MTL - Dinghai Fusheng Records-Chapter 127 The only thing that Jinlong’s solitary king wants to guard is the only one.

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A gust of wind blew through, and Chen Xing stood up in the blink of an eye, kneeling on the faucet, riding the golden dragon of the flash, soaring over nine days!

"It's going to fall!" Chen Xing suddenly shouted.

"Stay steady." The voice of Xiang Shu was calm and powerful. After slightly deflecting the body, Chen Xing immediately grabbed the dragon horn and shocked: "item... item?!"

In addition to being in the heart of the story, this is the first time he has entered a dream with the story, and the creation of the dragon that he is riding has actually issued the voice of the story!

"Items?! Is it you?" Chen Xingyi said differently.

"Long Li," Xiang said, "The strength that my father left for me."

The consciousness of the story has been turned into a dragon. The double horns are like corals with the color of gold powder. The dragon body is looming, and the soul form is present. The head and the double horns are very solid, which makes Chen Xing steady.

"You can actually become a dragon!" Chen Xing was surprised. "Is it only in a fantasy..."

"Don't ask!" said the voice of the story, "Go, go!"

Immediately, Jinlong carries Chen Xing, one side, through the clouds, flying down the world, the layers of moist water vapor swelled out, showing the rushing water, the green scorpion is spinning in the water, rolling up the waves of the sky!

Wincher is flying in the air, one finger day, illusion of a strange array of methods, like a strange magic weapon - mountains and rivers, terrain, all with the change of the magic weapon changed the appearance, the river diverted, the mountains gathered, trapped that Green!

"What's the new flat?!" The voice of the story shouted.

"The dragon is Xinyiping!" Chen Xinglang said, "This is what happened after Xinpuping was poisoned!"

Xiang said: "Is that Wincher?"

Chen Xing is also unclear. In this obsessive, Wen Che is really true and gentle. As the heart lights are launched, they are brought together into the new unconstrained past, or just purely Xin Ping’s obsession. Image.

The drug lord rolled over and mad. Jin Long carries Chen Xing, and his teeth are suspended in the air and watched together.

"I'm sorry..." Wenche's voice whimpered. "I'm sorry... husband."

Immediately, Wincher took the left-handed magic weapon, and the mountain suddenly became heavily besieged, locked the poisonous cockroach, and a wooden sword was displayed in the right hand, flying toward the drug lord.

The drug lord shouted in a strange voice: "I am not willing!"

Chen Xing: "..."

When he came to Jiangnan last time, he learned that Xinpuping had been together with Wincher to slay the evil demon of Ludi, but Xinyiping was also very poisonous in his body. It was a long time, and the toxin was actually invading the whole body, making him unwilling to be poisoned. Resentment possesses the body, and then the head is sharp, and the scales are turned out and replaced.

"At the end, Wen Qiao killed this cockroach?" Jin Long asked.

"No..." Chen Xing suddenly realized the epiphany and changed his mind. "Yes! He must have killed Xinyiping, and then he was taught by the prince's night, and then he will be resurrected!"

Under the observation of Jinlong, Shen said: "Death in Wencher's hands, this is his obsession."

The exorcist who once committed to killing monsters and guarding one of the people himself became a monster. In the end, Xinpuping was ordered by the emperor of the world, and Shen Jiang died. However, it was not dead. After a few decades, it flew out of the river. Wencher had to face the lover who had vowed to swear by the mountains.

Sure enough, Wenche figure solidified in the air, could not bear to turn his head, tears drifting in the wind.

"I...have to start, husband." Wenche whimpered, "Summer... Goodbye."

The robes were flying, and the poisonous cockroaches looked up and shouted desperately.

However, the next moment, a dragon in the sky, Chen Xing and Jinlong separate, descend from the sky! Chen Xing’s whole body shines, and he rushes toward Wenche. He presses Wen’s forehead with one hand, launches the heart lamp, and says: “Broken!”

The heart light flashed and blasted open, and Weng was caught off guard and was hit back to the ground!

