MTL - Disassembling System: Begin With Scrapyard Alchemy-Chapter 171 The paper is finally here

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a few days later.

Cheng Xu had just finished the production of the core components of the fourth set of decomposition equipment in a hurry. Just when he was mentally exhausted, a phone call suddenly made him sober.

"Little Chengzi, you are so good, you actually published a paper on nature! And you are the only author, how did you do it?"

As soon as he answered the phone, Cheng Xu was stunned by a series of questions from Li Mengqing. Fortunately, he quickly responded and replied a little arrogantly:

"You don't even look at who I am at the same table. Isn't it easy to have such an achievement. Besides, I told you last time, but you didn't believe it yourself."

"No, in your situation, who can believe it? Hybrid rice can't keep up with your high yield."

Being amused by Li Mengqing, he couldn't help but forcefully replied:

"I just used the time that others used to fall in love and play games to do scientific research. Are you satisfied with this reason?"

It's a pity that Li Mengqing didn't eat this set at all.

"Then do you still have time to play with me? You're still rafting and celebrating my birthday with me."

After the words came out, she felt something was wrong again, thinking that this guy would not really be working hard for the rest of the time except for the time he spent with him, right?

Thinking of this, her heart was a little sweet, and she felt that she was being valued.

"That doesn't fully explain your weight? You're too embarrassed to question me, your requirements are really strict."

"I don't know if I'm strict or not, but your speech is really locomotive."

Cheng Xu couldn't hold back his laughter any longer, and quickly changed the subject:

"Seriously, I haven't seen it myself. How come you are so well-informed?"

"I won't tell you, I just saw it anyway."

In fact, after Li Mengqing made that bet with Cheng Xu, she searched the magazine for Cheng Xu's name every day, although her reason told her that it was impossible, and no one could publish two cns in three months.

But from an emotional point of view, she really felt that what Cheng Xu said was true.

Of course, this reason can't be told to Cheng Xu, otherwise she won't be able to raise her head in front of him in the future.

In fact, when she heard the news, her first reaction was not to call Cheng Xu, but to tell everyone in the dormitory first to correct Cheng Xu's name.

This article does not contain any moisture, and in terms of impact factor, nature is higher than science, ranking first in the world, so the gold content will not be mentioned.

What is even more unbelievable is that the author of the whole result is only Cheng Xu, and now no one can pick out the fault no matter how harsh it is.

She could remember the reaction of the slightly fat roommate for a lifetime. This news was silent and broken to her. After holding it for a long time, she said, "Yes, it's excellent."

Li Mengqing didn't say much, she also knew that for someone like her who has been denying others all her life, this is already the top evaluation.

"By the way, remember our bet, next time you want to invite me to go shopping for a day."

"Don't worry, I have all the money ready, just wait for you to eat me and go bankrupt."

After finishing the call with Li Mengqing, I immediately connected to the second call seamlessly, from Teacher Zhao.

It's normal to think about it. The teachers in the school must have subscribed to these journals, and it's normal to know the news at the first time.

When Cheng Xu got on the phone, he felt that the other end of the phone was like a vegetable market. There seemed to be many voices, but after a second, these voices disappeared immediately.

As everyone knows, it was Zhao Mengshan who gave everyone a "shush!" gesture in the office.

When I just learned the news, it was not only limited to their office, but the entire office building was blown up.

Everyone confirmed this identity several times, and they all pointed to Cheng Xu from their school.

Moreover, there is also the certification of Mr. Su Hanxing. He has only now realized how groundbreaking the technical report of Cheng Xu he read at that time was.

Now he just wants to travel back and slap himself, who was blind at the time, in the face. The same thing can be published on nature, but at that time, he just thought it was okay and had potential.

You know, from the bright side, the gold content this time is not comparable to the last time. Although the two are actually the leaders of Cheng Xu, outsiders don't know this, they only look at the order.

"Cheng Xu, that's the article in the magazine..."

"I posted it, and I just saw it."

Before he could finish the question carefully, Cheng Xu already rushes to answer, anyway, you don't need to think about it, you know that he is here for this matter.

Although it was almost certain that Cheng Xu sent this article, when he confirmed it himself, Zhao Mengshan couldn't help but feel his heart beating a little bit.

"Okay! Our school is going to be famous because of you this time."

Zhao Mengshan fully agrees that Yixia University is now trying to gain Cheng Xu's popularity.

After all, there are quite a few ordinary universities like this in the country, and he has never heard of one who can independently issue CNS during his undergraduate years.

Don't think about it, after these two days, there must be more people who know Cheng Xu than those who know Yixia University.

"No, no, I still want to thank the teachers for teaching me."

Cheng Xu still respects teachers who sincerely teach him knowledge.

His current achievements are indeed amazing in the eyes of others, but he believes that he must always have a clear understanding of himself.

In other words, others can think highly of him in various ways, and he can also use this kind of high opinion to help his goals, but he can't take it too seriously.

For Cheng Xu's answer, Zhao Mengshan is more satisfied the more he listens. This is how people are. Self-humility without strength is humble, and self-humility with strength is true modesty.

"By the way, there is one more thing to tell you. Your scientific research achievements this time are very outstanding. The school may give you a and it will not be less. You can pay attention to it when the time comes."

Although there is no such precedent before, after all, it is unlikely that such major research results will be led by students, but there are many examples of teachers' bonuses, and they are also for publicity and incentives for other employees, so he boldly guessed that Cheng Xu is likely to be There will be.

After some encouragement, after hanging up the phone, Zhao Mengshan also felt a little emotional, the difference between people is really big.

He had no doubt that this matter was unreasonable. From the last time he communicated with Cheng Xu in the capital, he knew that this young man had real skills.

And in the field of scientific research, 1% of talent is often more important than 99% of effort. There are simply too many examples.

In the capital, outside a certain police station, Li Xin stared blankly at the dazzling sunlight outside, feeling as if he had passed away.