MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 360 Rare disease! (Thanks to the boss of Nuanyang 1314 Huang

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  Chapter 360 A rare disease! (Thank you Nuanyang 1314 for your golden alliance!)

  Chen Nan's words made Su Minghua stunned.

   "This... what... what does it mean?"

   "Professor Chen, don't scare me..."

  Chen Nan shook his head: "I did not scare you, and there is no need."

   "The incense he burns is extremely expensive and special, and it should be specially customized by him.

  In addition to the well-known common medicines such as sandalwood, agarwood, rosemary, and benzoin, there are also small jasmine, lavender, dipterocarp, and musk. These spices seem to have no problem..."

   "However, when combined, it has a more obvious calming and hypnotic effect."

"Generally, this kind of combination belongs to the Fang family of the Mohist school. In ancient times, it belonged to the medicine and ink prescription. It is combined with Qingniumo and Longzhumo to form the three masters, but the latter belongs to the refreshing prescription, but it leads... For ordinary people, It is easy to let people relax their vigilance, soothe the nerves and hypnotize, and for some people who are not strong-willed, it even has the effect of making people trance and slack."

   "You have a special status, you are not a businessman, and Uncle Su Zhengde is even more sensitive. I should be more vigilant when you are with this kind of person."

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, Su Minghua seemed to be sweating coldly from behind.

  He never thought that a mere spice would have such a great knowledge!

   No wonder…

   It's no wonder that every time he comes here, he always feels a little tired, and even feels that his spirit has been relaxed like never before.

I see!

   And Huo Qisi always invites himself here every time he signs a contract and talks about things.

   "What about the tea?"

   Suddenly, Su Minghua asked vigilantly.

  Chen Nan looked at Su Minghua, and said firmly, "There are poppies inside, drunken fairy peach blossoms."

   "You should know Poppy himself, but the Drunken Immortal Peach Blossom is actually Datura."

   "Poppy and drunk fairy peach blossom combined with little jasmine, this kind of tea fragrance is very attractive, and the spices in the air are combined for a long time, and people will be immersed in it and have a strong dependence."

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, cold sweat began to appear on Su Minghua's forehead.

   "No... no way?!"

   " is this possible?"

  Chen Nan shook his head: "Do you feel that this kind of tea doesn't seem to quench your thirst? The more you drink tea, the more dry your mouth will feel, and you want to drink more!"

  Hearing this, Su Minghua immediately recalled it, and even looked at Chen Nan in disbelief: "It seems so!"

   "This... what's going on here?"

  Chen Nan shook his head helplessly:

   "Drunk Fairy Peach Blossom has a bad reaction, that is, it is prone to dry mouth, and it basically starts to work in half an hour."

   "After taking a large amount, the side effects of drunk fairy peach blossom began to appear, and even... mental symptoms such as delirium, hallucinations, restlessness, convulsions, and disturbance of consciousness may appear."

   "This kind of reaction will usually start after a few hours. If you drink a little more alcohol, the consequences... are difficult to predict!"

   "So, I suggest that you strengthen your personal prevention work during this period to avoid worse consequences!"

  Su Minghua was frightened all of a sudden.

  However, Chen Nan's words were not surprising at this time.

   What he said next made Su Minghua's **** tighten even more, and even his body trembled a little!

  Chen Nan looked at Su Minghua with a complicated expression, and said:

   "Boys, be careful when you go out!"

   "This Huo Qisi might be as good as Long Yang..."

  Hearing Chen Nan's words, Su Minghua suddenly felt that his whole body was not well, and even his back felt chills.

  Thinking of these days, he and Huo Qisi went to and from entertainment venues every day, and even often got drunk... He felt a little scared and uneasy.

  This bastard, Chen Nan said that he has AIDS, can this be true?

just in case…

  What if I become unclean?

  The more he thought about it, the more uneasy Su Minghua became, even extremely anxious.

   "Professor are scaring me, right?"

  Chen Nan shook his head: "I don't need to scare you."

   "Actually, after Huo Qisi came in, I felt something strange."

   "You also noticed that he has black spots in front of his ears (black spots don't mean black moles, don't worry, everyone belongs to diced meat and looks like scars). This disease is very rare."