Chen Xing was on the ground and immediately went to check Wenche and shouted: "Xue Shu! This is Wencher! It is him! They are using mana to burn together!"

The mountains are shaking, the collapse of the mountains, the flooding of the rivers, and the collapse of the trees have concealed the voice of Chen Xing. The golden dragon descended from the sky, and the five claws came out together, firmly grasping the poisonous scorpion!

Originally, Wencher collapsed under the power of the heart lamp. The enchantment enclosed by the magic weapon was withdrawn in an instant. The drug lord was about to struggle to escape, but he was firmly held by the five-clawed golden dragon! The blood burst in the air. Chen Xing ran up high, avoiding the water, and shouted: "The story?!"

The poisonous scorpion screamed and turned to the golden dragon, spurting out the poisonous mist.

Jinlong did not let it go, Longwei was more prosperous, and the same poisonous screams!

The two dragons confront each other and fight each other. The power of the golden dragon can only be described as destroying the earth, just like the last time the anti-drugs were resisted by the hands, and the golden dragon phantom appeared behind them. The drug lord suddenly appeared in fear, and wanted to turn and flee, but the golden dragon dragon claws have been deeply immersed in the body, and the corrupted blood erupted!

"Where is the blood of the demon god?" Chen Xing hugged the coma, Wen Qi, and said differently. Every time I go out of the devil, it is accompanied by the appearance of the demon blood in the human body. It is the desperate thought that is in harmony with the soul of the enemies, but what is the blood of the demon **** in Xinyiping consciousness?

After a moment, I saw that the five-clawed golden dragon turned elegantly in the air. It was actually tearing the poisonous body longitudinally and grabbing a rolling blood!

The **** tumbling in a strange posture, violently earning the control of the subject, screaming to fly away.

Devil blood! That is the konjac that was born from the blood of the demon god! Chen Xingyu watched as a man walked over to him, kneeling down and staring at Chen Xing.

It was a strange face, he was covered, holding Wenche in one hand and holding his hand.

"I went to see the story." Chen Xing realized that this must be Xin Yuping, but the story is still in the air, fighting with the smashing blood of the magic blood, he will be warmly handed over to Xin Yiping, quickly turned and ran go with.

Bloody channel: "What you protect, one day, will betray you -"

Jinlong issued a deterrent voice, released Longwei, and said: "Stupid things that are not stupid and not knowing, give me a roll!"

Chen Xing opened his arms and flew up in the world of consciousness, falling on the top of the gold faucet.

Chen Xing: "Tao! Take me up! Purify it!"

The voice of the story is low and powerful: "I have never been obsessed with guarding this world. The only one who wants to guard the lonely king is the only one..."

The next moment, Jinlong suddenly speeded up, carrying Chen Xing, flew toward the blood.

The light of Wan Xing’s heart in the hands of Chen Xing flashed in the grand world. The golden dragon was turned into a sharp sword, and the vertical brush pierced the blood. The blood of the demon gods of hundreds of years disappeared between the heavens and the earth. The dots are made into snowflakes, just like when Zhou Wei left, they gently sprinkled into the world.

Xiang Shu and Chen Xing fell back to the ground, Xin Yiping was a great exorcist robe, sitting on the ground, holding a comatose Wencher in his arms, looking up at the two.

“New 垣 平?” The item is frowning.

“Thank you,” Xin Yuping said in a low voice. “Hundreds of years of suffering will eventually be free.”

Chen Xing took the hand of the article and looked at Xinyiping. Xinpuping is completely different from his imaginary appearance. Apart from his high body, the facial features and looks are relatively ordinary, and there is no beauty in the description, no thanks. An elegant, if not a great exorcist, this person looks like a normal person who is a mortal being, his face is thin, his eyes are warm, and his face is covered with a few scales. More and more thrilling.

"How are you better?" Chen Xing said.

"It’s like having a big dream." Xin Yuping sighed, and looked down at Wenche, his eyes filled with disappointment and stroked his gentle face.

