MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 358 reject

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  Chapter 358 Denial

   "Why are there so many special wines?"

   When Chen Jinhe was packing his things, he looked at a lot of gift boxes and couldn't help asking.

  Chen Nan couldn't laugh or cry: "The disciple gave it."

  Chen Jinhe was stunned for a moment, and then he looked blank: "I know you have many masters, but...what's the matter with this apprentice?"

  Chen Nan could only be silent for a moment and then said: "When I came back today, I took one by the way."

  Chen Jinhe was silent for a long time, and said: "Your status and status are different now, you must be cautious about recruiting disciples, you must not recruit randomly, and you must be cautious about all aspects of character."

  Chen Nan was also silent: "I dare not refuse..."

  Chen Jinhe: "???"

   "Chen Nan, this is your fault. In the face of power and temptation, you must learn to stick to your heart."

   "You can't accept disciples casually just because the other party's family background is unusual."

  Chen Nansi thought about it, but he didn't know how to answer.

  After all... Mr. Li, let alone him, even their leader Gu has to nod and bow respectfully and call him Mr. Li.

  This kind of person, does he dare to refuse?

  At this time, Chen Wenyin came over and said with a smile, "Okay, come and tidy up!"

   "Move back home, or give it away."

   "Chen Nan, you said you too, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, teachers, you have to go and visit, you can take these things back after the Chinese New Year and give them to your teachers."

   "It's a bit of a waste to drink this wine for your dad."

  Chen Jinhe suddenly looked embarrassed: "Hey...what are you talking about, I, Chen Jinhe, can be considered a person no matter how big or small, no matter how much I drink a bottle of wine, it's a waste."

  The words made the family couldn't help laughing.

   During the Chinese New Year, everyone still celebrates the New Year in their hometown.

   After dinner, Chen Nan sat down at the door. When he was a child...he liked to sit here and be in a daze.

  The big trees at the door are still bare.

   It seems that I haven't seen the lush scenery when I was a child for a long time.

  Since he was 12 years old, Chen Nan moved to the source city, and the days of returning to his hometown every year are also rare, and these few years are even rarer.

  Wei came back to live for a while after an accident happened in the house.

   He hasn't seen Chunxia's hometown for a long time.

at this time.

  Shang Chaoyan was also at home, packing up things with her mother, preparing for the New Year.

   "Yanyan, are you planning to go to the capital? Are you sure?"

   "Your it done?"

   "I heard that it is not easy to transfer to the capital!"

   "When the Chinese New Year is over, let's go to see your teacher as a family?"

   "Such a big thing..."

  Shang Chaoyan seemed to have something on his mind at this time, and he spoke without saying a word.




  My mother frowned immediately when she saw this: "You girl, what are you thinking? You are absent-minded."

   "However, I have to tell you something serious."

   "Listen to me!"

   "You will be twenty-seven or eight years old during the Chinese New Year, and you are not too young. You have to think about things that should be considered."

   "Don't dare to be so free and loose."

  When Shang Chaoyan heard this, he immediately smiled and hugged his mother's arm: "Oh...Mom!"

   "What you said, you despise me!"

   "You want to marry me so soon."

   "Don't even think about it. If I get married, you won't be able to see me every year during the New Year. I have to go to someone's house to celebrate the New Year!"

  Mother gave Shang Chaoyan a blank look: "You child, be serious!"

   "It's normal for a male college to marry and a female college to marry."

   "No matter how much Mom misses you, she can't keep you by her side forever."

   Speaking of this, the woman suddenly blinked at Shang Chaoyan, and the smile on her face became a bit more conspiratorial:

   "Huh? Mom asked you something!"

   "You came back this time, and you came back together in Xiaonan's car."

   "What's the situation with you two? I remember, when you were young, you were fine."

"how is it now?"

   "My mother watched Xiao Nan grow up. Although we went out later, but... this child likes to follow your **** since he was a child. Sister Sanhua's name is Sister Sanhua, so cute."

   "Isn't it fitting that both of you are in the capital now?"

   "If the two of it, what's the difference between going back to your home for the New Year?"

  Shang Chaoyan was a little complicated when she heard the marriage urging, but now she heard her mother's words, her eyes became a little more complicated.

