MTL - Devil-Chapter 126

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Wearing a gray-black cloak, the cloak covered the face, and the singer looked like it was no different from the magic on this street.

Light radiation is not a strong early morning is the most frequent time for the Yefar magic objects.

Along the way, the road was quiet, and from time to time there was a magical thing quietly flashing from Ji Huan.

There are so many monsters going to the market, there are empty hands to go - this is to "buy food"; there are also with prey - these monsters start earlier, there is no shortage of hunting people, It is better to sell fresher prey.

It is true that I can always eat very fresh meat in Yefar.

I used to be one of them, watching the backs of those monsters, and the eyes under the cloak slowly came back, and two months ago, I was worried that the money would be spent at any time, and I couldn’t think that he would be different in the future. He is now It is a person with a fixed job.

However, you can come over and take a look at the rest day, you can buy something to enrich the table, and the thoughts float in your heart, and continue to move forward.

There are more monsters going in this direction. Unlike the market, which can only gather nearby monsters, Adan’s manpower market is the only manpower market in Yefar.

There are very few people in Yefar who can do monopoly business. Adan's manpower market is a unique one. Well, Ji Huan now knows that this manpower market is opened by Adan.

The whole piece of land is Adan.

This is a very good place, the market will be crowded, the bar will be prosperous in business... In short, it is a piece of land, but Adan suddenly received all the business on the ground, and then opened the Yefaldi A human market.

Ok, no one came at first.

It is said that in order to attract the first business, Adan also used his previous "relationship", and the magic that forced the renting of his land must come here to recruit people. Before this, the monsters here rarely have the concept of finding a job. They often reach a certain age and feel that they can almost go out and mix and go out. Because the monsters are not very close to each other, they don't have the channel of “friend introduction” or “friend referral”. Besides, they have no education, so the “work” they can find is terrible. .

Many young monsters died in their first job.

Those monsters are almost as big as Ji Huan and Abu ← Adan said.

Fortunately, with Adan's manpower market, the monsters quickly discovered the benefits of this market. Unconsciously, the monsters were used to looking for work here. As Adan later opened the test area, the market gradually formed. The customary rules, gradually, Abu, such a big monster, spontaneously came to look for work when the age is almost up.

Like the little gray demon, it is purely smart, precocious, and when Abu is as big as him, he certainly does not know that there is such a human market. ← Well, this passage is also what Adan said.

After getting away from the destination, it is getting closer.

The closer to here, the higher the level of the monster.

There is no difference between before and after leaving. The manpower market is still the most magical. As soon as it enters the human market, the surrounding air seems to be different.

It is really different.

Strange, why didn't you feel it before? The breath here is actually like this...


When the joy appeared, all the sights of the monsters stopped on him.

This is the subconscious of the monsters' new magic that invades their sphere of influence. Almost all creatures have this kind of reaction, even if the animal consciousness is worn to the lowest human being by civilization.

Think carefully, when you enter the class, when you go to work in the office every day, when you... Is the person inside who will look up at you?

This is the same as the monsters, but unlike the less aggressive humans, the sights that the monsters cast are sharp and terrifying. Through a variety of cloaks, the joy still feels overwhelming.

However, he has withstood it.

Maintaining the original pace, he clenched the bag in his hand and walked straight ahead.

This is just the entrance to the human market, where he works in the heart of the human market.

"and many more."

Unexpectedly, after Huan has just crossed the three monsters, he was stopped.

After the joy stopped, turned his head, he did not uncover the cloak.

He didn't talk, but the breath of the whole body was full of doubts.

The cloak is very opaque, covering the eyes of others outside, but also obscuring the sight of Ji Huan. He has no way to see what the opposite monster looks like. He can only see the other side of the chest. Ok, this is a very The tall monster, probably only a little lower than Abu, looks very strong, this is the young monster, the breath of his body...

Feeling weaker than Abu, probably weak... oh... two levels?

In a short while, Ji Huan immediately made an analysis of the monster in front of him.

However, after he finished the analysis, he continued to stunned: When did he start to analyze a monster with just one face? Can you also be careful about the level of accuracy required for “levels”?

After the joy.

For the monster, analyzing the other monster with breath is the basic skill. They are doing this kind of analysis almost from an early age. In the world of the monsters, the strong appearance on the outside represents a certain degree of power, but it can truly represent the actual level of a monster, and more mainly look at the "breath."

Writing: rЦ

Ji Huan is self-understanding the word through the expression of others.

The word stands for a lot of meaning: magic, power, momentum...

In the end, Huan Huan decided to understand it as a breath.

The monsters use the "breath" to judge the strength of the other monster, thus avoiding unnecessary disputes. The detour is absolutely stronger than its own magic, and even surrenders to an extraordinarily powerful monster. This is their instinct and level (← here Following the misunderstanding, it should be the order that gives them the instinct.

They also have this breath for other monsters to judge.

As a human being, there is no such "breath" in the body of Huanhuan (at least the little gray devil said that he can't feel it), and he is used to analyzing another person from the outside and the sound. He can't understand how the monster understands others through the breath.

Until now this moment.

He suddenly understood what it was like.

But he seems to be a little trouble now.

Even if the other party is weaker than Abu, it is still not the opponent he can pack. Moreover, this is the manpower market. It is the place where he works every day. The magic objects here are likely to be against him every time. If it is easily suppressed by a monster here today, his work will encounter a lot of troubles...

Until this time, Ji Huan is still calmly thinking about the possible consequences of this incident, as well as countermeasures.

It was also his negligence. He worked here for such a long time. For the first time, he was honestly lined up. After that, he came very early every day. The monsters were not lined up. Later, even if there were more monsters looking for work, early When I came to the queue, many monsters knew him and would not stop him.

Today, this kind of being stopped is still the first time that I have met.

"Is there something?" I thought of the worst plan, and I followed it.

"You, newcomers, should be at the end." Then, after hearing the opposite monster, he said.

Following Huan:...

Ok, it’s a girl who thinks she is in the queue.

Yes, the definition of this monster is a "small green".

There must be other monsters around him to question his behavior, but only if he stands up, he is not confident in his own strength, but his character is somewhat rash. ← Working in the test area for a long time, the daily work is to judge all kinds of monsters. Unconsciously, I have become accustomed to analyzing him at the moment of touching a monster.

Usually, life is fine, but once the manpower market is reached, the place where he works is obvious.

"I am a staff member and do not need to line up." Continued to continue to be indifferent.

His voice is cold, does not need to be deliberately cold, and originally gives people a feeling of incompatibility, and when he deliberately indifference, the feeling is not cold, it is cold.

The opposite monster is obviously frozen by this "high cold".

"Staff? Are you recruiting? Recruiters have to line up! Go to the line there!" The real thing immediately said: "Don't think that I didn't know anything when I first came. I studied well before coming. A few days! I’ve got all the information here! Don’t want to bully the new guys!”

Following Huan:...

He is a bit speechless.

"I am the staff of the test area. If you are coming for the first time, I suggest you look for me for a while, get a resume, and confirm my identity by the way."

Then there was another voice coming from the front: "Yes! Yes, this monster is the staff of the test area, and people don't have to line up!"

With this sound as a primer, more and more monsters are coming out. They have testified that Xia Huan is the staff here, not the kind of recruiter, but the real staff of the manpower market.

No need to line up!

So this squat became the first thing that started to sing the succession.

The "breath" originally pressed on Ji Huan suddenly pressed to the magic object. When he heard the identity of the successor, he almost witnessed that all the monsters of this incident stood on the side of the successor, but before he dared to disrespect the successor. The monsters become objects that are isolated by them.

The empty space that the original demon had left was immediately filled by the monster behind him. He was kicked out by the team.

Ah Ye is right, it is better to find a job or to find a civil servant. Although there is no civil servant in this place, the work in the manpower market test area is really a privileged job, which is equivalent to the civil servant here.

Uh...the salary is a little lower.

However, the salary of grassroots civil servants is not high.

This moment, I remembered the words of Aye.

However, he did not intend to make it difficult for the monster.

I also don’t intend to accept the feelings of the monsters who testify for themselves: If you want to speak for yourself, you should not open your mouth when you are not overwhelmed by the breath of the other. Those monsters originally wanted to use the magic object to test their depths, and they could sell their own feelings.

This kind of love will not inherit.

So next, after the joy of all the quirks that are lined up:

"In the past few days, if someone goes to the test area test, they will find that we have been suspended for several days.

Today is the day when we resume business. With new test equipment and more advanced testing experience, we will have a new personal resume, which will make it easier for everyone to apply for the ideal career.

In the next period of time, it is expected that the number of test magic objects will increase rapidly every day. There is no magic material for resumes. If you want to update the magic objects of your resume, please queue up early. ”

Very officially said a lot of words, after making an advertisement by the way, after the joy, I left in the gaze of all the monsters according to the original pace.