MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-Chapter 377 Great, great!

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  Chapter 377 Strong, strong!

   Following Chen Nan's words, everyone around was shocked!

  You must know that the mutation of the XIAP-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein gene just now has been an unprecedented shock to Crohn's disease.

   And now Chen Nan still has it? !

   For a moment, the people around were completely boiling like a frying pan.

"what's the situation?"

   "Is it true? What did Professor Chen Nan do before? Why haven't I heard of it!"

   "Me neither, but it's said to be Chinese medicine!"

   "This is too shocking. The XIAP gene mutation is definitely a historical change for Crohn's disease research, and there is still a discovery!"

   At this time, among the crowd in the audience, the veteran experts of the World Research Center for Inflammatory Intestinal Diseases stared wide-eyed.

   An old man in his seventies who was the leader couldn’t help saying: “It’s been nearly 30 years since Crohn’s disease was named. This is the first definitive study!”

  The person next to him looked at Chen Nan with a solemn expression: "The discovery of the XIAP gene mutation has great and far-reaching significance for intestinal inflammatory diseases."


   "This is not the most critical."

  A person next to him looked at Miro curiously: "Professor Miro, how do you say this?"

  Miro is definitely an old man in the World Health Organization. Although he does not hold an important position, he has been in this position for decades.

  He himself is not a member of the Crohn's disease research team, but a staff member appointed by the World Health Organization.

  Every international meeting, the World Health Organization must arrange some staff to participate in order to ensure the fairness and openness of the meeting.

   What truly excels Miro is not his professional status, but his industry influence.

   Miro is 75 years old this year, and can be said to be the most qualified in the World Health Organization.

  Milo heard the sound and looked at Camiston beside him, and said solemnly: "Chen Nan is 27 years old this year!"

  As soon as these words came out, Camiston's eyes widened.

   "He may be... the youngest person in the history of major inventions and discoveries in the world at present."

   "Break the record of the youngest medical discovery of the World Health Organization!"

   "The record holder is the current vice president of the American Medical Association, Kohler, who discovered the IOPP virus when he was 30 years old."

   "And Chen Nan, only 27 years old! But he discovered the XIAP gene mutation that induces and causes Crohn's disease."

   "This may be the most talented person in the field of international medicine!"

   And before that...

  Kohler is known as the most likely to break the "youngest Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine" record.

   And present!

   This record has been sealed for a hundred years.

  The holder of this record is just a university graduate. With a flash of inspiration, he won the 1923 World Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

   This person is the discoverer of "insulin": Banting.

  Frederick Grant Banting, the only legend in the world who won the Nobel Prize for two years.

  In 1992, in order to commemorate this great man in the history of medicine and diabetes and the lifesaver who saved countless diabetic patients, the World Diabetes Federation decided to use Banting's birthday, November 4th, as the annual World Diabetes Day.

   Now, Chen Nan is only 27 years old!

  Whether he has the ability to break the legend created by Banting.

  Before Chen Nan, Kohler James was hailed as a rising star in American medicine. He discovered the IOPP virus at the age of 30, and was hailed as the most likely to break the title of the youngest Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine.

  But... Kohler is now 37 years old.

   Banting's record is considered by the world's medical community to be one of the most difficult records in the medical field.

  Even Kohler can't achieve it.

   But now...

  Mi Luo looked at Chen Nan, and suddenly his heart was pounding.

   Same goes for Camiston!

  They never expected that such a young talent in the medical field would appear at this meeting.

   And this person is actually in China!

   It is not that they discriminate against China, but because although Chinese medicine has developed rapidly in recent years, the innovative awards are lacklustre for such a huge country.

   But Chen Nan's meeting this time surprised the two of them inevitably.

  Miro took a deep breath and said with emotion: "Young man is changing the influence of world medicine."

  “The power of China should not be underestimated.”

   Camiston nodded: "Yes."

   Camiston is in his seventies and is Kovacs' predecessor. After Kovacs came to power, Camiston retreated to the second line.

  The influence of this person is still great.

