MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 397 Cannon

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The online game's Milky Hammer Chapter 397 Artillery Sound The Dark Legion's Pioneer Battalion has a huge strength of 30 million, and the white sky can't be seen from the side, like a sea of ​​skeletons. This is also a characteristic of the undead tribe.

However, when the opponent's strength is more, this advantage of the undead clan does not exist. For example, now the number of players has exceeded the size of the undead corps 3 times the original undead corps terror, and immediately became a vulnerable group. .


"I'm here to equip experience value equipment"

"Don't rob me, I want to fight 10"

"Don't **** me, let me keep one"

The endless sea of ​​players is not so angry as a group of heroes, it is better to say that there is no way to kill the red eyes in order to rob the monsters. There are many monks and porridge. The strange tide is not enough. If it is not an elite monster of the 50th level, several people are required to deal with it. The Pioneer Battalion of the Dark Legion was washed away at the first touch.

But even so, the sea of ​​white skeletons was drowned in the crowd of black people.

"This is too cruel."

On the city wall, a group of trade union presidents of the Southern League looked astounded and admired the "many crowds" of the players in the Chinese region. They had a defensive mission, and they became a siege mission.

Qin Hao on the other side was also silent, watching the task development quietly, there was no way, this scene was too scary, didn't it say that it was a good siege, why the dark legion was in turn surrounded and annihilated? Not to the Undercity

Fortunately, Qin Hao is at ease because the boss in the middle of the dark legion has not yet shot, and now only the peripheral mobs are being brushed. This is also the focus of a group of presidents of the Southern League of Trade Unions.

"Boss shot"

I do n’t know who shouted. All the nerves in the city wall were tense, because the threat of the boss was the biggest. This is the main reason why the dark city can hold it.

And now, a group of commander bosses that were originally in the middle of the Pioneer Battalion of the Dark Legion, after being swiped by the player to the elite troops in the middle position, finally could n’t sit still

Judging from the feedback from the camera elf, except for the mysterious Lich King has not yet shot, all other bosses have been dispatched, including 6 fairy-level bosses

"Retreat and Quick Retreat"

The presidents of several Southern Union trade unions decisively ordered on their respective trade union channels that they all participated in the siege warfare, and they did not want to let go of the reward opportunities of this system task.

Immediately, dozens of small teams were separated from the black oppressive players, all of which were major unions of the Southern League who retreated, and said that they were small teams, but there were still tens of millions of players combined with the dozens of shares. Occupying one-tenth of the player's ocean, the Southern League, under the management of Liu Qiangwei, has now developed into a large alliance with up to 78 unions. Except for the midsummer unions, the scale is equivalent to the large battle hall level. There are 9 trade unions, in addition to 42 medium-sized trade unions, and other small trade unions that are not weak. As for small groups with less than 10,000 trade unions, they are not eligible to join the Southern League.

In terms of the player base in China, large-scale trade unions are all at the level of millions of millions, medium-sized trade unions are at or over one million, and small trade unions have more than 100,000 members.

Although the number of members counts as the peripheral members who have no sense of belonging, the elite members should also occupy more than 10 of the total number.

The scale of the membership of the Huaxia District Trade Union, just put a large trade union to other theaters, which is the level of the first trade union. Therefore, it is not a joke that the major trade unions everywhere promote the threat theory of the Huaxia War Zone. Horror, if they don't join forces to deal with China, then there is no way to deal with it.

There are not many Confederate trade unions participating in the attack on the Pioneer Battalion of the Dark Legion, because the mission rewards are very general. Although they attract ordinary players, they are not impressive for the large trade unions. Most of the trade unions are not involved in the attack. The purpose is only to defend the city, because the dark city is related to their own interests, only a part of the trade unions have brushed up a wave of monsters on the principle of eating some bad money, and now they retreat immediately after seeing the bad situation.

The retired union players only accounted for 1/10 of the black oppressive player's ocean, which did not affect the overall scale, leaving the red-eye killing player ocean. After spending half an hour to clean up the hand soldiers, they besieged the elite in the middle. The strength of the 50-level elite monster is not easy to deal with. There is no priest buff that ca n’t even confront head-on, that is, the number of players ’oceans is too large to be crushed by the number of people. Basically, more than 10 people deal with one. This is still the advantage, but sacrifices are beginning to appear.

Although the speed of the player's death is not fast, after all, the elite strength is only 5 million. Facing more than 10 times the number of players, it is not enough to watch, but this scene has completely changed after the boss joined.

"There are bosses in the trough, and the bosses who are absolutely fairy level are cleared."

