MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 356 Perfect Level Reward

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  Chapter 356 Perfect Level Reward

  Fan Dangye was shocked.

  To be honest, he has always been in awe of Uncle Li. This old man has profound knowledge, far-reaching plans, and a unique vision for discerning people and things.

  Who can get such praise from Mr. Li as "Young Sun"? !

   For a while, Fan Dangye also fell silent.

   "Uncle Li, I don't know... who is this boy?"

   "Can you get such praise?"

  The old man smiled and looked at Fan Dangye: "Didn't you see it?"

   While talking, he pointed to the TV.

   This time, the annual meeting of TCM physicians will be broadcast live, but it is an online broadcast. At this time, the camera on the TV is facing Chen Nan!

  After seeing this familiar face, Fan Dangye was surprised for a moment, and then said:

   "This is...Xiao Chen?!"

   "Chen Nan!"

   "Uncle Li... what happened?"

  Old Li waved his hand: "Hehe, Lao Fan is really lucky!"

   "To be able to find Xiao Chen, to be was really a coincidence."

   "Qin Shiming and Gao Ruizhen also have discerning eyes, they can see Chen Nan, and they are exceptionally promoted to the health care committee."

   "This Chen Nan, I'm really looking forward to it!"

   "By the way, when will Chen Nan come to treat Lao Fan?"

  Hearing Uncle Li's words, Fan Dangye was shocked like a sea of ​​water.

   Chen Nan received such an evaluation from Mr. Li, this kid... is really... lucky.


  Fan Dangye quickly rejected his idea.

  What luck?

  At his age, he knows that this is not as simple as luck.

  Small luck depends on little virtue.

  Universiade has a road.

  The well-informed Fan Dangye knew that this was the real Universiade.

  The so-called, one is fate, two is luck, three is Fengshui, four is cultivating merit and five is reading.

  Although he had only met Chen Nan twice, he clearly realized that this person was very lucky. He had successfully rescued his father as soon as he joined the Health Bureau.

   And now he can be treated differently by Mr. Li, and praised as "Young Sun", which shows how great his great luck is.

  People, when they reach a certain status and status, in fact, they also believe in Universiade very much.

  The Fan family has been cautious all these years. Every time they stand in line and speak, they are even more careful. But even so, when you are faced with a choice, "luck" becomes very important.

  This little Chen, Fan Dangye's previous idea was very simple, just to repay the favor.

  Father, Fan Qingjian, is the cornerstone of the Fan family.


  Father a hundred years later, after he really leaves?

  Everything is unknown.

   Chen Nan had such great luck, and was so appreciated by Mr. Li, Fan Dangye and Chen Nan began to change their minds about dating.

   "It can be regarded as a deep friendship!"

  Fan Dangye hurriedly said to Mr. Li: "Uncle Li, Xiao Chen will come over tomorrow morning."

   "My father finished taking three doses of medicine."

   "Xiao Chen is going back to Jin Province tomorrow afternoon. Before going back, he needs to prescribe medicine again to consolidate."

   "So we made an appointment to come here on time at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."

   "You want to see him?"

  Old Li smiled slightly: "See you, but it's just a simple meeting."

   "Don't talk too much."

   "I chatted with him occasionally."



   And at this time!

meeting venue.

  The meeting is over.

  Shen Yuyuan stood on the stage, ready to make a summary and final speech before the end of the meeting.

  However, at this moment, the audience couldn't calm down at all.

  Everyone looked at Chen Nan and talked a lot.

  Shen Yuyuan's heart is also extremely complicated.

   Over a year ago.

  When Chen Nan left from the Young Chinese Medicine Training Program, he was just a fledgling at that time, and he was not deeply involved in the world.

   And now, how much time is this?

  He has shown his sharpness and stood out among all sentient beings. He came to the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, a high-end hospital with a mixed strength, and quickly gained a foothold, and made many outstanding achievements!

  Icaritin extract won the most anticipated award of the year at the World Cancer Society New Drug Launch Conference!

   Subsequently, the genetic engineering project he participated in allowed China to independently establish its own genetic identification institution!