   But at this time, he has already relied on and paid more attention to Chen Nan.


  Compared to what these few people valued, more people were shocked!

  Chen Nan's sudden discovery will definitely increase his attention in the top management of the World Center for Intestinal Inflammatory Diseases.

   And Chen Nan's traditional Chinese medicine treatment may also be highly praised.

  Don’t say how serious the FDA or other countries’ food and drug administrations are.

  Patients don't care about these.

  After all, health is threatened, even life-threatening, and the quality of life is even worse.

  In this case, if there is a treatment plan that can treat the disease.

  What about Hu Keer?

   During the war, when antibiotics were discovered, these studies were not carried out?

   There are special policies for special periods and special diseases.

  If the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Research Center officially released this announcement and it was recognized by the World Health Organization.


  Nine out of ten patients will trust Chen Nan.

  The drugs that pharmaceutical companies have spent a lot of energy and cost on research will naturally go to waste.

  The capital market is **** and cruel.

  The reason why they are greedy is because of the order of the capital market: the weak eat the strong, and they accumulate crazily like primitive tribes.

  They have to seize every opportunity to make a profit, because the funds this time will soon become the capital of their next plunder.

   Therefore, for a while, everyone around looked at Chen Nan with a bit of fear and anxiety.

   Even, many people behind him hated Chen Nan even more!

【Ding! Congratulations, you have received negative reviews from Elevit and other companies, and the rating of the negative review is: serious! 】

   After receiving the prompt, Chen Nan was dumbfounded.

  Severe bad review.

   Here it comes?

  However, Chen Nan at this moment also understands that this bad review is different from the previous ones!

   After all, these bad reviews come from large international pharmaceutical companies like Elevit.

   These companies are definitely not as easy as domestic ones.

  I am in a foreign country, and the current security problem seems to have become a problem all of a sudden.

   Fortunately, Mr. Li has settled down properly, otherwise... this time, it would not be so easy for me.

  However, Chen Nan had already thought of these things before coming here.

   And at this very moment!

  In China, it is a different scene.

  Compared to the negative comments from the people around, Chen Nan's strong rebuttal at the meeting, and the research results of the XIAP gene mutation.

   Directly inspired a lot of people.

  This time, although the whole meeting was not broadcast live, the domestic media arranged for the implementation of graphic dynamics.

  So, after Chen Nan took out the paper published in "Gene Health Research", under the passionate report of the reporters, the netizens were immediately excited.

   "Damn, awesome, I don't know what to do!"

   "Yes, on the international stage, to demonstrate my reputation in Chinese medicine, Director Chen is awesome!"

   "That's right, Director Chen is awesome, Director Chen continues, hate them, don't be cowardly!"

   "Upstairs, keep a low profile, don't you want to lose face? Didn't you see the eyes around you? Director Chen must pay attention to safety!"

"Director Chen's research this time is absolutely amazing. I am a doctor in the Department of Gastroenterology. Let me tell you something. Director Chen's discovery is definitely an unprecedented milestone in the development history of Crohn's disease. He will definitely enter World Research Center for Intestinal Inflammatory Diseases!"

   "Also, let me say one thing, Professor Chen, may become a record breaking American medical star!"

"The World Health Organization once issued an award called the Medical Contribution Award. Although this award does not have much money, it is called the threshold for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. In the past 20 years, all Nobel Prize winners have won this award. Award, and Kohler James of the United States is currently the youngest doctor to receive this award, only 30 years old!

  I feel that Professor Chen is likely to win this award, and as far as I know, Professor Chen is only 27 years old today, which will surely break Kohler's record! "

   Following this remark, the comment area immediately exploded, causing an uproar!

  Although not many people paid attention to this meeting.

  But...the appearance of Chen Nan really made everyone feel a sense of national self-confidence and pride.

   And the same!

   After seeing the news, Li Muhai and Qin Shiming also slapped the table excitedly.



   "Hehe, this kid, there are really a lot of hidden things, no wonder you have to attend this meeting!"

   "Beautifully done!"

