MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 231 Public opinion clamped, questioning the diagnosis!

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   Chapter 231 Public opinion clamps, questioning the diagnosis!

   Chen Nan took the pulse, but his mind was running wildly.

   Generally speaking, the occurrence and development of diseases have some rules.

  The manifestations of acute diseases and chronic diseases are two completely different trends.

   However, the difference is whether there are third-party factors, such as external evils, such as internal causes.

   Traditional Chinese Medicine

   Cancer is characterized by abnormal mass in viscera tissues (leukemia is an abnormal proliferation of the number and quality of white blood cells in bone marrow and other hematopoietic tissues).

   The main cause of the formation of the mass is the entanglement of qi stagnation, phlegm coagulation, dampness stagnation, blood stasis, poison accumulation, etc., which accumulate over time and become a visible mass.

   In addition, cancer patients have a lot of body deficiency, and cancer lesions deplete the body's qi, blood and body fluids. Therefore, patients in the middle and advanced stages often have pathogenic changes such as deficiency of qi and blood, and deficiency of both yin and yang.

Therefore, in essence, cancer is actually a chronic disease, a process of chronic development. Visible evil invades the body itself, which will consume its own qi, blood, yin and yang, resulting in deficiency, and then unable to inhibit the development of disease evil. a vicious circle of relationships.

  Traditional Chinese medicine actually has a very early understanding of "cancer". Although his treatment method cannot be called a system, and there is no way to control its efficiency, it has rich experience in the occurrence and development of diseases.

   Therefore, when Chen Nan first touched this pulse, he felt abnormal.

  Pulse has always been a great reference for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer!

  Traditional Chinese medicine clinical syndrome, the most expensive in the four diagnosis, and the famous masters of the past dynasties, in the four diagnosis, all rely on the pulse diagnosis.

   "Neijing" says: "The subtlety lies in the pulse, which must be observed."

   The role of the pulse is very important for the differentiation of the syndrome and the search for the cause.

   Four-character Pulse Jue Yun: "The pulse is the blood school, and the blood is the first." It means that the pulse is the reflection and omen of the physiological and pathological information of the human body.

Therefore, Chen Nan's pulse diagnosis has played a very important role at this time. He can grasp the pulse condition and have some subtle perceptions of the rise and fall of the human body's qi machine, the changes of qi, blood, yin and yang. He is an expert-level pulse diagnosis, but After these days of improvement, after I have a strong understanding of the change, there is still some gap from perfection, but the level is really not bad in the industry!

   That's why Chen Nan frowned when he got this pulse!

Can   mai tell lies?

of course!

   But, in the final analysis, it is because there is no way to tell the truth from the false, and this is the key.

  Chen Nan's pulse diagnosis can distinguish suspected, not true and false, and his skills are not shallow!

He has also conducted in-depth research on cancer patients. These days, many patients with advanced cancer come to him. In most cases, Chen Nan’s level of saying that cancer can be cured is definitely a lie, but he can indeed improve the lives of patients. Quality, enhance the body's own qi and blood, this is indeed true, through these cases, Chen Nan found a problem, the grasp of the cancer patient's body is more important than the three-finger meditation.

   Especially for patients with digestive tract tumors, he is very researched!

   The Guan pulse of patients with digestive tract tumors is seen to be shaking like a bean. Chen Nan called this pulse "the Guan pulse is like a bean."

  Because, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine pulse diagnosis, the left hand is the heart, liver and kidney, and the right hand is the lung and spleen. The left hand yin and yang belong to the liver and gallbladder, and the right hand yin and yang belong to the spleen and stomach, and both belong to the digestive system.

   However, Chen Nan did not feel any obvious changes in the patient here.

   This made Chen Nan a little suspicious!

   What is going on here?

   In addition, in the patient's pulse, the string slip is obvious, and there is a significant impact. Although the overall qi and blood are deficient, it cannot hide the essence of yin and yang!

  Diagnosing the pulse, such as pulling the thread out of the cocoon, needs to seek the source and perceive the change.

   However, a few minutes later, Chen Nan continued to change hands for diagnosis and treatment, but still did not find any symptoms that were too obvious.

  Although there is qi stagnation, congestion, and the same poisonous aggregation, there is no feeling of endless evil spirits.

  Unconsciously, everyone around looked at Chen Nan.

Zhao Jianyong on the side of    was a little surprised. It was the first time he saw Director Chen like this. He saw that his eyebrows were tight, his eyes were silent, his breathing was steady, but his eyes were full of doubts.

