MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 303 I really have a way!

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  Chapter 303 I really have a way!

  Luo Qiping's words directly made everyone in the audience quiet down.

  Participate in internal medicine rounds?

  This is equivalent to Chen Nan participating in various departments!

   Is there any difference?

  He is the deputy director of the ward, and you have to use it as a reference for any opinions you put forward during the rounds!

   This clearly stipulates that Chen Nan has participated in the management of each department.

   Moreover, the usual work of the director is not much in the clinic, mainly in the big rounds and case discussions.

  Chen Nan's direct participation is already equivalent to the management of the internal medicine team.

   But Shao Zizhen and the others froze on the spot and fell silent!

   Indeed, they interfered with Chen Nan joining the department, but what? It's good now, not only did not stop Chen Nan, but let him stand in the management position!

   If you fail to steal chickens, you will lose money instead!

  This...things are messed up!

   At this moment, Bu Haiyang glanced at Shao Zizhen, then exchanged glances with several directors, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes at the same time.

  Bu Haiyang was about to get up to offer his opinion, but was held back by the director at the side.

  Shao Zizhen whispered: "Director Bu, don't worry!"

   "Director Yu is coming soon."

  Hearing Yu Jinhua's name, several directors around fell silent, and then their eyes lit up.


   This is the real master!

  Lu Zhilin is the director of the oncology department, but... but there is still one person in the oncology department, and that is Yu Jinhua.

   This is the real contender for the deputy director of the ward this time!

  Yu Jinhua's current position is not in the oncology department, he is part-time.

  Yu Jinhua himself is the director of the Oncology Department of the Western Medicine Ward of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, and concurrently the business director of the Oncology Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, and the business director of the Oncology Department of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Ward.

  Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital, Yu Jinhua is definitely a leader in the field of medical oncology.

  As a Turtle Scholar and Changjiang Scholar, he has many reputations.

  At the same time, he was also entrusted with the important task by the dean to manage the tumor field horizontally across wards.

  How can ordinary people have such an honor?

  Yu Jinhua is indeed capable!

   And this time, Lu Zhilin actually offered to let Chen Nanlai join the oncology department. Is it really that simple?

   Is something strange? What special twists and turns are there?

   Or did Lu Zhilin make up his mind to confront Yu Jinhua? !

   Yu Jinhua is extremely powerful!

  This time, because he was not selected as the deputy director of the ward, he directly became emotional, and even did not come to the ward of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine for a while.

   Obviously he wanted to tell Luo Qiping, or even tell the hospital, that he was not satisfied!

   It is said that children who love to cry and fuss have sweets to eat.

  Everyone in the audience couldn't help but nodded after hearing Shao Zizhen's words.

   Luo Qiping on the stage, seeing that no one raised any objection, nodded his head:

   "Do you have any comments?"

   "Then it's decided!"

  He glanced at Lu Zhilin and said, "Director Lu, the office is ready for Director Chen tomorrow."

   "Director Chen is mainly staying in the oncology department during this time."

   "You also do a good job in related work."

   "Start all treatments as soon as possible."

  Lu Zhilin nodded with a smile: "Yes! Good!"

   "But... Director Chen, don't worry, our department has always had a spare office, which was prepared for Director Yu before."

   "Exactly, when you come, you can stay in that office."

   "Because of capacity problems in our department, Director Yu Jinhua from the western medicine ward has been stationed in our department."

   "And during this time, I didn't come, and I submitted an application for canceling the part-time job with the hospital."

   "Our side urgently needs someone like Director Chen to take the lead!"

   Lu Zhilin was the most angry about Jinhua's decision to quit.

   This time!

  After Yu Jinhua hired Chen Nan as the deputy director of the integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine ward, he had already indicated to the hospital that he would not go to the oncology department in the integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine ward.

   This made Lu Zhilin unable to get off the tiger!

  Because after many treatments were carried out, he was really stretched.

  It's not that he didn't try hard, he also tried hard to persuade the other party, but unfortunately...they didn't pay attention at all.

   After coming and going, this Lu Zhilin was also angry.

  He said all the good things, he was just angry with Yu Jinhua, he really had no choice.


