MTL - Disassembling System: Begin With Scrapyard Alchemy-Chapter 209 Technology is on the lookout

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Now that he has confirmed Cheng Xu's idea, Gao Qingyun will naturally not refute it. He has thought about the next path, and what he needs to do is how to help him walk quickly and steadily on the new path.

"I'll get in touch with the people in the investment and acquisition team in a while, and I'll give you news when that time comes."

Hearing Gao Qingyun's answer, Cheng Xu also smiled and said:

"In fact, don't worry too much. After all, I don't have enough funds now, and I still need time to raise funds. Now I'm just making a preliminary understanding."

His current funds are indeed limited. After purchasing gold, all his current liquidity has just added up to 10 million, and he is still far from acquiring a mature lithium battery company.

Besides, he has only just acquired the new technology, and it will take a lot of time just to absorb and integrate it.

However, his habit is to prepare early and start the research as soon as possible, and he can also have more and more detailed information for him to choose.

"It's okay, it's not a matter of one or two days to acquire a company. The preliminary research alone is quite time-consuming. I asked them to sort out a list first."

"Then I'll thank Sister Qingyun in advance. My main requirement is that the company's address should preferably be in the Lake Province. The scale should not be too large, but it must have a complete set of production facilities and a perfect company organizational structure. The cheaper the price, the better.”

Cheng Xu really does not have any requirements for the acquired company. What he wants is the set of framework and team.

After the matter here was settled, Cheng Xu also put all his energy into the technical files in his mind.

The application of the new technology this time is different from the previous one. The first technology he basically extracted all the technical solutions in his mind into words, and sold them directly to Yuntian Group.

Not to mention the second technology. The only technician in the company is himself. Others have no need to understand technology at all.

But this time the technical solution is more complex and difficult. If Cheng Xu only wants to give a technical document, it is unrealistic to expect the technical team of the company he acquired to understand the technology. The facts show that even The team led by Li Yijun was unable to master the technology he provided for a long time.

And in terms of the process and complexity, the battery plan this time will make the previous synthetic materials more complex, so this time Cheng Xu must be the leader of this technology and lead the technical team to understand and apply this technology. .

This also puts forward higher requirements on himself, not only to understand himself, but also to be able to speak out for others to understand.

"Sword Comes"

The company entered a period of stable development, and Cheng Xu also found that there seemed to be nothing that he had to do by himself, so he began to be completely a hands-off shopkeeper.

The daily schedule is to get up early to run, eat breakfast, learn technical documents and related professional knowledge, manufacture core components of production equipment, lunch, lunch break, and repeat the above things. Fan, keep yourself socially sensitive.

Gao Qingyun also contacted him several times. Their investment and acquisition team has found several companies that meet Cheng Xu's requirements, and the span of them is quite large.

The smallest one is also the one with the worst profitability. It only needs more than 40 million yuan to complete the acquisition, and the price of the largest one has gone straight to more than 300 million yuan.

Cheng Xu asked Gao Qingyun to help him focus on the two cheapest companies, but neither of them were located in Yixia City. The one with more than 40 million yuan was in Xiangcheng City, and the other with nearly 60 million yuan in Hancheng.

Of course, there are cheaper ones, but those are basically unreliable, either because they have high debts, or the company has few people in total, or it is just an assembly plant.

With his current economic strength, he can only pay attention to it first. After all, the funds to be invested are not only the acquisition of enterprises, but the investment after the acquisition is not a small amount.

To produce new products, the existing production lines are either refitted or eliminated directly, all of which cost money.

However, such a peaceful and day-to-day life did not last long. One day, Cheng Xu suddenly received a call from a factory where he ordered the external structure of the equipment.

"You mean, someone gave you money just to get the information on the equipment I ordered in your factory?"

Cheng Xu's tone was a little dignified, obviously someone was eyeing the technology of decomposing waste batteries in his factory.

However, he is not worried about what others can investigate. The procurement of his shell is broken down into several factories, and the subsequent assembly is required, and it does not involve his core technology.

Of course, the owner of the equipment factory is not a good person, let alone his subordinates. Of course, he will not be the kind of annoying person who keeps secrets and then comes to tip him off.

Originally, the parts that Cheng Xu ordered in his factory were nothing They were quite ordinary structures, with no technical content at all, and they didn't sign any non-disclosure agreement, so this thing can be exchanged for tens of thousands of dollars. Of course he changed the money.

However, out of a little conscience, he still told Cheng Xu the news, which would make him feel a little more at ease with the money.

Cheng Xu also politely thanked the boss, saying that he would take care of his business in the future. Although this matter did not threaten him, what was reflected behind him was very important to him.

Cheng Xu thought about it, called the company's administrative director, and told him to purchase another batch of cameras to increase the monitoring of the factory area. At the same time, several cameras were installed at the top of the office building to ensure that Take a panoramic view of the whole environment.

Then, she notified the personnel supervisor and asked her to recruit two more security guards to increase the intensity of patrolling the workshop at night.

Naturally, he can't take the initiative to attack now, but he can strengthen the defense as much as possible.

Although he has not been in business for a long time, he has seen the unscrupulousness of many businessmen in various matters. As long as it involves the struggle of interests, it will not go anywhere.

At present, the most valuable things in his factory are those few pieces of equipment. As for other technical files, they are all in his mind, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

Fortunately, Cheng Xu strengthened the prevention efforts of the factory area. It didn't take long for these measures to come in handy.

At four in the morning, Cheng Xu, who was still asleep, received a call from Huang Junjie, telling him that there was a thief in the factory.

But fortunately, it was a young guy who was on the night shift, and found the abnormality in the monitoring in time. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!