What's going on here?

   He couldn't help looking at the time, more than ten minutes had passed by now.

   It was the first time that he saw Chen Nan take so much time for a patient to check the pulse, and he did not speak for a long time.

Wang Ping on the side of    was also very anxious.

   As an old nurse in the department, she has seen more cases of Chen Nan treating patients with diseases on weekdays, but she has rarely seen Chen Nan being so cautious.

   Generally speaking, patients and their families are happy to see a doctor so seriously.

   However, it is definitely not a pleasant thing for a doctor to have such a grim face and tight eyebrows.

   Therefore, the atmosphere of the entire office has become quieter and quieter over time.

He Duankang on the side of    couldn't help but look at Chen Nan frequently, he didn't dare to let out the air.

What's going on here?

Wang Ping on the side of    was worried that it was bad. Could it be that... Father-in-law's illness... has deteriorated to such a degree?

   For a while, no one at the scene spoke!

   Although everyone is busy with their work, their eyes are constantly looking at Chen Nan.

  Everyone wants to know what happened!

  Chen Nan's brain at this time was still thinking and calculating like a computer.

   However, every time, every symptom, cannot match the patient's pathogenesis!

  Chen Nan couldn't help but fall into a point of self-doubt!

   Is it your own level, can't you reach it?

   However, even if it is not possible, you should be able to detect the change in the patient's cause, right?


   After a long time, Chen Nan took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and opened the patient's wrist with his hand. He did not continue to check the pulse, but decided to think for a while and then talk about it.

  Wang Ping couldn't bear it any longer, and asked eagerly, "Director Chen, just say something directly!"

   "Don't worry about us."

Although    said that, the heavy burden in Wang Ping's heart was all written on her face!

   Wang Ping's fiancé Guo Haoran also nodded quickly: "Yes, Director Chen, we are here to see a doctor."

   "We also know what's going on with my dad."

   "You don't have to be burdened."

   "He is well aware of his illness. We all thought about elective surgery and hospitalization."

   "Take a good look at these inspections!"

   This sentence suddenly reminded Chen Nan.

   made Chen Nan think of something in an instant, right...

   I made a big mistake myself.



  Chen Nan couldn't help sighing, cold sweat oozing out from behind.

  How could I make such a mistake?

   He believes too much in the current inspection results, and also too believes in his professional level of laboratory analysis.

   So much so that it was preconceived that the patient had cancer.

   Having said that.

Does    have to be cancer?

  Chen Nan suddenly thought of this possibility, and his mind started to run like a supercomputer re-entering the calculation.

   He hurriedly said to the patient, "Get up and stand for a while, relax and rest, I'm checking the pulse!"

  Guo Manzhong was very heavy at this time, and he was extremely anxious. Every word of Chen Nan made him nervous.

  The people from his village have a high degree of trust in Chinese medicine. When he was a child, there was an old Chinese medicine in the village. When everyone in the village got sick, they went to see others, and the results were good.

   However, the outpatient clinic was forced to close because the old man did not have a medical license. Even so, many people still trusted him.

   Seeing that Chen Nan has not spoken a moment ago, he was also very scared.

   He didn't want to put too much burden on his children at this time. He finally got a daughter-in-law, bought a house and got married. Now he's sick...

   Guo Manzhong is very self-blame!

   I even thought about what if I ended up spending a lot of money, had the surgery, and was gone, the last family was completely dragged down, and my wife was only in her fifties. What should I do in the future?

  In the hospital, some cancer patients will commit suicide.

   Because sometimes, the knife hanging over their heads is not the spread of cancer, but the helplessness of life.

  Death, for them, is a real relief.

   As an old doctor said, the greatest sorrow in the world is not that money is there, people are gone; it is that money is gone, people are gone!

   Behind every cancer patient’s family is a book of blood and tears.

   Guo Manzhong couldn't bear his illness, which would affect the lives of two or three generations.

   Chen Nan, after his mind was empty at this time, chatted with Guo Manzhong: "What kind of work do you do?"

   Guo Manzhong smiled bitterly: "I am a vegetable seller."

   "A few years ago, the state had policies and subsidies for vegetable greenhouses. At that time, vegetable greenhouses were popular in our village. At that time, my son was studying. I didn't have the money to do it."

   "Afterwards, I simply drove a tricycle to help the big guy sell vegetables."

   "People in the village have little culture, but they have the strength to help others pick vegetables and sell them."

