MTL - Devil-Chapter 156

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The black hair monster is sitting silently in a three-legged chair.

The little monster in front of him called out "Yeah" and looked at him with incomprehension.

"The old man said that he has resumed business today..." Just as one big and one small two-headed monster continued to sit in the little black house, there was a low-dumb female voice outside the house, but it was a business door.

"Okay, I have to work." As he said, the black hair monster stood up. The black egg still sitting on the table understood this sentence - every morning when Grandpa went out to set up a stall, he always said this to him, which means that the black egg is ready to go out and shine. Although young, but black eggs are a little magic that only works!

So, when I heard the big devil say this, the little monster immediately lifted the two small claws, and the black-haired monster looked at him, then extended a hand and handed it over. The little magic two small paws immediately took him. The hand hugged tightly, and the black-haired monster then hung him on the shoulder in the cloak.

There was already a monster in the outside, and it was covered with a thick cloak. The height of the monster was much higher than the average height of the monsters. If the voice just did not reveal her gender, it is estimated to be misunderstood. Male monster.

But after removing the sound, you can still identify the gender of the other person by carefully looking at it: first, the cloak of this monster is very clean; second, the cloak of this monster is also embroidered with patterns - although the craftsmanship and succession are not much, but It seems to be somewhat different than other gray cloaks.

Here the sun is shining strongly, and Yefar’s monsters rarely remove the cloak. This behavior lasts for ten years, twenty years... even longer, even if they get outside, it’s hard to get rid of the habit of using a cloak, even black. The magical object itself, he is also very accustomed to this cloak at this moment, he did not notice: he is much more relaxed than usual.

The black egg, like all the monsters here, is getting used to the cloak of the body, kneeling under the cloak of the big monster, on the shoulder, and the black egg carefully observes the monster... the small pattern on the cloak.


When the little monster is intoxicated and studies the pattern on the cloak of the people, the big monster is studying the blank resume in his hand.

Although he was told a lot of work, he did not know the working procedures at all.

The best way to do this is -

Study the resume that the other party has written before.

When he left the house, he printed a resume template and looked at it. When he saw it, he knew about the test project. The next thing to understand is the test standard.

There are a lot of units on the resume template. It is probably the unit that the old monster has set up. It has nothing to do with the outside unit. It is not good for a moment.

"Be the first to do the power test." Just as the black-haired monster is thinking about how to test the method without any traces, the other party first opened.

"I was able to lift up the pieces of three golden fighting platforms last time. At that time, I was judged to be three stones. I want to try green stones this time." The other party came back to test whether he has made progress. The familiar magical thing with a clear mind, quite lucky - the black-haired magic object is thinking without expression.

Then he walked with the other party to the place where the strength test stone was placed.

The black-haired monster picks up a golden fighting platform and grabs a weight. Then he knows what it means to be the "one stone power".

Then he lifted the green stone next to it.

Probably the top five golden stones - I guessed it in my heart, he gradually learned about the test standards of the old monsters.

The black-haired monster turned to the green stone, just like a small stone, just a little bigger, he was light and heavy, it looked very relaxed.

Staring at the stone in the hands of the black-haired monster, the female monster next to it is a little envious:

"This is the **** fossil of the famous hunting ground Aptuo's World of Warcraft... I heard that a piece of top five gold, you seem to lift very easily, I hope I can lift it in a while..."

The black hair monster behind her has disappeared.

Only noticed her first sentence.

"Feces... fossils?" The hands of the black-haired monster holding the green stone suddenly froze, and a hesitant male voice came out under the cloak.

"Yeah, isn't this the test stone that the boss went out of business before going out of business? I heard that it came from Apto! I don't know if there is a chance to go once in this life. If you can't get it, at least you want to touch it."

"It's hard... isn't that fossil?" Hearing the black-haired monster, he didn't seem to know the identity of the stone. The exaggerated tone of the female monster became hesitant.

"No, that's it." After that, the black-haired monster throws the green stone in his hand to the side with no expression.

The little demon on his shoulder just looked at the stone in his hand, and found that he threw the stone, and immediately anxiously "yeah".

"That's a poop, don't touch it." The black-haired monster said to him like this, he said it in Chinese. The impression seems to have heard the hornhorn monster say to the little monster. He didn't realize it and learned this... ...a bit of a childlike word.

