MTL - Disaster For the Country · Return Journey-Chapter 9 Complex (2)

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Playing the piano on the side also gave birth to a little "division of labor and cooperation".

But there was never a consummation.

At first, Qiu Jiang thought he was just pretending, but later found out that Feng Xiaoya really had no intention of touching her. She couldn't help being shocked, puzzled, and a little suspicious—this person doesn't like me, could it be true? King Yan's male favorite?

Thinking about what the kites said, except for the wife Gong Xiaohui, all other concubines were sent to Yunmeng Mountain within a few days after entering the house, and I became more and more suspicious.

Qiu Jiang began to pay attention to Feng Xiaoya's every move. She looked at it with a guessing heart, and felt that there were traces everywhere.

First of all, Feng Xiaoya is also quite indifferent to the kites.

There are thirty-three people in Kite, all of whom live in other places, Feng Xiaoya only takes them with him when he goes out formally, such as entering the palace, and most of the time, he only takes Meng Buli and Jiao Buqi with him.

Secondly, kites are not allowed to enter his yard, and there are no maids in charge of daily life, all are male servants - on the contrary, his father is happy, there are all maids and no male servants.

Also, his carriage can go straight into the palace gate without getting out of the carriage. I heard that Zhanghua can come and go freely in His Majesty's Butterfly House.

In the end, he seems unfathomable, a gloomy person, but often with sad brows and tears in his eyes - there is an unspeakable fragile beauty.

Qiu Jiang has seen many men in his life, but there is no one like this, and he can't help but cast aside in his heart: It is said that the men of Yan State are so masculine, but the most beautiful man is so sick and weak, it is really a declining world!

The more she thought about it, the more she felt unwilling, and the more unwilling she became, the more she wanted to drink. One night, she smeared and crawled into the kitchen to look for wine. In the end, she only found half a bottle of rice wine for cooking.

Rice wine is yellow bar. Qiu Jiang put the wine bottle in his arms and slipped back to the house, lay down on the couch and took a big sip facing the moonlight, his eyes narrowed because of the comfort, feeling that the exhaustion and fatigue of the past few months had all disappeared.

When toasting the second cup of Moonlight, I saw Feng Xiaoya.

Her hands froze, and she subconsciously wanted to hide the wine bottle behind her back, but after thinking about it, she realized that it was nothing, so she simply looked back at the other party, and continued to take a long gulp from the mouth of the bottle.

Feng Xiaoya stood outside the window, covering half of the moon, looked surprised to see her drinking, but turned and left without saying anything.

Qiu Jiang murmured: "Both parents make wine. As Qiu Jiang, it's okay to be addicted to some wine, right? Why do you look like you've seen hell?"

In the past six months, although she married Feng Xiaoya and became his 11th wife, she actually made no progress at all, planting flowers during the day and sleeping in a daze at night. There are only three courtyards in Caomuju, one for father-in-law Feng Letian, one for Feng Xiaoya, and one for her. Feng Letian's yard is heavily guarded, she wandered by outside, but didn't find a chance; Feng Xiaoya's yard was quiet, she wandered outside, and dared not enter; her yard had six rooms, even the floor was pried up Turned over, nothing.

It's just a waste of time day in and day out.

In fact, when the identity of "Qiu Jiang is the secret agent of Ruyimen" was revealed, she lost the initiative of this mission. It's like a game of chess, the middle is lost, and you can only find a way around the corner.

Qiu Jiang gulped down half a bottle of wine, then lay down and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, I opened my eyes and saw ten bottles on the long table in front of me.

The bottle body is extremely delicate, with white ground and black flowers, elegant and fresh. Pull off the lid, sweet and tangy to the nostrils. Qiu Jiang raised her eyebrows—wine?

Feng Xiaoya watched her drink last night, so she sent ten bottles of wine early in the morning?

Qiu Jiang took a sip. It tasted sweet and sour. It was a kind of fruit wine. She pondered for a moment and took another sip. swallow.

