MTL - Doctor’s Life Simulator-Chapter 27 Will be outside, the king's life is not subject to

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"Director Tian is very praised. It seems that Dr. Wu has made great progress these days."

Wei Guoqiang's face showed a hint of joy, but the most important thing now is to judge Shen Fang's treatment plan first.

"If it was the case at the beginning, I was really worried that the operation would be very difficult due to vascular damage, wound contamination, and various eschars. We rushed back and missed the best treatment time, leaving irreversible damage. But Now seeing such a clean and refreshing debridement and scab cutting, it undoubtedly fully guarantees the blood supply and the activity of the tissue, and also buys us more time."

Tian Hua analyzed it, and his thoughts were very fast: "Now only two hands are ready, leaving the most difficult tendon suture and nerve anastomosis to wait for us to go back to the operation, and let Chief Wu continue to perform the vascular anastomosis to buy us enough time. "

"Although, I will miss some of the best time, but I will do some homework in the follow-up rehabilitation, and I still have a lot of experience with tendon adhesions. There is a 90% certainty that Shen Fang's hand will recover to before the injury."

After hearing Tian Hua's analysis, Wei Guoqiang also nodded, facing the screen of his mobile phone and conveying their instructions:

"Dr. Wu, Director Tian and I will be able to rush back for a while. Now, you will perform vascular anastomosis first to ensure good blood supply and tissue activity in the patient's wound, and wait for us to return for tendon and nerve anastomosis. ."

After hearing the orders of the two directors, Wu Youtu of course accepted the order. Although his vascular anastomosis is not as powerful as the two directors, he is still confident if he can be remotely guided by the two directors.

"Qin Lang, your previous work has been done very well. The next vascular anastomosis will be handed over to me, and you will assist me."

After all, Wu Youtu was the attending physician. In the face of difficulties, how could it be possible for Qin Lang to bear the pressure.

"Doctor Wu, it's fine, I can do it."

The one who answered Wu Youtu was Qin Lang's determination as always. Although Wu Youtu could perform vascular anastomosis, it was definitely not as effective as his own perfect suture.

In order to allow Shen Fang to recover and return to the state before the injury, Qin Lang was not prepared to use artificial hands, not even the two directors.

Now in this operating room, he is the most reliable and trustworthy person.

The so-called, will be outside, the king's life will not be affected.

Wu Youtu frowned, but was persuaded by Qin Lang's persistence.

Between this exchange of light and flint, and the remote consultation system, not all sounds and pictures will be transmitted. Now the two directors have only one field of vision, that is the patient's injury. .

After completing the last step of debridement, Qin Lang directly started the anastomosis of blood vessels, first of all, a blood vessel that satisfies end-to-end anastomosis.

"...tweezers, surgical scissors..."

Qin Lang calmly issued an order, and the equipment nurse on the side was naturally obedient. Whoever is the chief surgeon has the right to speak, and everyone will turn around him.

Qin Lang quickly found the far and near sections of the blood vessels, and sharply freed them 1-2 cm to both sides, preserving the soft tissue around the blood vessels.

He has a careful thought, that is to operate quickly, and try to complete the operation before the two directors rush back. After that, it is a done deal, and there is nothing they can do.

Of course, this is based on strong strength, and Qin Lang will not joke about the safety of patients.

"Qin Lang, don't worry, we can slow down a bit to ensure accuracy. Moreover, it will take some time for Director Tian and Director Wei to arrive."

Wu Youtu explained on the side, and he secretly admired it in his heart. As expected of a young man, from the beginning to the present, after so long, he can still achieve such a high frequency.

After so long, Qin Lang has changed so many movements and postures that he has never rested.


On the operating table, Qin Lang quickly entered the next step. He removed the adventitial tissue of the blood vessel port. It took some time. At the same time, he released the blood vessel clip to observe the blood vessel port to see if there was fresh blood ejected, which ruled out vasospasm. After that, the blood vessels were flushed again with heparinized saline.

The suture was started only after ruling out that there was no translucent localized bulge of the vessel wall.

The whole action is smooth, revealing the old and steady.

Above the Central Expressway, the two directors broadcast the screen live through their mobile phones, seeing all this in their eyes, and secretly applauding.

"Mr. Wu is worthy of being a senior attending physician. After so many years of clinical experience, this steady and skilled person is a bit like a master!"

While watching the screen of the mobile phone, the two directors kept an eye on the traffic jam ahead.

However, due to the high speed, the mobile phone signal is not very stable, and the screen will occasionally pause.

"Director Tian, ​​this signal is really problematic for real-time remote guidance. However, it can still roughly reflect the progress of the operation. At least, now this vascular anastomosis, even without us, Dr. Wu can do it well."

In Wei Guoqiang's expression, he was still very proud. After all, this was a doctor in his department. He performed well, and he always had a bright face.

"Yeah. This remote surgery system still needs to be in the hospital to be able to connect perfectly and follow up in real time. The mobile phone is still not stable and timely."

Because of Wu Youtu's excellent vascular anastomosis, the two directors have become much calmer and more stable.

"Director Wei, continue to watch the live broadcast. I will give Captain Wang a call to reassure him."

Tian Hua immediately called Wang Youming:

"Captain Wang, don't worry, we have established contact with the operating room through the remote surgery system, and now the entire operation is going more smoothly than we imagined. The debridement and escharectomy performed by Dr. Wu is very good, and it also helps us. After that, I came to buy a lot of time.”

Hearing Tian Hua's feedback, Wang Youming was of course overjoyed:

"Then there are two directors, Lao."

"Captain Wang, wait for us to come back and perform the final tendon suture and nerve anastomosis for Shen Fang. My current has at least a 90% chance of recovery."

"Good good!"


When several people were talking, Qin Lang had already started to sew a stitch at the vascular anastomosis, 0° and 180°, or 90° and 270° each as a fixed traction wire.

Then sew at the midpoint of the two stitches and use it as a pull thread to sew equidistantly and isometrically in between.

"So even and beautiful stitching!"

Wu Youtu looked at Qin Lang's suture most intuitively, and was amazed in his heart. Compared with the last operation, he seemed to have changed.

"It does not leak blood, nor is it too dense, which greatly reduces the possibility of vascular embolism. It is simply the theoretical suture margin, twice the thickness of the tube wall, and the needle distance is three times the margin."

After one side of the blood vessel was sutured, the blood vessel clip and the blood vessel were turned over, the position of the traction wire was exchanged, and the blood vessel segment was turned over to the unsutured side.

"...heparin water..."

Under such a quick operation, Qin Lang still did not miss any small details. He rinsed again to ensure that there were no residual thrombus and foreign bodies in the cavity, and observed and confirmed that there were no sutures and tube walls, so he used the same method to suture this side. Blood vessel.

"...2% lidocaine..."

Qin Lang loosened the vascular clamp and controlled the gradual recovery of blood flow, resulting in a trace of vasospasm.

And after this one blood vessel is completed, the next one is started, that is, the one with more blood vessels removed before.

Due to the large number of excisions between the two sections, the diameters of the two sections are quite different. Direct end-to-end anastomosis will cause a crack on the side with the larger diameter.

Qin Lang blinked slightly, under the perfect vascular anastomosis, an appropriate plan has been formulated.