   And today!

  When the beautiful country is coveting, sending troops and generals, asking Dai Zuwen and others to attend the annual meeting, wanting to compete and make them look ugly!

  He stepped forward again to turn the tide!

   Bookish, scold Fang Qiu!

  Let Na Dai Zuwen stand here without any face and continue the meeting.

  What an honor? !

  Who said that having a child should be like Sun Zhongmou?

  I think it is... the disciples should be like Chen Jiazi.

  Shen Yuyuan glanced at Lu Pingren, and suddenly felt that Chen Nan really shined the most among so many disciples in his life.


really good!

  Suddenly, Shen Yuyuan was surprised to find that old man Lu Pingren was secretly wiping away his tears.

  He was stunned for a moment: "Old are..."

  Lu Pingren waved his hand slightly, and said with a smile: "Happy, happy!"

   "Yu Yuan, that's great!"

   "I don't have much time. I can't see him standing on a bigger stage, letting the essence of China shine on the top of the world, and I can't see him saving all beings from fire and water when he is in danger."

   "However, today is enough!"

   "I, Lu Pingren, can have such a Qilin disciple at an octogenarian age. It is true that God treats me well!"

   "After I leave, you must take care of this child."

   "Although she is capable and courageous, she is not a master of peace."

   "You guys have to take good care of it, this is... my way of Chinese medicine, and it is also the future of Chinese medicine!"

  Hearing Lu Pingren's words, Shen Yuyuan also nodded in deep thought, and said solemnly: "Don't worry!"

   "Old Lu."

   "I'll wait, even if I risk my life, I will support it to the end!"


  Qin Shiming and Gao Ruizhan stood on the stage with smiles in their eyes.

  The two of them were very worried about the annual meeting of Chinese medicine physicians this time.

after all!

   They are very clear about Joe Johnson's conspiracy this time, and they are even preparing for it.

  However, according to Zhang Bolin and others, we did not have any great results this year, but... Dai Zuwen has a lot of influence this year.

  So, this time, we try to be undefeated.

   After all, this year's annual meeting will exchange research results on the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine.

   Rather than simply the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

  So, what Qin Shiming and Gao Ruizhen thought at the beginning was, just don't lose.

   But now?

   Not only won!

   Moreover, it is a great victory!

  When Dai Zuwen had the chance to win, our general Chen Nan, with his own strength, defeated the enemy in three combinations and turned the tide.

   Then Dai Zuwen can be said to have suffered a crushing defeat!

  First of all, the infamy of plagiarism cannot escape.


   There have also been acts of disrespect for science, which is simply a disgrace to the academic community.

The key is…

   What Dai Zuwen said this time is the content that won the American Physiological and Medical Progress Award!

   How ironic is this?

  Qin Shiming feels that he must accompany everyone to have a good drink tonight.

   Today's wine must be drunk!

  Gao Ruizhen saw what Qin Shiming was thinking, and said with a smile, "I have to drink something tonight!"

  Qin Shiming laughed: "Yes!"

   At this time, the staff reminded in a low voice: "Mr. Qin, it's your turn to speak!"

  Qin Shiming nodded at him. He was holding the draft in his hand and was about to speak when suddenly...

  He hesitated!

  When he looked at the excited experts and excited faces in the audience, they suddenly looked at the camera.

   They knew that this Joe Johnson must be waiting for the result in front of the TV!

  Thinking of this, Qin Shiming narrowed his eyes and didn't even think about it. He stuffed the draft into his pocket, got up and strode towards the front of the stage.

  When it was before the microphone, Qin Shiming suddenly said:


   "Thanks to all the experts for their reports, which made this meeting full of scientific and rigorous academic atmosphere!"

   "To be honest, I am a little flattered to stand here!"

   "Because all of you here are experts and professors who have made fundamental contributions to our motherland's medical science, why can I, Qin Shiming He De, come to speak?"

   "But then, I figured out the answer!"

   "Because, I found the meaning of my appearance here, and that is to serve everyone!"

   "So, let me just say a few words."

