MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 320 The Backbone of Our Generation

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  Chapter 320 My Backbone

  At this time, in the office.

  Everyone is frantically discussing how to treat Mr. Ma Zhongyuan.

  Si Mingnan went out to answer the phone, and when he came back, he said to everyone:

   "Everyone listen to me."

   "Mr. Ma has spent his whole life for the sake of the motherland."

   "We can't chill the old man's heart."

   "I have only one request here, as long as the old man's life can be extended, so that the old not so painful."

   "Then... At all costs, we must rescue it!"

  Si Ming's difficult words made everyone quiet.

   Everyone is very clear about what this means at all costs!

   This is the determination to do everything possible to save the old man.

  It is also an attitude to express to an old man who has dedicated his life to the motherland.

  Chen Nan was not moved when he heard the sound, because he felt... all this was worth it.

  For the sake of the motherland, abandon the bright future, even at the expense of the ego, but also to achieve the motherland.

   Such a person, shouldn't it be so?

  Perhaps...if Mr. Ma doesn't return to China, his current honor will definitely make the field of quantum physics tremble in the world. Even the Nobel Prize will not be able to fully explain his excellence.


  He returned home.

   At the most difficult time in the motherland, in the famine era in the 1960s.

   Although Chen Nan has never experienced those years, he has also heard about them from books.

  A Tibetan acrostic poem of Ma Lan's spirit has been handed down to this day!

   "The horse rides to the west, the orchid greets you early. After 50 years of careful grooming, the world knows the charm!

  The foundation industry is revitalized, the land is broad and the sky is high. Happy to see Malan's new generation, the entrepreneurial hero of the prosperous age! "

  It was the eventful years back then, everyone gritted their teeth and made a legendary story that made the Chinese people stand upright!

  Mr. Ma spent his life interpreting and practicing that spirit:

   "Do earth-shattering things and be an anonymous person!"

  Chen Nan has never experienced such an eventful time, but...he is fortunate to see such a legendary figure today.

  His heart was also full of emotions.

once Upon a time.

   Those predecessors, with blood and tears, supported a nation of 60 million.

   And look back at the present.

  Shouldn’t our generation follow the way?

  Chen Nan couldn't help but fell silent at this time.

  He put his hands in his pockets under the table, but...the tightly clenched fists seemed to be the pursuit of his heart.

  Those meritorious predecessors have straightened the backbone of 60 million people.

  And our descendants, how can we fall into the prestige of more than a billion?

   A hundred years later.

  If asked how the motherland is, Chen Nan doesn't want to be ashamed to face it.

  He thinks he doesn't have the ability to strengthen the country and promote the industry, but... he also has a sincere and open heart to protect the health of the people of the motherland!

   "I think the most important thing for the old man at present is to support the treatment and strengthen his own immunity, but...the differentiation speed of cancer cells is a more urgent matter. Killing cancer cells and protecting the body's immune function should be done at the same time!"

   An expert on the side looked at the report in his hand and analyzed.

  However, someone soon stood up and raised doubts.

   "How to improve immune skills?"

   "Also, **** cancer cells while improving immunity? Everyone has seen the current situation of the old man."

   "Liver cancer now has lymphatic metastasis, and a large area of ​​the body is full of cancer cells. It is difficult to use even the best targeted drugs for a single treatment!"

  Yang Fupeng suddenly sighed: "No matter what, you can't sit still!"

   "I think... active treatment should be the main priority."

   "It can be considered to use the most advanced digital guidance technology, using tpga technology, to perform laser therapy on human cancer cells."

  Yang Fupeng's views quickly attracted everyone's attention.

  Yuan Chaomin nodded: "Well... makes sense."

   "Laser therapy can indeed kill cancer cells, but... still cause damage to the body."

   "Director Yang should know this."


   "This is still not the best solution."

  At this time, Yuan Chaomin suddenly looked at Shen Yuyuan and the others: "Mr. Shen, Mr. Pei, Mr. Shao, Professor Jiang."

   "Do you Chinese medicine practitioners have any ideas?"

  “I recently read a report saying that Chinese medicine can make up for the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and enhance the body’s immune function.”

  Hearing what Yuan Chaomin said, several people looked at each other.

  Pei Shoutong's eyes dodged a lot.

