MTL - Dinghai Fusheng Records-Chapter 98 What are the two swords like the people?

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"They already know!" Feng Qianxi was able to loosen and ran out of the hall and said, "What about my magic weapon?"

"There is no time to take it." Xiang Shu came to the temple, looking to the sky, the prince lost his body in the night, flying in the sky, with a raging black fire.

When Chen Xingyu came out, I saw that all the palaces were full of shackles, hundreds of thousands of miles, and they were no different from what they used to be.

"Who are you?" The voice of Prince Night shook in the sky, saying, "Exorcist? Resurrection is the good thing you do? Where is Haizhu?"

Chen Xing looked up and looked at the sky without answering.

The prince night screamed and said, "Nothing - we will know soon - come, let me see, you have a bit of skill -"

"You have been tired of hearing this laughter." Chen Xing coldly, throwing Yin and Yang Jian to the story.

"Save first!"

The item puts up Yin Yang Jian, Shen Sheng: "Go out now?"

"No," Chen Xing retraced with both hands, whispering, "Follow me!"

Immediately, Chen Xing pushed both hands and released a flash of light. The prince of the sky suddenly mourned, and the grievances were washed away and flew away.

"Heart lamp!" The prince yelled at night.

Chen Xing took the opportunity to rush out of the palace, and Xiang said: "Where to go?!"

"Find your weapon!" Chen Xingdao.

In front of him, Chen Xing raised his hand, and a glare shot, and the group suddenly feared and cleared the way. The three men flew to the site of the former Han Han Exorcist, and they only saw grievances. The ground was full of black runes. The former Dahan exorcist site had been razed to the ground.

Chen Xing slowly stopped and looked at the scene in front of him.

The item turned back and looked at the sky. During this time, a king of the king was black and had led the army to trap the valley.

Resentment entangled, fell to the ground, showing the body shape of the corpse.

"Are you looking for this?" The hoarse voice of the corpse was slow.

He raised his hand and flew in the black flame in his hand. Two sharp, full-slung spears appeared on the spear, and the bleeding red demon runes appeared in turn.

The corpse lifted his hand, and the spear instantly transformed the five pieces of the hook, the scorpion, the thorn, the ring blade, and the whip. They flew in the air and then flew toward the three people!

Chen Xing has not yet thought about it. He is busy with the heart-light barrier. The glare is rewinded. After the black spear collided, it burst into a **** light, piercing the heartlight spell and shooting it at Chen Xing's chest!


Xiang Shuran launched Yin Yang Jian, a block.

In the middle of Chang'an City in the middle of the night, the puppy was holding a yin and yang, shaking his tail. He looked at the scene from the back door of Songbai, and the entire pine and cypress was destroyed. Changan woke up all night.

The dog is a little hesitant, look around, I do not know whether to go back to the palace, or return to Songbaiju.

At this moment, a young figure, a middle-aged figure came to the back of the puppy.

The dog was a little scared, swaying his tail and slowly retreating.

"Yin Yang Jian?"

The teenager picked up the yin and yang, and immediately, there were several cracks in the mirror. The middle-aged man immediately flew away and shouted: "Throw it! Throw it away!"


Yin Yangjian was hit by the magic spear, suddenly broken, suddenly broken open, and the ground collapsed.

"It’s cheaper for you." The voice of the corpse was cold and cold.

Feng Qianxi yelled: "No! This is broken!"

Immediately after the scene was broken, Chen Xing shouted: "It doesn't move like a mountain..."

One sentence is not finished, and it was sprayed out by the sun of Yin Yangjian!

In just half an hour, Chen Xing and Xiang Shuxian were dizzy from the present to the illusion, and then from the illusion to the present. The item did not know what was hit, and once again guarded Chen Xing, slammed into the body, flew into the second floor of the North City, and the screen shattered. The people who used to watch the lively people near Songbaiju heard the loud noise and explosion, turned around again and ran to the incident.

The next moment, the blame of the sky, the yin and yang smashed, this time the explosion was far from the scale of Yiwu, when the two houses were razed to the ground!