   Chen Nan smiled. He also noticed the man's hands, which were large and rough. The skin of the hands was full of ravines, and there were black deposits that could not be washed cleanly, and could be seen vaguely between the nails.

  Chen Nan suddenly thought of something...

   He quickly asked: "How long have you had diarrhea?"

  Guo Manzhong sighed: "Hey... I'm getting old with diarrhea. It's hard for me to have a meal on time in our line of work."

   "When you don't eat, it's cold, or it's been a long time, and when you're hungry, eat some cucumber and tomato pads."

   "But I didn't expect... to pull down this bad disease."



   "Director Chen, you don't know much about us. People in our village are reluctant to go for an examination, and even more reluctant to be hospitalized. Once you enter the hospital, you will lose thousands!"

   "This small family can't support it at all."

   "If there is something uncomfortable, I just buy some medicine and take it myself, such as amoxicillin, norfloxacin... I have taken them all."

   When Chen Nan heard this, not only did he not frown because the other party had been sick for a long time, but his eyes widened and his breathing became short. He hurriedly asked, "Where's the blood in the stool?"

"How long?"

   Guo Manzhong frowned slightly: "It doesn't take long for blood in the stool!"

   "It seems like a month."

   "During that time, the pain in my stomach got worse and worse, and even blood in the stool started to appear. I was also scared at the time!"

   "This blood in the stool... can it be a good thing?"

   "However, I didn't dare to tell my family."

   Guo Manzhong's wife burst into tears.

   This man has paid too much for this family!

  I was sick, I was reluctant to go to the doctor, I bought some medicine pads, I was weak and could not do physical work, my son went to school, went to graduate school, all the burden of the family expenses all these years rested on this man.


   He was so ill that there was blood in the blood, and he still didn't go to the doctor!

   If he hadn’t suddenly discovered something strange one day, he probably wouldn’t have done the inspection!

   Thinking of this, the wife couldn't help crying.

  's voice was a little choked, and he said with a crying voice: "You are too fake!"

   "How can you do this to yourself!"

   "I told you to find a place to eat, eat something hot, and you won't listen!"

   "You earn your own money, and you are reluctant to spend a penny."

   "What can you do with it!"

   "Tell me about you!"


   "If you leave... what should I do?"

   "I don't have you..."

   “Wow wow… wow wow…”

   "I mean, you've lost so much weight recently, and your old clothes are loose on you!"

   "You lied to me about losing weight..."


  What the woman said, she started to cry, she was complaining about this man, complaining that he didn't know how to love her, complaining that he was not willing to be good to herself, complaining about him...

   In fact, she was the one who was hit the most by this sudden change.

  The woman cried very sadly.

Old husband and wife, accompanied by so many years, the ups and downs have come, and there is no sweet word in his mouth. The most romantic thing is that Guo Manzhong made a ring for her out of dog's tail grass, and the most extravagant thing is to buy her a gold Earrings... In this life, where have I said a word of love!

   However, at this moment, the most profound love is to accompany and stay together, and the most cherished love is the sentence: "How can I live without you!"

  Guo Haoran stood aside with tears in his mouth. Even if he doesn't get married or buy a house, he should be nice to his father!

   Hearing these words, in fact, many doctors in the office couldn't help sighing.

  Man is an empathetic creature.

   What happens to others will also make them cry.


   It is undeniable that everyone in the office has basically confirmed that the other party has cancer, maybe...or the advanced stage.

   Weight loss in a short period of time, physical function decline, blood in stool…

   These are too pathological!


  Chen Nan's eyes brightened, and there was even a smile at the corner of his mouth!

   He said quickly, "Come on, sit down, and I'll give you another pulse."

   Guo Manzhong looked at his wife and son crying in disbelief. This middle-aged man in his fifties also had red eyes and a sore nose.

   Who would want to be so embarrassed if not forced by life?

  The world is turbid, blood and tears should be the same song.

   Hearing Chen Nan's words, Guo Manzhong sat on the chair and stretched out his hand.

  Chen Nan quickly began to check his pulse.

   At this moment, Chen Nan has completely abandoned the test sheet in his hand, and he began to check it seriously.

   At this moment, various pathogenesis changes appeared in Chen Nan's mind.

   A moment later!

  Chen Nan suddenly raised the corner of his mouth.

   Everyone around looked at Chen Nan and found that he was smiling!

   That's right!

  Chen Nan actually laughed.

