MTL - Divine Brilliance-Chapter 16 The world

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Zong Shou suddenly smiled, and the slightest color in his eyes flashed slightly.

What has not happened before, it is not good to talk to Yin Yang Chu Xue. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you go to the place.

The only certainty is that this trip to Danling Mountain, even if there is no danger, will never be calm and waveless.

Looking at the sky, the vulture is faintly visible, still hovering in the clouds, following at high altitude.

Unfortunately, at this moment, he has no bows and arrows in his hands. The strength of the flesh is also slightly insufficient. Otherwise, this distance can be shot with just one arrow. In the Six Gods Knife, most of the secrets can be applied to other hidden weapons, and this arch is naturally also within it.

When I first saw the movement of Zongshou, I also looked out of the window and looked at the empty airway: "In the past few days, Yin Shu has tried his best and tried to beat the eagle. But after several times, he was escaped by it. It should be another spiritual master, and it is not far away. But it is already the Sudian Mountains, and most of them don’t dare to do it--"

Although Ling Yunzong’s resident is in Danling Mountain, his sphere of influence includes the entire Sudian Mountains and the outside Longzeyuan. Even outward, it spreads throughout the east to the cities of Yunlu.

Although I don’t see Lingyun’s people here, I can’t doubt this and control the nearby areas.

In the 10,000 years since the end of the ages, there have been countless precedents that can be used as a guide to the past. Especially at this moment, the clouds between the heavens and the earth will be scattered, and countless young people who want to enter the Danling Mountain Gate gather at the foot of the mountain. No one will take the risk to challenge the majesty of Ling Yunzong at this time.

Only a faint look at the eagle, Zong Shou did not care much. In turn, it is attracted by the red marks on the first snow skin.

In the heart fretting, Zong Shou took the hand of the first snow, then gently kissed the red marks on his arm: "Is it still hurting?"

When the first snow suddenly became flustered and overwhelmed, he pumped hard and earned it. It can only be the cheeks of the dizzy, shaking his head, and the sound is weak. "It’s not painful! It’s less. In fact, the heavier wounds have been used before. It’s the same as the first snow. The master always said that the snow is like weeds, no matter how If you cut it, you can grow it again. Besides, I can’t compare these injuries with the Lord."


Zong Shou glimpsed a little, looked at the beautiful face of the first snow, can not help but secretly laugh. I don't know if this snow master is a source of interest, but it is a bit of interest.

I feel that my heart is in vain, listening to the words of the first snow. In the past three years, I have been suffering from a lot of suffering. At least I am injured. It is commonplace.

This time, if he did not occupy the body of this guard. I was afraid that three days ago, it would have been unexpected.

And this cat-ear girl, only only 13 years old, the cruelty of fate, not inferior to the previous Zong Shou.

There was a deep sigh, and Zong Shou’s chest also raised a hint of pity.

"I am a man, a man who is mud. How can it compare with a girl? You don't have to endure it in the future. Right, you are my maid, no one can hurt you in the future!"

Also kissed the red mark, only the skin is fat, smooth as forging. Zong Shou couldn't help but screamed, and this taste was also excellent.

When the first snow was immediately like an electric shock, it broke out in a really angry manner. Finally, the hand forced it to open, and then the whole person rushed to the thunder and went out to the outside of the car body.

Zong Shou did not stop, sitting on the soft couch, faintly said: "Snow, don't forget that these two days are the medicated bath period. Those herbs, are you ready?"

Outside the carriage, it was a loud bang, as if the heavy objects were falling. Zong Shou couldn't help it anymore, and laughed happily.

When the laughter passed, the Zongshou face resumed condensation and began to check the whole body condition.

The situation is better than he expected. The last shot, of course, is to take all his strength and spirit, and take all the time, but also avoid the chakras, the infuriating conflict. It’s no wonder that you can wake up in less than three days.

It is only his situation at the moment that it is still difficult to be optimistic. Zong Shou found himself and fell into a strange circle.

In the future, the more refined, the better the physical quality, the more tyrannical. The conflict between the two blood vessels will be even worse.

If you continue to practice martial arts, practice. It is estimated that he has not waited for him to break the wheel, and he will die from internal injuries.

Unless there is a more tyrannical power, it can suppress the two, or reconcile.

"In this way, only the choice of Lingwu double repair can be taken. It is only the method of this spiritual master... It seems to be an opportunity to find a soul sea-"

Whispered in a low voice, Zong Shou’s brows gradually wrinkled.

In the past, in the game, he also built several other characters and practiced the spiritual method. However, on this, the time spent is too small, and the achievements are not satisfactory.

Only the school of Fu Xun Dao is still worthy of passing, and can barely enter the rank of master.

After all, light is a way of martial arts, it is vast and unpredictable, it is difficult to study the roots. Where did he have his thoughts in his previous life, and what spiritual methods to practice?

Just now, there is no choice.

It is a pity that the book "The Greatest Hits of the Earth" that was originally vying for the hand did not even have time to watch it. It was already 10,000 years ago.

This second book of the universe is one of the top secrets of the spiritual masters in the world of the Quartet. To the ancient times, the world is called the universe. Yu Shu's way of carrying space, the book of Zhou Shu.

Even with this long-lost book, the Emperor game can't really be included. Most of them also record the general principles, as well as the innumerable strongmen of later generations, the inference of this top secret law secret.

If you can observe it, your spiritual practice will surely help you.

Sighed, Zong Shou took the pine wind sword in his hand. The quality of this sword is very good before the four people, but also experienced the impact corrosion of the swallow Tianyuan Dafa, but still tough as it is, cold light.

Flicking and flicking, confirming that there is no dark injury within the blade. Zong Shou will endure the pain in the body and step on the simple and bright pace to start practicing the sword.

The time of leisure has passed, and now it is time to work hard.

Although Zong Yu died at the moment, it still has no solution to the crisis. Moreover, this person, he has never been in the eye. What really made him pay attention to it was the one who was the demon king, and after he was beheaded, the one who had been hanging for several months -

The trip to Danling Mountain is only less than a hard fight.

Therefore, in his view, even a waste of time is not tolerated.

This time, I only practiced for a while, and Zong Shou has already felt different. In the past, when I manipulated this body, there was always a sense of incompetence, as if there was a thin film between the soul and the body. But after merging the memory of the thirteen years, this phenomenon seems to have completely disappeared.

At this moment, practicing the sword, all the way, the pace and the sword in the hand, is more accurate.

The same was true of the battle three days ago. If he had not been able to control his body freely, he would never be clean and neat, killing those people, and he might not be able to shoot the last knife.

"This sect can't be martial, but the foundation is really good -"

Because of the inability to open up the wheel, the one before him can only practice this basic martial arts day after day, and it is very solid.

Even after three years, I have never practiced. It’s extremely easy to pick it up again at the moment. Even in some places, there are errors, not satisfied, and you need to modify it a little.

The martial arts of Zong Shou, regardless of the past and the future, the most important thing is the foundation.

Only when the foundation is stable can we build a high-rise building!

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