   "First of all, the meeting was very exciting. Everyone's courage to question, let us see scientific exploration and a serious and responsible academic attitude!"

   "Secondly, dare to challenge authority, this is a must-have requirement for a scientific worker!"

   "Because of authority, it is not necessarily right."

   "Professor Dai Zuwen, as the president of our Overseas Chinese Medicine Association, has won the American Physiological and Medical Progress Award, but... today's case has taught us a lesson, and we must also learn the lesson!"

   "A high status doesn't necessarily mean doing the right thing!"

   "Winning a big prize may not necessarily be the truth!"

  “We must dare to question, dare to speak, dare to explore, and dare to challenge!”

   "Of course, I am here, and I also hope that overseas, the American Physiological and Medical Progress Award will also be serious and responsible, increase the review, and try to avoid such things from happening on such an international stage of academic exchanges."

   "As Professor Chen Nan said, this is a disrespect for academics! It is also a disrespect for science, and it is also a disrespect for every scientific staff present!"

   "Of course, we ourselves should also take this as a vigilance and strengthen the censorship of academics!"

   "Avoid academic behaviors like this: plagiarism and fraud!"


  Qin Shiming's words are already very explicit.

  He almost pointed at Joe Johnson's nose and said, "Aren't you ashamed? Huh? Any cat or dog can come to our academic conference?"

   "Your American Physiological and Medical Progress Award, is this level?"

   "Are you ashamed?"


  Joe Johnson was next to the TV at this time, watching Qin Shiming's words, he almost exploded in anger!

  The perennial self-cultivation has completely disappeared at this time.


  Damn Dai Zuwen!

   Fuck, I'm totally humiliated.

  At this time, the experts in the audience shook their heads and sighed.

   "Mr. Joe Johnson, trouble your department to supervise the Physiological Medicine Progress Award. This is an insult to us!"

   "Yes, Mr. Joe Johnson, why would you send such a person to such a meeting? This is simply a disgrace to our American academic community!"

   "Yeah, I feel a bit ashamed now that I won the Physiological Improvement Award."

   "I also have some doubts about his gold content!"

   "Hey, Mr. Joe Johnson, please don't invite me to participate in such a meeting, I feel so ashamed!"

   "That's right..."

   "Gone, gone..."

   Watching a group of experts get up and leave one after another, Joe Johnson was dumbfounded.

  He got up quickly: "Everyone...Everyone wait..."

   "There will be a dinner party tonight!"

   "This...Mr. Meath...Professor Clay..."

   Unfortunately, these experts have left.

   But at this time, someone got excited.

   That's the reporters!

  This big news must be reported well.

   "We are reporters from the New York Times. Professor Dai Zuwen presented the award at the American Physiological and Medical Progress Awards in person. Do you have anything to say?"

  Joe Johnson immediately wanted to drive these reporters away.

  I'll present the award, I don't know what a fart!

  This group of idiot experts.

   There is also Dai Zuwen. At this time, Joe Johnson can't wait to kill others.

   "We are the American Broadcasting Corporation, Mr. Joe Johnson. Is this incident a crisis of the American Medical Awards? As the relevant person in charge, what do you think of this incident?"

   "We are NBC media. May I ask Mr. Dai Zuwen, the American Physiological and Medical Progress Award has always been approved by the FDA. Whose work is wrong?"

   "We are CBS, Mr. Joe Johnson, what I want to ask is, what kind of rot is there in our academic circle?"


   Facing the siege of a group of media, Joe Johnson felt ashamed at this moment.

  However, he couldn't drive away this group of people.

   You know, if this group of media drives away by themselves, what will happen tomorrow?


   At this moment, his phone rang.

  Joe Johnson couldn't help shaking his hands when he saw it. This is a call from the White House.

   "Do you know how many doubts this behavior will bring to us?"

   "Do you know how many people are staring at us?"


   "Idiot, who did you choose!"

  He quickly picked up the phone: "Listen to my explanation..."

  However, the other party said in a cold voice: "Explain? Good!"

"I listen!"

   "Come and explain to me right away. If the explanation is not clear, I will announce your punishment tomorrow!"



