MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 365 Crack down on fakes!

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  Chapter 365 Crack down on counterfeiting!

  With the sudden appearance of Chen Nan and others, the scene fell silent instantly!

  Even Master Jule, who was usually calm and calm, couldn't help panicking at this moment.

  The police are here!

  Master Jule is very clear about what he has done.

  But... I shouldn't be investigated, right?

  However, what the police said next made Tang Wenle calm down.

   "Don't move!"

"Xia Mingming, Zhang Xiaozhong, your actions have been suspected of causing serious reputational impact on the national key scientific researcher, Professor Chen Nan, a participant of the National Medical Research Program, and at the same time causing bad consequences. This has constituted a crime of defamation, and you need to bear the corresponding criminal liability."

   "Now, please cooperate with us and cooperate with the investigation."

  As soon as these words came out, Xia Mingming was dumbfounded!

   "I...I didn't!"

   "Comrade police, this is a misunderstanding. We just played and gave feedback on the real situation. How could this constitute a crime?"

  Xia Mingming quickly began to refute.

  Zhang Xiaozhong was even more confused, I'm this a crime?

  But... I'm obviously the victim, okay?

  From beginning to end, I'm the only one who gets hurt, okay?

  Zhang Xiaozhong trembled, feeling extremely wronged in his heart.

   "Ah... oh... ah..."

  Zhang Xiaozhong wanted to speak, but...couldn't speak at all, only whimpering and sobbing.

  The police ignored the other party, but got up directly, and were about to act.

  Another person said: "Don't worry, we are just investigating!"

   "You can keep silent, and tell us to the police station if you have anything to say."

   "However, I tell you, every word you say now will become evidence for Chen Tang!"

  Xia Mingming was completely panicked!

   "I...I... misunderstood!"

   "Comrade Police!"

   "Professor Chen, this is really a misunderstanding!"

   "Master...Master, help me!"

  Xia Mingming was worried and anxious at this time. The reason why he dared to help the master in this matter so recklessly was largely inseparable from Tang Wenle's support and blind trust in Master Jule!

  For so many years, Master Ju Le has not done anything.

   Moreover, the master has many connections and various channels!

  Xia Mingming quickly looked at Master Jule, wanting to ask for help.

  He's not like everyone else.

   He is doing self-media work. This time something happened, and he obviously realized that he might be finished.

  The live broadcast room is still going on at this time!

  When everyone saw that Xia Mingming and others had been arrested, they all trembled.

   You know, some time ago, they did a lot of work to slander Chen Nan.

   Now it is required that forwarding more than 500 articles will constitute an illegal act.

  So, these people suddenly panicked!

   And more spectators became excited.

   After watching the live broadcast for so many years, I have never seen such a powerful picture.

  The police came directly to arrest people!

   And it was still during the live broadcast, this scene instantly caused the number of people in the live broadcast room to soar.

   And at this time!

  The platform officials obviously realized that something was wrong.

  When Superman was about to forcibly close the live broadcast room, he received a call from the leader above.

   "Wait close!"

   "Now is the critical time of the matter. Don't have a bad influence on Professor Chen Nan. After the truth is announced, directly ban the account permanently!"

   "Cooperate with the investigation now, and then promote Zhang Shaoting's live account on the platform!"

   "Minimize the negative impact of this matter as much as possible!"

  After receiving the instructions from the leader, the staff immediately got busy!

   At this time, the live broadcast room was extremely lively.

   "Damn, what is a boss!"

   "Yeah, that's obviously slander."

   "Poor Zhang Xiaozhong, you're really a fool. Professor Chen obviously wanted to save you, but he didn't know good people. Are you okay now? You can't even speak, and you're charged with crimes."

   "Hey... this is what you deserve!"

"That's right, this Professor Chen is really amazing. Ten days is really ten days. In ten days, the patient is really speechless. To be honest... If I listen to I can't believe it, I really thought that Professor Chen knew something special!"

   "The end of science is theology, who knows?"

   "Be careful upstairs, you have been watched by the Internet police..."

