MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-Chapter 31 Really fun?

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When I wake up to sleep naturally, Li Daochong’s body can’t be said to be comfortable, and the spirit is full and full of strength.

There is a feeling that you don't spit.

It was too sleepy last night, Li Daochong had not sorted out the items he bought, and everything was placed in the small Nayu bag that the old man offered.

After Li Daochong became friends with the old man, he realized that the old man named Zhao was a refiner, and the sideline caught the little devil and earned some extra money.

Xiao Nayu bag from Zhao Laotou bought at least 10,000 federal coins, and there are two cubic meters of debris space.

With this stuff, you are not afraid of more things, as long as it is not a big item, two cubic meters of space is enough to put a lot of things.

A knives, a few dead spirits, a dozen Lingfu parts and a vestment.

Li Daochong took the brain out of the bedroom desk and waited for it to come back in the afternoon.

The vestment gave the silver bottle and gave her three thousand federal coins. After she had breakfast, she went to the house of Liu butcher and asked him to help repair the vestment.

Li Daochong heard that Liu Butcher used to be a refiner. The grade was not very high. Later, in addition to the accident, the man was injured and injured, and he could no longer practice cultivation. He then withdrew from the realm of cultivation.

Liu But was injured at that time. He saved all his life and saved his life. Then he took his wife to Lanwanxing and bought a house in the Xicheng District of Tianyuan City.

This vestment is not high, which is the magic weapon of the personal stage. Li Daochong bought the silver bottle mainly because of the last hammer event, which made him feel worried.

With the vestment, it is not so easy for the practitioners below the four-layer refining to want to hurt the silver bottle.

Even if the spirit float hits at full speed, this broken vest will be able to withstand it.

Li Daochong does not expect Liu butcher to really restore the vestment to the original level. It is enough to achieve the previous half or even one third of the defensive power.

"Young master, silver bottle has clothes to wear, no need to pay for clothes." Silver bottle feels worthless, looking at the gorgeous clothes that broke a few holes, I thought, this dress does not look warm, there are so many Hole, the price should not be low, it is better to buy more than a few pounds of meat to eat back.

"Buy all bought, remember to go to Liu butcher to fix it, put it on when you fix it, I will check it back. If you don't wear it, I will be angry with the young master." Li Daochong knows that it is useless to explain with the silver bottle. Said with some command and tone.

"Know, Master." As long as the silver bottle heard Li Daochong's commanding tone, he would not have any other nonsense immediately.

The world of Kanu is not understood by ordinary people. In short, they are the best quality slaves in the Sanctuary.

Li Dao rushed to the school after eating the breakfast prepared for the silver bottle.


Standing at the door of the weightless room on the third floor of the training hall, Li Daochong hesitated. Yesterday, the girl came without a trace, and mysterious, very unreal.

Li Daochong spent seven or seven hundred and eight days yesterday. The rest of him did not dare to spend any more flowers. He reported his threat to the girl. He was scrupulous.

If the girl really handed the video to the curator of the training hall, the school would definitely let himself compensate for the damaged tester, which was expensive.

Li Daochong can't afford to sell himself now.

No matter, anyway, I have already come, go in and see, if no one can turn off my business, Li Daochong thinks about reaching out and pushing the door of the No. 5 weightless room.

As soon as the door opened, there seemed to be a suction that sucked Li Daochong into it and the door closed automatically.

Li Daochong stood at the door, and looked suspiciously around him. It was much bigger than what he looked outside. He said that there were hundreds of square meters of space, and the inside was a semi-circular space.

A girl closed her eyes in a central position, sometimes floating and sometimes falling.

Li Daochong looked at this scene with amazement. Before he spoke, he floated and his body seemed to lose weight.

Just did not float for a few seconds, the body sank and fell, just landed, the direction of gravity instantly transferred, Li Daochong only felt the suction on the left side, and the body quickly slammed into the left wall without any support.

Just when Li Daochong was about to hit the left wall, he called, the direction of gravity changed again, and the suction on the right side increased sharply.

For dozens of seconds, Li Daochong swayed up and down, like the duckweed in the sea.

"Sister, do you want me to play this?" Li Daochong saw that the girl had closed her eyes and did not say hello, could not help but ask.

The girl is also erratic in her own direction of gravity, but her body weight has been very stable during her movements, unlike Li Daochong’s claws, a bow, a bow, a side bow, two hands Keep swinging, as are the legs.

“Do you think it’s fun?” Chu Qianyue finally spoke, but with a hint of disappointment in her tone. Her most proud space gravity perception training was actually called fun, which was the embarrassment of her own training method.

“Is it not fun?” Li Daochong asked, isn’t this the weightless experience pavilion on the playground in the earth? Not playing is what?

Chu Qianyue's eyes slowly opened and stared at Li Daochong, reaching for a shot, hehe!

Li Daochong didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, the body sank with gravity from above.


A muffled sound, Li Daochong fell heavily on the roof.

Without preparation, Li Dao Chong screamed and screamed. "Sister, don't bring this."

Chu Qianyue no expression, a snap.

The direction of gravity changes instantaneously.


Li Daochong fell freely and fell directly to the south wall. He almost passed away. Fortunately, he broke through to the six layers of refining yesterday. The basic spirit passed through four and a half. Otherwise, Li Daochong could not break the bones.

Li Daochong feels like he is the nephew in the scorpion He is arrogantly smashed and smashed.

“It’s fun to play?” Chu Qianyue asked with a hint of provocation.

Li Dao rushed to bite, this girl is playing with her heart, not convinced, "fun."


As soon as the words fell, Li Daochong fell from the roof and fell to the ground.

Repeated several times, Li Dao Chong was so angry that he just wanted to smash the street, and suddenly his expression looked awkward and looked at Chu Qianyue.

The girls are in the same environment as themselves, and they are also subject to gravity changes, but the girls have not been beaten once.

Li Daochong showed a big question mark in his mind.

When the gravity changed again, Li Daochong urged Reiki to protect the body, and his eyes stared at Chu Qianyue.

While she was falling, the girl also moved with gravity, but her control of the body was simply perfect.

Gravity change does not affect the girl's posture at all. When Li Daochong is free to fall, people are calm and uncomfortable. The body does not see any distortion and deformation, and the center of gravity is easily adjusted. Finally, the feet fall toward the position of gravity.

As long as there are three or four layers of refining, and then a little cultivation, the height of ten or twenty meters is nothing.

Li Daochong, according to the gourd painting, wants to have the same kind of learning, but also can adjust the center of gravity as soon as possible, but the gravity change instantly produces an extremely twisted drop and spatial transformation, which will make people fall into the illusion for a while, when the top and bottom are not divided.

There is almost no way for people to grasp the center of gravity and adjust their physical state.

After falling more than a dozen times, Li Dao rushed his face and swollen his face, and his blood swelled in his chest.

“Is it fun?” Chu Qianyue asked calmly again.

"It's really fun." Li Daochong said in the eyes of the fire and gnash his teeth.