MTL - Do You Remember My Name?-Chapter 18

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At noon, the long-awaited snowmobile finally opened.

The two people did not feel hungry in the morning, and the peak was not able to sit still after seeing the car through the glass wall. Put down the homework and put on the clothes to go out to see. Haixiu wrapped up the clothes and followed them. The two looked at the work together. Personnel shoveling snow.

"What are you doing with you?" Feng Fei pulled Haixiu in front of him and grabbed his red ears with his hands. "Is it cold?"

Haixiu shook his head. He watched the staff step on the snowmobile and opened his head. He turned and whispered, "How long does it take?"

Peak is not optimistic: "It takes two hours to clean up all the time."

Haixiu thought it was okay: "We are not hungry anyway, and there is still food at home."

“Is still eating noodles at noon?” Feng Xiao smiled. “Forget it, it’s hard to ask you to come and see what you want to eat noodles. Go back and change clothes. Let’s go on.”

Haixiu nodded with a smile and went back to the room with the peak.

Two people put on their clothes and put on their scarves and slammed the wallet out.


On the way down the mountain, Feng Fei asked: "When is your mother coming back this time?"

Haixiu honestly said: "Probably... Wednesday, it should be."

Peak is not pleasantly surprised: "Wednesday?!"

Hai Xiu blinked: "How... what?"

"It's okay." Feng said with a smile, "Don't go back tomorrow? Ah?"

Haixiu Emei: "I didn't bring my clothes..."

"Don't we go out and buy it?" Feng said, "I just can't buy it. I will send you back and get it. You can live here first."

Haixiu, who can live with Fengfei, is of course willing, but he is afraid that he has been uneasy since yesterday. He is always afraid that he will accidentally say something and make bold things. Haixiu thinks about it yesterday. I felt terrified late, and he didn’t know what happened to him. He dared to go to the peak...

Haixiu carefully lifted his head and looked at the handsome face of the peak. He was stealing the peaks here last night...

"Ask you, can't you do it?" Feng said. "You go home alone. I am also a person here. Why bother? You can rest assured that these two days are waiting for us to pass the aunt." Come, I won’t let you eat any more. Our aunt’s cooking is especially delicious, really.”

Haixiu struggled for a moment, and finally did not resist the temptation to live with the peak, and nodded lightly.

The peak was not happy, and said: "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, good, not counting today can still live here for three days."

Hai Xiu’s heart thumped and jumped, and did not speak behind the peak.

"I haven’t been very embarrassed to ask you before." Down the mountain road, Fengfei talked with Haixiu without words. "What is your mother because of singleness?"

The peak did not turn to look at Hai Xiu, said: "I just ask, I don't want to say it."

Haixiu shook his head: "No... nothing can't be said... my parents were divorced when I was in third grade."

Feng Fei did not go to Hai Xiu's home last time. He did not see the photos of Hai Xiu's father. At that time, he guessed that he should not be a sick person, but divorced. He asked: "Because what?"

Hai Xiudao: "My father is derailed."

The peak was not "squeaky" and said: "Let your mother find out?"

Haixiu nodded: "My mother was very busy at work. They have been together for a long time. It has been a long time... she discovered it, and then she left."

The peak is not dumb: "So simple?"

Haixiu smiled: "Would you like, how much trouble? But at that time many people came to persuade me to let my mother forbearance, forbearance, and my father has been apologizing, saying that it will never be, I remember my father still Please ask my mother..."

The peak is not full of disgust, because the other party is Haixi's biological father, did not say anything.

Haixiu continued: "Later, my mother asked me if I wanted my father to come back..."

Peak did not ask: "What do you say?"

Hai Xiudao: "I said I don't want to..."

Feng is not a bit surprised, said: "Would you like your parents to divorce?"

Haixiu nodded: "My dad is derailed. He has changed his mind and told him to come back. It is different from the previous one. My mother is actually very proud. I was free to fall in love with my father. My grandparents are actually not a bit. Satisfied, but my mother is willing, then it is like this... My mother is very painful. In order to give me a complete home, let them both behave in a dream of the same bed... I don’t think so, I don’t want my mother to grieve myself for me. ”

This point is not to endorse: "Yes, think about it and be awkward."

Haixiu "hmm", continued: "My mother cried for a long time, she cried a lot, then they divorced, my mother did not want a house, asked for money, took me out to live It is also very good."

The peak is not a smile: "Yes.", Feng Fei recalled the home of Haixiu who had been to the last time. The area is small and the decoration is very simple, but it can be seen that it was carefully arranged. It is very warm and imaginable. The situation when the mother and the child get along.

Haixiu nodded: "I am also afraid to see them quarreling every day. It may be better to separate them."

Feng Fei snorted on Hai Xiutou and did not speak.

It was snowy and slippery, and it was a downhill road. It was very difficult to go. The two men took a full half hour to get to the car. Feng Fei looked at the time and asked Hai Xiudao: "Go to dinner first? What do you want to eat?"

Haixiu shook his head: "I... I can do it, you like it."

"I am so moved." Feng did not smile, took Hai Xiu's hand and thought about it. "This weather should eat hot pot, but we also ate yesterday... Go to eat Japanese food? I know a day. The store, the taste is good, and the store is particularly warm, OK?"

Haixiu naturally has no objection: "Good."

Feng Fei said the address with the driver's master. He leaned on the back seat and slowly planned: "First eat, eat the day and consume time... After eating two or three points, there is a store nearby, let's go shopping, buy it. I still eat outside at night, then go to my brother and borrow him to go back."

Haixiu hesitated: "Forget it... let's take a taxi back."