   "That's right, the poster is an idiot, right? You are really stupid. Professor Chen has already explained it clearly that day. This is the law of the development of the disease, and theology, I wish you? Idiot!"

   "How powerful is this? It can predict the patient's disease development ten days ago..."

   "I thought of the picture of Bian Que meeting Cai Huan Gong. This is the level. Professor Chen has such strength!"

   "However... I am very curious now, what is going on with this Jule master?"


   "Hurry up and go to Zhang Shaoting's live broadcast room, now Professor Chen is confronting Master Jule!"

   "Let's go!"


   And at this moment.

  Chen Nan's lawyer has cooperated with the police comrades and left with Xia Mingming and others.

  In the room, only Chen Nan, Zhao Jianyong, and Master Jule were left!

   There is also Zhang Shaoting holding the live broadcast equipment in the back.

   But at this time, Chen Nan also began to gain something.

【Ding! Congratulations, Xia Mingming has upgraded your negative rating to advanced level, and received a reward: Sun Simiao's Qigong experience and comprehension (professional level)]

【Ding! Congratulations, Tang Wenle's negative rating for you has been upgraded to advanced! 】

   Chen Nan smiled slightly after hearing two system prompts.

   Looks like another bumper day!

  In fact, many masters of Chinese medicine in history have done a lot of research on health care and qigong health care.

  The great doctor of the Tang Dynasty, Mr. Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, even studied qigong.

  Mr. Sun Simiao’s famous saying is, “You can get something from practicing qigong, and you are better than thinking.”

  Grandpa Sun’s qigong is not an external physical exercise. It is different from Hua Tuo’s Wuqinxi. It is a method of meditation or storage of thoughts.

"Close your eyes and think about it, and imagine the peaceful vitality in the sky, like a purple cloud forming a cover, with five distinct colors, descending into the hairline (this refers to the hair) and gradually reaching the top, like the cloud entering the mountain at the beginning of the rain, penetrating the skin, penetrating the flesh, and reaching the bone. The brain gradually descends into the abdomen, and the limbs and five internal organs are all moistened by it; like water seeping into the ground, you will feel the sound of gurgling in your abdomen. Concentrate on your thoughts and keep out of the outer edge. Immediately, you will feel that your vitality reaches the sea of ​​qi, and you will feel it in a short while. When you arrive at Yongquan, you will feel your body vibrating, your feet will curl up, and you will feel a sense of relaxation when you sit on the bed. This is called one-pass. One-pass and two-pass, and even the three-pass and five-pass every day, the body will be radiant and the complexion will be radiant. The hair on the temples is moist, the ears and eyes are sharp, it is delicious, the energy is strong, and all diseases are cured.” (You can put it in your eyes and save it, this is the record of Mr. Sun Simiao’s exercises. It is for reference only. Don’t mess around. It can be used as a conversation piece after dinner Or gain knowledge. Remember!)

  Chen Nan felt that Mr. Yao Wang's experience and perception gradually merged in his heart, and he also integrated a lot in his heart.

   Chen Nan really doesn't know much about qigong!

   But this does not affect Chen Nan's coming to crack down on counterfeiting this time!

  Because, Qigong cannot be practiced indiscriminately.

  Martial arts practice indiscriminately can hurt the skin, muscles and bones.

  Qigong exercises indiscriminately will damage the Qi, blood, yin and yang viscera and meridians.

  Although Chen Nan doesn't know Qigong, he knows how to see a doctor.

   Just like he could see old man Li Muhai's old illness at a glance, now, he can still see some special things.

  However, now, Chen Nan has obtained Mr. Yao Wang's understanding of qigong. After he came this time, he felt more confident in his heart!

  Thinking of this, he felt a little more at ease.

   Chen Nan looked at Master Jule and smiled: "I have admired your name for a long time."

   "Should I call you Tang Wenle? Or should I call you Master Juyue?"

  Seeing this, Tang Wenle immediately smiled: "It's just a title, it doesn't matter."

  Chen Nan put away his smile, and asked with a serious face: "Yes, no matter what, when you stand on the court to pronounce the sentence, it is Tang Wenle."

  Master Ju Le smiled slightly: "Oh? I would venture to ask, old man, what is the crime?"