   Just when Luo Qiping asked, he took the initiative to stand up.

  Lu Zhilin is not stupid, his level may be limited, but he is well-informed, and he knows Chen Nan's identity and background like the back of his hand.

   This is a talent who has been apprenticed to ten masters of traditional Chinese medicine at the same time.

   To be strongly recommended by Lu Lao and others, is this the strength that ordinary directors can have?

  Even if Yu Jinhua can be pk'd, it means that he must have strength!

  Luo Qiping also knew about these things, but he still made a decision to let Chen Nan settle in!

   Take it as a test for Chen Nan!

  The current medical oncology department is a bit messy, and even a little different. At the beginning, Yu Jinhua made drastic changes, improved treatment ideas, and established new treatment channels...


  Many things have brought the Department of Medical Oncology into a situation where the development is not very good.

  If Chen Nan goes there, it can drive development. There is no doubt that it will be a blow to everyone!

  If Chen Nan can conquer even Yu Jinhua.

  伱What can you say?

  Luo Qiping had no reason to refuse at all.

"it is good!"

   "Director Chen, the Department of Medical Oncology has encountered some problems."

   "I hope that your arrival will bring some new atmosphere to the Department of Medical Oncology."

   "Okay, do you have any comments?"

  After speaking, Luo Qiping inspected the surroundings.

   And at this time!

  Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

   Immediately afterwards, a man strode in and said loudly:

   "I have an opinion!"

  Yu Jinhua strode forward, did not look at the chief physicians around him at all, but stared straight at Chen Nan.

  He wanted to see, what is this man capable of taking his position away!

  The deputy director of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward has a lot of power!

  In charge of a ward, if the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward is independent, it will be a hospital, and I will undoubtedly be the vice president.

  Why did he give up this position? !

  Luo Qiping also stared at Yu Jinhua with a solemn expression.

   "Director Yu, what's your opinion?"

  Yu Jinhua looked at Luo Qiping with a bad tone: "Director Luo, there is no shortage of directors in the Oncology Department."

   "With Director Lu Zhilin and I here, I believe these are not problems!"

   "Director Chen's sudden joining will disrupt our treatment plan and measures."

   "This is very unfavorable for future work!"

   Yu Jinhua's words are powerful and resounding!

   It made Shao Zizhen and others feel a little more sour.

  Shao Zizhen winked at Bu Haiyang: "See?"

   "Why are you going up to join in the fun?!"

   "The real master is here!"

  Bu Haiyang smiled and nodded: "Director Shao, tell me earlier, do I need it..."


  The director of the gynecology department at the side saw a few people like this, and couldn't help squinting his eyes and ignoring them.

   This group of people, hehe!

  Really interesting!

   And Luo Qiping looked at Yu Jinhua and suddenly laughed.

  He asked back: "Oh?"

   "Director Yu, do you have anything to guide us about our ward of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine?"

   "By the way, haven't you already resigned from the ward of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine?"

  Yu Jinhua smiled, and he glanced at Chen Nan:

   "Director Luo!"

   “That was just my impulsive decision.”

   "The hospital did not agree to my application and gave me a job."

   "I also know that my decision at the time was a bit hasty."

   "Director Lu has also invited me many times."

   "I'm coming back now."

   "So, there is no shortage of people in the oncology department."

  Lu Zhilin's expression changed immediately when he heard the sound. Did Yu Jinhua really think that our department came and left as soon as it was said?

  What position does it place our medical oncology department? !

  At the beginning, after Yu Jinhua came, he bought a lot of equipment, such as Haifu Knife, particle implantation equipment, SBRT stereotactic body radiotherapy...etc!

  At that time, Luo Qiping applied for a lot of funding, and the Department of Medical Oncology was in trouble.

  At the beginning, when Yu Jinhua wanted to introduce a new treatment plan, their department raised their hands to welcome it.


now what?

  Build a new treatment room, buy equipment, go out for further training...

   It cost tens of millions!

  The department is still in debt.

  Many departments in the hospital have two channels when they need funds. The first one is simply hospital appropriation.

   There is another kind, that is, after the purchase of new equipment and new technology, the hospital advances funds, and the department pays the fee every month, which is similar to installments, and this money needs to be deducted from each doctor every month.

