MTL - Doctor’s Life Simulator-Chapter 291 The shocked Director Mo and Director Hu

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, Doctor's Life Simulator

Next, Qin Lang removed the fascia containing lymphatic vessels from the patient's perirenal fascia and psoas muscle, separated the diaphragm and peritoneum, and connected the ureter and gonadal vessels in the perirenal fat to the lower pole of the kidney. And en bloc separation, the adrenal gland, kidney, perirenal fascia and perirenal fat, and part of the ureter were en bloc removed.

Looking at Qin Lang's excision operation, the three of them admired them.

It can be seen that Qin Lang's control and familiarity with various organizations.

When Qin Lang's excision was coming to an end, the ambulance had already entered Zijingang No. 1 Hospital. However, the patient was not allowed to get off the car. Qin Lang was ready to continue the entire operation in the car.

After the ambulance arrived at Zijingang No. 1 Hospital, Mo Fei, director of the emergency department, and Hu Qiang, director of the urology department, were already ready to welcome them.

All the emergency personnel in the hospital are in place, just wait for the pre-hospital emergency personnel to take over the work.

Under normal circumstances, after the initial pre-hospital first aid, the pre-hospital treatment personnel will concisely inform the in-hospital treatment personnel of the patient's injury, treatment measures, pipeline conditions, and current treatment, and then jointly participate in the first aid work to ensure the patient's life safety. .

Next, is the battlefield of the hospital treatment personnel.

Director Hu and Director Mo were waiting. Professor Shen Xi, her little doctor, and two emergency physicians got off the car and came to hand over.

It's just that, as time passed by, there was no movement at all.

"What's the situation? It stands to reason that the patient should be sent to the operating room now."

Murphy was a little puzzled. Could there be an accident in the car?

Hu Qiang also frowned: "Is it possible that Professor Shen misdiagnosed the patient's condition, so he is now in the ambulance, taking some emergency measures to remedy it?"

"Oops, maybe we trust Professor Shen too much. After all, she has only made great achievements in the field of scientific research, but she may not be so good at clinical, especially this kind of patients who suddenly fell down and were in shock. It's just that the time all the way. , even if there is a misjudgment, is it too late to deal with it?"

Hu Qiang regretted not following the car before, but handed over the chance of pre-hospital first aid to Professor Shen. So much so that it is now out of control.

"No, I can't spend any more."

"What the **** is Professor Shen doing?"

Under the impatience, Director Mo's tone was a little chilly. This was originally a very simple pre-hospital treatment. When you got to the hospital, it was enough to hand over the patients directly to them.

Why do you want to make such a moth, it is difficult, she really performed the operation directly in the ambulance.

"Director Hu, is it possible that Professor Shen really performed the operation on Ambulance Hill?"

Mo Fei originally thought that Shenxi just raised such a concept with her and assumed the worst possibility, so she didn't take it to heart.

Few people would actually perform an operation in an ambulance unless it was in a critical situation, and she did.

"Impossible. Although the ambulance has the conditions for surgery, it is too rudimentary, and it is only such a long journey from the scene to the hospital. How many operations can she perform? Especially in radical nephrectomy, which she is not good at. technically."

Even with Hu Qiang's accomplishments in nephrectomy, he needed more than half an hour in the hospital operating room. If he was put in a simple ambulance and he was nervous, it would take longer. Moreover, he had to deal with heavy bleeding. of hemostasis.

First aid in an ambulance, even at his level, is not a good choice.

Then there is a high probability that the patient has some special circumstances, and Professor Shen needs to temporarily provide some emergency care in the ambulance.

According to the previous arrangement, they still need to wait in the operating room. If they go out rashly now, if a patient is sent in, it will be too late to deal with it.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon five minutes passed.

"No, I can't wait any longer. If the patient really deduced from Professor Shen that the kidney tumor had ruptured and hemorrhaged multiple organs, it would have been fatal if the operation was not performed. Director Mo, you are waiting in the operating room, I'll get in touch now and see what's going on."

"If Professor Shen encounters a problem that cannot be solved, I can only solve it myself."

Hu Qiang walked directly to the dressing room, took off his surgical gown, and prepared to see for himself what happened.

However, just as Director Hu walked out of the operating room, the head nurse came over.

"Director Hu, the patient has just been sent to the ward, and the operation has been successfully completed."

After the head nurse notified, she was ready to inform Director Mo, who was still anxiously waiting in the operating room.

"What, the operation has been successfully completed?"

After hearing the news, Hu Qiang was a little unbelievable, and then he understood:

"It must be that Professor Shen made a wrong diagnosis at the beginning. The patient may have other minor problems. Therefore, she performed a minor operation in the ambulance. After that, she was sent directly to the ward."

After all, less than forty minutes have passed, that is to say, after removing the time, when the operation is completed, the whole process will only take twenty minutes.

Experienced Director Hu, of course, does not think that the patient is really bleeding from a renal tumor. In addition to radical nephrectomy, hemostasis of intraoperative bleeding is also required, which also takes time.

However, Director Hu was also curious as to what the cause of this patient was.

When Director Hu went to the ward, Director Mo was also called out by the head nurse, and also rushed to the ward somewhat inexplicably.

What is this called! Director Mo wanted to hear how Professor Shen explained it.

Soon, the two directors entered the ward one after the other, and saw the patients lying on the hospital bed, as well as Professor Shen Xi who was waiting for them to come, the two little doctors in the emergency department, and Qin Lang.

"Professor Shen, what is the situation? What is the cause of the patient? Why did he go directly to the ward when he arrived at the hospital?"

"Could it be that you were really in the ambulance and presided over the emergency surgery?"

Hu Qiang and Mo Fei both asked curiously. Of course, there was also the meaning of asking guilt, which made them both frightened.

Shen Xi shook his head: "I didn't preside over the Then, under the watchful eyes of Mo Fei and Hu Qiang, he continued to add:

"It was my student, Dr. Qin Lang, who performed abdominal puncture diagnosis on the patient and determined that the cause of the patient was massive renal tumor hemorrhage combined with multiple organ insufficiency, so the patient was opened for laparotomy and radical cure. Nephrectomy, lymphadenectomy."

"What, you said it was him?"

Mo Fei couldn't believe it, but Qin Lang was too young.

Hu Qiang, on the other hand, strongly questioned: "Impossible, you have only so much time on the road, how can you complete such a difficult radical nephrectomy and lymphatic dissection. Not to mention, you still have to have abdominal puncture. time."

"Director Hu, Director Mo, what Professor Shen said is absolutely true, and we also participated together."

"Dr. Qin, he is really amazing. His diagnosis, decision-making, and formulation of surgical plans are all in the limelight. The whole operation is smooth and smooth. I have never seen such a powerful operation."

One of the doctors described it to the car doctor.

Another doctor who followed the car felt that it was not specific enough, especially in front of Director Hu and Director Mo. After thinking about it, he added:

"Dr. Qin's surgery is probably the combination of Director Mo's photo using Meitu and Director Hu's surgery video x 2.0 times the speed. It's fast and beautiful!"

Director Mo:...

Director Hu:!!!