MTL - Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife-Chapter 8 The nest is reversed

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Thinking this way, she turned around and went to see Shen. "Auntie Niang, Auntie is helping his father to read you well, so that his father can remember the great grace of Shen's family at any time." .

"Enough!" Feng Yiyuan can't listen to it. His family is not a wealthy family with several generations in Beijing. He used to win the first time in the scientific research. I only got together today.

Feng Yuxi said that it was right. At the time of the expedition, Fengjia’s silver money was tense, and he could not afford to pay for his ten-year-old window. It was the merchant of the same village, Shen Jia, who was at the request of the sole daughter Shen’s family. I stayed in the village to take care of the old lady for too many years. But he won the champion and then married Yao’s daughter, the hospital’s daughter.

This matter is that the Feng family owes a debt to Shen, but he later did not mention Shen as the mother. Isn’t it worth to be hanged on his lips for a lifetime?

"The past is a matter of rest!"

When the words were exported, Shen did not do it - "What do you mean by the lord? Is it true that my Shen family’s contribution to the Feng family was false?"

"I do not mean that."

"What do you mean by that?" Shen's refusal, the fighting firepower instantly shifted.

Feng Yuqi took his mother and brother to prepare to watch the fun, but some people are not stupid.

Fengshen fish was not in the right situation, and the eyes turned, while screaming at Shen’s mouth and yelling at Feng Yu: “Auntie, how can you talk to your mother with a mother? What is this? Mother? I was confused by you." While talking about it, he secretly smashed Shen’s hand. "Mother, Auntie’s sister has just returned to the government, and she does not know the rules. I still need to teach you more in the future."

Yao’s family has long been stunned by Feng Yu’s indulgent mother. Now Feng Fengyu deliberately mentions that Yao’s work will be accompanied by sin.

Feng Yuqi pulls Yao to support Yao and says that she has not let her down.

Yao’s anxiously screamed and whispered Feng Yu: “Auntie, we just returned home, you can’t do this.”

Feng Yu’s face was hung with a cold smile, leaning against Shen’s and leaning over. “It’s aunt who is wrong, can’t help sinking... Oh, mother. It’s mainly called 姨娘姨’s habit, not for a while. Good change."

When Shen’s anger was about to break out, he heard the old lady’s scepter’s scepter squatting on the ground—“one is getting less and less like it! The aunt has no mother-in-law, and the niece has no niece, my phoenix. Are the rules of the family good-looking?"

Shen’s hand was stunned with tears on his face: "Old lady, you have to be the wife of the wife!"

"Master?" The old lady took a look at Shen. She never liked this. If the Yao family was guilty, she would need Fengfeng’s attitude. She said that she would not help Shen’s righteousness. "You talk about it, what do you want me to do for you?"

When Shen’s eyeball turned, look at Feng Yuxi. “In the past, some people said that this girl was a comet. Let’s send her away from the house for many years. But when she came back, she would have a bleeding disaster. How can such a comet be like this? Can stay in the house!"

"Madam!" Yao was anxious. "How can aunt be a comet, that is a demon person!"

"What is the explanation for this today?" Shen extended his hand to show it to everyone. "This is a well-known thing in the life of the girl. As I see it, it should be sent to the temple outside the city."

She spoke about the comet three years ago, and the old lady also made a slap in her heart. For a time, everyone in the hall was silent.

During the stalemate, the butler rushed in and whispered in the ear of Feng Xiaoyuan. I saw Feng Bingyuan’s face, and the face of Zhang Bingshan twisted countless expressions in a moment.

In a short time, the butler retired, and I saw Feng Xiaoyuan’s big hand telling the next person: “Send Yao Xiongniang and Miss Two, the second master, to return to Liuyuan to settle down, and the slaves should be eaten and worn by the servant.”

"What?" Shen immediately attacked, and two steps went to Feng Xiaoyuan: "What do you say?"

Feng Yuyuan opened the wrist that she had seized and repeated it again: "I said that Yao took Auntie and Zirui to settle in Liuyuan."

"No!" Shen was almost screaming. "They stayed in the house, what about my sinking fish?"

Feng Shenyu grabbed Shen's mouth. She knew that Shen's meaning was that Feng Yuyu stayed here. Then the marriage would not be hers. I thought so, but I couldn't say that.

"Mother, no matter who is in the house, the fish is the prostitute of Fengfu, this will not change." Under the trade-off, it is better to take the prostitute.

Of course, Feng Yuyuan knows the true meaning of Shen, but he is also pleased that the Fengshen fish is in danger. This daughter is not cultivated in white, no matter what is done, it is satisfactory.

"Yes." He nodded. "Shen fish is my phoenix niece. This will never change." When he said this, his gaze was to look at Feng Yu.

Feng Yuxi also looks at it. Her eyes are not as eager as the wind and the fish, but they are so fascinating. At first glance, they are not at the bottom.

Feng Qiyuan took his eyes back. He didn't know when this daughter became so unpredictable. Just after returning to the government, she provoked Shen's temper in a few words, and she herself watched the fire like nothing.