"I don't want to see my brother?" Feng didn't smile. "Nothing. After dinner, you are waiting at the place where you are eating. I have a car to pick you up."

"Not this..." Haixiu did not rest assured: "You don't even have a driver's license..."

"I..." The driver's master looked at the two through the rearview mirror. Feng Fei was helpless. "I will have it right away, let's go, let's talk."

Haixiu did not twist and twisted the tight legs of the front seat. Haixiu was afraid that he was not happy. He got close to the whisper: "That... I will go to your brother after dinner, you Don't be angry..."

"Who is angry?" Feng did not smile. "I want to take you somewhere else and go shopping. Is it hard to get such a big snow and see if the snow is bad?"

Going to see the snow at night, Imagine that it seems very romantic, Haixiu has some heartbeat, but going home early, the two people are also very good together, Haixiu hesitated: "All... I can do it, I will listen to you."

Feng did not smile, bowed his head and said in a low voice: "I will listen to you saying this."

Haixiu awkwardly covered his ears and squatted to the side.

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. After eating and eating, the two just walked for an hour, and the phone of Fengfei rang.

He Hao called.

Feng did not pick up the phone and looked at the clothes and said: "What happened? Lost?"

He Hao smiled at the phone and said: "They won't lift their heads! Fuck, it's so cool today, hey, you didn't see..."

Feng Fei made He Hao's ear hurt. He took the phone a little farther and turned to see Haixiu coming out of the fitting room. His eyes were bright and he was perfunctory: "The bulls are ......"

Haixiu tried a white loose sweater with a camel-colored trousers. It looked clean and warm. Haixiu looked at the mirror and turned to look at Fengfei. Haixiu smiled at him and nodded.

He Hao is still on the phone, Feng Feng said: "Don't say it, something..."

"What?" He Hao was dissatisfied. "Wait, I haven't told you about business right now!"

The peak is not annoying: "There is a fart!"

He Hao haha ​​smiled twice and said: "We have opened a big bag on the WTO side, ready to go all night, come over?"

Peak refused: "Don't go, you play with you."

Feng Fei said that he would hang up the phone. He Hao hurriedly said: "Don't! Captain, they will go to special study next week. They will not come back until the year before. It is estimated that they will not be able to gather together. You are not coming?"

"I have something to say." Feng did not want to think about it. "You didn't tell me in advance, I have made an appointment with you. You play, don't call me, here is busy."

He Hao still does not give up, said: "Who is it? Your girlfriend? Come together, everyone sees, lively and lively..."

Feng did not directly hang He Hao’s phone, and walked to Hai Xiu’s side and smiled. “This is good, let’s be here.”

Haixiu is still hesitating: "I think that beige is also good..."

"Then there will be one piece of white beige, you replace it." Feng Fei’s cell phone rang again. He waited for Haixiu to refute the person pushing the fitting room. "Return it, I just saw one from there. The windbreaker is very good, both of which are suitable..."

Feng Fei took out the mobile phone and hung it. Before going to the fitting room, it was itchy. I wanted to find a head to go in and see.

Waiting for him to go in, Haixiu first came out.

Haixiu looks strange, whispered: "He...He Hao, call me."

Peak is not laughing: "Neuropathy! Don't care about him, give me the phone."

"I..." Haixiu regretted, "He, he asked if I was with you, I said yes, he... He asked us to play together..."

Feng said: "Go to his sister, who will play with him."

Haixiu was upset: "But... but I agree, I... I don't know how to refuse, I... I will call him back... Sorry..."

Peak is not laughing: "Do you apologize, are you willing to go?"

Haixiu was very urging, and blamed himself: "I didn't make it clear. I said that I was not familiar with them. I didn't go. He said... He said that there are many classmates in our class. Everyone went there. If I don't want to play with him, he will call a few more 'good students', Wang Peng Song Jiajia, they have already called, I..."

When Feng wanted to know what He Hao said, it must be said that for Haixiu to call these people, God knows if it was already called, and Haixiu’s heart is not too concerned. I feel that it is not a bad thing for Hai Xiu to contact my classmates in my spare time.

Besides, I also go, no one can bully Haixiu.

Peak Fei reconfirmed: "Don't be reluctant, if you want to go, he just called Ni Meilin, you don't want to go."

Haixiu was relieved at once: "Ni... will Ni teacher go too?"

Feng did not dare to imagine Ni Meilin’s scene at the party, and he waved his hand: “I am... for example...”

Feng Fei picked up the phone again and called He Hao back.

It was confirmed that half of the classmates had passed the post-peak and did not let go, and He Hao warned: "Don't call Haixi again, it is not an example."

He Hao is not willing to say: "Why can't I call Xiaohaixiu!"

"Take your cell phone again!" Feng said directly, "I still can't fight?"

He Hao said: "No, I just changed the phone... You really come."

The peak is not "well", He Hao is not satisfied: "I will call you, you will not come, Haixiu said that you will come, you..."

"I just want to sell his face." Feng is not sneer, "I mad at you!"

Feng did not hang up the phone, said to Hai Xiu: "Go and go, almost know, play for a while."

Haixiu is actually willing to communicate with the students in his heart. He nodded his words and whispered: "I, I don't want to know all night, I..."

"Don't be nervous, they will sing and sing, play real words and adventures, nothing new, you can play with enough." Feng Fei pinched the ears of Haixiu and smiled. "I am afraid I will play with them." Don't go up? What do you think, I can leave you to play with them."

Hai Xiu's face was red, "Hmm", and followed by Feng Fei. 2k novel reading network