   As for the Department of Medical Oncology, which integrates traditional Chinese and Western medicine, so many technologies have come in at once, and it takes a period for these technologies to be realized, but now it is good...

   Yu Jinhua slapped his **** and left, leaving a mess!

  Actually, Yu Jinhua didn't really want to leave.

  He used this as a threat, asking the hospital to "claim justice" for him.

  He knew that it was impossible for him to step down after investing so much in the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward and the hospital gave so much support.

  Actually, it is the need to vent.

  So, this time is nothing more than acting...

  However, for him, Yu Jinhua, it was an act, but for the Oncology Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, it became a disaster.

  The salary of the doctor and the complaints of the patients accumulated all at once.

   This also made Lu Zhilin want to get rid of Yu Jinhua completely.

   Now, Lu Zhilin watched Yu Jinhua suddenly barge in, and after hearing these words, his face also changed.

  If Director Luo Qiping...

  He felt that his own department would be bad in the future.

  For a moment, dozens of pairs of eyes stared at Luo Qiping.

   At this time, he has become the key point!

  Yu Jinhua looked calm, he didn't think that Luo Qiping would offend himself because of Chen Nan!


   Just as everyone was staring at Luo Qiping, he suddenly inspected everyone solemnly, and then looked straight at Jinhua.

  He smiled faintly: "Hehe!"

   "Director Yu really speaks loudly."


   "Do you know what kind of impact your impulsiveness has had on the department? Do you know what kind of impact your impulsiveness has had on the patients?"

   "Do you know how those patients who come here for fame think of our hospital after you are impulsive?"

   "Indeed, the Dean rejected your invitation."

   "I originally wanted to invite you again."

   "But, sorry, I've changed my mind now."

   "Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow!"

   "Director Yu, you won't be responsible for the work of the oncology department in the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward in the future."

   "Starting today, you will have nothing to do with our integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward!"

   "Okay, if there is no problem, please come back!"

   "We have a meeting!"

   "Idlers, please avoid!"

  Luo Qiping didn't give face to the other party. What he said was well-founded, and everyone in the audience was dumbfounded!

   Even Yu Jinhua, who was originally calm and confident, was completely dumbfounded at this time!

  He stared at Luo Qiping with wide eyes, full of confidence!

  He couldn't believe his ears, he didn't expect Luo Qiping to reject him directly!


   This made Yu Jinhua's face extremely ugly!

  The originally well-groomed hair now drooped a few strands, and the atmosphere of the scene was heightened to the extreme.

  Chen Nan didn't expect Director Luo to think highly of him so much.

  Originally this was Yu Jinhua, he had heard about it, and was preparing to be trained as the deputy director of the ward.


  Chen Nan couldn't help laughing bitterly, this time...the burden was heavy.

   Now that he has offended the other party, if he fails to manage the oncology department with integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, this will really be a big problem.


   At this moment, Yu Jinhua stared at Chen Nan suddenly, his eyes flashed a bit sharply.

   It seemed as fierce as wanting to chop Chen Nan into meat sauce and make dumplings.


  At this time, Yu Jinhua's chest was full of anger. He took a deep breath, looked at Luo Qiping, and smiled back from anger.


   "Okay, what Director Luo said is good."

   "Once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow."

   "Please remember what you said today."

   "You invited me to come to the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward."

   "Now, you also let me go."

   "In the future, I hope you will not regret it!"

   "Although I, Yu Jinhua, am not talented, I am not the one to be manipulated at will."


  After he finished the last two words viciously, he turned around and was about to leave.

   And Luo Qiping also said lightly: "Let's go, don't send it off!"

  Yu Jinhua let out a cold snort, and rushed out of the door angrily!

  Leave a serious and even dignified venue.

   Although Yu Jinhua did not say a word to Chen Nan from the beginning to the end.


  He was already extremely angry at this time.

   It’s all Chen Nan!

  Everything started because of Chen Nan!

  Why should he?

it is good!

  Since you have to rely on Chen Nan, that's great!

   Let’s see how the medical oncology department in your integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine ward can develop!

  Let's wait and see!