   When Li Muhai was excited, he spat out words of praise without hesitation.

  Qin Shiming was deeply moved while listening.

  When were our doctors able to dominate the international stage? !

   Now, yes!

   Moreover, this person is only 27 years old.

what does that mean?

  This means that as long as Chen Nan maintains the ability to maintain the status quo, sooner or later the medicine of the motherland will shine on the international stage.

  The influence of a nation is definitely not only reflected in the military, but covers all aspects and fields.

  For example, the US Food and Drug Administration FDA, the standards they set are used by one-third of the world, and the drugs they approve can basically be used in the world. This is influence.

  As for Huaxia Medicine, why didn't we want to see such brilliance?

  Qin Shiming was very excited.


   And at this time!

  Kovac quickly looked at Chen Nan, his excited heart filled with infinite hope!

   Chen Nan's thesis is too surprising and precious.

   Kovacs couldn't help being excited.

   "Professor Chen, continue."

   "Everyone be quiet."

  Kovacs looked at the people discussing around him, and quickly stood up to preside over the overall situation.

  Chen Nan nodded: "Actually, I haven't published the second paper yet."

   "Even, I haven't figured out where to publish it yet."

   "However, journals such as The Lancet, Nature, and Cell have all sent me acceptance notices."

   "This is not a problem of multiple submissions for one manuscript, because this article covers too much information, and I wrote three articles."

   "However, these three articles, I can summarize and report to you."

   "This is my thesis, Mr. Kovacs, you can put it on the big screen."

  Kovac nodded, and asked the assistant to go down to get the USB flash drive.

   And in just a few minutes, everyone in the audience has already started discussing.

  After all, whether it is "The Lancet" or "Cell" or "Nature", everyone knows how influential these journals are in the world.

  Even for the experts present, it is definitely not so easy and casual to publish an article in The Lancet.

   And Chen Nan, three articles at once!

  What kind of discovery can be favored by these top journals?

Just at this time…

  Suddenly, a question appeared on the big screen.

  When the topic appeared, everyone couldn't help but gasp!


  Too ruthless!

  Wolf off!

  Chen Nan, are you desperate?

  Because, the title above clearly states:

   "Study on the Induction of XIAP-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein Gene Mutations by Triple Therapy."

   This article is too ruthless!

  Just from the title, everyone can already guess what Chen Nan wrote.

   And after seeing this topic, more people couldn't help frowning.

   Triple Therapy!

   It was only proposed in the last five years, and it is the main treatment method for Crohn's treatment.

  After it came out, it played an important role in maintaining and relieving the symptoms of Crohn's patients in a short period of time.

   Therefore, there are many praises.

   Otherwise, this research discussion would not have been carried out at the beginning of the meeting.

  However, Chen Nan directly said that the triple therapy can cause mutations in the XIAP gene? !

  This is no small matter...

  Kovac on the stage, Milo, Camiston and others off the stage couldn't help but frown.

  When the paper is slowly pulled down!

  The more people looked at it, the more gloomy their faces became.

   "Under the triple therapy, the XIAP-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein in rats may have a gene mutation when the drug tolerance is too low!"

   And… the difference is statistically significant!

this moment!

  When everyone saw such content, even bursts of cold sweat began to seep from their backs.

   This is too scary!

   You must know that if the triple therapy is widely praised after the discussion at this meeting, even the World Health Organization will promote it.

   But now...

  Chen Nan discovered the impact of XIAP gene mutation on Crohn's patients.

   Immediately afterwards, it was published that after drug resistance of triple therapy, extensive use would lead to mutations in the XIAP gene.

  In this way...

   What Chen Nan wanted to express was very clear.

  One time!

  The scene was completely silent, and no one spoke.

  Because this news is too embarrassing.

  How humble and ashamed they are now when they praised the "triple therapy" just now.

  The more Kovacs looked, his face became more serious.

   Even his hand that slides the mouse is trembling slightly!

   What a horrible thing this is?

To know…

  They are now planning to make the triple therapy official!

   Now it's better...