Fortunately, the people in the vicinity heard the change of pine and cypress, and all of them looked up and lived. Otherwise, if they blew up, they would not know how many people would die.

The black fire slammed into the air, bringing out hundreds of thousands of squats. The sky began to rain, and after a series of loud noises, it filled the Suzaku Street.

At sunrise, the sky was bright, and the people suddenly shouted loudly and fled.

"Chen Xing!" Xiang Shu shouted, "Star!"

Chen Xing was stunned and stunned. When he heard the "Star", he immediately woke up and said, "Ah? You remember... remember my nickname?"

The item is also a glimpse, and then says: "It’s too late! Come over!"

The item took Chen Xing's hand and took him to the front of the building.

Chen Xing: "........."

The whole shackles of Chang'an were released from Yin and Yang in a moment!

Chen Xing: "Yin and Yang are broken! Everything that was not in the mirror will be sprayed out... bad, what should I do?"

The squadron began to chase the Chang'an people everywhere, and there were cockroaches everywhere. The black fire wrapped around the prince and flew to the palace, making a strange smile.

"God is so -" The voice of the prince's night slowly said: "So, it is better to choose the day than to hit the sun!"

Chang'an was in chaos, and when it was dawn, hundreds of surnames had begun to escape. Xiang Shu rushed downstairs, Chen Xing said: "Go back to the palace!"

Item: "Can't go! Too much! Leave here!"

Every time Chen Xing broke out of glare, he successfully dispelled a large number of scorpions, but the heart lamp could not directly destroy this group of living corpses. At most, they were expelled, and they would reunite in a short time, and Chen Xing finally got a little asthma. ... It seems that with the aura of heaven and earth, it will still be tired, so I have to control it a little.

Xiang Shuo went to the sword scattered on the ground to patrol the city soldiers and said: "Mana!"

Chen Xing gave a little light to the heart, and immediately said that the sword in his hand glared, such as the tiger into the flock, killing it, suddenly stopped moving, realized the danger, looked up, only saw a few black shadows attacked by Chen Xing. go with!

"Beware!" The item immediately retraced, and immediately another figure plunged from a height, shaking off two steel claws, the electric light flashed in the claws, and swung in the air.

Lightning burst into flames, forming a chain of light, suddenly rushed to the front of Chen Xing's body, and then the momentum has not disappeared, spread along the long street!

"Xiaoshan? Xiaoshan... Xiaoshan!" Chen Xing shouted.

"Chen Xing!" Xiaoshan shouted, rushing over to Chen Xing, hanging on his body, and shouting to Xiang Shuo: "Brother!"

Item: "?"

"Xiao Shan!!!" Chen Xing was extremely excited and shouted.

It was simply crying with Xiaoshan.

After a while, the two separated, and Chen Xing saw a strange look at the two of them. He immediately greeted Xiaoshan: "Don't say anything... How come you?"

Xiaoshan: "I am taking a bath in Balikun Lake..."

Suddenly there were loud noises, and the fire gathered into a fire dragon, roaring and rushing through the east and west of the long street, and a gust of wind rose from the sky.

"Little teacher! I am coming -! Ha, ha, ha, ha!"

"Ha, ha, ha!"

"Ha, ha!"


At that time, I only listened to one person and laughed loudly. The airflow around the body rose flat, and the wide-breasted robes fluttered and the belt fluttered. The man’s celestial wind was gentle and gentle, and he chanted the wind and swayed. Take the wind and come to the moon.

"Xie Shixiong?" Chen Xing was shocked. When did Xie An learn so many spells? !

I saw Xie Anli at the end of Chang'an Beicheng Wooden Archway. He casually took a few tricks and sent out a few five-earth real characters. He turned into a heavy stone and rolled down. He ran over the big half of the street and opened his hands with his hands. , Lang said:

"The law is resurrected, and the brothers are special poetry..."

Xiaoshan and Chen Xing roared at the same time: "Quickly!"

"Don't swear poetry!" Chen Xing caught the madness.