   "According to the records in Hua Tuo's Zhongzangjing, five diseases are caused by joy, anger, worry, worry, cold and heat, excessive drinking of alcohol, addiction to sweet and fat, poisonous fish sauce, and excessive lust.

  The toxins of the livestock, impregnated in the viscera, do not dissipate for a long time, and then turn into ding. "

"And if it is a person who is excessively indulgent, although he has symptoms of kidney deficiency, but... most of the time, he has yin symptoms. Compared with the way of yin and yang between men and women, even if it is a virtual phenomenon, it is impossible for him to have a deficiency of kidney qi and kidney yin. phenomenon of exhaustion."

   "Besides, he has AIDS, he should know this himself, so this person will often have a strong cleanliness."

  "The symptoms of AIDS mainly include low immune function of unknown cause, and some patients will have persistent lymphadenopathy."

   "The Drunken Fairy Peach Blossom, Nao Yang Hua, and Little Jasmine actually have the effect of reducing swelling and dispelling stagnation."

   "You can see that his submandibular and submental lymph nodes are slightly swollen. You may not have noticed it. I thought of this possibility at the time!"

   "Also, when he was talking, I also noticed a special phenomenon. His oral mucosa had symptoms similar to thrush."

   "This situation is also significantly different from normal thrush."

   "In the words of modern medicine, this is called oral candida infection, which is a symptom of low immunity, increased bacterial flora in the oral cavity, and symptoms during AIDS!"

   "So... I have these doubts."

   "However, if it's just a coincidence, it's too coincidental, so...all these are connected, I think...a coincidence is no longer a coincidence!"

   "Su Minghua, I think... you should... well, check it out!"

  Su Minghua stood there at this time, as if he lost his body, no, it was like losing his mind!

  He was terrified!

  Damn it!

   This man is horrible!


  The more he thought about it, the more scared Su Minghua felt.

   "I... I... shouldn't be possible?"

   "I wasn't with him...Well, I have a curfew at home and my dad won't let me sleep out at night."

   "Although I have been drinking...but...I don't know anymore!"

  At this moment, Su Minghua's brain was chaotic and confused like a ball of paste.

  I can’t understand many things, and I dare not think deeply.

  He is always worried... What if this **** covets himself?

   "I...I took a bath with him, went to the sauna..."

   "Professor Chen... you said... it won't be contagious, right?"

   "You... help me!"

  Thinking that he and this **** took a bath together, and even had some intimate contact, Su Minghua's goosebumps began to appear all over his body.

  The more I think about it, the more scared I become!

  Chen Nan coughed: "This... I can't say."

   "I mean, you should have a checkup recently."

   "It's best to do a test for infectious diseases such as syphilis and AIDS."

"in case!"

   "Also, I told you to stay away from him because of...his physical condition. I suspect...he may not have a long lifespan."

"Heiding, which starts in front of the ear, looks like a scar. Its color is black, and its length is uncertain. It makes people's teeth tight, and their waist, spine, ankles, and knees are not benevolent. .This is due to the gradual loss of kidney qi, so you should be cautious about what you want to do."

   "So, you'd better be more cautious!"

   "Even if this person has no problems, and his hobbies and orientations are normal, but... what if he has a problem, what will happen to the follow-up cooperation?"

   "If it becomes an unfinished project, what will your father... say?"

   After finishing speaking, Chen Nan waved his hand and shook his head: "Let's go!"

  After that, he got up and walked towards not far away. As he walked, Chen Nan thought of something, turned around and said to Su Minghua:

   "By the way, boys are away from home, protect yourself!"


  Chen Nan left, but... the passers-by saw Su Minghua, and all of them looked at each other with complicated expressions.



  On the same day, Su Zhengde called Chen Nan at night.

   "Xiao Chen, thank you."

  Chen Nan was taken aback when he heard the words: "What is it?"

  Su Zhengde sighed, hesitated for a long time, and then couldn't help but said: "Toxic ingredients were found in Minghua's body."

   One sentence made both of them silent for a moment.

   "Well, accidentally taking it, it won't affect it."

  Su Zhengde nodded: "Well, the doctor also said that the discovery is timely, so that it will not form a dependent reaction."

   "However... the doctor said that if it takes a long time, it will become dependent."

   "Hey, this innocent disaster almost ruined this child. When I think about it now, I feel a little scared!"

