MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 456 Hands-on

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Iron Cross City, the name of the place where the Iron Crusaders Union now resides, has stood a magnificent level 3 main city above the vast expanse of plains! The city walls are high! Players in the city keep coming and going!

Xiaoxue came from the sky, white and wide wings flapping, hovering over the main gate of the Iron Cross City, Xiao Feng looked down, you can see that the atmosphere in the Iron Cross City is slightly tense, and teams of players are in Moving to various key defensive points, it seems to be preparing for defense.

"Is the Milky God above the regional shout? On behalf of the Iron Crusader Union, I would like to welcome the Milk God to our Iron Cross City! Please also invite the Milk God to enter the city!-Qin Hao."

Xiao Feng had just appeared in less than 0 seconds, and immediately a regional shout sounded. Obviously, his whereabouts have been discovered by the Iron Crusader Trade Union.

However, Xiao Feng had no hidden whereabouts. When he was in Xichu City, he was a bone armor and swept through the city. The arrogant and brave appearance of the dragon suit was put into the world by Si Yejing when he was in a full-service competition. So, it was found that Xiao Feng ’s identity was normal, and Xiao Feng came straight to the Iron Cross City, and it was naturally impossible to hide the Iron Crusade Trade Union and Qin Hao.

"The regional shouting milk god, I think there is a little misunderstanding between us, our Iron Crusade Union is very sincerely hoping to turn it into a jade silk, and also invite the milk **** to sit in the city's main palace!-Qin Hao."

After the first call, Xiao Feng still hovered over the main gate of the Iron Cross City and did not respond. The second call came again.

However, Xiao Feng still did not give a little response. He was browsing the management panel of the Undercity, looking for a way to declare war, because Undercity is a player's power, not a union, and could not declare war like a union war. He did not know if he could If it works, otherwise, Liu Qiangwei will be notified, and her midsummer union will declare war on it.

Xiao Feng's revenge is definitely not as simple as killing a few people. This is also not in line with Xiao Feng's character. What he wants is that the Iron Crusader Union disappears!

As long as Xiao Feng moved his heart, no matter who it was, Xiao Feng would let it pay a heavy price with no means!

The Iron Crusade Union is not like the previous Doomsday League. Although in the early days of the game, the Doomsday League targeted Xiao Feng several times, but they did not let Xiao Feng move his heart, so he could choose to let it go, but since the Iron Crusade Union dare to hurt Xiaoling ! Then it violates Xiao Feng's bottom line and will definitely die!

The shouts in the Iron Cross City kept coming, it seemed that Qin Hao also understood the purpose of the milk **** appearing here. After all, Liu Qiangwei had reminded him before that he had already been prepared, except for a team of elite players who were sent one after another In addition to preparing for defense in the direction of the main city gate, he is constantly shouting to try to save room.

But Xiao Feng was completely unheard of. After rummaging through two pages in the management panel of the Undercity, he finally found the function he wanted. He smiled indifferently, and then the loud system announcement echoed over the Iron Cross City!

"Regional Announcement! Player forces Undercity declare war on the Iron Crusader Union! The battle of forces will last for 2 hours! If within 2 hours, if the Iron Crusader Union ’s trade union site is destroyed, it will be regarded as defeated. Victory! After the end of the union war, the defeated party will receive a system penalty, and the union level or power level will be reduced. If the union level or power level is only level, the union or player forces will be disbanded! The winning party will receive a system reward and the losing party Trade union experience or force experience lost due to relegation! During the battle of forces, hatred is not calculated when enemy players kill each other! "

Undercity belongs to the player power. In fact, like the player union, it also has a level division, and it is similar to the level of the union resident. At present, it is level 2, which meets the requirements of the level 2 main city, so the main city level is also a level 2 main city.

Before Xiao Feng disappeared, the trade union ranks in Huaxia District were generally around several grades. Even the highest-ranking dynasty and midsummer on the trade union list were only level 7, so the resident locations were all villages and towns, and only the trade union rank reached Only at level 0 can the requirements for establishing a main city be met, and it is a primary main city, that is, a level 3 main city.

After Xiao Feng went online this time, the progress of the game has greatly surpassed the previous. Several hegemony trade unions on the trade union list have exceeded the level of 0, and have established their respective main cities. The first dynasty has reached 5 Level, the area of ​​the main city has exceeded half of the ordinary level 3 main city, and there is a tendency to approach the level 2 main city.