Chen Xing is a bit worried. He is afraid that Xin Yuping will have to be like Zhou Wei, and he will never be in the world, but Xin Yiping said: "What is your heart?"

Chen Xing nodded. Xiang Xuan wanted to say something. Chen Xing shook his head gently. He knew that Xiang Xiang wanted to remind him, but at this time, he might wish to let Xin Yiping sort out the consequences. After all, he just recovered his mind.

"What year is it?" Xin Yuping asked again.

“Taiyuan six years,” Chen Xing replied. “It’s been more than five hundred years since you died.”

Xin Yiping was silent and whispered, "I have waited for five hundred years. I had an appointment with him, but it should be on your body."

Item: "?"

The surrounding scenery was broken and returned to the underground tunnel. The story and Chen Xing were shocked. In front of him was Xin Weiping, who was sitting in a warm and quiet place.

"How did you find me?" Xin Yiping finally asked.

Chen Xing and Xiang Shu looked at each other.


In front of Dongshan, it has become the battlefield of Princes Night and many exorcists. The return of Xiaoshan is a great help for the exorcists. When the thunder and lightning are bombarded, the young exorcists are able to witness the spells. This world war!

Even young people who have never learned the spells are also screaming at them.

At the height of the palace, Sima Yi looked stunned and hurried out of the palace. All the people waited nervously to pull the emperor and pleaded for "you can't go, it is too dangerous!"

Sima Yi yelled: "The langs are fighting in the blood! You can retreat in the palace! Follow me! Get closer! See clearly!"

Fuyang hurriedly followed, but it would not be fun to be arrested in case the emperor was arrested, but the book said that there is a purple microstar cover on the earth, and the prince night never comes to attack Sima Yi, and there must be his reasons.

"Prepare tea," Sima said. "Come here, you have to personally supervise the war."

"You just want to watch the fun!" Chen Xing voice snarled, "Bring me down to the palace!"

A dragon slammed the school outside the palace and flew over it, bringing a gust of wind.

The prince’s night was extremely mad, and waves of meteor showers crashed into the sky, hitting the outside of the exorcist’s defensive squad, shaking the mountain, unable to shake the enchantment formed by the gongs and drums, as long as a few rounds of blasting, guarding the defensive It has to be completely destroyed.

Xiaoshan did his best to motivate the Thunder and bombard the prince's night with the bone dragon he took. The prince was holding the Tianluo fan in the left, and the grievances were overwhelming. The right hand was holding the waves, and the river of the Huaihe River was poured all the time, and it came to the east.

The exorcist and the protector tried to cope with the tall ghost king, and the ghost king turned into a ghost and sent out a knife.

Almost no one can block a knife, and under anybody's parry, the weapons are all cut off!

"Exorcist, guardian law to listen to orders!" A heart lamp broke through the darkness, Chen Xing's voice accompanied the light to the world.

The prince turned his head and looked at the sound.

“Everyone enters Jiankang to protect the people.” Chen Xing shouted, “Sima Yi! You are going to protect the emperor!”

The exorcists shouted in unison: "Listen!"

Sima Yi took up the weapon and left the exorcism department.

When the time comes, the brilliance of the brilliance comes out, and the Dongshan card is downstairs. Everyone has scattered into every corner of Jiankang.

The prince sneered at the night and pushed the waves to the full force. The next moment, the heart light converges.

"When", the soul of the bell rang.

The prince suddenly squinted at his eyes.

Inside the exorcism department, the main cabinet, the third floor.

Xie An, Feng Qianxi, and Tuoba opened their eyes at the same time.

"Xiao Shan went to deal with the ghost king!" Chen Xing shouted again. "Don't worry about that dragon!"

Under the archway, the prince night sneered: "It will be Wenche..."

"Here! Wang Hai!" The sound of Xin Yiping sounded, carrying the story and the coma of Wen Chefei, the green scorpion slammed the side of the bone dragon, the prince roared and was slammed down.

It’s too big that the bone dragon is too big, the green dragonfly is in front of it, the demon power is not yet 10% of it, and it has to fight with it in the air. The story is: “Heart lamp!”