  Yu Jinhua felt ashamed at this time, as if he had been greatly humiliated.

   How long has he been angry like this!

   And in the venue.

   There was no sound, everyone was shocked by Luo Qiping's operation.

  Shao Zizhen and the others suddenly became embarrassed.

  Who would have thought?

   After Yu Jinhua came here, it turned out like this?

   Director Luo is really... not easy to mess with!

   And Chen Nan smiled.

   Director Yu was really calm and didn't scold himself.

  But... the voice did not finish.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a negative review from Jinhua, and the rating of the negative review is: Advanced! 】

  Looking at the reward, Chen Nan couldn't help but smile.



   Finally came a senior.

  What rewards will there be?

【Ding! Congratulations, get a reward: HIFU Knife (Professional Grade)]

  Haifu knife?

  Chen Nan didn't expect that Director Yu was quite generous, and he made an extraordinary move. He sent a professional-grade Haifu Knife.

  This Haifu knife is not simple.

  Since 2016, Haifu Knife has been gradually accepted by the oncology department.

  The so-called Haifu knife is to destroy tumor tissues by beating cattle across mountains.

   No surgery required!

  Haifu Knife is not a real knife, it is a "focused ultrasound tumor treatment system".

  Its technical name is high-intensity focused ultrasound, and its English abbreviation is "HIFU".

  Using it for surgery does not require surgery, and the operation does not have any wounds.

  Just as sunlight can be focused through a convex lens, ultrasonic waves can also be focused and safely penetrate the body.

  The principle of Haifu Knife treatment is to use these characteristics of ultrasound to focus low-energy ultrasound into the body, gather enough intensity in the "focus" area, and form an instantaneous high temperature of 65~100°C.

  At the same time, the inherent characteristics of ultrasound: cavitation effect, mechanical effect, etc., lead to coagulation necrosis of the tissue, so as to achieve the purpose of killing the lesion.

   This has become an important means of treating tumors and some diseases.

  Many domestic hospitals have even started the operation of Haifu Knife.

  But... if you really want to achieve a high level of operation, it is still a test of technology.

  Chen Nan didn't expect that Director Yu would give gifts as soon as he opened the door.

   Still a great gift!

   In this way, I am prepared to go to the oncology department myself.

  Chen Nan went to the oncology department of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Although Chinese medicine is not in a hurry, but...modern medical methods are still lacking.

   Now that I have Haifu Knife, I have an extra hand to prepare!

  Luo Qiping calmed down, then continued to look at everyone, and asked in a strict voice: "Okay, let's continue the meeting now!"

   "Do you have any comments?"



  The meeting went well!

  After a thirty-minute meeting, everyone left.

  Luo Qiping looked at Chen Nan: "Director Chen."

   "There is a long way to go."

   "I'll leave the oncology department to you."

  Chen Nan nodded: "Thank you Director Luo for your trust."

  Luo Qiping shook his head: "Don't thank me, I do a good job in the oncology department, and then...I will thank you."

   "This is in Jinhua, I have received dissatisfaction from many people in the medical oncology department."

   "I didn't target him because of you."

"Let's go!"

   "You can go to the dean's office with me. This matter... still needs to be reported to the dean."

   Chen Nan nodded with a smile, followed Luo Qiping and walked outside.

  However, at this moment, Chen Nan was thinking about another thing!

   There are only three days for my own system upgrade task.

   A blockbuster!

  How can there be a chance to become a blockbuster?

  I'm new here, I want to go to the oncology department?

  Chen Nan couldn't help taking a deep breath, feeling a little nervous.

  This is the first time the system has been upgraded. To be honest... he is still looking forward to, or curious about, the upgraded system.

  I don't want to miss this mission.

  If it’s just a general bad review task, if he misses it, he misses it. It doesn’t matter, and it’s not that he didn’t complete it all.

   But it is related to the system upgrade task, he dare not be careless.

   While speaking, a group of people walked towards the dean's office.



   And at this time.

  In the dean's office.

  Ge Yerong is discussing tomorrow's affairs with the neurosurgery directors from Xiehe, Tiantan and other hospitals, as well as Duan Youguang, the vice president of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital and the director of neurosurgery.

  Ge Yerong smiled: "Dean Duan, don't be nervous."