  Chen Nan's thesis completely defeated the triple therapy.

The key is…

  Everyone just can't find a reason to object.

   After all, they don't understand the XIAP gene mutation, or even heard of it. Chen Nan found out the theory of this gene mutation.

   Right now!

  Chen Nan stood up suddenly: "So, after I investigated last year's latest yearbook."

   "Found a very coincidental problem!"

   "That is, since the year before last, the number of patients with this difficult type of Crohn's disease has been increasing!"

   "And the main increase is concentrated in the United States."

"Now I have reason to suspect that triple therapy, for the treatment of Crohn's disease, is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst. It does stabilize the patient's symptoms in a short period of time, but...over time, when drug resistance appears, the human gene expression will be reduced. There will be abnormalities, and continuing to take medication at this time will increase the risk of XIAP gene mutation!"

   "So, I think there is a serious problem with triple therapy!"

   "This kind of therapy should not appear on such a stage."

   "Mr. Traore, as the vice president of the American Association of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, you are also a member of the World Council of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Are you responsible for this matter?!"

  When Chen Nan said this, Traore's face changed drastically, and even sweat began to spread from his back.

This sentence!

   Like a crime, it was firmly buckled on Traore's head, making him breathless.

   But Traore couldn't find a word of rebuttal at all.

  The scene was completely silent.

  No one said anything.

  However, many people have already panicked.

  They've been advocating triple therapy for years, advocating various biologics, but who would have thought that... such a thing would happen?

  Traore couldn't help looking at a person on the stage with a pleading face.

  This is the vice president of the World Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Justin, the president of the American Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Association.

  Justin heard the sound and said slowly:

   "Professor Chen's discovery of the XIAP gene mutation is a discovery of far-reaching significance for our intestinal diseases, especially Crohn's disease."

   "This is the progress of science!"

   "The progress of science will inevitably overthrow the previous theory."

   "I think this is a painful lesson, but it's not as exaggerated as what Professor Chen said."

  “The development of science is a process of constant negation, which means that the ideas of the past will be overthrown in the future.”

  Justin's words finally made everyone at the scene couldn't help but take a breath.

   But Chen Nan smiled and asked:

   "So, according to scientific development, we must learn to constantly negate, so that the crimes of the past can be erased?"

  Chen Nan knew that at this moment, his face had been torn apart.

  As for Justin's words, there is no doubt that he is giving the opponent a step down.

   Or rather…

  Let him step down.

  Because Justin himself is the president of the American Inflammatory Bowel Disease Association.

   If something happens, he will take full responsibility!

  Since Chen Nan came this time, he is full of courage and will not be afraid of anything.

  He knows that there is a motherland behind him!

  Why fear?

   As soon as the words came out.


  Chen Nan had another voice in his mind.

【Ding! Congratulations, the bad review level has been upgraded to horror level! 】

  Chen Nan narrowed his eyes suddenly.

  He continued:

   "If you say so according to what you say, the narrowness of the science you talk about can pay for your failure!"

   "But you don't recognize the problems that you can't explain scientifically."

   "This is also your scientific analysis of denying Chinese medicine, denying the efficacy of Chinese medicine, and denying the rationality of Chinese medicine?"

   "I want to ask, if science can't explain it, why do you deny it?"

   "Is this the attitude you say you are responsible for patients?!"


  Hearing Chen Nan's words, discussions started again on the spot.

   This time!

  Everyone is no longer the same as before, favoring Justin and Traore.

  Because this is the end of the matter, everyone is aware of it.

   In the field of Crohn's research, Chen Nan has already gone ahead of everyone.

  As Crohn's disease is an extremely difficult and extremely low-curable type of inflammatory bowel disease, can they follow the soup?

  Historical experience tells everyone.

   Those who know current affairs are Junjie.

  Follow the mainstream to have a chance to get up.

   Soon, everyone in the audience couldn't help but began to speak.

   "I think that the rationality of triple therapy should be studied in depth again to avoid causing more damage."



