." The little gray devil shook his head.

"That's good, if someone says you are cute, you have to take you outside to play, never go." After the joy of this, not only to the little gray devil, but also to Naji.

Although Naji’s head is taller than the little gray demon, in some respects it is not as good as the little gray demon.

After the joy, he shared common sense for several monsters and watched the cards in his hand.

There are a lot of words and numbers on the board. After the joy, I use this deck to make ready-made textbooks.

While teaching, after watching the little gray demon's reaction carefully, although he was beaten as a "card", he almost died, but the little gray devil did not avoid playing cards.

On the contrary, he is the best in several monsters.

Looking at the little gray devil who is happy to shuffle, he will let go of his heart.

As time went on, there were fewer and fewer people in the car.

At the last stop, only five of them were left in the entire train.

When I was over, I didn’t know how many times my luggage, and several monsters laughed and ran out of the compartment.

Yefar is in the south, and their home is close at hand.