MTL - Director of a Suspense Film-Chapter 39 、39

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Zong Qi was lost in the sea of ​​money, and he didn't think of one thing until the stylist finished messing with him.

Wait, he seems to be filming a movie right now, can he still get his wages in the movie?

Zong Qi was worried, and turned around to look for his electronic contract on his mobile phone.

The shooting made by the horror film system is very rigorous, even during the shooting, the actors will not notice any loopholes. For example, Zong Qi now sees the pdf file of the crew's employment contract on his mobile phone, with a stamp stamped on it, indicating that the money will be transferred to his registered bank card account after the movie is finished.

After Zong Qi's detailed comparison, he found that the bank card number on the contract was exactly the same as his actual card number.

In addition, the scenes filmed by the director can become real......

Zong Qi made up his mind to protect the entire crew.

That's three times the salary, rounded up, it's enough for him to live for half a year, why not make money if he has money?

"Okay, your shape is complete."

The makeup artist pulled him up and looked critically at him for a long time,? Then he nodded.

This little employee has a good skeleton, but his face is really a face of passers-by.

But it's strange to say that even though it's a passer-by's face, it's extremely malleable. With a dozen paint shadows on the face, it's really done.

Zong Qi glanced at the mirror in front of him.

The person in the mirror is wearing a bright red colorful embroidered women's ancient costume, with a emerald head mask on his head, and strands of ribbon-shaped things hanging down. Dangling in front of and behind.

Because the headdress on the head is too fancy,? So it saves the effort of wearing a wig, but it is also heavy.

These are not the point, the point is the makeup on Zong Qi's face.

The end of his eyes was deliberately pulled up with a raised eyeliner, the eye shadow was specially chosen red, and false eyelashes were put on to make tears mole, and his lips were red. At first glance, he looked like a serious man from a costume drama The beautiful woman who came out.

Zong Qi didn't know anything about lighting and shadows, or Asian magic tricks. He only knew that these makeup artists used brushes to fiddle with his face.

But beauty is beauty, but it makes people feel a little cold after looking at it for a long time.

"That's right if you think it's strange. After all, you're pretending to be a ghost. The makeup we put on for you is funeral makeup. It's good-looking, but it's not angry. After all, dead people would put on makeup."

The makeup artist pointed at the orchid, "Okay, let's not talk about this, these are all false, the point of this makeup is actually... Dang Dang Dang!"

He suddenly turned off the light in the dressing room and turned on the flashlight.

Under the flickering light of this beam of light, the makeup on Zong Qi's face suddenly changed.

Bloody, bone-strewn, the exquisite oil paint make-up technique made his face half burnt, revealing the scarlet texture and scorched carrion underneath.

Zong Qi: "..."

This face is comparable to Xiaohong's before plastic surgery, even scarier than Xiaohong at first glance, she can compete with Kayako Sadako on the same stage in terms of appearance, without losing the slightest advantage.

The makeup artist proudly showed off her results: "We painted this makeup look with special paints. The flashlight shots we gave to the actors have also undergone special treatment. Under normal lighting, your makeup look is a little weird. Can't fault it, but it only takes someone to shine a flashlight beam in your face to see this—"

What horror variety shows want is the word horror. For the audience, the focus is to see how the artist will react when encountering a ghost.

The head of the props team on the side waited for a while before murmuring: "It's really scary."

They can be sent directly to the horror movie studio next door to shoot ghost movies.

Thinking of this, he felt sympathy for the five artists who came to participate in the variety show.

"Okay, let me tell you about your script and roles in this variety show..."


Several other actors are also changing clothes.

Anna changed into a blue cheongsam, walked out with her hair in a bun, and became the first one to appear.

She is tall and has a good figure, and a well-cut cheongsam easily highlights her curves, and the audience unanimously gave her a good evaluation.

Then came Yu Chenxue.

His clothes were the long black Tang suit embroidered with gold thread, and he wore a pair of round black sunglasses on his face. He was followed by a few younger brothers who called him the third master. He looked like a gangster on the road.

The red scarf is wearing a student uniform, I don't know if it is to match his name, but he also has a bright red scarf on his chest, looking extraordinarily upright.

The crow is dressed in a long robe, holding a volume of books in his hand, quite like a teacher. Li Goudan wore a melon cap on his head and a gown, and his image actually overlapped with that of a crow.

According to the rules, this is when the two of them will fight to the death.

In the end, Li Goudan got the lowest votes.

Obviously, it is very embarrassing for a B-level actor to lose to a C-level actor, but now that they are filming a variety show, the actor must fit the personality, even if he is upset, he has to hold back and apologize in front of the camera.

Fortunately, Li Goudan was more cheerful and didn't seem to care about it. Instead, he took the small piece of paper handed over by Director Li with a normal face, which recorded the punishment task he would receive.