   "This kid is too eager for quick success, and wants to make some achievements all day long."

  Chen Nan nodded: "What about Huo Qisi?"

  Su Zhengde said: "He left, he left yesterday, no specific information was found, and because of lack of evidence, he could not be arrested."

   "This time, thank you very much."

   "By the way, when are you going back to the capital?"

  Chen Nan: "Leave the day after tomorrow."

   "Well, don't worry about family matters. With us here, it won't have any impact."

   What Su Zhengde said was a promise to Chen Nan.

  He is just such a son. To be honest, if it wasn't for Chen Nan, he might really make a big mistake. At that time, his life will be ruined.

  Su Zhengde also knew that this kindness was not trivial, so he gave Chen Nan a promise.

   On the last day, Chen Nan stayed at home with his parents and spent a peaceful and quiet day.

  Old Chen specially cooked a table of dishes, and the three of them drank a bottle of white wine.

  Chen Wenyin was not idle. After busy work, she helped Chen Nan pack his things and made a lot of his favorite food and tomato chili sauce in advance.

   "When you go out, remember to eat no matter how busy you are."

   "I heard from Yanyan that when you get busy, you don't stay at home all day, and you often miss meals, and you eat cold ones. You are still young, and when you get older, your problems will appear."

   "Also, I'm not talking about you, you are just an ordinary person, don't think about national affairs all day long, the world will go on without you, take it easy!"

   "Don't worry about family matters, with me and your dad here..."


  For Chen Wenyin, Chen Nan is still just a child, or in other words, no matter how powerful Chen Nan is, as long as she is alive, she is still a child.


   "Actually, you don't know, what I miss most now is the year before last."

   "At that time, although something happened at home, could go home every day."

   "I also feel a lot more at ease in my life!"

   "When you become a family, Mom will be relieved."

   "You still have to find a partner, you have to take it easy, you are different now, and you need to be more thoughtful when facing temptation, the little girls outside have a lot of tricks, and the boys have to worry about it when they are alone outside..."

  While speaking, Chen Wenyin couldn't help but burst out laughing.

   "That's why I think you are a treasure."


   "Maybe no one cares about it at all?"

  Chen Nan couldn't help but smile too.

  When I was young, I didn’t understand anything, and faced with my parents’ nagging, I chose to block or run away every time.

   Gradually, he found that after spending less and less time with his parents in the future, there was only Chinese New Year left in his hometown, but he made too many phone calls, for no other reason than to listen to his mother nagging.

  Now, Annan Pharmaceutical is not what it used to be, and Chen Wenyin has gradually withdrawn from the front line. After all, professional work should be handed over to professional personnel.

   "Here is your washed underwear, you often change it!"

   "There are thick clothes in this box. After you wear them, the weather will be warmer. When the time comes, send them home. Mom will wash them for you and pack them up."

   "The spring clothes are in this box. I put mothballs. I'm afraid there will be moisture in the yard where you live. There will be no bugs at that time. Go back and put them in the cabinet and put..."

  Chen Wenyin ordered and tidied up.

   Chen Nan smiled and sat on the side eating melon seeds. He was not ignorant, but he enjoyed the happiness of being taken care of by his mother as a son.

  Maybe in this life, this is the only woman who will pamper you, without reason, without reason, or even...without a bottom line.

   On the last day away from home, time always goes by very, very quickly.

  The afterglow of the afternoon sprinkled on the road outside the yard.

   Occasionally, when a gust of wind blows, I don’t feel cold, but feel that everything in my hometown is so nostalgic.

  Chen Nan unconsciously walked to the rock and sat down, then leaned against the poplar tree beside him.

  I don’t think about anything, but I think about everything in my heart.

  Perhaps, after this moment of peace, tomorrow we will embark on the journey again.

at this time.

  Suddenly, a sweet and greasy fragrance came.

  Chen Nan knew that Shang Chaoyan was standing behind him without turning his head.


  Chen Nan turned his head and looked at Shang Chaoyan holding a small plate, which contained a small dessert made by herself.


   "Eat? You are so confident in eating, move your butt, you have taken up all the sunlight!" Shang Chaoyan gave Chen Nan a white look, picked up a small dessert with his small hand, and stuffed it into Chen Nan's mouth.