   "I think the damage of triple therapy, as well as Professor Chen's paper, should be published in the conference journal, so that the world can see the real effect of triple therapy!"



  Seeing that more and more people came forward to publicly deny the triple therapy, Justin was instantly dumbfounded.

   You know, Justin has always kept a low profile. The reason why he said what he said just now is undoubtedly to give each other a step down.

   is also telling Chen Nan that we will praise you, but you should do it yourself.

   But Chen Nan didn't pay any attention to the other party.

   Attack directly.

  This scene completely lost order in the meeting place.

   And Justin was completely irritated by everyone's words, he glanced at Chen Nan with an extremely gloomy expression.

   Then he couldn't help picking up his phone and sent a text message.

  If the triple therapy really appeared in the journal the next day, it would definitely be an unprecedented sensation for American medicine.

   It will even affect the influence of ugly Chinese medicine in world medicine, as well as its credibility in the hearts of ordinary people.

  So, Justin can't let Chen Nan go on like this.

  Before he came, he had contacts with Elevit and other companies.

   This time is to hit Chen Nan!


  Who would have thought?

   Now instead of hitting Chen Nan's arrogance, it completely killed the triple therapy.

   At this time, Kovacs looked up at everyone.

   Signal to be quiet!

   Then, he said directly: "Okay, now start voting."

   "I suggest that triple therapy should be tested again to verify whether it can induce XIAP gene mutations."

   “At the same time, the promotion and rationale support for temporarily canceling the triple therapy is firm.”

   "If you agree, please raise your hand!"

   As soon as the voice fell, almost instantly, two-thirds of the hands were raised.

   Among them, Kovacs himself is included.

   Many people have to raise their hands at this time even if they don't want to.

  Because, the general trend!

   Even at this moment Traore stood up excitedly and said:

   "I doubt the authenticity of Chen Nan's thesis!"

   "This is not meaningful for discussion."

  However, this remark, in the eyes of everyone, is obviously sophistry.

  People don't think that journals like "The Lancet" and "Nature" will publish false reports.

   Moreover, Chen Nan's XIAP gene mutation is a new study.

   They can't wait to meet new things now.

   At this point, Kovacs continued:

   "The next discussion will be more controversial."

   "Chinese medicine, as traditional Chinese medicine, has a long history, but...Chinese medicine contains a large number of compounds, which cannot be analyzed in detail."

   "However, according to the clinical trial results provided by Professor Chen, it is obviously of great research value."

   "So, I suggest!"

   Speaking of this, everyone in the audience looked at Chen Nan and Kovacs in unison, because it is very likely that this will be the first step for Chinese medicine to enter the international market!

   At the same time, many people in China are also paying attention to this scene.


  Li Muhai was a little excited.

  Qin Shiming was a little shocked and unbelievable...

  If Kovacs really proposed and passed.

   This will be an unprecedented progress, a great breakthrough!

  Traditional Chinese medicine will go one step further in the process of developing towards the world!

   Similarly, Gao Ruizhen was also watching the live feed from the special channel in the office at this time.

  When he saw this scene, he stood up excitedly, clenched his hands tightly, and his facial muscles twitched a little!


   This may be the first time in the history of traditional Chinese medicine that it has really entered the international market?

   And the same!

   This time, Lu Pingren, Yu Mei, Shen Yuyuan... and others were all watching this special live broadcast.

  All of them are seven or eight hundred years old.

  But at this time, each of them was staring at the screen like a child, their hands trembling slightly.

  Because this is something they have spent their whole lives and have not done.

   And their disciples!

  At this moment, we are standing on the international stage, planning to rectify the name of Chinese medicine!

   Their eyes were unknowingly cloudy.

  This is not tears!

  This is hope...

this moment!

   Li Muhai suddenly understood why Chen Nan said that although there are tens of millions of people, I will go.



  This is definitely an unprecedented name rectification for Chinese medicine.

   Chen Nan represented, not him alone.

   But so many old Chinese medicine practitioners who have struggled in the field of Chinese medicine for many years!

   They may be practicing medicine in the countryside at this moment.

