MTL - Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf-Chapter 139 The deer king appeared.

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This is not cold-blooded, but to survive in nature, one must know how to be ruthless.

In particular, Su Lin led a huge pack of wolves, and many times it was necessary to eliminate hidden dangers at the very beginning.

At this time, the little lone wolf opened the way ahead, and the wolf's body had fully recovered from its injuries, and its arrogance rose to a higher level.

At present, the little lone wolf with a strength of level 12 is already very difficult to meet opponents in the entire North Pole.

Even if it is that alien grizzly bear, with the current little lone wolf, it should be able to contain it for a while.

After all, the speed of the little lone wolf is about the same as that of a different kind of grizzly bear, and his talent is a wild wolf. The more injured he is, the greater his strength will be improved.

The wolves are currently advancing, and the arctic foxes and lynxes that are still lurking in the wolves' territory tremble in their dens after smelling the scent of wolves.

They didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that the wolves would discover their existence.

In fact, Su Lin's powerful senses have already discovered them,

It's just that these arctic foxes and lynx are smaller hunters.

It doesn't hurt to poach some food from wolf pack territory now and then.

After all, with their bodies, even if they eat, they can't eat much food.

For these hunters, Surin turned a blind eye.

The rest of the large herbivorous animals encountered along the way also gathered together in fear under the terrifying aura of the little lone wolf and Surin, not even gnawing on moss and shrubs.

However, Surin has no plans to hunt today, and they are moving very fast with several wolves.

It's just that when passing through Father Wolf's territory, Surin discovered that the original herd of dozens of reindeer in Father Wolf's territory had disappeared.

"Huh? Was it poached by that alien grizzly bear? Even poaching can't steal so much."

Su Lin was a little surprised.

A group of dozens of reindeer is definitely a lot of prey.

If so many prey were hunted by wolves, they could eat them for two or three months.

Even if the pack of wolves has reached the size of more than three hundred wolves, and consumes a huge amount of food every time they eat, dozens of reindeer still have at least 20,000 to 30,000 catties of flesh and blood.

But Su Lin just paused for a moment and left.

He planned to ask Dad Wolf when he came back, and ask Dad Wolf to strengthen the inspection and protection of his territory by the way.

There are more than 20 wolves in the pack of wolves under the command of wolf father and mother wolf, which should be more than enough to guard the territory of a thousand square kilometers.

It is definitely invincible to face the alien grizzly bear.

It's just that my cave is only 20 to 30 kilometers away from here. If there is any big movement, Su Lin can quickly support it.

Then, within a short while of traveling, they came to a steep stone wall.

The steepness of this mountain road is comparable to that of the cave where Su Lin is located.

This can stop most ordinary hunters.

Su Lin's tall and majestic wolf body stood under the rocks, and when he raised his head slightly, he saw a huge black fruit rock orchid with a height of more than two meters.

This huge black fruit rock orchid is rooted in the crevice of the stone wall.

Heiguoyan Gaolan is known for its cold resistance and tenacious vitality, and this different flower has brought this into full play.

Even in the cold North Pole, in the crevices of stone walls with little nutrients, they grow tenaciously.

With a thought in Su Lin's mind, the introduction of this Heiguoyan Gaolan appeared in front of his eyes.

Species: Black fruit rock orchid (different flowers).

Level: Level 13.

Life status: alive.

Sure enough, the grade of this Heiguoyan Gaolan is not high.

It should be a plant that has just evolved into a different flower.

This exotic flower could hardly pose a fatal threat to the little lone wolf recovering from his injuries, not to mention himself.

Therefore, Su Lin and the little lone wolf walked directly on the steep mountain road.

Whoa whoa... whoa whoa...

After the two of them walked over, the branches of Heiguoyan Gaolan visibly shook several times.

There was a buzzing sound.

Between each different species, there are communication difficulties.

Therefore, Su Lin didn't know what Heiguoyan Gaolan's move was.

However, he never showed his sharp claws and fangs, which already represented the goodwill of his visit this time.

But what Su Lin didn't expect was that the little lone wolf actually understood the meaning of this Heiguoyan Gaolan plant.


After being quiet for a moment, the little lone wolf began to howl at Su Lin to deliver the news.

During the intermittent howling of wolves, Su Lin also roughly understood why the little lone wolf could understand the meaning of this Heiguoyan Gaolan plant.

"It turns out that the black fruit still has a fragment of the consciousness of a different flower, which can make the species that have swallowed the fruit understand its meaning."

Su Lin nodded secretly.

It's just that these are useless to me,

Because regardless of any consciousness, under the tyrannical devouring force, it will turn into billowing energy.

At this time, Su Lin also signaled the little lone wolf to convey his intentions to this Heiguoyan Gaolan.

The wolves can provide shelter to Heiguoyan Gaolan, but every once in a while, they have to provide several fruits to the wolves as a reward.