   Zhao Jianyong stared at Chen Nan with wide eyes, full of disbelief. He quickly touched Chen Nan's shoulder carefully, wanting to remind him!

   You must know that in the ward at this moment, everyone is attracted by this family, and they are all moved by this middle-aged man. The sadness of the family makes everyone feel the same!

   However, at this time, Chen Nan laughed inappropriately.

   Guo Haoran, who was behind him, was trembling all over. He wanted to ask Chen Nan what he was laughing at!

  Wang Ping hurriedly interrupted Guo Haoran and asked, "Director Chen...what...what's the matter?"

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a bad review from Guo Haoran, the rating of the bad review: Intermediate! 】

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received from… 】


   followed by a series of voices in his ears.

  Chen Nan suddenly came to his senses, his laughter had already received a lot of bad reviews from juniors!

   He also realized that his smile was a little out of place.

   But, he is really happy.

   Because the patient is most likely not cancer!

   Isn't this good news?

  Chen Nan quickly explained: "Sorry, Pingping."

   "Let's put it that way."

   "Your father-in-law, it may not be cancer!"

   "Isn't this good news?"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone on the scene was surprised.

   Everyone stared at Chen Nan with wide eyes.

   Including Xu Rui and He Duankang, this is the case!

  If Chen Nan's smile is as Chen Nan said, it is indeed a good thing!

   His smile just now was so disgusting!

  Chen Nan said excitedly:

   "That's right!"

   "You shouldn't have cancer."

   "However, we must complete the examination and confirm the diagnosis."

   As soon as these words came out, Zhao Jianyong was also a little flustered. He reminded Chen Nan and said in his ear: "Director Chen, be careful!"

   "This... you can't talk nonsense!"

   Indeed, if Chen Nan is joking, it will bring the family a disappointment after hope, which will only be heavier!

not to mention…

   There are still a lot of laboratory tests and medical examination reports.

   These things can still be faked?

   Isn't this a joke?

  Traditional Chinese Medicine, can you rule out and overturn the modern physiological and biochemical tests?

   There were other deputy directors in the room at this time. After Liu Quan heard Chen Nan's words, he couldn't help frowning and said, "Director Chen, you can't talk nonsense!"

   "This is responsible!"

  Although Liu Quan and Chen Nan have grudges, the efficiency of the department is really good now, and Chen Nan's reputation is now in full swing, even more so!

   Liu Quan couldn't help reminding Chen Nan.


   Zhou Qinzheng's eyes lit up, he quickly picked up his mobile phone and took a picture from a hidden angle.

   Chen Nan's remarks may become his testimony in court!

   The relationship between Liu Quan and Chen Nan is normal, but the relationship between Zhou Qinzheng and Chen Nan is even worse.

   Whether it was Academician Ji Haiyang being beaten or something else, Chen Nan was very disgusted with Zhou Qinzheng.

   Moreover, Zhou Qinzheng is the only person who did not profit after the department developed well!

   He hated Chen Nan very much!

  However, with Chen Nan's development becoming more and more smooth, and the relationship with the leaders getting better and better, Zhou Qinzheng did not dare to be an enemy of him.

it's good now!

   This thing is enough to put Chen Nan into a very bad situation.

   After all, it's a bit arrogant that you overturn other people's laboratory tests and inspection reports?

   Are you a Chinese medicine practitioner?

   Although Chinese medicine does have some curative effects, how can Chinese medicine be so good?

  If traditional Chinese medicine can detect these diseases, why do we need modern medicine?

   He was run like this?

   Guo Haoran quickly looked at Chen Nan and said, "Director Chen, my father... what's going on?"

  Chen Nan said to Zhao Jianyong: "Go to the next bone marrow biopsy to determine whether it is eosinophilic gastroenteritis."

   "Then, do a stool test for parasites!"

   "Then, perfect the rheumatism series to see if there is any rheumatism immune system disease."

After    finished speaking, Chen Nan looked at Guo Haoran and said, "Also, I suggest you change to another hospital and do a new medical examination!"

   "Look to see if there is cancer in the end!"

  Pathological testing is still the gold standard for tumor diagnosis.

  Chen Nan is now clearly questioning the authenticity of the medical examination.

   Because, all the symptoms of the patient are not related to cancer at all.

   As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room looked at Chen Nan in surprise. Is this...doubting the authenticity of the medical examination?

   Too bold!

  Liu Quan didn't speak any more, the words just now were done with benevolence and righteousness.


   Zhou Qinzheng was extremely excited, the more outrageous Chen Nan was, the more excited he was!

   And the Guo family stared at Chen Nan with wide eyes!

  Is it...not cancer?

this is an accident?

  The whole family is very excited.

   "Really? Director Chen, my dad...isn't cancer?" Guo Haoran asked excitedly.

  Chen Nan smiled: "I don't think so, let's check it out."

   "Change hospital!"


   The family has been given hope by Chen Nan's words.

   Guo Haoran nodded excitedly: "Good! Good! Good!"

   Even if Chen Nan's words have only a glimmer of hope, he is willing!

  Cancer, and not cancer, these are two completely different things!

   For a while, Guo Haoran hurriedly took his father for an examination.

  Wang Ping was originally a nurse in the hospital. After working for many years, she must have some connections. Soon, various examinations were arranged.

   And this time!

  Chen Nan sat in the office, but heaved a sigh of relief.

   Zhao Jianyong walked up to Chen Nan and said with concern: "Director is a bit risky!"

   Zhao Jianyong is really worried about Chen Nan!

   On the other hand, Zhou Qinzheng was very excited. He was waiting. Once the inspection results came out and overthrow Chen Nan, this would become a trick!

   After thinking about it, he directly sent this video to He Chenglin!

   You must know that the current Secretary He is also dissatisfied with Chen Nan!

   And the patient's examination was done in the Second Cancer Hospital. The two hospitals are not far apart.

  Thinking of this, Zhou Qinzheng made an excuse to leave the office, and he wanted to photograph these inspection results.

   This will definitely cause an uproar on the Internet!

   He quickly went to get ready.

   But, he doesn't plan to post, he wants to keep secret




  He Chenglin got excited after receiving the news from Zhou Qinzheng.

  He finally got hold of this kid!

   "Good! Well done!"

  He Chenglin was very happy!

   Finally found a chance to deal with this guy.


   The higher you stand, the harder you fall!

  Chen Nan, Chen Nan!

   Zhou Qinzheng hurriedly said: "Secretary He, remember to revise this video."

   "Don't send it out as me."

   "You can just use the recording."

   "We are tied together!"

   He Chenglin said with a smile, "I know this."

   "You continue to observe subsequent events."


  He Chenglin found a self-media in the city and quickly settled down, and the self-media itself had had trouble with Chen Nan some time ago.

  Chen Nan refused to let them interview, which angered these people who eat hot topics.

   When they received the news, they were immediately excited!

   Once this video is exposed, it will be a big news!

  Chen Nan!

   Makes you squeak!

   makes you arrogant!

   Aren't you very cool?

Ha ha!

   You actually denied the test sheets and test results. This is to provoke a war with modern medicine!

   There is also the Second Cancer Hospital.

   This topic is too high.

The    video was quickly produced, and they even purchased the traffic army directly, so that the video could be quickly forwarded.

The   storm seems to be beginning to ferment.

   And this time!

   Second Cancer Hospital.

   After Li Peishuo's ward round, he found that Guo Manzhong was not in the ward, and immediately frowned.

   He called the other party: "Where are you?"

   Guo Haoran answered the phone, he quickly said: "Director Li, I'm sorry, my father is going home."

   "It will not affect the operation."

  Li Peishuo nodded: "Well, yes, but don't eat indiscriminately."

   "And don't be too tired!"

   "Otherwise, it will affect the operation."

   "Don't let the disease develop."

   "Also, stay at night and don't run around."

   "This disease is at a critical stage, and surgery must be done as soon as possible."

   Guo Haoran nodded quickly: "Okay, okay, I have to trouble Director Li!"

   "By the way, Director Li, when can you arrange the surgery?"

   Guo Haoran had certain illusions about Chen Nan's words.

   But...but I can't quite believe it.

   Therefore, Li Peishuo didn't dare to provoke him, he could only hide it carefully.

   Moreover, Guo Haoran is also very worried about when the surgery will be arranged.

  As Li Peishuo said, the disease has to develop... If this is delayed, don't transfer it...


  As a patient, many times, they belong to a vulnerable group. They don’t know the future at all. What they don’t know is fear!

   This fear will only increase day by day!

  Li Peishuo heard the other party ask this sentence, and suddenly smiled inwardly, but he still couldn't help sighing, and said helplessly:


   "This... I'll arrange it as soon as possible."

   "Actually, as you know, we have too many patients, and many of them want to operate as soon as possible."

   "This is difficult..."

   Li Peishuo's words obviously wanted to benefit.

   This trick has been tried and tested.

   Even, many doctors in cancer hospitals are threatening patients to ask for favors.

   When a person sees other patients who are hospitalized later than him and have already undergone surgery, can he not be nervous?

   Not to mention cancer, what if it metastasizes?

   Therefore, they will give the chief surgeon a bonus...and hope to arrange the operation as soon as possible.

   Zhang Haoran apparently heard a similar thing from a family member in a ward.

   Although very angry!

   But... so what?


   Zhang Haoran said quickly: "Okay, okay, I understand!"

   He was waiting for his father's results.


   This side!

  With the help of the media, Chen Nan's remarks in the ward in the afternoon immediately aroused heated discussions!

  There are more and more voices clamoring on the Internet!

   "Damn it, this Chinese medicine is so awesome, haha... Denying cancer directly!"

   "What's wrong with the negation, maybe someone can cure it with a single shot? By the way, you have to use qigong!"

   "The Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate, that's how novels are written!"

   "Bah! He has no imagination even in novels. Damn, is it a doctor? Are you sure it's not a robbery? As far as I know, doctors can make money by prescribing examination orders!"

   "Damn, the current doctors, they really are a group of robbers, they should be sentenced to death!"


   "What the hell!"

   "Chinese medicine is so powerful, how can it be reduced to this?"

   "Haha, how can you be arrogant if you don't brag? Don't you think about it, there's no harm in doing an inspection, the big deal is just a diagnosis, right?"

   "By the way, isn't this person Chen Nan who reported some time ago? A student of the master of Chinese medicine!"

   "Yeah, Chen Nan, I went to see him some time ago, a bunch of people!"

   "It's just a fake name!"


   "Hack him, you must hack him! How can this garbage be a doctor?"



   For a time, various remarks quickly made the video very high.

   Overnight fermentation!

   When Chen Nan went to work the next day, there were many media blocks at the door of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

   "Director Chen, what do you think about the things in the video?"

   "Director Chen, can taking the pulse really deny cancer?"

   "Director Chen, where is your theory of overturning the test sheet? Are you sure this isn't smearing the professional ethics of a hospital?"

   "Chen Nan, your behavior is irresponsible to patients and modern medicine. Don't you have anything to say?"


   A lot of media and cameras were facing Chen Nan, which made Chen Nan stunned. He hadn't seen the video yet.


   From the other party's words, Chen Nan also knew in his heart, obviously... yesterday's events were fueled by others.

   He frowned slightly, not expecting such a thing to happen.

   However, Chen Nan still said firmly: "If you continue to stay here, it will affect the normal medical order!"

   "I called the police!"

   "Where's the security?"

   "Call the security up!"

   After Chen Nan finished speaking, he pulled away the crowd and walked towards the office.

   And the reporters were clamoring to come.

   "Chen Nan, I want to ask you, what is your reason for being so righteous!"

   "Yes, what if you delayed the patient's condition?"

   "You are trying to make money and kill yourself!"

   "You don't deserve to be a doctor!"


   These We Media did not expect Chen Nan to be so tough, and shouted angrily for a while.

  Chen Nan didn't bother to pay attention to the other party at all.

   He went straight to the doctor's office.

   Soon, the security came up, and the group from the media left the ward angrily, but before leaving, they shouted for revenge one by one.


  It's time for shift.

   Yang Hongnian entered the ward and saw everyone in the office, but said nothing.

   Obviously, this matter has already started.

   He was angry... who spread it out!

  Yang Hongnian glanced around the ward coldly.

   "What I want to say is, how did things in our ward spread out!"

   For a moment, the scene was silent.

   Obviously, everyone knows that Chen Nan is in trouble.


  ps: After writing this story, there must be some words, and I can’t finish it even if I work overtime... So sorry, I can only stop here, and write the story in full tomorrow.

   I believe everyone knows the source of this medical record.

  Hey, after seeing this news, I was equally shocked. Is this a doctor? This **** isn't human!

at last…

  Thank you for the 10,000 reward of the "Crazy Crazy Pig Yaba" boss, thank you boss!

  Thanks for the 5,000 reward from the "let's start small", I'm really grateful.

   Ask for a monthly pass!

   Finally got a double monthly pass, big guys, please ask for a monthly pass.


   This is 130 people.

   It's too hard to come back after the double period...

   Ask for a monthly pass, sincerely, big guys, please!

  【Monthly Pass Port】

   (end of this chapter)