MTL - Devil-Chapter 146

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In the darkness, the aunt's breathing rate is very stable. However, after the instinct, the instinct is still not right. The heart is jumping. He feels that the aunt's body is motionless.

Auntie did not press on Huanhuan because of the action of Qi Huan, but was suspended. His face was attached to the neck of Ji Huan, breathing and smelling. The distance between the two people was very close, but the aunt was still very tight and he did not relax.

This very strange posture is evidence.

After the instinct, I feel dangerous.

Then -

The left hand was still placed on the aunt's back. After hesitatingly extended the other palm, he began to touch the aunt.

It's like stroking black eggs.

His movements are very slow and powerful. It is the tried and tested frequency and power of black eggs. The earliest black eggs are still without any emotional reaction. They only use hollow eyes to look at people's little monsters. At the time, Ji Huan gradually established contact with him through this kind of physical contact.

No one or animal likes the body or even the skin.

The creature itself has this craving.

I remember that I saw such a sentence in a parenting book. He did not raise the baby’s experience and he will be suspicious. His persistence is not one or two days, ten days and twenty days, one month and two months... persevere Stick to it, this is the current black egg. If the appearance is not the same as that of human beings, whose children can be more lovely than black eggs? Whose child is smarter than black eggs?

I felt the black egg twitching and buried my head in my hair. I knew that he was scared now. Auntie is like this now, even he is very scared.

However, at this moment, he could only choose to continue to appease the aunt and feel the tremor of the black egg. He spoke in the darkness.

"Not afraid, don't be afraid, close your eyes and sleep, wake up and everything will be fine."

This sentence seems to be said to the aunt, in fact, it is to the black egg.

There is no way to reach out and pat the black egg, and he can only comfort him with his voice.

His voice was very light, almost whispering, but it was clearly introduced into the ear of the big and small heads at the moment.

After the joyful caressing aunts over and over again, from the thin and soft hair all the way down, touched the cold back neck skin, and then fell on the back of his shirt still wearing.

Under the seemingly thin appearance, the aunt's back is very strong, hard, and it is not difficult to imagine how much strength the muscles have.

After the joy did not know how long he said, when the palm touched a little tired, he first felt that the small head that belonged to the black egg at the top was finally smashed in his hair, the little monster no longer trembled, and he finally fell asleep. .

Then quickly, the aunt’s head, which had been hung above his neck, finally fell.

The cold cheeks were attached to his warm skin, and the heavy body of the man was pressed against him.

He also fell asleep.

The head and the body were very heavy, especially the aunts. The crushed by him could not move. The palm was sore and almost cramped. After feeling that the aunt’s breathing became regular and inaudible, he finally confirmed. This man is really asleep.

After the joy of the hand, he finally squatted on the bed next to him.

Out of the window...not yet bright...

The rain has been going down.

Compared to the dense drizzle before, the rain today is more like pouring rain.

After the joyful eyelids were heavy together.

After tossing for most of the night, he can finally rest.

However, it will be dawn soon? He has to get up and go to work on time...

The thoughts in the brain ended up with only one obsession with going to work, and after entering the dream.

It is a real dream.

Realizing that he was standing on the street again, he found that he was dreaming again.

It is a street he doesn't know, and he vows that he has never been to such a place.

There are a lot of magic objects on the roadside. The clothes worn on those monsters are obviously not the style of Yefar. Look carefully at the clothes on them... and the current magic is both a bit like and not quite like...

I don't understand why I dreamt about this place, and I am standing on the street.

Then he saw the black egg.

The black little demon was looking around and looking around. When he saw the moment, he immediately turned in the direction of the sly, and he screamed aloud, watching the little monster sitting on the ground, worried that he was stepped on by the pedestrians walking. After the joy, he walked over to him.

Open the small arm can not wait to enter the embrace of the joy, the black egg with a pair of small claws tightly grasped the clothes of the sorrow, feeling that he was afraid, after the joy can only touch his back over and over again.

From the back of the head to the small butt, just like touching the aunt.

After enjoying the caress for a long time, the black egg finally disappeared, and the small head was lifted out of his arms. He stared at the white ring, and then he yelled at the joy.



After the joy of cheering, he responded to him.

If you change to an outsider, you can't understand it. But after the joy, I knew that the black egg was telling myself how scared he was.

This is a sensation that the tricks of long-term living together can be cultivated.

The black egg finally said enough, the little head turned backwards, and he began to be curious about this street scene.

After the joy, he adjusted him in his arms, and his black face was facing outwards, so that the black eggs could freely look around.

But... Isn't this the dream of a black egg?

Ji Huan rarely dreams. Nowadays, he always feels that he is in the dream of black eggs, but the reaction of the black eggs is now... but obviously not.

The people around him seemed to see them. After confirming this, after the joy, he walked into several stores under the command of the black egg.

I watched like two buns for a long time, and went out with a black egg.

They did not walk in the direction, but afterwards they soon discovered that although they did not particularly want to go in their minds, his steps went uncontrollably in one direction.