   "Mom... what do you think?"

   "I'm just riding a ride..."

   "Besides, when I was a child, it was when I was a child, and now is now, can it be the same?"

   "Okay, don't worry about my business."

   Speaking of this, Shang Chaoyan seemed to have made a decision in his heart.

   "By the way, Mom... I may have to leave early after the Chinese New Year."

  Mother was taken aback for a moment: "Huh? Don't you want to stay longer?"

   "You don't stay at home this year, and you don't stay for a few more days during the New Year and leave."

   "Why are you in such a hurry?"

   "Now I also regret letting you go to the capital. You said that after you go, there will be no one to help you. At that time... Mom is worried about you..."

  Shang Chaoyan suddenly said: "I'm going to take the doctoral exam!"

   "My teacher is a doctoral supervisor. I will take the doctoral exam in March, and I plan to continue to take his doctoral exam."

   "I feel that in the capital, my education may not be enough. If I want to go up, I may need a doctorate."

  When the mother heard this, she nodded thoughtfully.

   "Well, this is true. The capital is full of talents, and a master's degree may not be really good."

  However, after thinking about it, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

   "This...wrong...wait a minute!"

   "I have a question. If you pass the doctorate exam, won't you lose your job in the capital?"

   "This opportunity is rare!"

   "Besides, that's your teacher, why don't you ask to see if you can work first, and then get a working doctor?"

   "In this way, the two will not affect!"

  Shang Chaoyan has actually had a lot of psychological burden recently.

  Originally, she was actually a heartless person, but... Gradually, she suddenly discovered that Chen Nan was becoming more and more powerful.

   It is undeniable that she has a crush on Chen Nan.


  Chen Nan still feels the same to her as he did when he was a child.

   Moreover, Shang Chaoyan also felt that Chen Nan was very kind to him, but he was very busy, and he was busy for a long time.

   It's not that Shang Chaoyan has never met someone else to talk to.

  She also communicated with Meng Rongrong, and she felt... Chen Nan treated her like this is not what love should be.

  Shang Chaoyan was really frightened when she saw Chen Nan in the courtyard in the capital during the last period of time.

  Although it is said to be sent by the teacher...

  But, what kind of master-student relationship is this?

  Thus, Shang Chaoyan also began to silently pay attention to Chen Nan.

  She found out Chen Nan's improved technique and won the Tokyo Surgery Award.

   It was found out that Chen Nan is the vice president of the Jin Provincial Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians.

   It was also found out that Chen Nan is now the deputy director of the integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine ward of the Capital China-Japan Friendship Hospital.

   It was found out that Chen Nan won the most anticipated new drug award at the World Cancer New Drug Conference.


  After these information flooded her mind, Shang Chaoyan's first feeling was excitement, she was happy for Chen Nan.


   Gradually, the situation was not quite right. After getting to know Chen Nan better, Shang Chaoyan suddenly felt more and more afraid.

   Is this really someone in the same world as me?

  I have already worked hard for the work in the capital.

  But he is casual, he is already the director of the ward of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, and has won several worldwide awards.

That kind of people…

  Shang Chaoyan suddenly realized that he didn't understand Chen Nan a little bit.

  Especially today, when Chen Nan and Zhao Jianyong were chatting in the car, the name Fan Dangye said made Shang Chaoyan's eyes widen.

  Because... Fan Dangye was once the vice president of their University of Political Science and Law?

   When he graduated, he also went to the school to give lectures.

   This is a serious boss in the capital!


   In Chen Nan's mouth, it was Uncle Fan.

   This made Shang Chaoyan feel the sense of distance again.

  Meng Rongrong's family background is different, this, Shang Chaoyan knows, but... this will not affect their becoming friends.


   Chen Nan is different. In the past, including last year's Chinese New Year, she still felt that Chen Nan was the familiar person by her side.

  But this time, I felt a sense of gap.

  This made Shang Chaoyan feel a little more distanced.

  She is a sensitive person and a person with a strong self-esteem.

  If other girls knew the news, they would definitely be very happy, and then take the opportunity to get closer to Chen Nan and confess their love.