"Po Whirling Wine." A voice came from the door.

Qiu Jiang turned her head and saw Feng Xiaoya as expected.

She shook the bottle: "Is this Posuo wine, one of the famous three treasures of Yujing?"


"Dayan has always admired the beauty of masculinity, but the three treasures of Yujing, a butterfly that can be squeezed to death, a sweet wine, and a..." Qiu Jiang glanced at him, and changed her sissy, "wrap around Uninterrupted joy."

Feng Xiaoya was not angry, and walked in: "Things are rare and precious."

This is, the more lacking something, the rarer something. Feng Xiaoya's looks are due to her being born in the country of Yan, if she were in the country of Bi, she would definitely not be able to take the top spot.

Qiu Jiang took another sip of Posuo wine, and commented: "This wine is soft and sweet, good for coaxing little girls."

Feng Xiaoya seemed startled.

Qiu Jiang immediately thought that if Feng Xiaoya gave her this wine, it would be the same as "coaxing the little girl"... and couldn't help coughing.

Feng Xiaoya suddenly asked: "When did you start drinking?"

Qiu Jiang thought for a while, and replied: "I have always been. This time, in order to play the role of the wine shop owner's daughter, I made up for the world's best wine." Before, he was only mediocre about wine, but this time he seemed to be enlightened. What a treat.

Feng Xiaoya's eyes flickered: "Aside from wine, what else do you want?"

Qiu Jiang grinned: "That's too much. For example, arrest Wu Ya and force him to teach me how to cook and discuss. But the old monk was very stingy, and he didn't explain the truth. I can only find another way and deliberately cook some flavors. Strange dishes are for you." Her dishes are only good-looking, not tasty at all, but they look like a gimmick with the seven tastes of life.

It's just that at the time, Feng Xiaoya felt that Feng Xiaoya was bluffed by him, but looking at it now, it was clear that she was bluffed by him.

Feng Xiaoya recalled the situation that day, and smiled slightly.

He's really pretty when he smiles. Qiu Jiang couldn't help thinking that many women would do anything to make him smile. Tsk tsk, evildoer.

"anything else?"

"And..." Qiu Jiang rolled her eyes, leaned forward and tiptoed to his ear, "Do you want to try the art in the room?"

Feng Xiaoya was stunned. Even though his face was still expressionless, his ears turned red uncontrollably.

Qiu Jiang thought to herself, right? Why such a youthful reaction like a kid? Suspicious in her heart, she immediately moved closer, her lips almost sticking to his ear: "There are many tricks in Ruyimen, but this technique is the strongest. I heard that your seventh wife, Shen Yanzhi, was once the chief oiran of Guangxiulou , but I promise, I am better than her..."

After Feng Xiaoya heard this, her eyes became more and more sad.

Qiu Jiang thought that this look was exactly the same as when the toothless old monk looked at her back then, which was really irritating. Maliciousness abounded, she simply stretched out her arms to hug him, feeling that the other's body was visibly stiff.

" you want me?"

Feng Xiaoya looked down at her, while Qiu Jiang raised her head, revealing her slender and fair neck, with beautiful curves extending into the skirt of her clothes. She is a very unique beauty, she can be blurred and disappear from the public, or she can be seductive and sinking with all kinds of charms. What's more, he had been to her...

Feng Xiaoya's Adam's apple twitched.

Qiu Jiang wanted to have fun! Just about to go further, Feng Xiaoya suddenly moved.

I don't know how he moved, but suddenly he left her embrace and stopped by the door.

—like a frightened bird swept back.

Speech, this sick bird is really not allowed to touch!

Feng Xiaoya looked at her coldly: "Qi'er." This was the first time he called her that.

Qiu Jiang's heart sank—it seemed that he not only knew that she was a disciple of Ruyi Sect, but also her agate identity. It stands to reason that this mission is top secret, and there will be no more than three people who know about it. The low-level ants like the Qiu couple only know that "the superior sent someone here", but they don't know that "the superior sent the Seven Masters here". Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Feng Xiaoya to get the information from the Qiu couple.

