MTL - Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!-~ talk a few words

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  Let’s talk a few words

   Not asking for a monthly ticket, not asking for a reward, not asking for anything, just chatting with everyone.

  The veteran is currently writing full-time, and basically does not go to the hospital.

   Recently, the psychological pressure is relatively high, which may come from both internal and external directions.

   Firstly, the overall performance of doctor essays is not very good now. With such a large starting point, there are really not many people writing doctor essays now, and it is difficult to improve the grades.

  The veteran's "Doctor Chen, Don't Counseling", the score is currently 15,600, which is also the upper limit of this book.

   I am uneasy about the future road and how to go.

  In the last book, I tried to make changes and wrote "This Doctor Is Dangerous". As we all know, my grades collapsed. Of course, the reason is that I can't write because of my limited level in the later stage.

   How should I write in the future?

  Whether to continue writing medical articles, or try to change and create other themes.

  Doctor essay, wrote "Student Masters Are Open", the level was young at that time, and the writing may be very bad.

   Later, I wrote "Being a Doctor" and my grades were not bad.

   Later, I wrote "This Doctor is Dangerous", ahem... As we all know, due to many reasons, it was not written well.

  The veteran came back to write "Doctor Chen, Don't Counseling", a traditional Chinese medicine text.

  Writing here, I suddenly feel a little confused.

  Can I write my head?

  Do I have such strength?

   Am I right for this industry?

  Should I go back to work?

  I'm a little anxious and nervous?

  Now there are more and more books with good grades at the starting point, and there are as many as 10,000 subscriptions. There are so many books every day and every month.

  I suddenly felt that I seemed mediocre.

   That's right.

  I chose this industry because I thought I was a bit talented.

   But now it seems that luck is more important?

  Do I need to change, I can’t just write medical articles, do I need to consider transitioning to write some books with a wider audience... Am I...

   All in all, I thought a lot.

  Looking back, it seems to return to a problem: I am not confident anymore.

   And caught in a circle of self-doubt.

  I don't know where to go in the future.

  People's fear comes from being unable to grasp the unknown and unclear things.

  Writing a book, I suddenly didn’t know if I had the talent or not, and whether I should persevere.

   Should it be considered a part-time job? You should go out bravely, try, and fail.

  I feel like a coward because I'm afraid of failing.

   Or in the world of adults, there are always many things that make you dare not fail.

  Plus I have encountered some things recently.

   makes me stressed out.

  So this kind of pressure is magnified and becomes a kind of tension and anxiety.

  I sat in front of the computer for a long, long time, watching the group chat, my mind went blank.


   Actually, nothing happened.

   Veterans will do their best to adjust.

  This book is actually already a challenge for me. Before that, the upper limit of traditional Chinese medicine was very low.

   Of course, maybe I should work hard and try.

  Thank you, everyone, for listening to my nagging for so long.

  I will work hard to adjust and study hard, and I hope the next book can also be up.

  The splendor of life may be uncertain surprises, unexpected happiness.

  My mind is too disturbed today, I want to take a day off and continue tomorrow.

thank you all.

  (end of this chapter)

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