  However, Shang Chaoyan was different.

  When she was a child, she actually had a sense of inferiority complex. She was poor in body, fat and unclean, and was often laughed at by the children, but Chen Nan always ate and drank by her side.

   These things, after Shang Chaoyan moved away later, she learned a word called "childhood sweetheart", she thinks, they should also be childhood sweethearts, right?

   Whenever thinking of these things, Shang Chaoyan would always smile and be secretly happy.

  In these years, she has never had a date, and no one knows. In fact, she always thinks about this greedy kid who follows her behind.

  Every time, she was thinking, if after meeting Chen Nan, and seeing how good-looking her sister is now, how would he react?

  When I came back from Chinese New Year last year, there were rumors that Chen Nan's family was bankrupt.

  Shang Chaoyan didn't mind at all.

   But now...

  Shang Chaoyan was scared.

  She was like going back in time, back to her childhood.

  I am a chubby, dirty, fat girl Sanhua with a mouth full of pork belly.

   And Chen Nan is the grandson of Grandpa Chen’s family, he looks very cute, and his clothes are also beautiful.

  Shang Chaoyan seemed to feel that she was still so small.

  Same as the ugly duckling before, low self-esteem... poor...

  However, Chen Nan will still follow behind him like when he was a child, asking for pork head meat?

  Thinking of this, Shang Chaoyan had a sore nose, and then took a deep breath:

   "Mom, I want to get ahead, okay?"

   "I want to take a doctoral exam, and I want to give honor to the old businessman!"

  Mother gave Shang Chaoyan a blank look: "Oh, that's fine, be normal!"

  Shang Chaoyan couldn't sit still anymore, got up and walked outside.

  The winter in my hometown is not too cold, Shang Chaoyan walked out just like that.

   She has something on her mind and wants to be quiet now.

  Suddenly, she saw Chen Nan also sitting on that row of stone benches, walking towards that side with his legs a little disobedient.

   "I don't sleep well in the middle of the night, what are you doing out there?"

  Shang Chaoyan couldn't help but pouted and said something.

  Chen Nan smiled: "Aren't you asleep too?"

   "What's wrong, our Sanhua has something on his mind?"

  Shang Chaoyan's eyes widened immediately, and he cut his throat: "I have a fart on my mind, sister, I am heartless!"

   Seeing this, Chen Nan smiled, but did not speak.

  Man’s thoughts cannot be hidden.

   "Tell me, what's on your mind? Tell me to make me happy."

  Shang Chaoyan kicked Chen Nan angrily.

   Originally, I wanted to get along with you as a lady, but now it seems that it is in vain.

   After Shang Chaoyan sat down next to Chen Nan, she couldn't help saying: "Hey..."

   "The world of adults is not fun at all!"

   "I really want to go back to my childhood, when I was carefree and didn't have to think about anything."

  Chen Nan nodded, and suddenly said with a smile: "Yes, at that time... I was thinking about the pig's head in your hand all day long."

   "Sister Sanhua is so generous, she gives me delicious food every time."

   At this time, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

   But Shang Chaoyan's heart became hot, and he suddenly felt a rush of blood rushing to his head, and asked suddenly:

   "Would you still eat it now?"

  As soon as these words came out, Shang Chaoyan was the first to feel something was wrong, and quickly turned his head away.

   And Chen Nan was also stunned suddenly.

  However, he looked at Shang Chaoyan, and when he was about to answer...

  Shang Chaoyan changed his tune suddenly: "This...I mean, my dad made pork head meat and fried meatballs. Would you like to get some for uncles and aunts?"

  Chen Nan was suddenly disappointed...

   So that’s what it means!

  He smiled awkwardly: "Oh...this...this."

   "Ahem, no need, we have it at home!"

  When Shang Chaoyan heard this, he also felt a little empty in his heart.

All right…

  She suddenly felt a little uncomfortable sitting here, got up and stretched: "Hey, it's time to sleep!"

   "You should also rest earlier, the wind will pick up in a while."

  Chen Nan is also a bit dull, he actually... wants to eat.

   The two just got up and went home.