Chen Xing fell in front of the school yard, offering a heart lamp, Xiang Shuhuan protects the Fawu God, and by the force of the green dragonfly and the bone dragon, he climbed the faucet and waved with the shield.

When the bones suddenly turned over, the item was smashed out, and the green dragon and the bone dragon began to struggle fiercely. The story was smashed in a golden robes, circling in the air and sprinkling gold powder.

Chen Xing stood in front of the Jin Yuzhao wall in the center of the exorcist, with his left hand behind his back, his right hand showing the heart lamp, the prince night with his left hand and the sky, and his right hand holding the waves, and all the rivers of the Huaihe River rise from the top of the river. The huge waves are under the cover of Jiankang City.

"Chen Xing," said the prince night. "See you again."

Chen Xing: "There is a fight in the end. It is better to hit the sun on the day of the election. How is it here? The solution to the smashing of the smashing bead, everyone will rely on the ability to seriously play a game?"

The prince smiled at night: "Whether you want to fight the law, how can you not sacrifice, and collect the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in a war, don't you think it is wonderful?"

Chen Xing angered: "You have been a mortal! What are the mortals?!"

The prince made a gesture in the night, put away the Tianluo fan, and the smashing ball rose into the air. When the bone dragonfly flew over, the 沧 沧 衔 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Leading the waves of Huai Shui, sweeping Jiankang city.

"You only have a heart lamp," the prince whispered in the night, looking up. "Although I don't know how the law of the law broke free from the shackles of the soul clock, but under the celestial fan, the dead mortal will be I offer endless grievances."

"Since I don't want to solve the mana of the swaying bead," Chen Xing said, "I don't follow the rules."

As the bone dragons raged around, the huge waves slammed down the sea, but in the Jiankang city, the scattered exorcists each made a mana, pushing up the rocks and wood, and the volley automatically built up the layers to resist the Huai. The destruction of water!

In the air, the item circling around the bone dragon, the body circled again and again, sprinkled the mana light powder, and landed on the front school of the exorcism department. The green dragonfly had already caught the bone dragon, tried to fly high, and said: "Not finished yet?!"

Xiang Shu said: "Come on!"

"Ha--ah!" Xiaoshan jumped from the archway to the sky, hooked the bone dragon with a claw and shouted, "Brother! I will help you!"

In front of the school yard, Chen Xing confronted the prince at night, and the prince’s night reappeared in the hands of the Tian Luo fan. He shook and said: “Come on! The exorcist!”

The grievances suddenly rushed out of the Tianluo fan, and the darkness seemed to condense into a solid, rushing toward Chen Xing.

Then, after the wall, Xie An shouted: "Little brother! I will help you!"

Xie An and Feng Qianxi rushed from both sides. Xie An wore a four-color ring on his hand. Feng Qianyi had a singularity and pulled away his grievances. Takuya flew his body to the wall, bent his bow and took an arrow. Prince night.

The prince night was suddenly repelled by the spell, but Chen Xing did not move at all. Once the heart lamp was taken away, the item would inevitably lose the strength of the Valkyrie, and only stand in front of the wall.

Xie An and Feng Qianxi separated Chen Xing from both sides.

"Go and help them." Chen Xing looked at the sky, and the new 垣平, which was written and transformed into a green scorpion, was already in a difficult battle. The bone dragon was waking up from the bottom of the Taihu Lake at the prince night, and there were bangs in hand. It is too difficult to fight.

Looking at the ghost king who was taken away by Xiaoshan, I don’t know where to go. The Thunder ignited Dongshan and ignited the mountain fire.

"Chen Xing!" Tuoba nervous.

"Listen to me!" Chen Xingchao Xie An.

Xie An immediately noticed and said: "Listen to him! Go!"

The three men each left.

In the air, the story led the bone dragon to fly around, grabbed the dragon's spine with bare hands, and made a mania. It was actually pulling a hole in the bone dragon. Xin Yiping said: "Your helper is coming!"