  To be honest, although he really wants to heal Mr. Ma.

   But... what if it can't be cured?

  He doesn't have the guts either.

   Even, Mr. Ma at this time can be said to be a "cautious doctor" in the jargon of Chinese medicine.

  The ancient imperial doctor may seem glamorous, but in fact... it is a real high-risk industry.

   Therefore, a lot of jargon also appeared.

  Being cautious about medicine is one of them.

   It is said that the patient is sensitive and should be cautious when using the medicine. If the identity is also sensitive, you should be more cautious.

  This is also the reason why there are few great legends born among the imperial doctors of traditional Chinese medicine over the years.

   Once a patient is in crisis, it is basically a neutral remedy.

   There is absolutely no possibility of a "severe medicine".

   Invisibly, the imperial doctor's hand was cut off.

  At this time, Mr. Ma Zhongyuan is physically sensitive and has terminal liver cancer metastasis. Who is sure?

  Seeing that several people were silent, Shen Yuyuan blushed, stood up and said, "I do have some insights about Ma Lao's treatment plan."

  At this time, Shen Yuyuan had no choice.

   How many people are staring at so many people?

   If he doesn't stand up again, he will be looked down upon.

  Shen Yuyuan continued:

   "We can properly improve the quality of life of the old man through traditional Chinese medicine, and also improve some functions of the body."

   "However, it is obviously impossible to reach the point where it can be quantified."

  Shen Yuyuan hit the point.

   That is the difference between visualization and quantification.

  However, it was soon said:

   "Mr. Si, Mr. Qin, are you really at all costs?"

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone around immediately looked at a man in a suit, with delicate hair, and a western-style feeling on his whole body.

  This person is Lu Shouyue.

  You are young, only 53 years old, but you are already one of the leaders in the field of oncology in China.

  With rich overseas experience, he is a visiting professor of Changjiang Scholars. Before returning to China, he was already a member of the American Cancer Society and the World Cancer Society.

  Belongs to one of the leading figures in the domestic oncology field.

  Although he is young, his strength and influence are very strong.

   An article he published last year had an impact factor of 56 points, which is well-known.

   Known as the person who has the best chance of winning the Nobel Prize in China.

   Lu Shouyue's words attracted everyone's attention.

  Si Mingnan frowned and asked, "Professor Lu, what do you mean?"

   Lu Shouyue quickly explained: "Mr. Si, don't get me wrong!"

   "If you don't hesitate to pay the price, I have a therapy here that can prolong your life."

   Lu Shouyue's words immediately caught the attention of everyone around him.

  Everyone suddenly thought of something...

  Yuan Chaomin quickly asked:

   "You mean...a new treatment from Gilead is being considered?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately fell silent.

  Everyone knows what Gilead's new treatment is.

  As a CAR-T therapy that has not yet been launched, but has already caused a sensation at the World Cancer New Drug Conference last year.

   This is a custom-made medicine known as "unable to bear the weight of life".

  Why do you say that?

  CAR-T, the full name is ChimericAntigenReceptorT-CellImmunotherapy, translated as "Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Immunotherapy".

  In layman’s terms, CAR-T cell therapy products activate the recognition ability of T cells in the human immune system through genetic modification, allowing T cells to accurately detect cancer cells and activate autoimmunity to “eliminate” cancer cells.

  The treatment process needs to extract and isolate ordinary immune T cells from the patient, and then transport them to the preparation institution through the cold chain, and then use genetic engineering technology to modify the T cells to form CAR-T cells.

  In the laboratory, a large number of CAR-T cells are expanded. After passing strict quality control and quality inspection, the CAR-T cells are sent to the hospital through cold chain transportation and infused back into the patient.

  In the patient's body, once a tumor cell expressing the corresponding antigen is encountered, the CAR-T cell will be activated and re-expanded, exerting its great specific lethality, and destroying the tumor cell.

  As for the price...the five CAR-Ts that have been launched in the world are priced between US$300,000 and US$500,000. If the costs of examination and hospitalization are included, each patient will cost about US$800,000 to US$1.5 million.


  After the announcement of this treatment, it instantly ignited heated discussions.

   It is called the unbearable weight of life!

  Si Ming nodded hard: "That's right!"

"at all costs."