  Shang Chaoyan was walking on the road, regretting to death in her heart, she felt that she was too timid, she was a policeman, why was she so cowardly?

   Let me say it again, I have said it all, so why change it?

  It's better now, but people refused.


   And Chen Nan also regretted it.

  Actually, when he came out at night, he just wanted to see if he could meet Shang Chaoyan.

   Now he has a somewhat different feeling for this girl.


  My mouth is cheap!

  Why do you have it at home?

  Seeing that Shang Chaoyan was about to return to the house, Chen Nan suddenly coughed: "Hello!"

   "What's wrong?" Shang Chaoyan turned around and looked at Chen Nan.

   "Actually... our meat and meatballs are not as delicious as yours."

   Chen Nan smiled and said something.

  Shang Chaoyan was stunned, and suddenly laughed hahaha: "Well, I will decorate it for you tomorrow!"

  Chen Nan waved his hand, and said cheekily: "Forget it, just bring it out for me, and I'll eat it, or I can come to eat directly!"

  Shang Chaoyan couldn't help laughing.



   During the Chinese New Year this year, Chen Nan's house was very lively.

  During the second year of junior high school, Chen Yu drove directly to Chen Nan's house to visit Chen Jinhe.

  Chen Jinhe is also very happy. Since the conflict between his father and his brothers, in fact, there are not many contacts between relatives.

   And Chen Yu came this time, obviously with a clear meaning.

  Chen Jinhe simply smiled and said: "Chen Yu, go back and tell your parents and uncle that our family hasn't been together for a long time."

   "Tomorrow night, I will book a restaurant, let's all get together."

  Chen Yu smiled and said, "Okay, third uncle."

   "I'll go back and tell my parents, they actually have the same meaning."

   "But I'm afraid you're too busy here, and I want to ask when you have time."

  On the evening of the third day of junior high school, the family had a good get-together at the Jinsheng Hotel.

  Chen Jinhe directly drank too much.

   But no, in the early morning of the fourth day, my brother Chen An drove the car, took two bottles of special wine and two special cigarettes, and went out.

  He and Director Song Simmei are developing well now, and the parents are also very anxious about their son's big event.

  The two of them are not young anymore, and it's time to talk about marriage.

   Moreover, Song Simimei also came to the house as a guest, and Chen Jinhe and Chen Wenyin liked it very much.

  Chen Nan's side, during the Chinese New Year, there are also many wine bureaus, and many people come to visit.

  Most of them were from the medical circle, but Chen Nan refused, so he participated in several wine bureaus.

  However, this time, when Chen Nan went to participate, he brought Shang Chaoyan with him.

  As Chen Nan's personal secretary and assistant, Zhao Jianyong naturally tacitly placed Shang Chaoyan in a special position.


  After that night, although Chen Nan and Shang Chaoyan still did not express their intentions, they were a little closer than when they returned from the capital.

  The fifth day of the fifth day.

  Chen Nan finally got busy with all these entertainments, and finally found time to go to a movie and have a meal with Shang Chaoyan.

  As soon as I arrived at the cinema, I received a call.

   "Hello? Professor Chen Nan Chen?"

  Chen Nan was stunned for a moment, looked at the strange phone, and hummed: "Well, I'm Chen Nan, may I ask if you are..."

   "Oh, Professor Chen, hello, excuse me."

   "My name is Su Minghua, and my father is Su Zhengde."

   "Does Professor Chen have time? There is a patient who I want you to take a look at."

  Chen Nan hesitated. This Su Zhengde is the deputy of Leader Gu, and he is also a big shot in Jin Province.


  Looking at the movie ticket in his hand and Shang Chaoyan, who was happily walking into the movie theater with popcorn in his hands, Chen Nan also hesitated.

   After finally finding time, I wanted to accompany Shang Chaoyan.

   After all, tomorrow, Chen Nan has already agreed to Yang Hongnian and Zhang Peiyuan's invitation to spend a day in the hospital.

   It can be regarded as helping the Yuancheng People's Hospital to sit in charge.

   In this way, Chen Nan really doesn't have much time.


  This Su Minghua, this phone number...

  Chen Nan asked, "Is Uncle Su feeling unwell?"