Someone exclaimed on the city wall, because a huge door of bones had just appeared on the battlefield, sucking in all the nearby players. At least tens of thousands of people were killed in seconds, and then from that bone. A group of skeleton soldiers came out of the gate, and the number was also as high as tens of thousands. Not only that, but also wearing the equipment of the players that were sucked in before, obviously those players were transformed after being spiked.

"And mom's senior boss is too scary"

"Nima is so big that he spits down at least a few thousand seconds"

Someone shouted again, skill-losing bosses are not an example. Just like fireworks, a group of high-end bosses directly started the skill clearance, and players were killed in seconds.

In particular, one of the fairy-level bosses directly transformed into a bone dragon with a length of several tens of meters. Anyone who shoots with a claw is hundreds of thousands of players.

Under the round of skill bombing of this advanced boss, the nearby players were directly cleaned up. The number of players by the second was as high as one million, and the black-pressed ocean was bald.

At this time, the player ocean also found that the situation was wrong, and began to retreat lifelessly. They came to do the task. It is okay to use mobs to earn experience explosive equipment. It is too difficult for them to die.

"Scattered people are really unreliable, then we should go"

"President Rose, we will take care of the little monster, but the boss will be powerless."

Several presidents of the Southern League trade unions who have been watching the show have stood up, and it is time for them to take action. Since they are bound to the Undercity, they will naturally have to pay. Moreover, the Undercity is also their Southern League. Home base.

"Well, thank you, boss will leave it to us to solve it." Liu Qiangwei said.

Several Confederate trade union presidents nodded and left to arrange their own teams.

Those casual players

Has almost all withdrawn, although the number is large, but in the end it is only scattered soldiers.

The vanguard battalion of the Dark Legion, which has lost its block, also began to advance towards the Undercity, but after a melee, the remaining troops are not much, only about 1/10, less than 3 million, it looks like The scale is too small.

The gates of the dark city have never been closed. At this moment, the crowd of players began to rush out of the city. However, compared to the chaotic black pressure on the ocean before, the crowd of people at this moment is obviously much more orderly.

These people are elite players from the major trade unions of the Southern League. Although the number is not large, they only add up to tens of millions, and the number is less than 10% of the previous crowd, but the combat power is absolutely high. This is the elite players and ordinary The difference between players, not to mention the elite players who obey the command and have strict discipline

Soon, this elite player showed great fighting power

Did not directly confront the Dark Legion Pioneer Battalion on the front side, but left and right, bypassing a group of senior bosses on the front side, and cut into the Dark Legion Pioneer Camp from the side

Team after team of elite undead soldiers was attracted hatred and pulled out the offensive team of the Pioneer Battalion of the Dark Legion, which was also mixed with many low-level bosses that were easy to deal with.

The elite players of the Confederation of Southern Leagues are like two grinding discs, sandwiching the dark legion vanguard camp on the left and right sides. Teams of undead soldiers are cut off, separating the vanguard camp team, and then slowly being eaten by elite players , Wiped out, like slowly cutting meat one after another.

Less than 10 minutes, the 3 million-scale Dark Legion Pioneer Battalion, leaving only the last 1 million troops.

And at this moment this dark legion's vanguard battalion is still some distance away from the dark city, which means it can still be cut

Finally, after the Dark Legion Pioneer Camp reached the frontal battlefield of the Undercity, only the last 100,000 troops were left. This is the strength of elite players.

"Duo Duo, has Archbishop Renault not yet back?" Liu Qiangwei looked at the still unresponsive teleportation on the city wall and asked slightly nervously.

"Don't have any money" also seemed very anxious, constantly walking back and forth around the teleportation circle, they knew that Archbishop Renault had returned to rescue the soldiers.

"No longer, the Dark Legion Pioneer Battalion has stepped into the main city and cannot be dragged down anymore" Liu Qiangwei shook her head.

"Quietly, you send a message to Xiao Ling to let her come back with Xiaobai immediately" Liu Qiangwei told the secret Si Yejing, then turned to Captain Bolton again.

"Captain Bolton, Bishop Cather, Master Niwke, I still invite you to take action, delay a moment, our adventurers will give you maximum support in the rear."

"Purify the darkness, this is what I have to do with the light believers, please be assured that the deputy lord is waiting for me to meet the enemy." Captain Bolton performed a knight salute, and then took the knights under his command out of the city first.

"It seems that our old bones should also be active."

Bishop Cather waved a wand and, along with them, also followed the Knights out of the city.


A purple artillery shell fired from the dark city in a loud noise, dragging its tail flames to the vanguard camp of the dark legion that had approached the outside of the city

Is a magic crystal cannon that suddenly appeared. This huge bombardment also officially kicked off the final boss battle

First set a small goal, such as remember the book guest house in 1 second