"Now that everyone has changed their clothes, let's talk about the rules of today's game."

The host held a big microphone, "Have you seen the ancient building behind you?"

"This ancient building used to be a very famous theater building. It is said that many big figures would come here to listen to operas at that time. Unfortunately, it was burned down by a fire for unknown reasons, and it was not rebuilt until modern times."

"However, after the reconstruction, there were many haunted stories in the building. Some people returning late heard the sharp and melodious voice of a woman singing opera upstairs when they passed by the roadside. There was a flash of red on the window sill. You must know that after the renovation, the ancient building was bought and locked by an unknown entrepreneur, and it has been unoccupied for many years, so the option of man-made troubles can be ruled out."

"And today, as challengers, you will go to this haunted theater building to find out."

The actors listened carefully to the backstory told by the host.

If it was an ordinary horror variety show, then the ghost must have been played by someone from the program team.

But the problem is that outside of this variety show, the actors are actually filming live-action horror films.

That means...the ghosts in this building are probably real ghosts!

"The program team will set up two supernatural games in the theater building, and the building will be closed to everyone before dawn at five o'clock tomorrow morning."

Anna frowned and raised her hand: "It's only morning, so what shall we eat and where will we stay at night?"

"Don't worry." The host said with a smile: "Everything needed for daily living, food, clothing and housing has been prepared in advance by the program team in the building, so you don't have to worry."

"Moreover, we have selected several staff members to be responsible for the whole process of co-shooting. If you need anything, just talk to them directly."

Accompanied by the host's words, the camera also turned to the dressing room aside.

Many spectators outside the stadium exclaimed.

The bgm sounded at the right time, and several beautifully dressed girls in costumes dragged their long sleeves in their hands, stalking in small steps, and made a few laps in the center of the open space, like a camera show.

Their hairstyles, headgear, and clothes are all exactly the same, and their heights are basically the same. In addition, they all wear quite heavy makeup when singing. With the same makeup, it is difficult to distinguish the difference between them at a glance.

But these actors must have never imagined that the ghost arranged by the program group would actually be in it.

They only worry about whether the ghost is really a ghost.

Zong Qi mingled among these girls, circling with the magic of love together.

On the one hand, it is the pain of finally going to sea, on the other hand, it is the joy of getting three times the salary, and on the other hand, it is the shame of wearing women's clothes in public.

Especially in front of acquaintances, this sense of shame will be doubled again.

Fortunately, Anna didn't seem to recognize him, and Yu Chenxue...

Through the sunglasses, Zong Qi saw the other party glance at these staff members.

I don't know if it was Zong Qi's illusion, but he always felt that Professor Yu's eyes stayed on him for a long time.

Even knowing that he is not using his own face now, and the makeup is thick enough, Zong Qi still can't restrain his nervousness.

"Okay, without further ado, let's go in with the staff first."

Miss No. 1 in costume made an invitation gesture, and even spoke with a theatrical tone like singing: "Everyone, please follow me."

Just now the logistics team told him that Zong Qi should try not to speak if he can. If he speaks, he will expose his disguise as a man. The most important thing is that Zong Qi’s voice has not changed. All right.

A group of people followed in a file and walked into this slightly eerie haunted building.

As soon as she stepped into the building, Anna frowned.

Ever since Araki attached to her body, she has been extremely sensitive to things like ghost aura.

For example, now, she can feel that there is a ghost no less than Araki in this building.

Besides... there was another kind of existence that made her very uncomfortable, even disgusting.

This feeling is hard to describe, like some unknown thing that is extremely filthy, but not a ghost.

After the five actors and five staff members walked into the ancient building, the host smiled and waved to them outside, and the vermilion door was closed with a bang and quickly locked.

There was a sound from the loudspeaker that had been placed in the center of the ancient building.

"The program team has placed loudspeakers in the building, and drones and hidden cameras will follow the whole process."

"From now to nine o'clock in the evening, it's free time. You can choose to walk around the whole building, or you can choose a room to catch up on sleep, so as to save energy for the supernatural game at night."

As soon as the words fell, Li Goudan stretched his waist: "Then I'll catch up on sleep. By the way, do you pack dinner? I want fried eggs for dinner."

The red scarf immediately picked it up: "Then I also want to fry eggs, half-cooked."

After finishing speaking, both of them paused, and exchanged a look in the air vaguely, as if they were a joint underground organization.

Zong Qi, who was left alone, had three "???" popping up above his head

No, isn't this the secret code for him as an investigator? What are these two people doing, they meet in front of him?

Insider, stop trading.jpg

The author has something to say: 77: It's outrageous


Today, please continue to let me shout out with my decayed vocal cords: Seeking nutrient solution_(:з」∠)_