   "This operation, you have tried many times."

   "I believe you will succeed!"

  Duan Youguang smiled bitterly: "Hey!"

   "Dean Ge!"

   "This is not an ordinary thing."

   "We have to work hard."

  "The country has given us such trust and invested a lot of energy. It would be great if it succeeds!"

   "However, I still have to report to you."

   "There is no need to publicize this matter."

   "If it fails, this will be... embarrassing!"

  Ge Yerong smiled and was about to speak when there was a knock on the door.

  After that, Yu Jinhua walked in.

   "Hey! Director Yu is here, what's the matter?"

  Yu Jinhua saw everyone in the room, and immediately said with an ugly face: "Dean Ge!"

   "Sorry, the oncology department in the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward, I may not be able to do it!"

   "Director Luo, director of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward, refused my return."

   "The new deputy director, Chen Nanlai, will also serve."

   "I'm here to report to you."

  Ge Yerong frowned when he heard these words, then he groaned and nodded slowly.


   "This matter..."

   "Then you should listen to Director Luo."

   "After all, it's not easy for us to interfere too much in an independent ward."

   "However, Director Yu, we all know your ability, so you don't need to worry."

  "The development of the oncology department is in full swing, and the hospital even plans to help you build a new tumor ward."

   "It can be regarded as a specialization in the art industry!"

   "Director Chen, to be transferred to be the deputy director, he has certain strength!"

   "What you need is mutual cooperation."


  Yu Jinhua was annoyed and said nothing, and said half a sentence: "Well, thank you for the trust and cultivation of the dean."

   "Then I'm out..."

  At this time, Duan Youguang suddenly asked:


   "Director Yu, you are very familiar with technologies such as Haifu knife and SBRT stereotactic body radiotherapy."

   "I have a question, I want to consult."

   "SBRT stereotactic body radiotherapy technology can allow high-dose and precise irradiation of the target area, bringing better tumor local control effect."

   "How do you control this anesthesia?"

   "There is also anesthesia. When Haifu Knife performs tumor surgery, most of them are under general anesthesia?"

"However, in gynecology, Haifu Knife can be used to treat uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, placenta accreta, abdominal wall endometriosis, and scar pregnancy. The treatment process does not require general anesthesia, only Need to use sedative and analgesic drugs."

   "How do you control the dosage, keep the patient awake, cooperate with the operation, and at the same time let the other party adopt a posture to cooperate?"

  Hearing what Duan Youguang said, Yu Jinhua thought about it:

  “Haifu Knife is also good, all-digital system architecture

  4ms system response speed, SBRT stereotactic body radiotherapy, in fact, the auxiliary point, we use the accelerator to operate accurately and efficiently, and the five major systems of IGRT, TPS, TMS, Linac, and QA are fully digital and real-time controlled. "

   "This is how it will work!"

   "Dean Duan, do you... have any ideas?"

  Duan Youguang sighed and said, "We will do a stereotaxic Parkinson's surgery tomorrow."

   "To destroy the patient's VL nucleus, the patient needs to stay awake and cooperate with the operation, but...if local anesthesia is used, we are also worried about the effect of the operation. The inappropriate anesthesia will affect the patient's operation."

   "If you are under general anesthesia, it will cause some problems because the patient cannot wake up and cooperate!"


   "Some trouble!"

  Yu Jinhua nodded after hearing the sound: "Indeed, in this situation, it is difficult to find a middle point."

   "This is not only a problem in some neurosurgery operations, but also a difficult point in some techniques in the oncology department."

"For example, Haifu Knife, there is currently no effective treatment for advanced pancreatic cancer, and pancreatic tumors are more sensitive to temperature. Haifu Knife treatment can effectively kill tumor tissue and reduce the tumor burden. It can effectively reduce back pain in patients with pancreatic swelling and improve the quality of life."

   "However, many patients, especially cancer patients, are very old and weak, and cannot withstand general anesthesia because of their weak constitution."

   "So... many times, this anesthesia limits the treatment of many patients with Hifu Knife."


   And at this time!

  Chen Nan and Luo Qiping, who were outside the door, happened to overhear the conversation of several people.