So, who betrayed her?

Feng Xiaoya continued: "Do you know why you came to me?"

Qiu Jiang didn't answer.

"Did Mrs. Ruyi tell you that the genealogy of the Four Kingdoms is with me and asked you to check the truth?"

Qiu Jiang's heart trembled - it really was a game!

"Before you, Ruyimen sent three people to investigate me, and you are the fourth person."

she knows. Because the first three failed, it was her turn to go out.

"So, why do you think they failed?"

Qiu Jiang raised her eyes and looked directly at Feng Xiaoya: "Because the Four Kingdoms Genealogy is not in your hands at all. This is fake news that you deliberately released to the outside world."

"That's right. I have only one purpose—you."

Qiu Jiang's pupils are shrinking.

"I want to see you, but I don't know where you are. Instead of looking for you all over the world, it's better to wait for you to come to me. The saying of the Four Kingdoms Genealogy, others don't believe it, but Mrs. Ruyi believes it. Because she knows some things, some can be proved The genealogy of the four countries exists."

"Why do you want to see me?"

Feng Xiaoya looked at her deeply: "I've always wanted to see you."

Qiu Jiang's eyelashes trembled. This is a very intriguing sentence. From his mouth, it was like love words, but also like a warning.

"Seven years ago, Cheng Guonan followed Xie Bin to find Xie Liu, an illegitimate daughter who was living outside, and brought her back to the clan. Xie Liu was clever and clever, and finally surpassed his legitimate son and daughter to become the heir in his heart. Handed it over to Xie Liu. Half a year later, Xie Liu got married, and her husband Li Chen died of illness before the boat arrived, Xie Liu had to turn back home, drowned and died on the way, his body was swollen and his face was hard to distinguish." Feng Xiaoya's eyes fell On her prayer beads, "This is the first mission you take out at Ruyimen. Clean and tidy, get out of your body."

Qiu Jiang couldn't help touching the Buddhist bead.

"Since then, you have taken on three more missions, one more difficult than the other, but they were all successfully completed, which made Mrs. Ruyi look at you with admiration. Everyone in the disciples knows that the one who will get his mantle in the future must be you."

"What does this have to do with you?"

"Yes." Feng Xiaoya walked back in front of her again, watching her from a close distance, "I want to save you."

Qiu Jiang laughed out loud.

"The Ruyi Gate is full of evil and will eventually perish. Before that, I will pull you out."

Qiu Jiang said: "Are you stupid for practicing Zen? Or do you want to become a monk?"

Feng Xiaoya didn't mind her teasing, and said solemnly: "As long as you stay here, Ruyi Gate has nothing to do with you."

"You want to say that the reason why you married me was just out of kindness, and you wanted to save me from the fire pit, not—" Qiu Jiang blinked, and pressed the tip of her tongue to say the last three words, "Think, sleep, I ?”

Feng Xiaoya's complexion changed slightly, she froze for a moment before saying: "Yes."

"Why? Could it be that your ten wives all came like this?"


Qiu Jiang's eyes flickered, and he said: "Shang Qingque, the daughter of the former Taifu Shang Lian, is famous all over the capital. She married the second son of Mr. Pang Ge. Not long after the marriage, her husband died unexpectedly, and her infant son also died young. Husband After her family was exiled by the King of Yan, she returned to her mother's house and shut the door. As a result, she fell and limped her left foot in front of the house one winter day."

"Her lover was the son of a groom and came from a humble background. Taifu Shang insisted on refusing to do so. He secretly sent the lover to the frontier to send horses, secretly killed her on the way, and then forced her to marry into the Pang family. She was pregnant at the time. Her husband later She realized that she was wearing a cuckold and wanted to kill her son. She fought with her life and killed her husband, but unfortunately she failed to save her son. After the Pang family lost power, Taifu Shang ordered her to go home and remarry her. In desperation, she committed suicide Breaking off one foot will break Taifu Shang's heart..." Feng Xiaoya's voice was indifferent, but her eyes seemed to have other meanings, "She came to ask me to save her from home, and I married her."