   And at this time.


meeting venue.

   After Qin Shiming finished speaking, he suddenly continued:

   "Here, I have to announce something!"

   "Our Association of Chinese Medicine Physicians shoulders an important mission, but also bears great responsibilities!"

   "So, I think that Mr. Dai Zuwen is not suitable to serve as the vice president of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians, so... Dai Zuwen's position as vice president is cancelled."

   "This is the result of our joint discussion."

   "However, we still need to strengthen communication and exchanges with overseas TCM physician associations."

   "We also warmly welcome everyone's arrival."


   And at this time!

  After Dai Zuwen left the venue.

  After going out, I almost fainted to the ground.

   It's over!

   It might really be over!

  Suspected of academic plagiarism!

  Academic fraud is a foregone conclusion!

  Where does he go from now on?

  He can already imagine what kind of blow he will bear after returning to the United States this time?

   This time, he let Lao Mei lose face!

  Speaking of which, I'm still a **** national hero, okay?

  Why are you targeting me?


  Dai Zuwen sat on the ground as if lost in spirit.

   And at this time, the phone lights up.

   "Professor Dai, your vice president has been cancelled..."

   Seeing the text message, Dai Zuwen was so angry that he almost threw away the phone.



  Lao Tzu is a national hero, why are you treating me like this? !

   A bunch of ungrateful things…


  The meeting was held successfully and smoothly, and most importantly, even to some extent, it greatly encouraged domestic Chinese medicine researchers.

   After all, we have also researched what you Dai Zuwen researched, and we haven't used so many troublesome and complicated tools.

  This shows that in the modernization of Chinese medicine, what is lacking is no longer simply modern high-tech equipment, but a heart that truly understands Chinese medicine and how to modernize research.

   That evening!

  Chen Nan became the core figure of this wine bureau.

  Countless people flocked to find Chen Nan for a drink.

   As Chen Nan’s first drinker, assistant, driver, secretary, life helper, daily errand tool, book writer and deputy editor-in-chief, Zhao Jianyong really came into everyone’s field of vision this time.

   Everyone knows that this is the person next to Director Chen Nan.

  Thus, Director Zhao became a favorite.

   A group of people wanted to give Lao Zhao souvenirs, and let him bring them back to Director Chen during the Chinese New Year, and at the same time, they naturally got some of them.

   This made Lao Yang a little lonely.


  Lao Yang suddenly felt that the vice president should not do this.

   Otherwise, he is the one who is so famous now, and it's his turn to be **** Zhao?


  Tonight, everyone in Jin Province has become the protagonist, being dragged to drink and inquire about Chen Nan.

   Tao Gongshu also drank too much, pulling Yuan Chuanxin to say.

   "Old Yuan, look... how beautiful it is!"

   "Damn, we have been the president of the association for so many years, and we have never been respected like this!"

   "Tonight, there are at least ten deans, nine presidents, and a lot of directors who came to see me!"

   "Hey... I'm not afraid of your jokes. Before, I actually... hated Chen Nan, haha... At that time, you didn't know..."

   Tao Gongshu is really happy.

  Jin Province was originally a weak coterie. In previous years, it was not even possible to book a box in the hotel, but today it is so touted by everyone, what a prestige it is!

   And all these changes, only because of one person: Chen Nan!

  The dinner lasted until after ten o'clock. Everyone was too happy to drink too fast, and they got drunk early and were sent back to the hotel.

   At eleven o'clock, Chen Nan stood on the balcony, letting the cold winter wind blow on his face.

  He felt that he needed to be sober and reflective.

  Tonight, he was a little flattered by the hype.

   You must wake up, otherwise...after being touted for a long time, you will believe it.

   Moreover, Chen Nan is well aware of his shortcomings.

   In other words, they are well aware of the shortcomings of the domestic Chinese medicine industry and the medical industry.

  This is by no means overnight, or a new drug made by myself, which can be changed with a small achievement.

   There is still a long way to go.

   And my own way is longer.

   Moreover, Dai Zuwen did not lose completely today.

   Actually, Chen Nan should also reflect on himself.

   At that time, he did discover the changes in plasma E and T, which had an impact on coronary heart disease, but... because of the existence of special indicators of myocardial enzymes, he put it on hold.

  If I had studied deeply at that time, would I have really discovered something new?

  And why didn't I do it myself?

  The reason is actually very simple!

   It's just that I am too eager for quick success.

  I always want to achieve results as soon as possible, and I lose patience with those tedious and troublesome tasks.

  This is a wrong thing for a scientific worker.

   At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in my mind.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a bad review reward from Dai Zuwen, bad review level: serious! 】

【Ding! Congratulations, Dai Zuwen is in the Xinglinyuan camp, triggering reward upgrades, your system rewards have been upgraded from expert level to perfect level! 】

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received a reward: Ba Duan Jin (Perfect Level)]

  Chen Nan was stunned!

  From the very beginning, Chen Nan actually had expectations. After hearing the system notification sound telling the rewards to upgrade, Chen Nan was full of expectations.


  When he heard the system reward, he couldn't help but froze.

  Baduanjin? !

   Before he came back to his senses, he suddenly felt something special in his mind:

   Baduanjin, the ancient Chinese Daoyin technique!

  Chen Nan naturally knows this. In fact, Qigong is a kind of thing that integrates exercise, lifestyle, self-cultivation, and breathing.

  The so-called qigong does not mean that it can "transform the three cleans in one qi", let alone "control the sword with qi", "release internal qi externally"...whatever.

  The so-called qigong is to make the body reach a healthy state by regulating the yin and yang qi of the internal organs

  So, Qigong, in fact, the modern standard name, should be "Chinese Health Qigong."

  It is a kind of national traditional sports that takes physical activity, combined with breathing and psychological adjustment as the main form of exercise.

  Baduanjin is without a doubt the most widely spread and most influential on the development of Daoyin.

  At this time, accompanied by various information, formulas and actions...

   "Close your eyes and sit in meditation, hold your hands firmly and meditate on your mind.

  Knock your teeth thirty-six times, hold Kunlun with both hands..."

  Chen Nan feels that his body bones and coordination are also changing, to be precise... these things are being integrated into his bones!

  In these memories, there are sitting Baduanjin, standing Baduanjin, North Baduanjin, South Baduanjin, Wen Baduanjin and Wu Baduanjin, Shaolin Baduanjin and Taiji Baduanjin...


  After a long time, Chen Nan opened his eyes, and with a thought, he actually played a trick on the balcony.

  When the action was over, he let out a breath of foul air slowly, and to be honest... a little surprised.

   This set of movements was smooth and flowing, but it clearly made his head, which was a little drunk just now, a little more awake, and a trace of sweat began to appear on his body.

  The whole body feels very comfortable.

  According to the system prompts, Baduanjin combines movement and stillness, is loose and quiet, natural, soft and slow, round and coherent, and is suitable for fitness exercises of different groups of people.

  Long-term practice helps to improve the functions of the respiratory system, nervous system and circulatory system, enhance cellular immune function and anti-aging ability of the body, and improve mental health.

   And my Baduanjin at this perfect level is even better!

  Chen Nan suddenly burst out laughing.

   Unexpectedly, just meeting a qigong master, I really became a qigong master.

   Good guy!

  After playing this set of Baduanjin, will someone come to call me uncle?

  After all, my perfect Baduanjin is only in a perfect state because I have combined the strengths of a hundred schools of thought.

   This reward is not bad.

  At least for myself, health care prolongs life.

  Looks good in the long run!



the next day.

  Zhao Jianyong brought Chen Nan breakfast early.

  Tell him to arrive at Ziyuan at 9 o'clock, and start early, after all, the road is prone to traffic jams.

  For Zhao Jianyong, Chen Nan still appreciates and is satisfied.

  Actually, Chen Nan sleeps quite regularly on weekdays, but...I slept very comfortably last night. Everything I did before was so comfortable. Could it be...the effect of Baduanjin?

  Chen Nan couldn't help being a little more surprised.

   And at this time!

  The children of Fan Qingjian's family have been waiting for Chen Nan for a long time.

  At this moment, the whole family is in high spirits.

   After all, Mr. Fan Qingjian is in much better condition.

   Over the past three days, the situation of the old man is getting better day by day, even basically according to Chen Nan's prediction.

   This made the family respectful towards Chen Nan.

  Who wants to offend such a powerful doctor?

not to mention…

  Fan Dangye was very clear about Chen Nan's position in Uncle Li's mind.

  He picked up the phone to greet the guards and told him to drive the car in. Then he asked the nanny at home to prepare tea and desserts for Zhao Jianyong, and asked his wife to personally prepare some New Year's goods for Chen Nan to take back.

   Right now, the Chinese New Year is coming up in a few days, and the thanks that should be expressed cannot be neglected.

   Not long after, when Chen Nan arrived, he went straight to Mr. Fan Qingjian's side.

  After seeing Chen Nan, the old man sat up quickly: "Doctor Chen, you are here!"

   "Sit down!"

  Chen Nan quickly waved his hand: "Old Fan, you are welcome."

   "Sit down, I'll take your pulse."

  Old Fan nodded: "Dr. Chen is here."

   "This time, I can survive, really thanks to you."

   "Thank you so much!"

  Chen Nan didn't make a sound, but after feeling the pulse carefully, he said to Fan Dangye: "Continue to take the traditional Chinese medicine, but... all the medicines are reduced in half."

   "Take it after the seventh day of the lunar month."

  Suddenly, he thought of something: "Oh, the first day of junior high school is empty."

  Fan Dangye quickly wrote it down: "Oh...why?"

  Chen Nan smiled slightly: "They all said it was unlucky."

   Afterwards, the three of them looked at each other and immediately burst out laughing.

   "It's not bad for this medicine."

   "I think everyone wants to be reunited on the first day of junior high school, and the old man doesn't affect it. Proper rest is also a good thing."

  After finishing business.

   Chen Nan got up and was about to leave.

   But Fan Dangye dragged him aside to chat, and decorated him with New Year's goods by the way.

  Chen Nan couldn't refuse, so he didn't refuse. He could only feel wronged and wronged.

   At this time, Fan Dangye led Chen Nan to stand in the yard intentionally or unintentionally, but there was an old man exercising not far away.

  Seeing Fan Dangye and Chen Nan coming, he walked over with a smile.

   "Uncle Li, your Baduanjin has become more and more charming."

  The old man smiled slightly: "Exercise."

   "But I'm not boasting, my Baduanjin has also participated in competitions and won prizes!"

   After speaking, he laughed.

   But Chen Nan looked at the old man with a slight frown.

   It seems familiar! doesn't matter.

  Most importantly, he felt that there might be something wrong with the old man's body.

  Actually, that Ba Duan Jin Chen Nan had already noticed it.

  It's just... He always feels that something is missing, or that place is awkward.

   Just now, when he saw the old man's eyes, he figured everything out.

  At this time, the old man suddenly looked at Chen Nan, then at Fan Dangye, and asked, "How is old man Fan?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "It is recovering slowly."

  Fan Dangye nodded: "Yes, Uncle Li, my dad really feels that he is recovering well."

   "Why don't you ask Xiao Chen to show you?"

  The old man smiled slightly: "What's wrong with me!"

   "Really, Doctor Chen."

   "It is said that knowing by sight is a god. Professor Chen Nan is young and promising, so the inspection should not be bad, right?"

  Chen Nan smiled: "This old man is indeed in good health."

  Master Li suddenly laughed.

   At this time, Chen Nan suddenly said: "But... there is a small problem."

   "For example... frequent urination, urgent urination, endless urination..."

  As soon as these words came out, Fan Dangye almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

   Chen Nan, you are really ruthless in what you say!

   At this time, the old man suddenly looked at Chen Nan with wide eyes: "You..."

"How did you know?"

  As soon as these words came out, Fan Dangye was dumbfounded!


   Damn it's true? !



  (end of this chapter)

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