"Good! Now that the law is resurrected, the brothers will honor the promise! Specially help you to demon slayer!" I saw Xie'an robe sleeves blast, flying in the sky, firing fire bombs, causing an explosion.

Item: "..."

Chen Xing assisted in the amount of money, only to see Xie An, see Xiaoshan, with a few confusion in his eyes.

In the depths of the palace, the military order was sent to the river. Chang'an changed. It was thought that some people had rebelled, but things got more and more complicated with the rounds of urgent reports. Tuoba has led troops to suppress this group of monsters. . Yan Jian was awakened in the middle of the night, with a blank face, standing in the main hall, and did not believe this unexpected event.

The Qinghe princess rushed and trembled: "Your Majesty... I have to leave here, and I will leave the palace to avoid it."

Yan Jiansheng angered: "What happened?! Which one dares to rebel?!"

Several black shadows appeared on the ground, and the Qinghe princess squinted his eyes and turned to stand in front of the sturdy body, holding a dagger and looking at the scene in front of him.

The corpse was black and slowly, and Shen said: "Your Majesty, without this variable, the original plan had to be launched in a few years. Now that the law is resurrected, I can’t wait for such a long time, otherwise the world will drive. After the magician restores mana, I am afraid that there will be more night dreams..."

"Prince night?" Yan Jian's eyes wide open, and he looked incredulously at the black fire.

The black shadows around the illusion of the army, gathered together.

Yan Jian is very calm, quite the wind of the emperor, only a strange saying: "What monster are you?"

The corpse of Hai said again: "It’s still a matter of changing your body and your knees. You must be more used to it."

Then, the black fire entangled a servant, and the servant screamed, and the body was captured by the corpse. The face began to change as if it had dissolved, and the appearance of the prince's night was once again revealed.

The prince said easily at night: "I want to make a deal with my Majesty later. I have to make a defensive law, and I will be busy for a while."

Said, the prince night appeared in the hands of the magic spear, black light burst, scattered to the entire palace.

In the middle of the fallen pines and cypresses, Feng Qianxi's head was distracted, and he was re-smelted in front of his knees. He was divided into two families and passed the first knife. He rocked the wheelchair and slowly climbed the mountain along the mountain road behind the pine and cypress.

The fire in the city has been awakened, and the banned army has been awakened, trying to force the squad to gather together and then eradicate it, and the position of the palace is resentful, showing a black barrier.

When I saw this scene, Feng Qiang made a loud laugh.

"You finally have it today." Feng Qianxi muttered.

Feng Qianxi was dressed in a military uniform and walked along the mountain road. He went to the heights of the mountains and was full of unbearable attention to his elder brother.

Feng Qianxi slowly said: "Do you want to kill me? It is useless, no matter what you do, it is useless. The corpse has already launched his arrangement, and my Lord will soon be resurrected. At that time, the Hu people in the land of China will Pay blood debts..."

Feng Qiang raised his hand, and the heaven and earth aura gathered between the two, and the two rings first flew to Feng Qianxi.

Feng Qianxi was in a wheelchair, but turned around in a stunned manner. He also raised his hand in his eyes, and his grievances rolled out, entangled in one of the ring knives and flew to Feng Qianxi.

Senro was separated in the air, and the two brothers each took one.

Feng Qianxi said: "I have not been able to stop you. In the night after your death, I always thought, if I can return to the original moment, I... Big Brother!"

Feng Qiang was armed with a long knife, and his long knife blamed the eruption, covering his body in a black arrogance.

"No more nonsense," Feng Qianxi whispered. "I chose to be an exorcist and start!"

"Do you have to use this method?" Feng Qianzhen, press the knife.

Feng Qianxi was in a wheelchair and was far away from Feng Qianxi.

Both of them have a knife at the same time!

When there was a loud noise, Feng Qianxi and Feng Qianxi were in the air, and Feng Qiang released black gas. Feng Qianxi used the Sen Luo knife to ignite the heaven and earth aura. The two giant forces of life and death collided on the top of Songshan Mountain. The green leaves rolled wildly, and the vines rose to the ground and rushed toward Feng Qian. However, with Feng Qianxi's knife, the vigorous green leaf storm turned into a dark, withered, and defeated.

