MTL - Do You Remember My Name?-Chapter 78

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Everything is said to be open, crying and crying, laughing and laughing, although there is no vow, but Feng Fei is guaranteed, Hai Xiu feels that his middle school era is almost complete, the two are tired for a while, continue to pack things .

Just shouting people, Feng is not apologetic, temper is very good, Haixiu said what to bring with him, whether it is a study book or a draft, he wants to pack well.

The peak is not a sea show: "Do you like this table? Do you like this chair, and the podium, are you taking it back?"

Haixiu was embarrassed, shaking his head: "This is not ours... It’s quite expensive. You last smashed a table, wasn’t you fined 200 yuan?”

The peak is not smirking: "Is it nice to say? Who am I going to? I didn't say that I would lose money for me."

"Yes... I am out." After Haixiu knew it, he regretted, "I didn't think of it at the time, I... I will give it to you now."

The peak looked at Hai Xiu with no interest, and Hai Xiu pulled out his wallet and handed it to Feng Fei. He shyly said: "My money will be given to you in the future."

Haixiu thought about shaking his head and added: "Besides giving my mother, everything else...I will give it to you."

Feng didn't smile, nodded: "Yes." He put Haixiu's wallet in his bag and said, "Almost? Go?"

Haixii checked and checked the desks and cabinets of two people and nodded: "Nothing."

Haixiu looked around the classroom and was a bit sad.

A year ago, Ni Meilin knew about his previous affairs and encouraged him to come out of the self-enclosed world and let him help send and receive papers. On that day, he made the first curls. When the bell rings, he still has two copies in his hand. I don't know who to send it to.

Haixiu did not know who the peak was, and by instinct, the two volumes were sent down, and the probability of one-half being wrong made Haixiu catch up.

At that time, the peak was not, I thought that this new classmate was joking with him. After class, I took the paper and looked for it. I didn’t want to almost scare the transfer student.

Haixiu looked at Fengfei, and my heart was glad to sigh... Fortunately, I was wrong.

Otherwise, such a good peak, how can it be your turn?

Feng is not smiling: "What god? What are you going?"

Haixiu was busy agreeing. He took up his schoolbag and held a large stack of books in his arms. He followed the peaks out of the classroom and went downstairs.

On the campus, a large number of large sea otters have just passed by, and the breeze blows after the rain. The petals are floating and falling. Feng Fei and Hai Xiu are holding books and passing by the petals. Hai Xiu looks up and the sea otters On the top, the place where the flowers fell, has produced a small fruit.

Haixiu mouth gently provoked, whispered: "Unfortunately, did not find Teacher Ni... I want to say goodbye to her."

"The results will come back, but I can't see it." The peak is not as deep as it is, and the eyes are smirking. "If I don't show up today, this group of people just finished the test, it seems like crazy, who knows them." What will be done."

Haixiu looked at the director who had been forced to go to the tree by a group of boys. The school’s big banyan tree, which had been in the past 100 years, was smashed with a chalk-ash grade director holding a tree scorpion. The big noise and screaming, the students under the tree were very noisy and noisy, holding hands, surrounded the big banyan tree, laughing and dancing, and taking photos with the director of the tree.

Haixiu’s complex expression, swallowing her mouth, nodded: “Also...I don’t want to come to Teacher Ni.”

Haixiu and Fengfei were bathed in the fragrance of the petals and strode out of the school gate.

On the corner of the blackboard in the high school class, there are two lines of chalk.

Peak is not here.

Haixiu is here to swim.

Ni Meilin, who successfully avoided all the students, stood in front of the blackboard and smiled at the message on the blackboard and Feng Xiu and Hai Xiu. He picked up the chalk and added a sentence below.

I hope that I will not take this trip. 2k novel reading network