   And Chen Nan suddenly had a thought.

   What did you think of!


  Haifudao's general anesthesia is indeed a big problem.

  Many patients with advanced cancer are very old and cannot tolerate general anesthesia, which makes Haifu knife strictly limited.

  If the patient... anesthesia is no longer an issue...

   Isn’t Haifu Knife its own characteristic?

  "Acupuncture Anesthesia Combined with Haifu Knife in the Treatment of Malignant Tumors"...

   Isn't this a blockbuster opportunity?

  The more I think about it!

  Chen Nan became more and more excited.

  Although it is impolite to listen to people talking at the door...

  However, this partition has ears, and it is really a way to make a fortune.

   Luo Qiping also became excited at this time.

  After hearing Duan Youguang's words, he suddenly looked at Chen Nan excitedly.

  Seeing this, Chen Nan felt a little bit in his heart: "This...what's the matter? Director Luo?"

   "Shall we go in now?"

  Luo Qiping lowered his voice and asked Chen Nan:

   "I asked you something!"

   "Xiao Chen, do you have a way to perform acupuncture anesthesia, keep the patient awake, and allow him to perform craniotomy?"

   After thinking for a while, Chen Nan nodded: "It should be possible!"

  However, he glanced at the wide-eyed, excited Luo Qiping, and suddenly felt a thump in his heart...

   " are..."

  Luo Qiping excitedly patted Chen Nan on the shoulder!

"it is good!"

"Very good!"

   "I tell you, boy, you're lucky!"

  Chen Nan looked dazed, a little dazed.

   But Luo Qiping was so excited beyond words.

  He knew about Duan Youguang's stereotaxic Parkinson's surgery, and also knew that Duan Youguang had fallen into an anesthesia problem.

  This matter was discussed at the meeting.

  As the director of orthopedics, Duan Youguang also approached him for consultation.

   And now!

  Chen Nan's opportunity has really come!

  Thinking of this, Luo Qiping didn't care about anything else, he pushed the door open, pulled Chen Nan and walked inside.

   Chen Nan was taken aback, and quickly said: "Director, knock on the didn't knock on the door!"

  Luo Qiping can't care about other things.

  Knock on the door?


  Knock a fart!

  The sudden intrusion of these two people stunned everyone in the office.

  This...what's the situation?

  Ge Yerong couldn't laugh or cry.

   All of a sudden, friends are here!

   That’s fine, let’s talk about it.

   There is no need to be so troublesome.

  Ge Yerong smiled directly and said, "Here...Director Luo is here."

   "Exactly, I have something to tell you."

   "This Yu Jinhua, Director Yu..."

   Before the words fell, Luo Qiping said directly: "Wait a minute!"

   "Dean Ge!"

   "You don't need to talk about this matter, I have something important now."

   "I need to talk to Dean Duan."

   After being choked, Ge Yerong was not angry, but looked at Luo Qiping and Duan Youguang curiously.

  Duan Youguang also looked at Luo Qiping curiously: "Director Luo, what do you want?"

  Luo Qiping quickly said: "Dean Duan!"


   "Anesthesia, I have a solution."

   "Successful surgery can be achieved without general anesthesia."

   "Colleagues who let patients cooperate don't need to use any narcotics at all!"

  When Duan Youguang heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he stood up directly: "What did you say?"

   "Without narcotics?!"

"how is this possible?"

   "This can't be done!"

  Luo Qiping said with a smile: "Indeed!"

"I can not do it!"

   "But, someone can do it!"

   "Let me introduce to you, this is the new deputy director of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward of our hospital! Director Chen Nan Chen!"

   "Director Chen can do this!"

  Yu Jinhua frowned: "How is it possible?!"

  Duan Youguang looked at Chen Nan: "Oh? Director Chen, what can you do?"

   Chen Nan said with a smile: "Acupuncture anesthesia!"

   "It will not affect the state of the patient during the operation and can stay awake."

   "Not enough... It depends on the surgery. The specific surgery may be different."

  Duan Youguang narrowed his eyes: "Intracranial surgery, is it possible?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "Yes!"

  As soon as these words came out, several neurosurgery experts couldn't help standing up excitedly!

  (end of this chapter)

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