The green intention and the withering and dying, suddenly formed a distinct dividing line, Songshan half-half and glory, the shadowy face is like the black mountains of all things withered, the sun-faced as the blue wood breath swept the summer, the court resisted.

“Big single!”

At dawn, Tuoba took the troops across the city and met with Xiang Shu outside the Suzaku Gate. Chen Xing, Xie An, and Xiao Shan rided on the horse and looked at the scene.

Xiang Shu has gathered a lot of miscellaneous Hu in Chang'an City. In the first time of the accident, Xiang Shu began to rescue the people. When crossing the street, all the Hu people began to meet him.

"The palace is occupied," Tuoba said. "There is a black gas outside, we can't get in! Your Majesty and Qinghe Princess are still inside!"

Xiang Shu Shen said: "Where are the civil and military officials rescued?"

Tuoba nodded and said: "The cavalry of the Murong family is trying to get back to the palace!"

The item also asked: "What about Chang'an people?"

Tuoba said: "All have been withdrawn from the city!"

Yan Jian was under house arrest in the palace. At that time, no one gave orders. Fortunately, the project was just in Chang'an at the moment, and everyone could only come to ask the leaders of the various names in Hu. Fortunately, after the release of the prince's night, the first goal became the palace, and the vast group of hustle and bustle gathered around the palace, and unintentionally came to crush the mortal.

The article ordered the order: "Notify the city's officers and men and withdraw to the Afang Palace."

Tuoba said: "What about you?"

The replies replied: "The Lone King will be responsible for saving him, Chen Xing, is that madman your brother?"

Chen Xing: "Yes... forget it... I will go to Feng Dao first."

Chen Xing has a strong hunch - Feng Qianxi is mostly with Feng Qianxi.

Xie An fluttered, was carried by the air, flew down from the high arch, said: "Wu Shen! I will help you!"

Chen Xing immediately made a look, Xie An was a little confused, asked: "Little teacher, how?"

Xiang Shu always felt a bit strange. When this big one appeared, he did not know why he had the idea of ​​deja vu, but Chen Xing said to him: "It's okay, you should evacuate the people first, and I and Xie Shixi go to find Feng's whereabouts."

The item no longer speaks, leads the soldiers and horses, and goes to the city.

"Oh, my old waist..."

When Xie An landed, she didn't grasp the posture. She turned a little and followed Chen Xing. She wanted to cry with him a few times. Chen Xing and Xiaoshan ran fast, and shouted: "Slowly. Teacher!"

Chen Xing took Xie An and Xiao Shan to find the horses, got on the horse, and quickly rushed to Songbaiju and asked, "How are you..."

Xiaoshan said: "I remember! Remember!"

Chen Xingwen: "How is Lu Ying?"

Xiaoshan: "I told him, all said! He asked me to help you right away! Don't worry about him! There is mana! He can cultivate with the aura of heaven and earth! Temporarily support!"

Xie An said: "When things happened, I was taking a shower. I suddenly woke up and thought about it over and over again. I felt that this was not a dream. I even refused to sue against the shackles. I rushed to Chang'an all the way, just in time when I entered the city. Xiaoshan little brother..."

Xiaoshan puzzled: "I am taking a shower! Why is this?"

Chen Xingdao: "This has nothing to do with bathing, but it's just that you are all taking a shower... forget it, and then explain it to you later, and bring Feng Dao back first."

Chen Xing was off the horse, and most of the pines and cypresses had been smashed. When entering the garden, the phoenix stopped on the phoenix tree and said, "Need help?"

The three men shouted at the same time, Xiaoshan said: "Bird?"

"Phoenix." Chen Xing replied, "I don't need it now, maybe I will be there later... You should follow us first."

Xie An looked at the phoenix, but he said: "It seems that you have encountered more troublesome things."