  Chen Nan felt the sweetness of the cake, and said with a smile, "You know what? You have a habit that you haven't changed since you were a child."

  Shang Chaoyan looked at Chen Nan curiously: "What habit?"

  Chen Nan smiled: "After you give me something to eat, you always stick your finger into your mouth and **** it."

"Ha ha!"

   "Is there no one who dislikes you?"

  After hearing this, Shang Chaoyan raised his leg angrily and kicked Chen Nan. After casting a blank look, he stuffed the cake into his mouth: "Cut, even something delicious can't stop your mouth!"

   "Still dislike me? Don't eat it!"

   "I call it no waste!"

  Chen Nan smiled, turned around and looked at the tree trunk, and said, "You always wrote on the tree when you were young, can you still see it now?"

  Shang Chaoyan blushed, and quickly got up and walked around the tree. After he didn't find it, he was relieved.

  Chen Nan laughed loudly: "What's the secret?"

  Shang Chaoyan pouted: "I won't tell you!"

   "Oh, look... the peach blossoms are blooming, pink, so beautiful."

   While speaking, Shang Chaoyan pointed at the peach tree not far in front with the finger she just licked, and said with a smile.

   Chen Nan looked at Peach Blossom, and suddenly thought of something.

  Shang Chaoyan has been taking care of him, and Chen Nan has always wanted to give him a gift, but...but he doesn't know what to give.

   Looking at the peach blossoms in full bloom, I had an idea in my heart.

   "Go, pick peach blossoms with me!"

  Shang Chaoyan gave Chen Nan a white look: "You're going to be a disaster, he's a good parent, did he offend you?"

  Chen Nan smiled: "You look so good-looking, so you'll end up getting cheaper, I don't know who?"

"I'll take you!"

   While speaking, Chen Nan rolled out his electric car from the firewood room beside him.

   "Go, get in the car, I'll take you there!"

  Shang Chaoyan saw that Meituan's box was still there, and was stunned for a moment: " still gave Meituan?"

  Chen Nan nodded: "Well, it was difficult at home during that time, so I wanted to supplement the family income."

   The two arrived in front of the peach tree, and Chen Nan picked a lot of peach blossoms.

   This peach tree only blooms, but does not bear fruit. Chen Nan was always buzzing when he was a child.

   Before long, he filled a box full.

   On the way back, Chen Nan was riding a bicycle, and Shang Chaoyan was sitting behind the electric bicycle, with peach blossoms behind him, spring breeze in front of him, and the setting sun in his back.

  Shang Chaoyan took a deep breath, and seemed to be able to smell the fragrance of peach blossoms, and...that little happiness.

  She didn't know whether Chen Nan belonged to him in the end, but... at this moment, she felt very happy.



   After a sudden brake, Shang Chaoyan didn't pay attention, and jumped forward. The hand holding Chen Nan's clothes directly hugged Chen Nan, and his body hit Chen Nan's back uncontrollably...

  Chen Nan coughed: "Oh, a rabbit ran past just now."

  Shang Chaoyan's face darkened and he remained silent.

   Less than a hundred meters away, Chen Nan... came again.

   "Two rabbits this time..."

  Shang Chaoyan blushed like a peach blossom at this time, if not for being behind Chen Nan, she would have been extremely ashamed.

  She couldn't help pinching Chen Nan's waist.

   "Pay attention to me!"

  Chen Nan bared his teeth: "I didn't mean to, oops... Take it easy, guarantee, guarantee!"

  However, a man's guarantee is like the froth after brushing his teeth, which disappears after a little rinsing.

   Along the way, Chen Nan became an animal protection angel, protecting many rabbits, mosquitoes, flies, grasshoppers... and other small animals.

   After getting off the car, Shang Chaoyan had a gloomy face, and punched and kicked Chen Nan.

  After some activities, I don't know if it's hot or something, but my little face is flushed.

  Chen Nan couldn't help laughing, and ran towards the house with the box in his arms, shouting loudly:

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   "Today this year, in this door, the peach blossoms on the faces of people are in red!"

  Shang Chaoyan was both happy and ashamed when he saw this, he couldn't help stomping his feet, and ran back home, when the little niece saw this, she whispered:

   "Auntie, why are you ashamed? You're still stomping... You're a policeman..."


   After Chen Nan came back, he was not idle either.

   Today is Valentine's Day, Chen Nan plans to give Shang Chaoyan a gift.

  After's all cheap, so it's unreasonable not to give gifts.

  Peach blossom is a good thing, especially for girls.

  "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" contains: Peach blossom has the effect of "beautiful color", which can effectively improve skin problems such as dryness, dullness, dark yellow and oily face, and is a very good beauty and skin care product.

  According to pharmacological analysis, peach blossom contains organic compounds such as kaempferenzine, coumarin, and trefoilin, which can dredge the meridians, improve blood circulation, promote the supply of nutrition and oxygen to the skin, and moisturize the skin.

  Chinese medicine believes that peach blossom has the effects of promoting water, laxative, and promoting blood circulation. Therefore, whether peach blossom is used externally or taken internally, it has a good effect on nourishing the appearance.

  At this time, when the peach blossom buds are not yet open, pick the peach blossoms.

  Chen Nan took 250 grams of peach blossom and 30 grams of Angelica dahurica. He didn't feel sorry for the special wine, so he directly opened two bottles with great pride, nearly 1000 ml.

  It can be soaked directly, or it can be dried and crushed. In this way, it can be made into a paste, and the effect is also very good.

   After that, it needs to be sealed and soaked for 30 days.

  Well, there is a system here, so everything is easy to handle.

  Chen Nan didn't spend much on bad reviews, so he let this thing be dealt with.

  This method can not only be taken internally, but also applied externally.

  Drink 15-30ml every morning and evening.

  At the same time, take a little of it and pour it into your hands, rub your palms together until your palms are warm, and rub your face back and forth. It is effective for facial pigments such as chloasma, dark spots, and dark complexion, and can effectively promote facial blood circulation.

   (I feel that this post is late, today is Valentine's Day, if you have a girlfriend, you can prepare it.)

  In the evening, Chen Nan sent Shang Chaoyan a WeChat message.

   "What are you doing?"

"Call the police!"

   "Ahem, why do you need to call the police?"

"sexual harassment!"

   "This...not really, I don't think you have caused me much trouble. It would be better if I didn't call the police. I plan to keep it private."

   "You bastard! Bully!"

   Then I sent a picture of the little tearful man who I still feel sorry for.

   Chen Nan looked at the emoticon package sent by the other party, and couldn't help laughing.

   "Come out, I'll give you a present."

  Shang Chaoyan was already going to sleep in the room at this time, after all, it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, nestled in the quilt, thinking of what happened today, Xiaolu was thumping wildly.

   There are also two villains fighting in my mind.

  The villain on the left is full of nympho: "Is this love?"

  The villain on the right is wearing a police uniform: "Bah!"

   "This is sexual harassment!"

   Shang Chaoyan was very happy in her heart.

  Although Chen Nan is a cheap person, but... she was not angry as she was when she was a child.


  He said that the peach blossoms on the human face are red, is this boasting of his beauty? !

   Does Chen Nan like herself?

   Definitely, if I didn’t like myself, I arrested him and said he was sexually harassing!


  Forcing is not a confession.


  He likes himself why doesn't he send a message?

   Today is Valentine's Day, and he hasn't sent himself a message all day...


   ah ah ah ah...

  Shang Chaoyan couldn't help but rubbed his hair, sitting on the bed in a mess, panting.

  At this time, she is acting like a little girl.

  But when she saw Chen Nan letting herself out, she couldn't help but become curious.

  What are you doing out in the middle of the night?

  After hesitating for a while, Shang Chaoyan sneaked out in her pajamas.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Nan took out a few bottles and handed them to the other party: "Hey, it's made of peach blossoms, you can eat less than a spoonful every day, then dig out a spoonful, pour it in your hands, rub your palms together until your palms are hot, and rub your face back and forth. good skin."

  Looking at the bottles in front of him, Shang Chaoyan was stunned!

   "You... you did?"

  Chen Nan smiled: "What do you think, come back and work till now."

   "Hurry up and go back, I came out wearing slippers in the middle of the night, it was freezing!"

  Shang Chaoyan was suddenly moved, his nose was sore, and his mouth was held back.

  At this moment, she really wanted Chen Nan to hug her.

  However, seeing that Chen Nan did not move for a long time, he could only say: "You still have a little conscience."

