MTL - Don’t Be a Secretary For a Genius-Chapter 149 growing president

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"Jiang Shengyan, you are so beautiful."

Jing You rested his elbows on the bed, supported his face with his hands, and stared at the person lying flat on the bed.

"How long have you been peeking at me like this?" Jiang Shengyan yawned while covering her mouth with her hands before her eyes were fully opened.

"I don't know." The corner of Jing You's lips smiled, "I can see it for a long time."

Jiang Shengyan raised his hand and pinched Jingyou's face, and said lazily, "I still like to hear you call me sister."

Jing You said: "You are about to become my wife, I don't want to call you sister."

Jiang Shengyan: "It's just engagement."

Jing You: "What's the difference? Is the deposit still refundable?"

Jiang Shengyan: "Even if you see a beautiful dress in the mall and buy it directly, you can get a refund with a receipt."

Jing You looked serious: "If you are engaged to me with such a mentality, then we will cancel it."

"I am teasing you." Jiang Shengyan looked nervous, for fear that the children would really be angry.

"I am teasing you too." Jing You raised his chin proudly, "I won."

"You are getting worse and worse now!" Jiang Shengyan pulled Jing You down on the bed, turned over and held her shoulders.

Jing You raised his hand and hooked Jiang Shengyan's neck, his eyes flooded: "Jiang Shengyan, I want to see you every morning when I open my eyes."


Jing You whispered: "I still can't believe that I did the most intimate thing with my sister, it was like a dream."

"Sister is also like a dream." Jiang Shengyan put his arms on Jingyou's side, and his palms stroked Jingyou's side cheek, "I actually want to make a lifelong contract with Xiaoyou, so The happiness was so sudden that I couldn't believe it."

"Not suddenly." Jing You was serious, "I've been telling you about this for several months."

Jiang Shengyan laughed: "How can you be so domineering, what is a notification?"

Jing You's eyes narrowed: "Because you kissed me first."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shengyan asked.

Jing You: "It's like signing a contract. You sign your name before handing it over to me. As long as I sign my name, the contract is established."

Jiang Shengyan: "How can these two things be compared?"

Jing You: "Why can't they be compared?"

Jiang Shengyan didn't bother with Jing You anymore about this issue, and asked, "Did I scare you when I kissed you for the first time?"

Jing You licked his lips and said, "I like it very much."

Jiang Shengyan: "Then explain to me why you and Dr. Lu seem to be kissing when I went to find you."

Jing You frowned slightly: "Are you turning over an old account?"

"What is turning over old accounts?" Jiang Sheng said dissatisfied, "I call this a reasonable association."

"Because my sister kissed me, I had a problem here." Jing You covered his heart, "I dance very fast here, I always think of my sister, and I want my sister to kiss me again, my brain Only my sister's lips are left. I don't know if that's a liking, so I'll study it with the doctor."

Jiang Shengyan's eyes were filled with the lovely appearance of Jing You's serious explanation, but he didn't give up.

"Then why did you try with Dr. Lu instead of me?" Jiang Shengyan hummed softly, "If I hadn't bumped into it by chance, would you have kissed? "

"Jiang Shengyan." Jing You smiled and his pupils were exceptionally bright.

"Why are you calling my name again?" Jiang Shengyan had to admit that every time he heard it, his heart beat a few beats faster.

"You look so cute when you're jealous." Jing You smiled so much that his eyes narrowed into two sickle moons.

Jiang Shengyan's face was slightly hot, and he said with a sullen face: "You still know what it means to be jealous?"

Jing You: "I'm already a master of love now."

Jiang Shengyan: "Where is Gao?"

Jing You: "You are secretly eating the vinegar of my doctor and me."

Jiang Shengyan stopped breathing and did not blink his eyes.

Xiao You can actually say so accurately what she once thought, it is simply a leap from bronze to king.

Jing You raised her face and put a smack on Jiang Shengyan's lips, with a serious look: "I was working hard to learn how to be a good wife when you were away."

Without warning, Jiang Shengyan's tears welled up, and big, hot tears fell on Jingyou's face.

"Are you a fool?" Jiang Shengyan's eyes were instantly red, and his voice was choked up.

"Why scold me?" Jing You was wronged.

Jiang Shengyan let out a few sobbing noises and said, "We're not married yet, why did you study so early?"

It sounds like a complaint, but it's actually moved to the point of not knowing what to do.

How can there be such a stubborn person like Xiaoyou in the world, but she is also met by herself.

Being hit by such a huge luck, Jiang Shengyan was very afraid that her luck would be overdrawn in the future, and that she was not as good as Xiaoyou.

"I'm afraid I will always make you angry." Jing You's cheeks bulged slightly, "You are not my secretary Jiang now, what if you get angry and run away?"

Jiang Shengyan stroked Jingyou's hair: "Are you afraid that I will leave you?"

Jing You lowered his eyes and whispered: "No."

Jiang Shengyan raised his hand: "No matter how many times you make me angry, I will never leave you. Let's pull the hook."

Although Xiao You said she didn't care, in fact, the departure of her biological mother left an indelible mark on her heart.

Jiang Shengyan thought that she should be more careful and considerate of Xiaoyou, so that she would not have to be afraid all the time.

Jing You thought about it and pulled the hook with Jiang Shengyan.

"Then do I have something to say?" Jing You said.

Jiang Shengyan nodded.

"You're getting heavier." Jing You took a long breath, "It made me a little breathless."

Jiang Shengyan changed his face in a second and said annoyed: "I didn't put all the weight on it at all."

Jing You: "That proves that the heavier part is more than I felt."

Jiang Shengyan: "This is the result of you studying hard to be a good wife?"

Jing You: "You just said that no matter how many times I make you angry, you will never leave me. I have a good memory."

Jiang Sheng said with a smile, "Yes, I said I would not leave you, but I didn't say I would not do anything else to you out of anger."

Jing You: "Do you want to do something terrible to me?"

The eyes were a little expectant.

Jiang Shengyan: "..." This is not the president I know, is it broken?

Jing You put two hands on Jiang Shengyan's shoulders, blinking lightly: "There is still some time, don't waste it."

Jiang Shengyan's ears were flushed: "It's not good to wake up in the morning... not so good?"

Jing You: "Don't we do it every morning when we get up?"

Jiang Shengyan: "Don't talk nonsense! How can there be every morning?!"

In just a second, her face turned red into a big tomato.

Jing You thought for a moment: "It's not every morning, it's gone when you're not there."

Jiang Shengyan: "It's not every morning when I'm here... Anyway, don't frame me."

Jing You frowned: "I just want to get a morning kiss, are you so reluctant? It's just like this before you get married. Don't you have to wear your tongue to get one when you're married? ?"

"Cough cough cough cough!" Jiang Shengyan was choked by the air and coughed.

Jing You: "Do you have to pretend to have a cold in order not to kiss me?"

"Shut up." Jiang Shengyan covered it with his mouth.

Ashamed as they kissed.

Just now...I was probably thinking wrong.

After a long kiss.

Jing You's cheeks were pink, her lips were slightly open, and her chest was up and down.

Those peach blossom eyes, no matter how many times they look at them, Jiang Shengyan will always fall into them.

"Jiang Shengyan," Jing You's eyes were like stars, "I'm so happy to be able to make a lifetime contract with you, I really like and like you."

"Are you trying to make me cry again?" Jiang Shengyan's eyes slowly filled with water vapor.

Sure enough, he is still a bear child.

"If you cry, I will wipe your tears." Jing You gently stroked Jiang Shengyan's face, "I said, I am already an adult who can protect you."

Jiang Shengyan said angrily, "I don't want your little brat to protect me."

"I'm not a kid, I'm your woman." Jing You's eyes curled, "I said, I've grown up."

My woman.

Jiang Shengyan was filled with ecstasy soup by Jing You's words, leaned on her shoulder, lowered her eyebrows and smirked.

Jing You tightened his arms and whispered softly: "We have to spend the next ten years together, the next ten years, the next ten years, the next ten years, the next ten years..."

Jiang Shengyan buried his face in Jing You's arms.

Although she is a bit shy as a sister, Xiaoyou has really grown up and is a charming woman, a woman who can be depended on.

Jing You and Jiang Shengyan were sticky for a while before getting up to wash.

Jiang Shengyan, like in the past, helped Jing You choose a dress and held it in front of her: "My boss, what do you think of wearing this dress today?"

"You can choose any one." Jing You hugged Jiang Shengyan's waist and glued it to him again, "I think there is a program in my brain that I want to kiss you when I see you."

"What nonsense are you talking about in the morning!" Jiang Shengyan blushed.

What a rhetoric!

Jing You pursed her lips and said, "Do you dislike me for being too sticky?"

Jiang Shengyan kissed Jingyou's lips and coaxed, "It's time for us to go to the rehearsal scene."

"Oh." Jing You took off his pajamas without saying a word.

In this situation, Jiang Shengyan was not mentally prepared for a while, the nasal cavity became hot, and there was a red under the nose.

"You have a nosebleed!" Jing You was terrified, "Are you feeling any other discomfort? Do you need to call a doctor?"

"No, no." Jiang Shengyan hurriedly said, "Just get me some paper."

Jing You immediately followed suit, and quickly went to the bedside to get some paper.

Jiang Shengyan shoved the hanger into Jingyou's arms and quickly hid in the bathroom.

Seeing beauty with nosebleeds…

It's really humiliating and mixed with a hint of wretchedness.

Jiang Shengyan kept slapping his face with cold water, lowered his head and dared not look in the mirror.

This is escapism.

When Jiang Shengyan went out from the bathroom, Jing You had already dressed herself.

A light yellow suit with a V-neck bottom and a youthful vitality.

And Jiang Shengyan is a satin shirt, white suit jacket, elegant atmosphere.

The two stand side by side, making a perfect match.

Jiang Shengyan raised his hand to help Jing You tidy the neckline. Run your fingertips across the collar on both sides, pull it to a symmetrical position, and stretch it down.

Jing You took the opportunity to kiss Jiang Shengyan on the face, leaving a lip print.

Jiang Sheng glared at Jing You with charming eyes. But he didn't know that a mark was left on his face.

Jing You was thinking about how to confess so as not to make Jiang Shengyan angry, and she seemed to be in a hurry when it was convenient to start urging her to go out.

Jing You hesitated for a moment, and when nothing happened, he walked out quickly.