Xie Ancha Chen Xing asked: "What trouble?"

Chen Xing took a deep breath and stopped, saying: "There is no movement in the hands of the corpse."

This matter is quite serious, only the item has not yet been realized. Now it’s not like moving into a magic weapon, can you get rid of Chiyou?

Xie An: "I really lost it! You are the demon king recorded in the history books? When I was a teenager, I used to look for the dragon and phoenix traces. I didn't want to be here! Xie had a doubt in his heart and finally solved it with your appearance. open……"

"Come on!" Chen Xing complained, ran back and pulled Xie An's sleeves, anxiously, "When is it! There are still friends coming from afar. Can you fly up?"

"No," said Xie An. "The curse can only support a short period of time. If the spell fails, it will be easy to fall to the foot. If you are insured, use it to climb..."

Chen Xing: "..."

"Feng Qianxi!" Xiaoshan shouted.

Feng Qianxi and Feng Qianxi both fully applied, Feng Qianxi began to learn the use of Sen Luo knife, but he was sitting in Chang'an home grievances, only to see grievances from Chang'an on the four sides of the land rolling, like the waves surrounded by Songshan, rewinding along the slopes Go up and join Feng Qianxi's body.

Feng Qianxi is from the sky, and the aura of the world is endless. The aura is dumped from the top of the dome like a waterfall. When it comes to the sky, Songshan is like an island in the dark sea. The stalemate between the two sides is comparable.

"How can even Feng Qiang learn the usage of the Sen Luo knife?" Chen Xingyi said differently, and then suddenly remembered that the prince night must have received the heart of Sen Luo Wan from Yin Yang Jian, and handed it to Feng Qianxi!

The closer to the top of the mountain, the stronger the two mutually exclusive life and death forces, the raging storm, the crazy rock and broken wood on the entire Songshan Mountain, and then pulled back to the top with strong winds. When Xie An threw out a piece of paper, he was swept away by the wind, then thrown, and then swept away by the wind.

Chen Xing hugged a tree and shouted: "This is going to be destroyed!"

Xiaoshan hooked the mountain wall with the dragon claws, grabbed Chen Xing, and shouted: "What to do!"

An ancient magic weapon is divided into two. Under the full force, the effect is so terrible. Chen Xing can't help but admit that it is necessary in a certain sense to return to the law.

Xie An shouted: "Can you isolate the aura?! It's going to blow up here!"

The three people are approaching the top of the mountain, and there are broken woods everywhere. Chen Xingwang is greeted by the gathering of the city, and he says, "Xiao Shan! Protect me!"

Then Chen Xingyi let go, and flew up in the air with the wind, his right hand raised, and the light flashed.

The heart lamp flashed, and the grievances that flowed around like waves came back.

Xiaoshan shouted, releasing the smashing spell, and the smashing of the smashing of the three-stone flying stone.

Chen Xing ran the heartlight and broke out again. It was another loud noise. The sea of ​​resentment around Songshan was suddenly cleared, and a small open space appeared.

Xie An: "The opportunity is coming!"

At the top of the mountain, Feng Qianxi’s grievances of casting spells were isolated from the barriers created by the heart lights. Feng Qianxi turned back and took a shot with Sen Luo, and said: "Stop the hand!" Then he threw out the power of the Thunder and turned it into a shadow of his brother!

Feng Qiang crossed his knees and immediately raised his hand to cast a spell. The ground raised a million black vines. However, Feng Qiang’s knife broke the coffin first, and the dead wood burst on the broken wood.

In the middle of Feng Qiang’s wrist, I saw Feng Qianxi’s hand, and Sen Luo’s knife swayed and flew out. Feng Qianyi slanted again and grabbed the double knife. Feng Qianxi fell over in the sky, fell out of the wheelchair, and struggled on the ground.

All the spells were withdrawn in an instant, and the summit of Songshan was calm.

Feng Qiang made a bitter laugh and crawled slowly on the ground.

"You won." Feng Qianxi said.

"Big Brother." Feng Qianxi couldn't help but breathe and reached out to Feng Qianxi.

Feng Qianxi said: "But I have seen what I want... just let... my master..."

Feng Qiang screamed and screamed at the end of his body. As usual, he soared into the sky and said: "There is no way in the world."

Xie An’s voice slammed: “Feng Qianxi! Let me stop at speed!”

Xie Anfei was in the air, waiting for this moment, took out the paper, and gave Feng Qianyi a "Taishan pressure top". Feng Qiang suddenly screamed and was beaten back to the ground.

"Devil!" Chen Xing quickly stepped onto the top of the mountain and raised his hand. When Feng Qiang fell to Chen Xing's moment, the light of the heart flashed, and Feng Qianxi's grievances collapsed!

"Big brother!" Feng Qianxi immediately hugged the brother who fell.

Resentment and transpiration, Feng Qiang's mouth overflowing blood, has not yet transformed the body has been suppressed by the heart of the grievances, hematemesis. Chen Xing immediately went to the front of Feng Qianxi, and slid down on the ground, holding Feng Qianxi's heart.

Demon God blood... Feng Qianxi was the first to drink the blood of the demon god, the blood has firmly occupied his heart, gradually integrated with the body meridians, transforming his weak body.

Feng Qianxi looked at Chen Xing with a color of pleading.

"His resistance is too strong!" Chen Xing said, "I... I tried my best, hold him! He wants to be demonized!"

Feng Qiang's big eyes, Xie An walked slowly, Shen Sheng: "Millennium!"

"Xie Anshi?!" Feng Qianxi muttered.

"Talk to him!" Chen Xing remembered the moment before the car was dying, and he gradually lost consciousness, and he must be awake.

Xie An slowly said: "Feng Qianxi, remember the earliest when you left for Luoyang, what did you say to me?"

Feng Qianxi: "..."

Xie An Shen Sheng said: "Although your Majesty has acted on your expediency, you have never let you kill innocent people. When you remember Han, your Feng family's ancestors Feng Yi followed the Ming master, and the world, now you and Yu Jian have not A total of hatred of the sky, you can look at it, such as the people, what is it?"

Xie An sideways, a sleeve, Songshan, the entire Chang'an City has become a purgatory, hundreds of thousands of squatting in the city, Changan eight, is the fleeing people.

Feng Qiang suddenly widened his eyes.

"How do you do this, and how is it different from Hu?" Xie An frowned, watching Feng Qianxi, muttering, "Hate has made you a person who once hated it? Next, is it necessary to assist the prince to be the emperor?" Let's slaughter your people in the south? You have the order! Don't get lost! You will be removed from the Han Dynasty! You will not be able to perform any tasks for me!"

Feng Qianxi: "!!!"

The voice of Xie An is like a morning bell, which makes Feng Qianxi’s heart have a sway, only because of the presence of people, only Xie An can represent thousands of people far away in the South. “Re-Jin” has always been Feng Qiang’s sturdiness. Relying on, now Xie An's words, in the heart of Feng Qianxi's heart disease, is like a bottom-up salary. Once abandoned by the state, the motivation of his life has turned the moment into illusory, which has made him full of sorrow.

Chen Xing immediately seized the fleeting opportunity, concentrated on all the power of the heart lamp, and injected Feng Qianxi's heart.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the glare flashed, accompanied by a loud noise, and the flame of the heart lamp spread out, showing the Luoyang official road that was full of fire and blood.

Chen Xing looked around and appeared again! The last time, in the memory of the story, the heart lamp brought his consciousness to the vast grassland outside Mullerchuan when he was expelled.

This time is the memory of Feng Qianxi?

"I hate... I hate..." said a hoarse, painful voice.

Chen Xingyu looked at the scene in front of him. It was Feng Qianxi when he was young. He was on the side of the official road and was cut off from his legs. The knee-broken wounds poured out blood from endless sources and were soaked. Next, the two broken legs are abandoned.

Feng Qiang dragged the blood, his head spread, slowly crawling forward, his body trembled, and his eyes showed a decisive look. On both sides of the road, he abandoned the body of the family and the child.

