MTL - Doctor’s Life Simulator-Chapter 233 Recommend referral of such patients at risk of medical trouble

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Lai Meiyun stated that she had severe pain in her right upper quadrant 3 times within 2 years. The first two times occurred after practicing dance for a long time, and the pain relieved on its own in about 4-5 hours. Since she had not debuted at that time, she did not seek medical treatment in order not to affect the subsequent selection.

Due to self-relief, I didn't pay much attention to it. I had pain again half a month ago, and the symptoms were more serious. After seeing a doctor, intravenous infusion of floxacin and cimetidine was relieved after 1 day.

After that, it was the most recent one. I had abdominal pain for 4 consecutive days, accompanied by a body temperature of 38.5c, no nausea, no vomiting, and no diarrhea.

Intravenous "ceftriaxone sodium" and "tinidazole" with the clinic for 1 day did not improve.

Since the physical examination materials were to be sorted out to Professor Huang, Qin Lang naturally conducted routine physical examinations and consultations, and carefully recorded in the medical record:

Patient: Lai Meiyun, female, 20 years old

Brief medical history: He was admitted to hospital mainly because of right upper quadrant pain for 4 days, accompanied by fever. The body temperature was as high as 38.5, and there was no nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. In the clinic, "ceftriaxone sodium" and "tinidazole" were administered intravenously for 1 day without improvement.

Physical examination: conscious, flat and symmetrical abdomen, right upper quadrant tenderness, muscle tension, rebound tenderness


After doing this, just wait for the ultrasound and abdominal CT to come out.

After two hours, check it out:

Auxiliary examination: white blood cell 10.05x109/l, neutral 0.93, blood amylase 30u/l, urine amylase 108u/l, prothrombin time 17.3s, international normalized ratio 1.45, activated partial thromboplastin time 51.3s, renal function Shows: creatinine 154.4umol/l, urea nitrogen 13.65mmol/l.

Ultrasound showed acute cholecystitis and gallbladder stones, and two abdominal CT pictures were attached.

Clinical diagnosis: acute cholecystitis, cholecystolithiasis

After doing this, Qin Lang packaged the sorted information and sent it to Tang Qichen, who then forwarded it to Professor Huang's team.

Half an hour later, Professor Huang's team replied: In order to make a more accurate judgment, please cooperate with your hospital to carry out contrast-enhanced ultrasound and enhanced CT.

After receiving the reply, Qin Lang and Li Ming were both a little surprised!

Especially Li Ming, his face is a little unhappy, contrast-enhanced ultrasound and enhanced CT are not so simple to do.

And, is it really necessary?

The so-called contrast-enhanced ultrasound is to use the gelogiqe9 color Doppler ultrasound diagnostic instrument equipped with real-time imaging function, and this instrument is only one in the entire emergency department, so many patients are waiting to use it, generally for small operations such as cholecystitis. , will not be used.

As for enhanced CT, it is necessary to use Gelightspeedvct64-slice spiral CT. In terms of effect, these two inspection methods have a better identification effect on gallbladder sediment-like stones and thick-walled gallbladder benign lesions.

Contrast-enhanced ultrasound can provide more differential diagnosis information than conventional ultrasound because it can dynamically display blood perfusion and microcirculation characteristics in the lesion in real time.

The effect is good, but the cost is naturally high. Like Hecheng First Hospital, double-enhanced surgery is rarely needed.

This is the hospital in the capital city of Hangzhou, and only professors are used to using double-enhanced films.

"In fact, the patient's condition has been diagnosed by ordinary color Doppler ultrasound and CT. I don't think it is necessary to do double enhancement. It doesn't make much sense. And, to be honest, the operation is going to be performed tomorrow, and it may not be too late to arrange the time today. ."

Li Ming directly called Tang Qichen to communicate.

"Doctor Li, this was specially proposed by Professor Huang. I think we still respect Professor Huang's opinion."

How could Tang Qichen dare to say no to Professor Huang? He put a lot of energy into this operation and didn't want to make Professor Huang's team unhappy because of these things.

"OK then."

Li Ming finally compromised. After all, Professor Huang's status and identity were placed there, and he could only try his best to cooperate with his requirements.

After putting down the phone, Li Ming started to arrange contrast-enhanced ultrasound and enhanced CT.

It's just that this kind of temporary arrangement increases the examination, and it is very demanding for contrast-enhanced ultrasound and enhanced CT. It is impossible to be so fast, in addition to equipment and doctors.

The only way is to ask the doctor who does the examination to get off work overtime to help after work through a personal relationship.

But Li Ming is only an attending physician after all, and his energy is limited.

"Qin Lang, is there anything you can do?"