  Chen Nan squinted his eyes and smiled slightly: "What is the crime?"

   "Let's not talk about it for now!"

   "Today's visit, there is one more thing!"

   Master Jule smiled and asked, "What's the matter?"

   Chen Nan's eyes were sharp, and he blurted out: "Crack down on counterfeiting!"

  As soon as Chen Nan said this, everyone in the live broadcast room was surprised.

  To be honest, Master Jule may not be well-known in other places, but he is still quite influential in this area.

  Even in the live broadcast room, there are many people from the surrounding area.

  Xia Mingming's live broadcast room has attracted many people who like Qigong and physical fitness.

  Xia Mingming’s net name is Miaoyuan, and he is a registered disciple of Master Jule.

  Usually outdoor live broadcasts often introduce some qigong fitness methods.

  So, it also attracted a lot of people like this.

  Everyone has been admiring Master Jule for a long time.

  However, although this Jule master seems to be indifferent to fame and fortune, his fees are not low!

  The apprenticeship fee is 88888, this is just an anonymous disciple.

   Even, Master Jule has a more advanced package!

  For example, registered disciples cost more.

  For personal disciples and special VIP disciples, Master Ju Le will even help them to customize some qigong skills in person.

   Tang Wenle never collects the money openly, and mainly collects it through donations and other methods.

   Over the years, Tang Wenle has made a lot of profits.

  Many people in the live broadcast room are actually practicing some "Introductory Health Qigong" of Master Ju Le.


  As Chen Nan said these words, the live broadcast room suddenly exploded.

   Tang Wenle's expression also changed.

  He stared at Chen Nan with wide eyes: "Fake counterfeiting? Ha ha!"

   "How come it's fake?"

   "I have a lot of fun, I don't want fame and fortune, I help people keep fit, how can I be false?"

   "This Doctor Chen, don't talk nonsense, be careful, I will sue you for defamation!"

   Master Ju Le was not angry, and even wanted to laugh out loud.

  Qigong has been passed down for a long time!

  However, because in the 1980s, the order was chaotic, and qigong masters who were deceived and abducted continued to deceive everywhere.

  So that the country began to crack down.

  So, later those qigong masters, no matter they are real or not, didn’t come out anymore.

  Although the country has established qigong research institutes and qigong research institutes, but...there is a lack of masters.

  Qigong, as a subject of strengthening the body and health care, actually belongs to the branch of traditional Chinese medicine.

  Tang Wenle belongs to the outstanding person of the times, the "first batch of masters" of the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, and has inherited the experience and insights of many masters in the study of Qigong.

   Only then did he dare to come out and change his name to Master Jule, and founded Jule Sanatorium.

   That's right!

  Although this is the residence of Master Jule, it is also the address of Jule Sanatorium.

   Master Jule is half-truth, half-false, and the level of combining fiction and reality, after completing her original accumulation.

  The current name is also the honorary consultant of the Qigong Research Institute of Beihe University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

   Tang Wenle has a certain level, there is no doubt about it.

  This is also the reason why Tang Wenle dared to come out to set up a nursing home these years.

   To put it bluntly, it is not illegal!

   Moreover, gradually, as time went by, Tang Wenle became more and more courageous.

  He gradually realized that many people do not understand qigong.

  So, he gradually expanded his influence.

  And now, Chen Nan actually came to crack down on counterfeiting?

   This made Tang Wenle burst into laughter.

  You are just a doll in your twenties, you know **** qigong, so you come to crack down on fakes?

   Tang Wenle suddenly laughed out loud.

   "Professor Chen, you really know how to joke."

   "Fake counterfeiting?"

   "Then tell me, how come it's fake?"

  Chen Nan also glanced at Zhao Jianyong with a smile, and the other party glanced at his mobile phone, then nodded to Chen Nan, indicating that he could start to act.

  Chen Nan simply said: "Okay, then let's go to your nursing home to have a look!"

   "You can tell the truth at a glance!"

  Tang Wenle heard the sound and suddenly said:


  Chen Nan turned around and looked at Tang Wenle, and smiled: "Are you scared?"

   Tang Wenle shook his head slightly: "Afraid?!"



   "I've lived a happy life, being open and aboveboard, with no shame in my heart, so why should I be afraid to say it?"

   "It's just that you came here rashly, but you want to go to my nursing home suddenly, and you keep saying that you want to crack down on fakes, and you have a live broadcast."

   "Do you know how this matter affects me?"

   "I'm here, but is it a place where you can come and go whenever you want, and do whatever you want?"

  Chen Nan looked at Tang Wenle jokingly: "Oh? Then what do you want?"

   Tang Wenle blurted out: "Your pulse diagnosis experience is enlightening!"


   "If you lose, give me your pulse diagnosis experience!"

  Chen Nan didn't hesitate at all: "What if you lose?"

  Tang Wenle: "I boast that I have studied Qigong for decades, and I have achieved a little!"

   "If you win, I will give you all the books I have collected on Qigong over the years, including my insights!"

   "How is it? I didn't take advantage of you!"

   "This qigong is also a precious legacy of traditional Chinese medicine. I, Tang Wenle, have spent my entire life collecting and studying a lot. Isn't it inferior to your Chen Nan's subtle knowledge?"

  When Chen Nan heard what Tang Wenle said, he naturally understood it all at once.

   The other party is a knowledgeable person!

  The export is your own pulse diagnosis experience.

  It seems that this is really well prepared.

  Chen Nan suddenly laughed: "Okay, I promise you."

   While speaking, a group of people walked directly towards the backyard.

  The nursing home here is not a high-rise design, but a residence like a courtyard house, with eight people living in one yard.

   And this nursing home can accommodate more than one hundred people.

   From this, we can see how extraordinary this Jule master is.

   And at this moment.

  It's still early, in the event square, all the recuperators are gathered here and are practicing.

   It is said to be practice, to be precise, it should be qigong and external exercises.

  Everyone is dressed uniformly, all in white exercise uniforms, with gold silk patterns on the cuffs and chest, which looks very high-end and atmospheric.

  In this place, the trees are shady, the birds are singing joyfully, there is a stream running slowly beside it, and there is a mist rising in the distance.

  Where the eye meets, peach blossoms are in full bloom, and there is even a hint of fragrance around it.

   This is really a good place to recuperate!

   Even the dense trees make this nursing home a natural oxygen bar.

  Chen Nan had to feel that this is really a good place for self-cultivation.


   Master Jule, it is not easy to find such a good place outside the capital!

  When everyone in the live broadcast room saw the beautiful scenery, they also became emotional.

   "What a place!"

   "Yes, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the water is flowing and the mountains are quelling, and the mist is curling up. It really is... I can feel a comfortable mood through the screen."

   "Yeah, just looking at the environment, I want to go here to recuperate!"

   "Well, yeah, team up and team up..."

   "Team formation? You probably don't know the charging standard upstairs, right? 100,000 a month, are you going?"

  Suddenly, everyone was speechless again.

   What else can I say?

  Indeed, those who come here are really rich or expensive.

   There are also some patients with chronic diseases. After they come here, they should cultivate themselves, cultivate their body and mind, learn Qigong, and exercise their bodies.

   Moreover, Tang Wenle is very clear about the concept of circles.

  The people who come here are either rich or expensive. Some people voluntarily invite them without money, such as some retired leaders and some company bosses. They can also meet some business partners when they come here, so they come here.

  Of course, there are some who really want to learn Qigong.

   After hitting it off so quickly, no one complained.

  Tang Wenle watched everyone practicing Qigong, and glanced at Chen Nan with satisfaction: "Professor Chen, how do you want to crack down on fakes?"

  Chen Nan didn't make a sound.

   Instead, he quietly watched the other party's exercises.

  These people are not practicing uniform kung fu, but in groups of three or four, each of which is different!

  Actually, as the medicine king said, qigong is also a kind of medicine, and it is also divided into four qi and five flavors, nature and flavor, and meridians, and there are mild and cold, and there are viscera and meridians!

  So, Chen Nan stood there without making a sound, but quietly watched the qigong practiced by everyone present.

  After a long time...

  Chen Nan walked over slowly.

  At this time, Zhang Shaoting followed closely behind Chen Nan.

   Seeing Chen Nan like this, Ju Le was still calm and did not panic.

  He didn't believe how capable Chen Nan was!

  This qigong, in this northern region, he is a master of music, and he really hasn't admired many people.

   This is where his pride lies.

  As long as Chen Nan doesn't talk about the issue of giving talismans and medicine to others, it's easy to talk about.


  This manor is extremely clean, without any mess.

   Moreover, the talisman paper is also made of traditional Chinese medicine, without any additives.

  When I use it by myself, it is also added into the water, and it has no effect at all.

  These medicines are for temporary use and sent here temporarily.

  So, this is one of the reasons why Tang Wenle is so calm.

at this time!

   After Chen Nan walked to the practice area, he turned around and said to Zhang Shaoting's camera:

   "As you can see, this is a Qigong sanatorium!"

   "About Qigong, let me say something here."

"In this world, there are no qigong exercises such as flying the eaves and walking the wall to subdue the dragon's eighteen palms and nine yin scriptures, and there are no masters of qigong. As for those who treat diseases with one needle, the master has a 99% success rate in treating cancer. , is even more nonsense!"

   "Those are deceitful, unreliable, feudal superstitions and legends."

   "Not advisable!"

   "What I'm talking about today is that there are many types of qigong in traditional Chinese medicine for health care, including external exercises, such as Wuqinxi, Baduanjin, and Taijiquan."

   "There is also internal strength, which is mainly based on meditation and breathing. It is a kind of exercise that restores vitality and restores the soul."


   "What I'm going to say next is also cracking down on counterfeiting."

   "That is, don't be too superstitious about qigong, let alone... study qigong indiscriminately. It must be done under the guidance of professionals."

   "Okay, now we can start!"

   "Everyone follow me!"

   While speaking, Chen Nan walked straight into a small circle of seven or eight people.

  The exercises practiced by these people are the same.

   After Chen Nan walked over, he said with a smile:

   "Well, this is a set of exercises that invigorate the kidneys and restore the vitality, nourish the blood and soften the liver!"

"Is it right?"

  One of the old people saw this, and immediately smiled and said, "Oh? Little brother, you are an expert!"

   "Master Jule personally tailored this for us. Just like what you said, it is a method of nourishing the liver and kidneys!"

   "I have been practicing this for many years, and the effect is remarkable. These years, I feel that my eyes and ears are clear. Even my diabetes has improved a lot!"

  Chen Nan smiled slightly: "Oh?"


   "Old gentleman, you don't need to speak!"

  The old man froze for a moment: "Why?"

   "Why can't I say it?"


  Chen Nan stared at the other party with blazing eyes, and said directly: "Why don't you tell me?"

   "Because... you are an actor!"

   "You have no say!"

  As soon as these words came out, the seven or eight people immediately turned around and looked at Chen Nan and the old man.

  The live broadcast room was even more heated!

  In contrast, Tang Wenle's eyes at this time were a little more fearful.

  Chen Nan...

  How did Chen Nan find out?

How can this be…

   Next, Chen Nan continued: "Oh, in technical terms, you are the trustee of this master of music!"

   "So you have no say!"

  When the old man heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows and stared at Chen Nan: "You are talking nonsense!"


Chen Nan narrowed his eyes and continued: "Zhuang Wenbin, 66 years old, was born in SJZ. He used to be a worker in a saw factory. Later, because of a high fever, Tang Wenle cured you, and then gave you a job as a trustee here...I You must be right, right?!"

  The old man's eyes widened suddenly: ""

   Tang Wenle was shocked even more!

  He never expected that Chen Nan would say the other party's name and even his background...

   This is obviously prepared!

  Of course, during this time, Chen Nan was not idle, so he came prepared.

  In order to collect these materials, he troubled Fan Dangye.

  Fan Dangye himself is the person in charge of this field. It is actually too easy to investigate some people!

   And this nursing home was originally a "serious unit."

  The required procedures and personnel information are obviously all available.

   "Do you want me to continue?"

   Zhuang Wenbin was speechless for a moment, but he still argued!

   "This doesn't affect my learning of Qigong, does it?"

   "Who said I can't study!"

  Chen Nan smiled slightly: "Well, study, yes..."

   "But, I really didn't think that learning Qigong here would even pay you a salary!"

   "Besides, Mr. Zhuang's salary is not low!"

   "As a veteran actor, the monthly income of more than 20,000 yuan is really...enviable!"

  Zhuang Wenbin didn't speak again this time!

  The expression of the small team of seven or eight people suddenly changed, and they quickly looked at Master Jule.

"What exactly is going on?"

  Tang Wenle quickly said: "Don't get me wrong, it's two different things!"

"Please do not…"

  Chen Nan continued: "Hehe, are you in a hurry?"

   "Don't worry!"

   "Mr. Tang Wenle, oh... no, it's Master Jule, don't be impatient, this is just the beginning!"

   "I said cracking down on counterfeiting, but it's not just as simple as dismantling fakes."

   While speaking, Chen Nan looked at these people.

   Turning to one of them, he said, "This old gentleman, are you more than seventy years old this year?"

   "Illusory age, 73 years old!"

  Chen Nan nodded: "Well, have you practiced this exercise for three years?"

  The old man's eyes widened suddenly: "How do you know?"

  Chen Nan took a deep breath: "Because... the disease manifests itself!"

   "The spleen and stomach should be in the middle of a person, and the bladder should be in the bottom.

  Everyone who suffers from damp-heat and rot in the stomach and anterior yin, or suffers from stasis and coagulation, often sees red small millet sores, or common dark spots, such as bituminous coal, and it is known that the qi collaterals are corresponding. "

   "At your age, you obviously have problems with your prostate."

   "But... haven't you noticed lately, this stool is not very formed? And the diet is not good?"

   "Even, there is a burning pain when urinating, like a needle pricking a fire?"

  The old man's eyes widened suddenly: "Yes!"

   "Sir, how do you know?"

"What happened to me?"

   "Master Jule said that this is normal for me and I need to detoxify!"

  Chen Nan sneered: "Detoxification?!"


   "Is this discharge poisonous?"

   "This is obviously damage to the spleen and stomach, and the heat produces fluid, and the stagnant heat becomes poisonous, blocking the middle burner, and the damp heat rots!"

   "This exercise is inherently problematic!"

  "A mature qigong method requires constant contact, just like a new medicine, it needs clinical trials!"

   "Not on paper!"

   "This kung fu is talking about nourishing the liver and kidney, but it actually damages the spleen and stomach. After a long time, it will definitely damage the vitality!"

   "Mister, I advise you, go back early!"

   "Also everyone, you haven't been doing it for a long time. Although it is not as serious as the old man, there are still some signs of damage to the vitality of the spleen and stomach. I advise you...don't practice anymore!"

   "This Jule master, hehe..."

  As soon as the words came out, the old man stood up directly, stared at Master Ju Le with wide eyes, and shouted angrily: "Liar!"

   And the people behind them roared angrily: "Money back!"

   "Geneva, get your money back!"

   "Jule, you bastard, it's in vain that we trust you so much!"


   Tang Wenle suddenly panicked.

   "Everyone be quiet, don't listen to his nonsense!"

   "It's a liar!"

   "He doesn't understand Qigong at all!"

   Tang Wenle was lying when he said that he was not worried.

  After all, seeing more and more people in the audience, I felt panicked inside.

  The point is, what he didn't expect was... how could Chen Nan understand Qigong?

   And Chen Nan is not idle!

  He continued to walk to the other side, and suddenly said to several people:

   "Does your kung fu relax the tendons, strengthen the waist, invigorate the kidneys and legs?!"

  One of them quickly said: "Yes!"

  Chen Nan snorted coldly: "Please, stop talking!"

  The man blushed suddenly.

   "Qin Huan, do you need me to tell you your identity?"

  The old aunt suddenly wilted.

  Before she had Zhuang Wenbin, she didn't dare to talk nonsense now.

  Chen Nan continued:

   "This exercise can relax the tendons and activate the collaterals, strengthen the waist, invigorate the kidneys and strengthen the legs, hehehe!"

   "But I don't know, this exercise seems to relax the muscles and activate the collaterals, but it actually damages the lung meridian of hand Shaoyin and the spleen meridian of foot Taiyin!"

   "Spleen and lungs are the source of life and good fortune. Cultivating soil and producing gold are complementary to each other."

   "However, this exercise is harmful to gold and ruins soil. It accumulates over time and keeps coughing for a long time!"

   "Don't you feel it?!"

  In an instant, a person in the crowd quickly said: "Yes!"

"I have!"

   "I have been coughing for half a year!"

   "I can't find the reason, but Master Ju Le said that I didn't practice Qigong well!"

  In an instant, several people behind also stood up!

   "Jule, you bastard, we trust you so!"

   "Geneva, get your money back!"



  Chen Nan said while walking.

  Chen Nan walked through the team of dozens of people.

  Find out 12 props!

   And analyzed this exercise thoroughly.

   Right now!

  Everyone around has rioted.

   And the live broadcast room is even more boiling at this time!

   "I rely on it, I rely on it!"


   "Dr. Chen Nan is amazing!"

   "This is medicine. This Master Ju Le is a bullshit. He is cheating and abducting. This is simply a liar!"

   "That's right, if it wasn't for Professor Chen Nan, I would have been ready to go."

   "It's a liar, heinous, not only for money, but for money and death!"


  The excitement in the live broadcast room did not affect Chen Nan.

  He turned and looked at Tang Wenle: "I want to ask now, Mr. Tang Wenle, Master Jule, do you still want me to crack down on fakes?!"

  At this moment, Tang Wenle's heart was in a panic, and his mind was even more chaotic.

  Now he is obviously a little nervous and scared.


  Tang Wenle continued: "You... this is nonsense!"

   "It's just a little accident!"

   "Is there an accident in the hospital?!"

   "Don't listen to his nonsense!"

  Chen Nan sneered: "Good!"


   "Continue to quibble!"

   "I want to see, when are you going to quibble?"

  Chen Nan stretched out his finger: "I don't know, let's not talk about it for now!"

   "I'll say two things. The first one, Sun Haifu, was treated by me, and his symptoms were relieved, but you took medicine to make him critically ill and eventually died!"

   "Second, today's Zhang Xiaozhong, his condition is serious, but your medication has caused serious consequences, leading to death."

   "Isn't it?"

   Tang Wenle shook his head: "These people have nothing to do with me!"

  Chen Nan chuckled: "Oh!"

   "These people have nothing to do with you!"

   "Then let's talk about people who are related to you!"

   While speaking, Chen Nan said to Zhao Jianyong: "Let the car in!"

  As soon as this remark came out, there was a lot of discussion among the surrounding people.

  At this time, four or five vans were slowly coming towards this side.

  Not long!

  Many people got off the car one after another.

   When this group of people came down, Tang Wenle was completely dumbfounded.


   How did they come here?

  Looking at Tang Wenle, Chen Nan looked a little more stern and angry: "Tang Wenle!"

   "Then let me ask you, do you know these people?"

   "Does the situation of these people have anything to do with you?"

   This group of people stood there, some with dull expressions, some with hemiplegia, some with dull eyes, and some with pale complexions...

   "They are all your patients!"

   "Tang Wenle, you have studied medicine for 22 years, where is your conscience?"

   "This is the way of Chinese medicine you uphold!"

   "These people are all qigong long-term contacts, and there are deviations!"

   "The reason is that your cultivation method has poisoned others!"

   Tang Wenle's expression changed!

   "You're talking nonsense!"


"Not at all!"

   "Some people take medicine."

   "It's not Qigong."

   "My Qigong is not that bad!"

   This is Tang Wenle's last honor.

  Chen Nan suddenly sneered: "Oh?"

   "Are you admitting to using other drugs?"



  ps: I checked a lot of qigong materials, and there were some cases of qigong deviation in the hospital. I found some, but I didn’t reach 10,000 words, sorry.

   Try to make up tomorrow!

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
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