  Su Minghua smiled: "It's not my father, but a very good brother of mine. His father is..."

  Chen Nan finally understood that he came to see a doctor with the help of his father.

  Chen Nan was a member of the Provincial Health Bureau before, and had checked Su Zhengde several times.

   Chen Nan hesitated and said, "Are you in a hurry? What's the situation?"

  Su Minghua said: "Worry, how should I put it, he has a plane in the afternoon and wants to go abroad."

   "My friend came back from the United States, and may be in a hurry to go back."

   "Director Chen, I can introduce you to him. He has connections overseas."

  As soon as Chen Nan heard this, he knew that the other party was not an emergency patient, so he dispelled his doubts.

to be honest!

  If it was really in danger, Chen Nan might really go there because of his sense of responsibility as a doctor.

  He also understood what Su Minghua meant, and simply refused.

   "Well, sorry, I'm a little busy right now."

   "I guess I won't be able to go."

   "You find other experts."

  After speaking, Chen Nan hung up the phone.

  Su Minghua looked at the phone and was stunned. He didn't expect Chen Nan to reject him.

  Looking at his friends beside him, Su Minghua suddenly felt his face burning hot, and he was a little ashamed.

   From Su Minghua's point of view, Chen Nan is his father's health care doctor and an expert. From the outside, it seems that Chen Nan may have a strong network.

  However, in his eyes, Chen Nan is just a better doctor.

  Thinking of this, Su Minghua hesitated, and used his home phone to call the Health Bureau, asking the staff to make arrangements.

  He still doesn't believe it!

  Can Chen Nan not "listen to the announcement?"

  However, after the call was made, the staff member on duty at the Health Bureau was a little embarrassed, but he still called Chen Nan.

  After hearing this, Chen Nan immediately refused.

   "Sorry, I have something to do, so I can't go."

  Following the repeated rejections, Su Minghua suddenly became a little angry.

  The friend on the side saw this and said with a smile: "Minghua, Professor Chen doesn't buy it from you!"


  Su Minghua is a second generation, and he is also the best of the second generation.

  However, I didn't expect a doctor to not move.

  Cinema, the movie is about to start. This is a romantic comedy, chosen by Chen Nan.

   Seeing Chen Nan like this, Shang Chaoyan suddenly asked, "Are you all right?"

  Chen Nan smiled: "Don't worry about small things."

   "Now nothing is as important as watching a movie with Sanhua."

  Shang Chaoyan seemed to have guessed something: "The call from the Health Bureau just now, there must be some special circumstances?"

  Chen Nan then said: "It's just the second generation of the fox pretending to be the tiger, don't pay attention to it."

   "Some people really treat me as a personal item."



the next day!

  The volume of outpatient clinics is very large, and there are many people who register. Today, Chen Nan is a free clinic, and many people queue up for registration without sleeping all night.

  The current Chen Nan has a great reputation in Yuancheng People's Hospital, and many people come here just for the name.

   And at ten o'clock in the morning, Su Minghua came again!

   This time, he brought his friends over in person.

   "Director Chen, is it convenient for us to chat? I am Su Minghua who called you yesterday."

"my friend…"

  Chen Nan glanced at the other party, said with a smile: "Sorry, today is a free clinic, and many people came last night."

   "So, it's better not to jump in line."

   "Make it harder for me too."

   "You can leave a phone number and call you when I get off work."

  Su Minghua smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

   "No need, Director Chen, please be busy."

   "Director Chen, you are really a good doctor!"

  After Su Minghua left, his face darkened.

  The friends on the side even looked at him with a smile.

   "Okay, what's the use of competing with him?"

  Su Minghua shook his head and went straight home.

   And Chen Nan sat down from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.

   In the middle, I simply ate some boxed lunch.

  The hospital also prepared a simple lunch for the patients who had been waiting for a long time, which made everyone feel the warmth.


  After Su Minghua returned home, Su Zhengde asked curiously, "How are you and that little Huo these days?"

  Su Minghua nodded: "Well, we get along pretty well."

  Su Zhengde hummed and nodded: "Okay, by the way, you are in the Investment Promotion Department, and Xiao Huo has resources in his hands."