Gradually, he walked into a dark alley.

It was a very different place from where the street scene was.

Dilapidated, dirty, exudes a disgusting smell, unlike a place where people live, it is more like a garbage dump.

Thinking of the garbage dump, Ji Huan immediately thought of Yefar.

But soon he realized that it was not Yefar.

It’s just the slums in the city.

Slum... Forgive him for thinking of the word to describe this place.

The black egg sticks out two small claws and grabs the nose.

After the joy, there is no way, and his hands are still holding black eggs. He can only take his own steps and walk towards the deeper part of the alley.

Then, he walked into an unusually worn, shack-like place. This place was especially stinky. After the moment of entering, he almost fainted, and the black egg immediately buried his face in his neck.

The interior of this unusually stupid shack is exceptionally clean.

To be exact, there are very few things, so they are extraordinarily neat.

After seeing a table with a broken leg in the center of the shack, there was a book on the table.

When I saw the cover of the book, I continued to enjoy it.

He has read this book, just in the aunt's study.

I was thinking of aunt, and there was suddenly more than one person in the shack.

After the joy, I realized that there is not only one person in this shack, but there are others!

It was a monster that was covered in a large cloak. He was sitting in the shadow of the corner of the shack. If it wasn't for him that he suddenly stood up and picked up the book on the table, it would be impossible for him to notice him!

He is so silent, like a shadow.

After the joy, I noticed that the stench in the shack was actually uploaded from him!

Picking up the book on the table, after seeing him, he ordered a candle, then pulled down the cloak and began to read.

The face has almost completely rotted, and the singer can even see his sharp white teeth through the rotten lips of the other side! It’s a look that is extremely difficult to look at, but —

When I saw the dark hair, I suddenly had an idea in my mind:

This person... No, this monster is...


That is a very positive idea.

This finger slid over the hair countless times, he was used to the touch of the hair, and even used to the curvature of the aunt's head.

The monster that scented with rotten stench and lived in the smelly shack was an aunt.

It is the aunt who is always clean and elegant.

Of course, look closely, this aunt is also elegant, even if the body becomes so horrible, even if the body emits the stench of **, his attitude is still the aunt who knows the joy.

The finger of **** water slid over a sheet of paper, and he turned another page.

Auntie sat on the ground and read a book against the wall, and he continued to stand beside him with a black egg. He seemed to be trapped in this room. Standing next to the aunt, his feet could not move.

Until -

The wind... blew in from the narrow entrance of the shack.

The book in the hand of Ayi was fiercely turned over several pages, and the book in his hand was closed. Aunt looked at the entrance.

A monster does not know when it appears on the ground in front of them.

It was a human figure, and when he saw his appearance, he felt that his hair on his back had all been blown up.

Put the black egg's head firmly in his neck, and he will not let him look back.

The magical object in front of him is blood and blood. His body is covered with flesh and blood. After the joy, he has no way of seeing what he looks like. However, this is not the reason why he feels creepy. It is the neck of the other side that makes the scalp numb. The wound on it!

I don't know if it was torn apart. The neck of the monster was almost completely broken, leaving only a piece of muscles still connected. The monster was rushing in with his own head!

It’s a terrible visual effect –

After Huan wants to turn back, his head can't move at all.

This is not his dream, he can't control his behavior in this dream!

"You look very bad." The monster that had to be broken from the head actually spoke.

The black water of the aunt's nephew is usually staring at the monster in front. There is no shock, and there is no wave in his eyes. He faintly said: "You look very bad."

"I am going to die." The monster continued.

The blood on his body is still flowing, and his hand holding his head has begun to tremble slightly.

For the last point of the muscles, he now has to hold his head upside down, that is, the body of the monster in front of him is normal, but the head is backward.

The one with the eyes down and the mouth on the top.

The scalp of Huanhuan was slightly numb.

"Take me back to my hometown, I don't want to die outside." The inverted head was talking again.

"I always wanted to come out. I still feel good after I came out."

"Are you please me? Please ask one..." Aunt raised his chin slightly and then pointed at himself with one finger: "One is hurt by you, you can only hide in this stinking place, so that Do you cover up the stench of your body?"

"Do you think I might help you?" Auntie's mouth slightly picked up. If it was normal, he could almost imagine that it was an elegant mocking expression, but this expression appeared in a gorgeous face. On that, the effect can only be described as terror.

"I can only ask you for help. The person who can help me achieve my will, can only be you." The magic object again said: "The person you sent to kill me can appear anywhere I appear, that He must also take me back to his hometown."

The scene afterwards became blurred, and the third monster appeared in the shack. After the surprise, I found that it was actually an acquaintance!

The newly appearing monster had a tall pony tail on it. At that time, his hair was not as long as it is now, and the pony tail on his head was not scattered. Instead, three twists were separated, and the face looked. It is also tender, although it is a little different from what it is now, but afterwards, I still recognize who the magic is in front of me.

Asimu? !

"Hey!" Smiled and bent down and saw Aximu picking his eyebrows when he saw the monster on the ground.