Just under the official road, at the other end of the rice field, the screams of the girl came, accompanied by the laughter of the Qin army.

Chen Xingzhan felt the deepest heart of Feng Qianxi, the great pain and despair. It was because of the connection of the heart lamp that the sorrow of the world made him feel the same.

"I want to kill you -!" Feng Qianxi screamed wildly. "I don't let you go!"

Chen Xing gasped for a moment, and walked quickly, kneeling beside Feng Qianxi and hugged him.

"Feng Wei... Feng Wei!" the girl yelled wildly. "Take"

In the rice fields, the girl’s screams ended with a cry before death, and a dead end was restored.

Feng Qianxi: "I will never... I will not let you go..."

Chen Xing whispered: "Millennium, it’s not yet time... It’s not yet time to leave, it’s not over.”

Feng Qianxi’s eyes were suddenly wide, and at this moment, a purple-black giant monster was raised in the rice fields.

Chen Xing muttered: "I promise you, one day, you will wait until this ends, maybe revenge, maybe leave..."

The blood condenses and becomes a huge monster that roars. Chen Xing’s body screams a strong light, which isolates the demon god’s blood monsters from approaching and guards Feng Qianxi.

"He won't go with you..." the monster muttered hoarsely. "The heart is in charge, you are finally here-"

"Army." Chen Xing Shen channel.

In this world, the peak of Songshan, the wind is rising, Chen Xing is closed, and he is in front of Feng Qianxi, who is holding his brother, and his body shines. Feng Qiang’s body is almost completely dissipated, but the blood at the heart is Chen Xing’s strong heartlight flames are constantly disintegrating and fragmenting.

Xie An turned around and saw that the whole city’s cockroaches seemed to be inductive and were constantly gathering in Songshan.

“How long will it take?” Xiaoshan said. “There are a lot of monsters below!”

Xiaoshan and Xie Anla opened their positions and saw only the Bohai Sea. The three kings were dressed in black and were about to capture Songshan.

Xie Andao: "Let's go down for a moment!"

Feng Qianxi anxiously said: "Still for a while!"

Three virtual shadows have come to the foothills in an instant, from the back to Feng Qianxi and Chen Xing down! Feng Qianxi shouted, but the other side of the side plucked another black shadow, the long sword in his hand flipped, and the "铿" slammed the sneak attacker!

"Sima Yi!" Feng Qianxi shouted.

Sima Yi held Chen Xing and Feng Qianxi, looked up at the number of kings, and the king slowly separated, each occupying a different position, preparing to kill the people in the mountains at the same time.

In the next moment, a few arrows came, and the three kings’ helmets almost flew down. The iron arrows shot into the eyes of the king, bringing out the blood, and the kings fell from the mountains.

The article received the bow and arrow, looked down at Chen Xing and Feng Qianxi, and shouted in Tie Le: "Hold here!"

Under the mountain, the Hu nationality cavalry rushed to form a line of defense with the assistance of Xie An and Xiao Shan.

In the memory of Feng Qianxi:

The purple-black blood of the group continued to impact, and wanted to recapture Feng Qianxi from Chen Xing.

"You may revenge," Chen Xinghuai embraced Feng Qianxi and whispered, "Maybe not. But you have to remember that revenge is not only for the dead, but for the living..."

He raised his hand toward the blood and murmured: "Now, demon!"

The heart lamp bursts, forming a wave of light, hitting the blood of the demon, and the demon blood is decomposed in the fire of the heart lamp, and the monster is smashing, and the smoke is gone.

The world.

Chen Xing follows Feng Qianxi and does not move.

Suddenly, the two of them burst into a halo and swept them away. The glare of the glory suddenly swept away the grievances between the heavens and the earth, and smashed the hustle and bustle of the mountains.

Chen Xing opened his eyes, could not help but gasp, a dizzy, and the double-eyed Feng Qianxi suddenly fainted.

"Withdraw!" The item is described by Chen Xing's eyes and shouted, "Afang Palace meets!"