   "Professor Lu, what idea do you have, as long as it is useful to the old man, we are willing to try it!"

  After Siming Nan finished speaking, Lu Shouyue stood up and walked to the front of the stage.

   "I said, I believe everyone has guessed some!"

   "It's Gilead's new therapy CAR-T therapy!"

   "This is a custom-made therapy. Common immune cells are isolated from the patient's body and then genetically engineered!"

   "Thereby forming new CAR-T cells, which can effectively destroy tumor cells."

   "Moreover, it can also enhance the body's immunity!"

   "It has a good effect on patients with lymphoma and liver cancer."

   "Of course, the cost is high!"

   "Based on Mr. Ma's situation, the final cost will be between 2 million US dollars. If the treatment is expedited, it may be even more expensive!"


   "Mr. Si, don't misunderstand my thoughts. What I mean is that if no cost is spared, this should be the best treatment at present."

   "If you don't believe me, you can ask the directors."

   After Lu Shouyue finished speaking, the scene fell silent.

  Si Mingnan said without the slightest hesitation, "Money is not a problem!"

   Even Siming was a little excited.

   "Is the effect of this therapy guaranteed?"

   "Are there any risks?"

   Lu Shouyue shook his head: "CAR-T cell therapy, of course, is not a panacea."

   "And like other anticancer drugs, CAR-T cell therapy also has certain risks in clinical application."

   “It’s mostly the immune system.”

   "For example, when the human body cannot tolerate a sufficiently strong immune risk, excessively enhancing immunity will only increase the burden on the body."

   "Just like a cold, the immune system will confront the virus, but... when the body's own tolerance cannot support such a confrontation, it is also a disaster!"

   "But... at the moment, there is nothing we can do, isn't it?"

   "Patients with end-stage liver cancer and lymphatic system metastasis... There are really too few solutions we can have!"

   Following the other party's words, the scene suddenly fell silent.

Yes indeed…

   At this moment, do we still have a choice?

   And Chen Nan was also shocked by the other party's explanation.

  This kind of CAR-T cell therapy is like a bug in the current tumor treatment.

  Through in vitro gene cultivation, the immune efficacy of T cells is enhanced.


  The most important thing is to let the human body start to recognize tumor cells, and carry out immunity and attack.

   This is simply... It is somewhat similar to the Acradine Epimedium I am currently researching!


   There is still a difference.

  The existence of icariin is mainly to awaken the body's immune system naturally.

  Through the body's autoimmune activation and immune enhancement, the patient's tumor cells are killed.

to be honest!

  The difference from other CAR-T cell therapy is that its own treatment method is more intelligent.

   There is no immune load like the other party said.


  Similarly, one's own immune ability and the efficiency of killing tumor cells are probably not as strong as the other party's.

  Everything has two sides.

  In particular, the biggest advantage of icariin is to combine the patient's own constitution to enhance immunity and kill tumor cells at the same time.

   This is a gradual process!

at this time…

  Chen Nan began to think, should he stand up?

  Similarly, Siming Nan, Qin Shiming and the others were also lost in thought.

  Ma Zhongyuan is like an elder to Simingnan!

   Any letter of consent from Mr. Ma must be signed by Siming.

  He had to think carefully about how to proceed with this matter.

   Just when Siming fell into deep thought.

  Suddenly, a rushing voice sounded.

"Oh no!"

   "Director Yuan... Hurry up! Go and have a look!"

   "Master Ma started to twitch!"

  A little nurse was sweating profusely, ran into the office with a panicked expression, and said loudly.

   Accompanied by a series of nervous and excited voices from the little nurse.

   Everyone didn't have time to think, and ran outside in a hurry!

  Si Mingnan was even more anxious now!

  He was full of fear.

   I'm afraid that something will happen to the old man at this time.

  Chen Nan ran towards the ward even more quickly.

   Wait until a group of people enter the ward.

  But I saw the old man lying on the ground convulsing, with many acupuncture needles on his body...

   Ma Zhongyuan is not tall, even relatively short. At this time, he is suffering from long-term cancer, and he weighs less than 80 kilograms.

  Among the dark skin texture is the unique skin color of the Malan people.

  In that emaciated body, what is hidden is that iron bone!

   At this time, the old man has fallen into convulsions.

  In the advanced stage of hepatic encephalopathy, it is easy to induce convulsions.


   This is not the point!

  The key point is that there is a laptop computer that is still on on the table before the old man fell.

I can tell!

  The old man must be playing with the computer at this time.

   Seeing this, Yuan Chaomin quickly arranged for everyone.

   And at this time!

  Chen Nan took the lead and walked over, took out a few acupuncture needles on his body, and began to inject them on the old man's head.

   "Everyone, give way!"

   "Director Yuan, can I come?!"

   Chen Nan's words are very sincere.

  Seeing the old man in pain at this moment, he couldn't bear it anymore.

   "I have research on the convulsions of this hepatic encephalopathy!"

   "Give me a chance!"

  Yuan Chaomin glanced at Chen Nan, then at Siming Nan, gritted his teeth, and nodded: "Okay!"

after all!

  Chen Nan's acupuncture pain relief just now is indeed effective!

  This time, Siming Nan also chose to trust Chen Nan again.

   But Chen Nan didn't hesitate at all!

   started his own operation directly.

  Acupoints, parietal midline, frontal midline, parietal parietal line, supraoccipital midline, posterior temporal oblique line!

   This is Chen Nan's unique acupuncture method for treating convulsions caused by sudden hepatic encephalopathy!

  Each acupuncture point incorporates Chen Nan's modern understanding of acupuncture and moxibustion.

   After a few needles go down.

  Suddenly, as if the old man had let go of his strength, his whole body relaxed and limp on the ground.

  The whole person is panting...

  The pair of eyes also began to slowly open.


  When he saw so many people present, there was a bit of guilt in his eyes.

  Chen Nan carefully placed the old man on the hospital bed.

  Then pulled out the needles used for pain relief just now.

  Master Ma glanced at Chen Nan full of guilt, and then at everyone:

"I'm sorry…"

   “I just want to get things organized…”

   "Ming Nan, I'm afraid that these won't understand after I'm gone..."

   "These are our latest research progress."

   "I can't leave so hastily..."

   "I'm sorry... Hey, I caused you trouble."

  The voice of the old man's apology was very weak, but in everyone's ears, it was deafening, and everyone's heart was shocked!

  How could they have the heart to blame such an old man?

  He doesn't even have the slightest selfishness.

   Feeling a little better, I immediately started to sort out my data...

  He is not afraid of death!

  He is afraid that after his death, these research results will be wasted by people who don’t understand.

  He is not afraid of pain!

  He was just worried that the progress of these experiments would be delayed!

in the room!

   No one spoke for a long time.

  Everyone is suffering from an unprecedented spiritual storm in their hearts.

  Si Mingnan's eyes were already hazy.

  Tears have completely flooded the eyes of this iron-blooded man.

   also wet everyone's heart.

  Who said all living beings are equal?

  Chen Nan clearly felt a kind of insignificance from the bottom of his heart!

This short and skinny old man has a giant-like soul. Sixty years ago, he supported the country's security mission, so that 600 million people are no longer subservient to others, and 56 ethnic groups have independence personality and soul!

   And today!

  Chen Nan had a sore nose, feeling how small he was.

  Compared to the old man in front of me, how can I be great at all?


this moment!

  In Chen Nan's heart, a seed called the backbone of the nation took root faintly and began to germinate.

  The old man in front of him personally planted this seed called the hope of the nation for Chen Nan!


   Regardless of field.


  From the heart!

  At this moment, Chen Nan was really touched.

  The old man in front of him, no matter what, he will try his best to treat him!

  Be the founder of the future, don't let it go from wide to narrow!

   This is his ambition!

   And at this time!

   Ma Zhongyuan was lying on the bed, feeling helpless and silent.

  He knew... he was really running out of time.


  He dare not die!

   I am leaving now, it is too irresponsible.


  Can't you let me live half a year longer?

  I only need half a year!

   Now the cooling experiment has reached a critical moment.

  If I leave.

  I am really speechless to see Lao Qian and the others!



   I can't die!

  The old man suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were determined again.

  He looked at Siming Nan, then at Chen Nan, and said:

   "Ming Nan, let everyone go out!"

   "I want to chat with... this Dr. Chen!"

   "And... Director Yuan, please stay here too."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone around was dumbfounded.

  You don’t know, why did you keep Chen Nan?


   Everyone didn't dare to go against the old man's wishes, they got up one after another and left the ward.


  Only Siming Nan, Yuan Chaomin, and Chen Nan were left in the room.

at this time…

  The old man suddenly looked at Siming Nan: "Help me sit up."

  Si Ming was about to say something, but Ma Zhongyuan glared at him immediately: "I can't die!"

  Si Ming didn't dare to go against the old man's wishes, and nodded quickly: "Don't get excited!"

  The old man glared at Siming Nan, then sighed, but still didn't speak.

  He looked at Yuan Chaomin:

   "Director Yuan, how long can I live?"

  Yuan Chaomin did not expect the old man to ask this question suddenly.

  He didn't know how to answer for a moment.

  Therefore, Yuan Chaomin looked at Siming with difficulty.

  Si Mingnan hurriedly said:


   “We have found a new cure.”

   “It’s called CAR-T cell therapy.”

   "This technology allows you to prolong your lifespan."

  Ma Zhongyuan suddenly said: "This is from Gilead!"

   "Do you, Siming, know what this company does?"

   "My blood samples are recorded by others, you think I can do this treatment?"

"I tell you!"

   "I, Ma Zhongyuan, will die, and I won't use their medicine!"

   "This is causing trouble for the country!"

   "This is a problem left over from history!"

   "Don't you know?"

  As soon as these words came out, Siming was dumbfounded.

  He didn't expect... the old man knew so much about all this.

Just at this time…

  Ma Zhongyuan suddenly sighed: "Hey... I also want to live a few more years."

   "Seeing the success of your latest project."

   "I know my body."

   "There is no cure."

   "Si Mingnan, the treatment cost more than three million dollars, right?"

   "Who gave you the rights?"

   "I know what my health is like. You can't waste the country's money!"

"do you know?"

   "Director Yuan, I just want to know, how long can I support the current situation?"

   "A month?"

  Yuan Chaomin sighed, and said helplessly: "Up to forty days!"

   "Your body is poor in all treatments."

   "And, for these forty days, you have to stay in the hospital."

   "Can't be discharged!"

   "Otherwise, I can't guarantee it."

  Ma Zhongyuan closed his eyes, muttering in a low voice:

   "Not enough..."

   "Forty days...really not enough..."

"How to do this?"

   After hesitating for a moment, Ma Zhongyuan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Chen Nan: "Doctor Chen!"

   "Can you make me feel better?"

   "Just like today..."

   "You are amazing!"

   "Chinese medicine is really great."

   "Can you make me feel less pain... At least it won't affect my work?"

   "Doctor Chen, please!"

   "Give me these forty days, please?"

   "I only need forty days!"

  Chen Nan was teary-eyed by these words, and he didn't know how to answer.

   This old man!

   Facing death, there is no anxiety or uneasiness.

   Even a little bit of fear cannot be found in his eyes.


  There is only one thing in those eyes.

   is called faith!

  In his life, there is something that supports him.

  It is hope, it is faith, and it is a fistful heart.

  How many people in this world can do this?

  How many people can keep their names incognito for decades without yearning for the prosperity of the world?

  How many people can hold on to it for decades without thinking about the power in the world?

  Chen Nan once again felt touched in his heart.

  The old man said to Siming Nan, "Hurry up!"

   "Organize a base meeting."

   "I have a meeting!"

   "Get ready!"

  Si Ming couldn't hold back tears like rain, his voice was choked up, and it was difficult to say a complete sentence!

   He wiped away his tears and knelt down!

   "Godfather, can you stop doing this?"

   "I beg you!"

   "Are you able to receive treatment well?"

   "Our country is not what it used to be."

   "We have the power to save you!"

   "The leader said that he will treat you at all costs!"

   Before he finished speaking, the old man suddenly raised his hand and slapped it heavily on the table:


   "It's just nonsense!"

   "We are not prodigals!"

   "Why do you spend so much money on me?"


   "I don't know how many days I can live?"

   "You are wasting the efforts of the country and the people!"

   "Stop wasting energy on me."

   "Hurry up and make the coolant."

   "This is a major event that benefits the country and the people!"

   "How can you, Siming, be so affectionate?!"

   "Did you forget your name and who got it for you?"

   "Si Ming is difficult, you must remember those difficult years and the sufferings suffered by the motherland."

   "Stand up for me!"

  The old man was obviously angry.

   "You are confused!"

   "You bastard!"

   "You are stubborn!"

"you you…"


  The old man was too excited, his body became unstable, and he slipped on the bed, but his hands were still trembling.

  Si Mingnan knelt on the ground with tears all over his face!

  He wanted to tell this cute curmudgeon.

  The motherland is really not as difficult as it used to be.

  We are strong now!

  The people are also prosperous and strong!

   You gave us peace, you gave us... hope.

   This peaceful and prosperous world is really as you wish.


  He can't speak!

  Master Ma sighed:


   "When a person is old, speaking is useless."

   "I can't be the master!"

   Seeing this, Chen Nan couldn't bear it anymore.

  He walked up to the old man and suddenly said, "I have a solution!"

   "It can extend the life of the elderly by at least three months!"


   "Currently, this study has not yet undergone clinical trials."

   "So... I don't know how the effect will be."

   "But...I can assure you that this drug will definitely improve the old man's current health!"

   As soon as this remark comes out!

   The room fell silent again.

  Beside Siming stood up excitedly, he stared at Chen Nan quickly: "Are you sure?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "But..."

   "Mr. Si, what I'm worried about is... the safety of this drug."

   "After all, no phase one clinical trial has been done."

   "This is a new drug I'm researching, a traditional Chinese medicine extract, and it has just come out."

   "It can improve people's immunity, activate the body's immune system to recognize cancer cells, and at the same time enhance the effect of the immune system..."

   As soon as this remark comes out!

  Yuan Chaomin frowned suddenly.

   "What medicine?"

  Chen Nan smiled wryly: "It's an important epimedium extract."

   "My brother and I found out."

   " complete animal experiments have been done..."

   "Only preliminary animal experiments were done to prove its pharmacology and efficacy."

   And at this time!

  Mr. Ma heard this, and immediately raised his head and said, "You can try it!"

   "Isn't it just that there is no clinical trial?"

   "Doctor Chen, am I not a ready patient?"

   "You can use it to experiment!"

   "But... are you sure it really works?"

   "No, are you sure you can really give me an extra three months?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "If you follow the pharmacological research of drugs, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

   "Moreover, we don't need to use this drug alone for treatment, we can increase the dosage of this drug in the compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine."

   "If you test at any time, there shouldn't be much risk."

   Ma Zhongyuan heard this!

   Immediately made a decision: "OK!"

   "I want to try!"

   "Si Ming is difficult, you sign for me."

   "I want treatment!"

  Si Mingnan and Yuan Chaomin looked at each other, both worried!

  For a drug, even animal experiments have not been done, and the third phase of clinical trials has not been conducted.

  How can they rest assured that the old man can use it?

  Yuan Chaomin glanced at Chen Nan: "Director Chen, this is not a joke!"

  Chen Nan nodded seriously: "I know!"

   "But... isn't this hopeless?"

   "At least... this drug still has a certain effect."

  Yuan Chaomin took a deep breath and looked at Siming Nan.

  Si Mingnan also had a serious expression on his face.

  Long time...

  Yuan Chaomin said: "You give me the pharmacological research and the preliminary animal experiment results."

   "Let's discuss it!"

  Chen Nan nodded.

   While talking, Yuan Chaomin led Chen Nan out of the ward.

  Back to the office.

   And at this time!

  In the room, many people were waiting anxiously.

   Lu Shouyue hurriedly asked: "How is it?"

  Yuan Chaomin sighed: "The old man is unwilling to accept CAR-T cell therapy."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly sighed in despair.

at the moment!

   I have really run out of ammunition and food, and there are not many good ways to do it.

   And this time...

  Yuan Chaomin continued: "This is Director Chen, let me introduce you."

   "He is the deputy director of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, in charge of tumors."

   "He just proposed a drug that can effectively treat the old man's condition."

   "Let him introduce this drug!"

   Chen Nan nodded, stood up directly, bowed to everyone and said:

   "This drug is not without a clinical trial. To be precise, it is a drug derived from clinical trials."

  “I discovered a drug in the experience of screening a large number of traditional Chinese medicines for tumor treatment.”

   "This drug, I call it icariin."

   "We found this drug through extraction, and its core mechanism is to down-regulate the inflammatory pathway, that is, to exert anti-tumor effects through the expression of IL-6/JAK2/STAT3 and... IL-6, PD-L1, etc.!"

  At the same time, through the regulation of immunosuppressive cells, it can regulate the immune microenvironment and inhibit tumor growth. "

   "The most important thing is that it can enhance the body's immune regulation!"


  Chen Nan quickly described the pharmacological effects of Acradine that he had researched in detail.

   Then the first results of the animal experiments were announced!

   After Chen Nan finished speaking, he said to everyone:

   "I know, I have not conducted clinical trials on this drug."

   “Currently only preliminary pharmacological studies.”


   "I am willing to take responsibility for this!"

   "And... there is really no other way at the moment."

   Finished with Chen Nan.

  The scene fell into silence for an instant.

  Everyone couldn't help staring at Chen Nan with wide eyes, wanting to see some clues.

  Unfortunately, Chen Nan looked calm.

the most important is…

  Everyone was actually shocked.

  Because, once this drug is successful, it will become a pioneer in the anti-cancer market of traditional Chinese medicine.

   It is even a powerful impact on tumor-targeted drugs in China!

  China has always been in a backward state in the field of tumor-targeted drug research.

  This gap in the field of cutting-edge scientific and technological medicines has always been our disadvantage.

   And now...

   It's hard for everyone to believe that Chen Nan really did it!

   Lu Shouyue looked at Chen Nan's various data and carefully analyzed them.

  He himself is a professional oncologist.

   He has a lot of experience in drug research and new drug research.

  The more he looked at it, the more he felt it made sense...

  Because these data cannot be faked at all.


  The core mechanism proposed by Chen Nan is to down-regulate the inflammatory pathway, which is similar to the current world-leading CAR-T.

  Even... more humane and intelligent!

   It doesn't look like a fake at all!

  Is it true?


  If it is true... This shocked Lu Shouyue even more.

  Because he knows very well that what this drug will bring to the world's tumors will be an unprecedented impact!

   Lu Shouyue had to think carefully and carefully.

   But Pei Shoutong shook his head and said, "I don't support it!"

   "What if something goes wrong?"

   "This drug is just your subjective assumption, superficial animal experiments and pharmacological research, too hasty!"

   "Besides, there are so many compounds in traditional Chinese medicine, how can you guarantee that it is this kind of medicine?"

  Obviously, what Pei Shoutong said is not unreasonable, but...he is more...a kind of envy, or fear!

  If Chen Nan really saved Mr. Ma!

   And this drug was developed...

  This future...

   I really can't imagine.


  At this time, Shao Yanfang suddenly said excitedly: "I think it's feasible!"

   "Even if you use traditional Chinese medicine preparations, as long as you increase the use of icariin, there will be no major problems!"

   "This should be very suitable for the old man!"

at this time!

  Lu Shouyue suddenly nodded and said, "Mr. Si, this can try it."

   "The pharmacology is very complete."

   "And...worth trying!"

  Si Ming looked at Lu Shouyue with an ugly look: "Are you sure? Professor Lu!"

   Lu Shouyue nodded: "I am willing to vouch for him!"

   At this time, Yang Fupeng also nodded: "I am willing too!"

  Shen Yuyuan: "I am willing!"

  Shao Yanfang: "I am willing too!"


   One after another, Siming couldn't help but look at the room, and more than 60 people supported Chen Nan.

  Si Ming took a deep breath: "Chen Nan!"

   "You should know the importance of this time...!"

   "I'm not putting pressure on you."

   "But...I beg you, it will work!"

"Thank you!"

  Chen Nan nodded: "Leader, please rest assured!"

   "I will definitely do my best."

  Hearing Siming Nan's words, Pei Shoutong and Jiang Sumen's faces were full of worry.

   But Chen Nan's expression became agitated at this time.

he knows!

   This time, it must succeed!


  ps: Thanks to the leader of "Shangxian Qitian" for his heroic reward of 100,000, becoming the 19th leader of this book!

  Thank you big brother!

   Add more updates for the boss.

  (end of this chapter)