"Then Shen Rouge?"

"She was tired of the life of leaning on the railing and selling jokes, and wanted to find a good man to marry, but after her favorite scholar passed the entrance examination of Enke, she cast aside her past and married the daughter of a wealthy family."

"So she married you in a high-profile way just to offend someone?"

"A rich man's father-in-law wants to flatter the prime minister's daughter-in-law, but what about his son-in-law?"

Qiu Jiang thought this would be interesting... Under the surface of Xiaoya, flirtatious and lustful, the truth is so interesting.

"Where is Luo Ying who gave birth to a daughter for you?"

"That daughter belonged to her ex-husband. Her ex-husband was addicted to alcohol and frequently committed violence after drinking. She couldn't bear it. After learning that she was pregnant, she was strong as a mother, so she decided to escape. After two days of fleeing, she fainted on the side of the road and was killed by me. rescue."

"So you married her?"

"It's very difficult for a woman who can't do anything but play chess to raise a child by herself."

Qiu Jiang's bright eyes rolled, and he said again: "Then Zhang Ling who is good at medicine must have the skills to make a living?"

"General You Xiaowei fell in love with her, and she came to beg me to save her. The general said that he should give up, unless a friend's wife can't play."

"Where's Li Wanwan?" In the Ruyi Gate's information, Li Wanwan was the only one who was blank.

Feng Xiaoya was silent for a while, then raised her eyebrows: "You have asked so many questions, but you are actually laying the groundwork for this sentence, right?"

Seeing through her mind, Qiu Jiang simply opened up and said, "That's right. I want to know, who is your mysterious second wife who is said to have become a monk because of falling out of favor?"

"You live here often, and you will see her."

Qiu Jiang murmured, and said leisurely: "So, you want to tell me that your concubines are all fakes, and you haven't touched any of them?"

Feng Xiaoya looked back at her with a solemn expression: "Yes."

Qiu Jiang laughed, giggling, and leaned closer, "What should I do? You look like this, but I...want to sleep with you even more."

Feng Xiaoya's eyes once again showed that weird, indescribably sad expression.

"If you sleep with me, I will follow you wholeheartedly. How about it?" Qiu Jiang suggested.

Feng Xiaoya held out her hand.

Qiu Jiang waited quietly, the smile deepening on the corners of her lips.

Feng Xiaoya's hand stopped and stopped, as if exhausting all her strength, it finally landed on her head: "Okay. When the **** blossoms, it will be as you wish."

Qiu Jiang looked at the small buds in the flowerbed, wouldn't it take half a year? After all, is it the opponent's plan to delay the attack?

She was a little dissatisfied, and immediately shook his hand away, and then responded provocatively: "It's a deal."

But I thought in my heart: I don't want to accompany you!

Qiu Jiang escaped that night.

She came here for a mission, since this is a trap, what are you doing here?

Feng Xiaoya miscalculated a bit: Qiu Jiang was not interested in him at all.

If it were another woman, if she met such a rare and beautiful man, she might have a heart of conquest, play a romantic affair, break his shell of abstinence, and see how he is infected with love.

But for Qiu Jiang, her purpose is always clear: the task comes first, and everything else is superfluous.

Especially emotions.

If not, she would not be alive today.

Therefore, she escaped very decisively without any burden.

The next day, when Tangtang panicked and reported that Mrs. Eleven was missing, Feng Xiaoya, who was sitting by the couch drinking medicine, paused, and after a long silence, she slowly put down the medicine bowl.

Don't be sad for a long time, but Yi Ren doesn't understand.

Yi Ren didn't understand, so he said goodbye easily.

"Chasing." He only said one word.