   Or even in their octogenarian years, they still stick to the three-foot-square position on the front line.

   Perhaps he has been in a high position and famous for a long time, and has won the title of master of Chinese medicine, but he is still not satisfied with himself, but is looking forward to the development of Chinese medicine.

   These are not important!

  The most important thing is that they have passed on TCM for thousands of years for the prosperity and future of TCM.

this moment!

   Chen Nan, not Chen Nan, is traditional Chinese medicine.

  For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Kovacs.

  The other party said slowly:

"I recommend!"

   "For this research on Crohn's disease, set up a pilot site in China and encourage demonstration sites for clinical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine."

   "If you agree, please raise your hand!"

  The voice fell.

  At this moment, Chen Nan couldn't help but have a sore nose, but he firmly raised his right hand.

   High, high!

  Yan Jiaheng and the others saw this scene, although they were unwilling, but... they had no choice.


   I lost...

   At this time, the eyes of many people around them were also focused on them.

   Because, they come from, China!

  Yan Jiaheng, Zhang Wu, and Zhao Xiangpeng finally raised their hands.

  Although I feel unwilling, but... I have to do it as a last resort.

   Immediately afterwards, Kovacs also raised his hand.

   Miro! Hands up!

  Carmiston, raise your hand!


   Gradually, more and more people began to raise their hands.

   Soon, it's halfway through.

   After seeing this scene.

  Suddenly, Chen Nan laughed, and at the door, Zhao Jianyong burst into tears at this moment.

  He was overwhelmed with excitement.

   And the same!

  In China, Yu Mei, Lu Pingren and others, after seeing this scene at this moment, tears filled their eyes, and the excited tears flowed down the cheeks of the gully years.


  Even a little progress!

  Even if it's just a pilot.


   But it is enough!

   Li Muhai applauded excitedly.

  Qin Shiming also suddenly felt that his work was of extraordinary significance at this moment.

   This is a rectification of the name of Chinese medicine.

this moment.

  The reporters behind him applauded equally excitedly.

  Waiting for those who watch the graphic live broadcast in front of the computer or mobile phone.

   also excitedly occupied the comment area completely.

   "Chinese medicine is mighty, the motherland is mighty, Dr. Chen is mighty!"

   "Chinese medicine is mighty, the motherland is mighty, Dr. Chen is mighty!"


   After Kovac finished counting, he nodded slowly.



   These two words are light and floating, but they are very important.

  Chen Nan stood up and bowed deeply to the crowd.

  Seeing this, Kovacs stood up and bowed to Chen Nan.

   "Thanks to Professor Chen for his contribution to inflammatory bowel disease in the world!"

   "Thanks to Huaxia Medicine for its contribution!"

   "We look forward to the next research and follow-up cooperation."


   And this moment.

  Li Muhai took a deep breath, picked up the phone, and directly dialed a special number.

   "Provide first-level protection to Chen Nan!"

   "Notify the embassy in Tokyo, Japan, dispatch staff, and arrive immediately..."

   "We must ensure that Chen Nan returns home safely!"

   "Arrange private plane transfer."


  Subsequently, Xu Bing and Ning Wu also received a call.

   "Both of you, make sure that Chen Nan is safe after he comes out of the meeting room!"

   "Remember, be sure!"

  After hearing this, Ning Wu and Xu Bing immediately stood up straight and said something as if they were dead.


   "Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

  Chen Nan's mission has been completed.

   And their mission has only just begun.

  The motherland prospers and develops.

  Everyone is the screw of the future.

  At the meeting, everyone gave Chen Nan the warmest applause.

  In the crowd, Ji Yishou watched such a scene, and felt a little more jealous in his heart.

  Chinese Medicine!

   is orthodox.

  Han medicine is the essence of Chinese medicine!

   And Chen Nan received Ji Yishou's negative comment, turned around, and looked at him with deep meaning.


  Chinese medicine?



  ps: This may be just a dream, but I hope this dream will come true.

  Ask for a monthly pass, please!

  (end of this chapter)

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