Of course, Li Ming didn't hold out much hope. After all, Qin Lang was only a resident physician, and it didn't take long for him to come to the first hospital in the city.

"I remember that when Director Lu Yu started a new project in the burn department, he purchased a brand new Gelogiqe9 color Doppler ultrasound diagnostic instrument. Director Lu is also very good at enhanced CT and contrast-enhanced ultrasound."

Qin Lang turned on his mobile phone and called Lu Yu.

Before, Qin Lang helped Lu Yu's uncle heal a serious burn. Lu Yu always remembered this kindness, so he arranged everything for Qin Lang at the first time, and expressed that he would do it himself.

"It's done! Director Lu said, she's working overtime today, and we'll be there at 6:30 in the evening."


Li Xian obviously did not expect Qin Lang to get it done with just one phone call, and a deputy chief physician personally worked overtime for Qin Lang.

He has also heard about Lu Yu's name, but the elite talents introduced from the Imperial Capital Jishuitan Hospital still have a lot of intersections between general surgery and burn departments, so Lu Yu also respects and admires him very much.

"Young people today are amazing."

Li Ming, of course, had a lot of brainstorming, and he thought of the importance of Director Zhuang and Director Wei for Qin Lang, which would solve the contrast-enhanced CT and contrast-enhanced ultrasound that caused him headaches.

This Qin Lang made him a little incomprehensible. It seems that he can't just treat it as a talented young man in the future.



When Lai Meiyun's surgery was carried out step by step.

Hu Jie, who had previously had a myocardial infarction caused by cholecystitis, was sent back to the general surgery department from the cardiothoracic surgery department after treatment, and continued the next cholecystectomy operation.

And very coincidentally, Hu Jie was assigned to Li Ming's group, because the patient had just been rescued and had acute myocardial infarction.

Therefore, for this cholecystectomy, Li Ming invited Chen Feng, another attending physician in the general surgery department. Dr. Chen mainly studies the field of hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancer, so he is very accomplished in cholecystectomy.

Of course, Qin Lang was also accompanied by Li Ming to participate in this small consultation.

As the organizer of the meeting, Li Ming distributed the patient's information as soon as possible, and turned on the projection at the same time, and introduced Hu Jie's situation in detail.

Looking at the information, Qin Lang knew that what should come will always come, so he explained:

"This patient was diagnosed together by Liu Peichun and I. At that time, I asked her to have an electrocardiogram and echocardiogram. However, the patient was so uncooperative that it caused acute myocardial infarction during the fluid rehydration process."

Qin Lang reported the previous matter to Li Ming and Chen Feng.

"That's abominable, such a patient, so uncooperative with treatment, and the wicked complained first, it's hard to deal with."

After listening to Li Ming, his brows were already furrowed, and he was a little reluctant to accept this operation.

"Because the patient has just been rescued and undergoes cholecystectomy, the risk is still very high. In view of the performance of the patient and family members, it is necessary to communicate with them well before the operation. If the patient and family members continue to mess around, then I suggest that they are directly transferred to the hospital for treatment. Our department does not accept it."

As an old Jianghu, Li Ming has of course analyzed it from Qin Lang's introduction. Such patients and family members are the most disgusting for doctors.

You have done a lot of things and assumed a lot of responsibilities, but the patients and their families are not only disrespectful, but also ripped off, and they will make a big noise.

Reports of family members stabbing doctors to death due to medical disputes are not uncommon. Therefore, treating some garbage people is not worth the gain.

"Dr. Li is right. We first formulate the operation plan and communicate with the patients and their families. In view of the special circumstances of the patients, the possibility of danger during the operation is very high, so we must ask them to sign a disclaimer in advance, otherwise it will come out later. Surprisingly, with their character, it is very unfavorable to Chen Feng also spoke aside, all doctors are working together to treat this kind of bad patient.

"For cholecystectomy, the traditional method is laparotomy, which is obviously not suitable for this patient. There is also a four-hole laparoscopic cholecystectomy, but due to the poor physical condition of the patient, and repeated cholecystitis all year round, In addition, after the first aid, there may be deterioration and new problems, and further diagnosis cannot be made clear. Only during the operation can the real diagnosis be made. Therefore, the difficulty and risk are very high.”

Li Ming put forward his own opinions.

Chen Feng nodded slightly and fell into contemplation. If they were ordinary patients, they would naturally be willing to try and take risks.

But now it is obvious that the patient and his family, if there is an accident during the operation, there will be a great possibility of medical disputes in the future.

Chen Feng pondered for a few more seconds, after all, it was arranged by Li Ming: "In view of the risk of surgery and the hidden dangers of medical disputes between patients and their families. If Dr. Li is confident, he will perform the surgery. If the risk is too great, then we recommend that the patient be transferred to another hospital. ."