The little monster was not called at once, and he didn't even look at the stone.

Then he saw the female monster picking up the stone that the big monster had thrown away.

To be exact, it is "lifting."

From the cloak, two large claws were exposed. She tried hard to lift the stone up and saw that she had exhausted all her strength. The blue ribs on her claws, but after about a minute of hard work, she still did not lift the stone successfully. .

"You may wish to try four golden stones." At this time, the black-haired monster suggested to her.

A little regret to see the green stone on the ground, the female monster finally listened to the advice of the black hair monster, this time, she succeeded.

Then the black hair monster filled in the "4 stone" in the resume template.

"However, it is not a pity. I have already touched the fossils of Apothe's Warcraft..." But the female monster was not depressed for too long, she quickly cheered up and said something like this.


Black egg: =-=

"Next, let's see your speed." The black-haired monster quickly brought the topic away from the stone.

The female monster nodded and the two monsters began the next test project.

The next test project is speed. The venue is still the same venue. After setting a starting point, the female monster begins to run fast around the yard.

Although she is very fast, but in the eyes of the dynamic vision of the best black hair magic, she is actually running around in a silly circle.

In the materially poor Yefar, the method of testing the ability of the monster is very primitive and very primitive.

Now that there are a variety of high-end test tools out there, their test methods still maintain the simplest method of the millennium.

Lift the stones, run around the circle, listen to distant sounds...

If the outside monster sees this scene, they will laugh on the spot.

They will laugh at how stupid the monsters being tested look.

But -

At this moment, the monster being tested is running desperately, showing his fastest speed to the black magic monster in the center of the field.

Her speed is actually very fast, if it is placed outside, it must be a good result that can shock the test center.

But now, she is only running in a ragged yard, running on the uneven ground with the simplest tools.

sweating a lot.

The black hair monster stood in the middle of the field, and he looked at the water in the air with a little ecstasy.

Yefar is no rain, this is the sweat of the magical thing that is running hard.

For many years, Yefar’s monsters came out step by step.

They live in the dirtiest and most chaotic places in the world, eating the most unpalatable food, preying on the world's most awkward World of Warcraft, doing most of the devil's disdainful work...

Just step by step, grow up slowly.

Looking at the magical things that run hard, the eyes of the black-haired monster seem to have passed through hundreds of years. Far and far, he saw the two little monsters that had run here.

A black hair and a red hair.

He almost heard their happy laughter.

Until the female monster gasped and interrupted his thoughts, reminding him that she had finished running.

Mr. Felzaha, who was the first to change the class, was very lucky: the first guest to receive the guest was the female monster. She knew the project in the test area and intentionally or unintentionally put it with her. After completing a set of tests. She did not find that the person under the cloak was a newbie.

"So, I will come over to take my resume tomorrow afternoon." Look, the female monster also unintentionally said the rules that were not the same day's resume.


The female monster was ready to leave, and she suddenly paused before leaving, and then took out a purse from her pocket.

The money bag is embroidered with the same pattern on the cloak.

She took out ten bone coins from the purse and handed it to the opposite black hair monster: "This resume fee."

However, she did not leave immediately, but hesitated for a moment, and then touched a few more coins from the purse: "This is a tip. It is..."

She paused, thinking like a proper word: "Thank you for your gratitude."

"I used a previous resume to find a job, but I found the other party's letter before you went to work... Is that word called credit? In short, I found the other party's credit before you went to work. Ok, the rate of missing the employer is very high. I didn’t go. The other monster that I knew didn’t listen, went, and there is no news yet.”

"In short, I am very grateful." When she saw the black hair monster, she finally put the bone coin in his hand.

At the end, I added another sentence: "When I find a new job, I will come to supplement the credit information of the new workplace."

After saying this, she left.

Mr. Felzaha also received a tip for the second time.

"Credit?" Hearing a familiar and unfamiliar word, he realized that this seemingly immutable place seems to have new things added in, is it a success? What did Ji Huan do here?

Would you like to let the magic here pay a tip?

He soon knew what he had done.

When Mr. Felzaha received the fifth guest today, there was a roar of noise at the door.

A minute later, a powerful magical pressure surrounded the entire test area, and at the door, a group of seemingly incomprehensible blacks appeared there.