   "Let's go, sleep!"

   While speaking, Shang Chaoyan turned around and walked towards home. It was less than ten meters away, but he walked very slowly.

   She decided in her heart!

  As long as Chen Nan calls her to stop, she will definitely confess herself!

  But... the **** didn't move at all.

   Can you be a little bit promising, Mensao, you are so cowardly!

   Just as he entered the door, there was still no sound from behind.

at this time!

   Chen Nan suddenly shouted: "Happy Valentine's Day!"

   Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "beep".

  Shang Chaoyan turned around and was about to speak, but saw... the sky brightened.

  The fireworks all over the sky soared into the sky.

   This moment is so beautiful.




  China-Japan Friendship Hospital.

  Chen Nan sat in the office drinking a cup of hot tea brought by Zhao Jianyong.

  He always felt that he didn't express some issues clearly the night before.


  He didn't say those four words.


What a pity.

   "Director Chen, it's time for a ward round."

  Zhao Jianyong knocked on the door, and after entering, he said to Chen Nan.

  Chen Nan nodded: "Oh, okay, let's go."

   Today, Chen Nan is going to make rounds in the oncology department.

  At this moment, Chen Nan was walking in front, followed by a group of experts, professors and directors, walking in the aisle of the department, like a giant white tower.

   Today's "internal comprehensive department", that is, the oncology department, is no longer what it used to be, and there are patients in the aisles.

  Seeing the start of the ward round, the patients looked at Chen Nan and said hello.

  After what happened to Sun Haifu last time, everyone in the department knew how powerful Director Chen was.

  That is a person who "follows what he says" and his level is extremely high.

   There is even a saying circulating in the department: "Director Chen told you to die on the third watch, but the King of Hades dare not keep you until the fifth watch."

  Chen Nan himself didn't expect that he didn't become famous for curing diseases and saving lives. On the contrary, it was the prophecy to Sun Haifu that added such a legend to the Department of Internal Medicine.

   "Hello, Director Chen, look at my disease, can I live for three years?"

   "Director Chen, is my husband okay?"

   "Director Chen, you said... can I live to be 80 years old?"


  Chen Nan: "..."

  Lu Zhilin and others followed behind, holding back their smiles.

   However, this is also somewhat funny.

  Chen Nan couldn't help but darken his face: "Let's go, next one!"

  At this time, Chen Nan suddenly heard a sound coming from a room not far away.

   "Doctor, please, please stay with us for a few more days!"

   "We'll cover the hospital expenses soon!"

   "Please, my child's situation... After we go back, we really have nothing to do..."

  The doctor couldn't help sighing: "Sister, it's not that I don't want to keep you!"

   "It's not the reason for the hospitalization fee at all."

   "Really... Even if you stay, we have no good solution!"

   "The genetic test results have come out, it's not a genetic problem."

   "You have also gone to Xiehe, and you have also run to major hospitals. When you come to our place, I also accept it. Genetic testing and various inspections have been done!"

   "I can't bear to spend so much money back and forth!"

   "But... there is no cause here. As long as we have the means, or if we can treat it a little bit, we will not let you out of the hospital."

   "There is really no other way!"

  The doctor on duty is a female doctor in her thirties, named Shi Ke, a doctor of Xiehe, a very capable young doctor.

  Shi Ke couldn't bear it either.

   After all, this patient's family is very ordinary. When she came to the hospital, she was already in debt. When she saw the patient's thick medical records and various examinations, she knew that the family had given everything to see the child.

  However, after the child was hospitalized, all kinds of tests were checked, and the genetic test cost more than 30,000 yuan, but in the results were found.

  Shi Ke couldn't bear to see these poor parents eating steamed buns and pickled mustard every day!

  She worried that instead of curing the disease, she would kill the patient's family and make her poor because of the disease.

  Shi Ke then discharged the patient.

  After hearing the voice, Chen Nan hurried over.

  Just passing by, Chen Nan saw a plainly dressed woman with disheveled hair standing there in a daze, at a loss, rubbing the corners of her clothes with both hands.

   "Doctor, I beg you, my husband is going to collect money, and it will be enough soon!"

   "The child is like this, we really don't want him to disappear like this!"

   “Now we really don’t have a chance.”

   "By the way, we came here just to meet Professor Chen, I heard he is very powerful!"

  Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

  Lu Zhilin couldn't help but sighed and shook his head.

  When Chen Nan saw this, his heart was also touched.

   "I'm Chen Nan, is it me you're looking for?"

  The woman froze for a moment when she heard the sound, and then fell to her knees on the ground with a plop.

   "Professor Chen, you are a miracle doctor, everyone says so!"

   "Please, please save my child!"

   "He's only five years old, but... hey... please."

  Chen Nan was also taken aback for a moment, then quickly knelt down in front of the woman and helped her up: "Sister, please don't do this."

   "If you have anything to say, please speak up."

   "I can't stand it!"

  The woman burst into tears: "I can bear it!"

   "Affordable, Professor Chen!"

   "Please, please save my child..."

  Zhao Jianyong quickly helped the woman up.

  Chen Nan couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

  Shi Ke, the doctor on duty, said: "Director Chen, this is the patient's medical record, please take a look."

   "The situation is more complicated."

  Chen Nan frowned slightly, looking at the medical records, the more he looked, the more puzzled he looked.

   "Okay, big sister, calm down, I'll go see your child first, okay?"

   "The child doesn't feel well when he sees you like this, right?"

  The woman quickly wiped her tears: "Well, okay, thank you, Professor Chen!"

   "Thank you so much!"

   While speaking, Chen Nan and his group walked towards the ward.

  As soon as he entered the door, Chen Nan noticed a four or five-year-old boy on the hospital bed at a glance. The little boy was as thin as a stick, with a dark complexion with yellow in the black.

  At this moment, the little boy is sleeping, but... he is wearing a thick cotton jacket!

   You know, the temperature in the hospital ward is about 27 degrees, and the heating is very good.

  But... even so, the little boy is still wearing such thick clothes!

   This is not the point, the point is...

  This child, that shriveled face is like a skeleton!

  The eye sockets are sunken, the breathing is rapid, and there seems to be no flesh on the face, which is really as scary as skinny.

  There was not even a speck of blood on the entire face.

  Skinny, this word cannot truly explain the situation of the little boy.

  The skin is black and haggard, like a frost-beaten leaf, with some haggard yellow mixed in the black!

   "Is this a...person...?"

   This was the only thought that came to Chen Nan's mind!

  If it weren't for the still short breath, Chen Nan obviously couldn't connect this little boy with a living person.

  People who have been parents are afraid to even watch this scene!

   One more look, and you can't help crying.

  Chen Nan took a deep breath and couldn't help getting closer to the boy.


  A smell came over the surface, it was a stench of corruption and blood mixed with it.

  Chen Nan couldn't help frowning!

What exactly is going on?

   At this moment, suddenly the little boy on the bed started to cry loudly.

  Seeing this, the woman flew over and hugged the child tightly. Regardless of how people around her looked at her, she took off her blouse and stuffed the pacifier into the child's mouth.

  The woman's eyes were full of tears, but they never flowed down.

   Instead, he kept muttering: "Okay, baby, don't cry, don't cry!"

   "Mom is here."

   "Don't cry, don't cry... Mom is here."

  At this time, the corner of the boy's mouth was dripping red.

   I don’t know if it’s the boy’s gums bleeding, or the woman’s pacifier was bitten by the child.

  Seeing this scene, Shi Ke quickly picked up the toilet paper and moved over to wipe it carefully.

   After a while...

  The little boy finally calmed down, and after the woman let go of the child, everyone saw the clearly visible teeth marks on it, and the wound that was still bleeding...

  However, from the beginning to the end, the woman never said a word of pain.

  Seeing this scene, all the doctors present were shocked by this mother.

  Chen Nan also opened his mouth, but did not say a word for a long time.

  The woman wiped her tears, wiped the wound casually with paper, took off her clothes, and said to Chen Nan and others:

   "Sorry... just kidding..."

  Chen Nan suddenly asked, "Does it hurt?"

  When the woman heard these words, she burst into tears and couldn't hold back anymore.

   "It hurts!"

   "But... No matter how painful it is, no child will feel distressed."

  “He cries every day, as soon as he falls asleep, and stays up all night.”

   "I can only wait until the daytime every day, and I can sleep for a while. I can't comfort him, I can only comfort him with milk."

   "There is no milk for a long time, but... the child still has this habit."

  Chen Nan took a deep breath and looked at his mother with a little more respect.

  The greatness of maternal love is unimaginable for any child.

  It's just... this kid, what's going on?

  One time!

   The room fell silent again.

   "Professor Chen... Please, save the baby."

   "He's only five years old..."

   "If I could change my life, I would be willing..."

  Chen Nan waved his hand, signaling the mother to calm down: "Don't worry, big sister."

   "Let me see what's going on first."

   While talking, Chen Nan was a little surprised after flipping through the medical records.

  He has seen this scrawny disease before, it may be a tumor, it may be a severe wasting disease, or it may be a genetic problem!


  This little boy has done all the inspections, and there are no such problems at all.

  Genetic testing was also checked, and there was no abnormality at all.

   This is very strange.

   "Is eating normal?"

   "Eating is normal, that is... I vomit after eating, eat again after vomit, and still vomit!"

   "And diarrhea, several times a day!"

   "I can't control it at all. Sometimes when I'm fine, I start to have diarrhea."

  Chen Nan frowned, isn't he anorexic?

  He continued to walk to the little boy's side, lifted the quilt, and only then noticed that the little boy's physical development was very poor!

  The height is less than 1 meter.

  According to normal circumstances, a five-year-old child has a standard height of 1.1 meters and a weight of 18kg.

  But...Looking at this appearance, let alone 18kg, Chen Nan feels...10kg is a bit heavy.

   And his head swelled up, as if pouring water.

  This situation is called decapitation.

  Craniolysis refers to a disease caused by a variety of etiologies that cause excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the cerebrospinal system, increased intracranial pressure, cerebrospinal fluid pressure on brain tissue and cause ventriculomegaly, and even brain dysfunction.

  At this time, the little boy showed his teeth frequently while breathing. Those teeth were sparse and poorly developed.

  Chen Nan frowned slightly: "Is the child's head born?"

  The woman shook her head: "No... It was fine at first, but after two years old, it started to get thinner and thinner."

   "The head is getting bigger and bigger..."

  Chen Nan pondered slightly.

  Acquired decapitation?

  Under normal circumstances, acquired craniolysis refers to secondary cerebrospinal fluid circulation abnormalities caused by craniocerebral trauma, intracranial infection, and intracranial tumors.


  In the examination, these diseases did not exist at all.

   This is rare!

  Chen Nan couldn't help but get tangled up at this time.

what to do?

  At this time, the child was still sleeping, humming a few times from time to time.

   This rare disease made Chen Nan couldn't help having a headache at this time.

What exactly is going on?

  After hesitating for a while, Chen Nan still put his hand on the child's wrist, feeling the pulse carefully.

  The boy's situation is a bit like Wu Chi's performance.

  The so-called five delays are the concept of the traditional medical theory of the motherland. It refers to the developmental delay in children, including the delays in the developmental process of the five aspects of standing, walking, hair, teeth, and language.

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that children with insufficient natural endowment, premature birth, dystocia, resulting in lack of vital energy at birth, or lack of recuperation, weak viscera, weak muscles, bones and muscles, can lead to a series of symptoms of delayed growth and development.

  But...According to women, boys are basically normal before the age of two.

  How did it become like this?

  Obviously, the possibility of Wuchi is not great!

   This is more like a disease!

   But Chen Nan felt the pulse condition, it was a virtual image, and it was even difficult to feel the pulse.

   This is really a bit strange!

  The weaker the pulse condition was, the more difficult it was for Chen Nan to find the source of the disease.

   This is a bit difficult!

  At this time, the nurse just sent in the list of hospitalization expenses.

  After the woman saw it, she quickly said: "Don't worry, my husband has gone to collect money and will be back soon!"

   "Your money will definitely not be missing."

   "Even if we sell blood, we can make up enough for you!"

  After hearing this, Chen Nan suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he quickly asked:

   "Have you ever sold blood?!"



  ps: Sorry, there is a problem with the computer. I am writing in an Internet cafe, and the surroundings are noisy, and the writing is slow, so the update is late.

   Nearly 10,000 will be delivered, please support! Ask for a monthly pass!

thank you all!

  Thank you for the 1500 reward from "Lao Ren Yi Jie", thank you.

  (end of this chapter)