For exotic flowers and plants that cannot move, safety is often their top priority.

At this time, the little lone wolf began to convey the meaning of his boss graciously, and at the same time urged the Heiguoyan Gaolan to agree, after all, it was a win-win situation for both parties.

Especially the little lone wolf can perceive Heiguoyan Gaolan's fear of his boss from the meaning of Heiguoyan Gaolan's transmission.

As long as there is consciousness, no matter whether it is an animal or a plant, it will be afraid of an invincible existence that can destroy itself in an instant.

Amidst the intermittent howling of the little lone wolf, time was also slowly passing by.


But at this time,

What Su Lin didn't expect was that the territory of the wolves, which was thought to be completely stable, was once again in turmoil!

Near the Surin Cave, which is more than two hundred miles away, suddenly there was a loud deer cry.


This deer cry surpassed the cognition of the wolves.

After hearing this huge deer cry, the herd of reindeer, one large and one small, on the territory began to gallop in one direction after a short pause.

In addition to the reindeer herd, even the red deer herd and moose herd showed signs of rioting.

It was only under the deterrence of the patrolling female wolf that the deer herd settled down.

But the two herds of reindeer, no matter how deterred the female wolf was, it had no effect at all.

This caused the female wolf to howl in a low voice, and the nearby wolves came to help.

At present, almost all the wolf clans of the wolf group are in this area.

The howling of wolves summoned one after another instantly caused the wolves in the nearby area to run wildly towards this side.

After all, the rules of reward and punishment among wolves are so popular among wolves nowadays that all wolves want to make meritorious deeds, so that they can improve their status a little bit.

Whether it's wolves or humans, when there are class stratifications, then naturally they all want to climb up desperately.

B wolf!

This position is the dream of many members of the wolf pack.

Because the second wolf in this large wolf pack is full of gold, it is far from comparable to the second wolf in the small wolf pack.

At this moment, hundreds of wolves swarmed into the wolf pack.

Wolf howls are often very penetrating.

Now the cousin and Xiao Hui have extremely keen hearing.

After hearing the howling of wolves, the cousin and Xiao Hui looked at each other, howled in a low voice, and rushed out with the wolves who stayed behind in the cave.

At present, the wolves have entered the right track of development, and this is the time when the morale is high and the fighting spirit is in full swing!

The clattering wolves were all running towards the area where the howling sound came from.

But when they just reached this area, they suddenly felt a heavy pressure descending on them.

The wolves with excellent eyesight quickly looked up and scanned, trying to find the source of this pressure!

Soon, within a few seconds, there was a look of horror in their wolf eyes.

Because they saw that on the high snow slope, there was a huge reindeer with a size of 100 meters!

This gigantic reindeer is looking down at the many wolves that have gathered.

Under the soft sunlight, the huge antlers on the top of the head shone with sharp cold lights!

The eyes of the reindeer are black and white, and the eyes are clear and bright.

Facing the huge pack of wolves that quickly gathered, there was no panic in their eyes.

If Dad Wolf was here, he would definitely be able to detect the smell of this huge reindeer,

It was the powerful reindeer leader that he and Su Lin had mentioned when the polar night had just receded!

Father Wolf once led the entire pack of wolves to hunt, but was almost seriously injured by the reindeer leader.

Later, he proposed to join forces with Surin to hunt reindeer together.

It's just that the reindeer leader at that time mysteriously disappeared.

But what was unexpected was that the reindeer leader, who had disappeared for several months, reappeared.

At this time, Xiao Hui and cousin also brought the wolf clan left behind in the cave, and rushed over quickly.

In the absence of the wolf king and the alpha wolf, as second wolves, they are naturally qualified to quell the turmoil in the wolf pack's territory.

But when they arrived, looking at the size of this huge reindeer, a pair of wolf eyes flashed with an expression of incomparable shock.

Is this a reindeer? Are there reindeer that big?

Especially the huge antlers are longer than the tusks of a walrus.

Under the habitual thinking, Xiaohui and cousin have long forgotten that their boss and little lone wolf, even the wolf father, wolf mother, and themselves, are existences beyond the peak of the arctic wolf.

They just felt that the size of the reindeer was too big.

And the reindeer leader standing on the snow slope, behind him stood hundreds of reindeer confronting the wolves!


With the existence of a powerful deer king, many reindeer who could only tremble in the territory of wolves in the past, this time they were the first to make a magnificent cry!

As the large and small reindeer herd merged in, the momentum of the reindeer herd behind the reindeer king suddenly rose to a higher level!


The herd's hooting sounded again.

Under the compulsion of the sound of the deer, many wolves also began to howl again and again, wanting to increase the momentum of the wolves.

All of a sudden, crisp deer cries and resonant howls of wolves resounded up and down in this area.