   "Strive to do this thing well this time."

  Su Minghua nodded: "Okay, Dad, don't worry."

   "However... there is something, I have to trouble you."

   "Well, Mr. Huo wanted to see Chinese medicine, so I went to Chen Nan, but...he couldn't invite him at all."


   "You haven't had a physical examination for a long time, let Chen Nan come over tomorrow?"

  Su Zhengde hesitated for a while, and naturally knew what his son was thinking.

   smiled and said: "Okay."


   "Can't have that kind of thinking."

   "Xiao Chen, I'm not in charge. He belongs to the Health Bureau."

   "But this is a favor, let me help you once. I did drink a lot during the Chinese New Year, and I feel a little uncomfortable. I am thinking about this Chinese medicine to take care of me."

  After Su Minghua heard it, there was some news in his eyes.

   Hello Chen Nan!

  I want to see if you will come tomorrow!



the next day.

  Chen Nan can finally rest for a day. He was exhausted from the outpatient clinic yesterday.

  However, early in the morning, I received a call.

   "Professor Chen?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "Well, it's me."

   "Professor Chen, hello, I am Mr. Li's guard, Zhang Jingbo, we met a few years ago."

   "Mr. Li has work arrangements in Jin Province today, and now I want to invite you to come over..."

   Here, the phone was snatched.

   "This is my teacher, what can I not call?"

   "Hello? Teacher Xiao Chen, I'm Li Muhai, this...I'm going to Yuancheng right now, and I want you to come over and correct me."

   "By the way, help me diagnose, I... the situation is indeed much better."

   "You are really amazing!"

  Chen Nan smiled: "Oh, Mr. Li, please give me the address, and I will go there right away."

  This apprentice, Chen Nan really can't afford it!

  After hanging up the phone, Chen Nan was about to get up.

  But I received another call from the Health Bureau.

   "Professor Chen, hello, I am Xiaolin from the Health Bureau."

   "Mr. Su Zhengde wants to invite you to come over. He has a problem with his spleen and stomach recently."

   "I want to check with you for recuperation."

  Chen Nan suddenly felt helpless: "This... I'm really sorry, I really don't have time here."

   "I have something to do in the morning."

   "How was the afternoon?"


  Su Zhengde was completely stunned when he heard the news on the phone.


   Was rejected?

  I was rejected by Chen Nan.

  Su Zhengde glanced at Su Minghua, said with a smile: "Look? What are you?!"

   "I was rejected!"

  However, Su Zhengde wasn't angry at all. After all, this kind of thing depends on other people's time, and he can't be there on call!

  He still has a meeting in the afternoon, and Mr. Li from above is coming over today.

   We will have a working meal together at noon.

  Su Zhengde smiled: "Okay, you can contact Professor Tao Gongshu, he is also very powerful, go and show Xiao Huo."

   At this time, Chen Nan had already arrived at the villa area.

  After seeing Mr. Li, Chen Nan walked over helplessly.

   "Oh, Mr. Chen is here!"

   "Welcome if you are far away!"

"this way please."

  Chen Nan couldn't laugh or cry, he really wanted to expel this old gentleman from the school.

  How can there be such a student?

  However, he could only endure it.

  At this time, Mr. Li suddenly said: "At noon, there is a small gathering, and I can bring my family."

   " are my teacher."

   "However, according to seniority, you should also be considered my junior."

   "The two of us are friends, you can accompany me to have a meal at noon."

  Actually, Li Muhai thought very clearly. This time, when he came to Jin Province, he also thought of Chen Nan.

   Just wanted to be a backing for Chen Nan.

   After all, Annam Pharmaceuticals is still in Jin Province, and Chen's family is also in Jin Province. What Mr. Li wants is to show everyone behind Chen Nan, and it's not like no one is there.

   After agreeing to Lu Pingren's words, Li Muhai will naturally not break his promise.

  Chen Nan couldn't laugh or cry: "This...isn't it convenient?"

  Li Muhai glanced at Chen Nan: "It's convenient, you have to go."

   "You are my teacher!"

  Chen Nan was speechless.


  ps: Thank you "Unruly Spirit" for your heroic reward of 10,000, thank you.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion