MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 264 Challenge the second floor of the palace

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(Note 3: Comparison of skill level and equipment quality-ordinary skill book = advanced skill = rare quality, excellent level = 4th level skill = silver quality, rare level = 5th level skill = gold quality, master = 6th level skill = fairy Spirit, guru = level 7 skill = myth.)

"Brother Xiao, there is news!"

Xiao Feng had just left the holy city and was scrambling on the second floor of the underground palace. Suddenly, he received a call with a little joy from Qian Duoduo.

"What news?" Xiao Feng hadn't reacted yet, and asked casually while shredding the whiteboard equipment he picked up by forging.

"A way to be able to resist stealth!" Qian Duoduo asked for the same merits and said in a depressive tone.

"What! Hurry up!"

Sure enough, Xiao Feng got excited immediately when he heard it.

"That's Han Feng who owes his mouth. Isn't Hunter Level 20 a skill with a true sight trap that can be used to prevent stealth? I just looked at his hidden occupation with authentication and found that he also has a passive skill in the real sight field The level is very high, it should be able to counter the stealth of the fairy level. "Qian Duoduo said.

"Han Feng? Yes, he is not on your side, tell him to wait for me in the teleportation array in the Dragon City." Xiao Feng thought and said.

"Well, he is consigning equipment to me, and I will tell him." Qian Duoduo then hung up the call.

After Xiao Feng cleared the monsters in front of him at the fastest speed, after cleaning the equipment, he also took out the back to the city scroll and returned to the Dragon City.

"Big brother, I heard you have something to do with me?"

Han Feng was already waiting in the teleportation array. As soon as he saw Xiao Feng, he ran over.

"How many levels of stealth can your true vision skills be able to reverse?" Xiao Feng asked, directly speaking.

Han Feng ’s equipment is very good. After all, he was the one who got the fairy tool in the event of seizing the treasure. The equipment on the whole body is better than Si Yejing. Basically, it is gold equipment. Only the jewelry parts are mixed with silver and Blue outfit.

"True vision skills? Mine is a talent for hidden occupations, and comes with a master-level true vision effect." Han Feng explained.

"Master? Enough! Let's go, go with me and make a boss that will be invisible." Xiao Feng said before his eyes.

"Good guy."

Han Feng gave me an excitement without saying anything. Nonsense, not to mention that playing boss has a great attraction for the player itself, and more importantly, who is playing the boss.

This is the boss who even the first person in China is looking for a helper, can it be an ordinary little boss?

Just fantasizing about what would burst, Han Feng could not wait.

what? Fairy device? There are artifacts? Make it impossible!

Soon, Xiao Feng took Han Feng to the town of Bianye, and then rushed to the Baigu Mountain Range.

It took a lot of time to get on the road, because Han Feng didn't actually have a mount, and could only run on his legs. According to him, his professional ranger could not equip a mount. This shortcoming could be used to make up for his hidden professional strength.

Although Xiaoxue has advanced riding skills and can ride together, Xiao Feng does have a bit of aptitude for the two big men to ride together, and Xiaoxue does not agree, so he gave up calling Xiaoxue and took Han Feng to run together.

However, Han Feng's movement speed is very fast, and it can keep up with Xiao Feng with super high agility, so that he did not delay too much time.

After bypassing some powerful players leveling near the White Bone Mountains, the two quickly reached the entrance to the underground grave.

"Advanced Map! Boss, the boss you want to deal with is not easy!"

Han Feng has good eyesight, and at a glance found that the underground grave is a high-level map, and he was half surprised and eager to try.

"Explosion artifact." Xiao Feng did not hide him, anyway, he will know when it will burst out.

"Lying trough! Artifact!"

Han Feng took a breath, his heartbeat slowed by two beats, only to see his eyes glow, and then looked carefully at Xiao Feng.

"That ... gangster, can you also have a soup for me when you eat meat? If there is any dregs or something, don't gangster give it to me?"

"I only want the artifact, and everything else that comes out of the fairy artifact belongs to you." Xiao Feng didn't care, and it wouldn't come out anyway, directly and generously promised.

"Big Brother 666! The younger brother will be mixed with you from now on! The big brother said that the younger brother will never go west!" Han Feng immediately began to flatter.

"Less nonsense, start blaming. You need to clear the blame of the first layer before you can enter the next layer. You can help me gather the blame, no need to output." Xiao Feng first entered the ground floor.

There is no player on the first floor of the underground palace. In fact, the high-level map of the underground tomb is very difficult. Xiao Feng stepped here at that time with 10,000 points of caution, and survived in danger.

Many elite monsters and bosses with more than 20 to 30 levels on the map are not a joke. At this stage, no one can carry it, and Xiao Feng is also the same.

Unlike Xiao Feng who can avoid by walking, and the speed of monster brushing efficiency, you can quickly clear the strange tide to survive.

The other players either stuck at the door of the map and pulled one by one hatred to kill, or they used the death tactic to run into the map, pull all the monsters near the door into it, and then die inside, so that the monsters who lost the hate also stayed. Inside, so that you can get a foothold on this map, and then slowly start to blame one by one to kill.

Either way requires the strength and cooperation of the player team, one or two people will definitely not work.

Before the Wild Wolf Gang was able to brush up on the first floor of the underground palace, it also paid a lot of sacrifices. In addition, they picked up Xiao Feng's cheap. When they entered this map, the strange groups on the first floor of the underground palace were almost cleared. That's why it's up to the number to take root on this map.

The advanced map is extremely difficult, and it can be seen from the trapped beast forest. A large union like the wolf clan, the core members are all master players, but they are stuck on the second floor of the trapped beast forest. Drop the single mobs and bosses.

The threat and difficulty of senior bosses are fatal. Do n’t look at Xiao Feng playing with ease, but for ordinary players, it is definitely a disaster, otherwise various copy bombings will not happen.

Take the 25-level copy of the wasteland, for example, a 25-level boss can countlessly destroy the 20-person wasteland team. Without enough corpses to pile up the strategy, it can be said that it is impossible to move.

So one can imagine the horror of level 30 bosses, not to mention that in the advanced map, level 30 bosses rarely appear on the list.

For example, at the first floor of the underground palace, there are more than 4 bosses at the 30th level, especially one of them is a dread banshee, and its quality is as high as the silver level. It is absolutely capable of destroying 10,000 people!

"Lying a big slot! Dad! This picture is so many bosses! The monsters are so dense! The difficulty is not right! Can we brush?"

Sure enough, Han Feng was dumbfounded as soon as he stepped into the first floor of the underground palace. He looked at the densely packed undead in the palace and swallowed his saliva, obviously guilty.

It also called him to gather monsters, gather hair, he is a small body of an archer, he was touched by any boss, or surrounded by strange groups, and was properly said by seconds.

"Then you can save your life carefully."

Xiao Feng did not expect him to help fight monsters anyway, as long as he had his true sight skills, he left a sentence casually and immediately rushed into the monster group, throwing out a holy light technique and throwing all the little monsters within his sight. The hatred of boss is all attracted.









As if a red cloud was floating within the first floor of the underground palace, Han Feng, who had just had a guilty conscience and wanted to exit the map, suddenly saw this intensive digital ocean of injuries, instantly dumbfounded and speechless for a long time.

Looking around, more than a thousand monsters were attacked by Xiao Feng at the same time, and the blood volume dropped by a naked eye.

"Lying trough! Big brother! Big guy 666!" So Han Feng immediately shouted in the back.

Xiaofeng's Holy Light has been raised to level 3, the percentage treatment is 20%, plus Xiaofeng's spirit of more than 200 points. Similarly, the damage is also this number, so the amount of treatment and the amount of damage are terrifying.

In less than 10 minutes, the strange tide of the first floor of the underground palace has been cleaned up by Xiao Feng. Han Feng has taken the initiative to pull the little monsters hiding in the corner and leaking, anyway, the strange tide There will be no danger.

Counting the time to clean the gold coins of the equipment materials, the first floor of the palace is completely empty for half an hour. Among them, Han Feng is the most excited. Not only did he pick up a backpack of gold coins and equipment, the most important thing is that the strange tide The huge experience value directly raised him by one level.

Is actually not just him. Even Xiao Feng ’s experience has risen a lot. In addition to the fact that he frequently brushes monsters on the second floor of the underground palace in recent days, Xiao Feng ’s level has already exceeded 29.

The real point of stunned Han Feng is time! Upgrade speed in less than half an hour! It's like opening!

Han Feng can finally understand the reason why a little milk **** can become the first person in Huaxia District and even the whole service. Who can match this efficiency of blaming monsters!

But soon, after arriving at the second floor of Digong, Han Feng couldn't laugh because his backpack had only 50 square spaces and could not be picked up with the equipment on the floor!

He showed a very painful expression. A backpack full of rare quality blue clothes, but he can only throw away the blue equipment to pick up better silver equipment. Every thrown one is like cutting meat.

And the first time Han Feng discovered the drawback of spamming too quickly, it was that the equipment was too late to pick up. A large number of equipment piled up like mountains and even overlapped.

The monster on the second floor of the underground palace is not more than the first floor of the underground palace. Because Xiao Feng is brushing every day, it was emptied in less than 10 minutes. Then in the familiar gray mist, the figure of the assassin ’s guardian appeared again.