When Xiao Feng became the Lord of the Undercity, the Underworld's power level was level 2, and it has not changed until now. Because of the player's power, it cannot be upgraded by doing missions and building like the Union Station to increase experience points.

Xiao Feng thought that he would keep the level 2 level unchanged, but after hearing the system announcement on the head, he finally realized that the player's power can also be upgraded, and in a cruel way! It is the only known way at present!


Xiao Feng believes that players with independent forces will definitely have more than one player looking at the game world. There must be other ways to build player power. With the continuous progress of the game, it is absolutely impossible for major trade unions and major player forces Keep it peaceful.

Even now, the peace in Huaxia District is only superficial, because in the hegemony battle, the vitality of the major trade unions in Huaxia District is seriously hurt, and they are unable to continue the battle to maintain the surface under the constraints of the major hegemonic unions. Peace.

It can be expected that with the accumulation of the major trade unions or forces, the combat power will increase. At that time, whether it is not satisfied with the ranking of the existing forces, ambitions for hegemony, or for the rights of material resources and economic resources, Or for the easiest way to increase the ranks of forces, the peace on the surface of the Huaxia District will surely be subverted.

"The regional shouting milk god, my iron crusad trade union missed and injured my sister first. Qin Hao confessed the punishment if I made a mistake. I hope this will make you angry and open the city gate! Please come in! Let the milk **** attack us! The main hall of the city! Any member of the Iron Crusade ’s trade unions is prohibited from fighting back! — Qin Hao. "

I do n’t know when the hordes of players have gathered outside the Iron Cross City. The name of the union on the head is obviously from the members of the major unions in China. Many well-known large unions are not absent. Obviously, here The rumors have spread. The conflict between the milk **** and the western hegemony trade union has no force to be blind to it. He sent people to the scene as soon as possible and wanted to get the first-hand news. Many of them were bored or the union seniors came in person.

At the same time, the successive camera elves also zoomed in the lens. Several game anchors were wise to live broadcast this scene. The exaggerated title attracted the attention of countless Chinese players.

After Xiao Feng issued a declaration of war, Iron Cross City remained silent for a full 3 minutes before the voice of shouting continued to be heard. Many known players could already see Qin Hao, the president of the Iron Crusader Union, standing at the main gate On the wall of the city, with a smile, even if he heard the announcement of the system declaring war, it did not change color at all, and chose to serve.

At the same time, I heard Qin Hao's shouting, countless onlookers, and countless players who paid attention to this scene. Only then did I know why the milk **** came from, and it was true that I came to the Iron Crusader Union to settle the accounts, but the reason was My sister seeks revenge.

Recalling that not long ago, the Xiaxia Trade Union launched a war of overlords against the Iron Crusader Trade Union. Many insiders suddenly realized that, especially the high-level leaders of the major trade unions, they were all placed in the Iron Crusader Trade Union. What President Liu Qiangwei said now seems to be echoing in his ears ...

He will come back, and he will do it himself by then!

"Iron Crusaders Union is so bad luck, because a little girl, first declared war in midsummer, and now come to the door again by the milk god!"

"Yes, the battle of the overlord a week ago, if it had not been left in midsummer, did not do it, otherwise the Iron Crusaders would have been defeated if the war was declared continuously. Come back to solve. "

"Hey, a good Western overlord, it ’s okay to provoke a female player to do anything, and it ’s still a little girl. I really do n’t have any bottom line. It ’s okay now. How to close. "

"Qin Hao did a smart thing. Instead of choosing to resist, he opened the city gate and allowed the milk **** to attack the city hall."

"It is indeed a smart choice. If the milk god's anger disappears, it will be ok. If he resists, he will anger the milk god, and the consequences will be unpredictable."

"Wait, I just heard it right? It seems that the milk **** declared war on the Iron Crusade in the name of the dark city. Is there any relationship between the milk **** and the dark city?"

"I'm going! Are you still not a Huaxia player? You don't even know this! The milk **** is the owner of the Undercity! It is also the first public player power in Huaxia District!"

"Lying trough!"

"I think the milk **** is not so strong, it's just that you put his **** to his gods. The Iron Crusade Union is the western hegemony, and the union members are up to ten million. No matter how powerful the milk **** is, it can't be the opponent of tens of millions of players. Come on! Even if you line up to kill him, you will be exhausted! "

"Just question the brother of the milk god, how much is your personal combat power?"

"My combat strength is more than 500, ranking within five million in China, what's wrong?"

"Then I invite you to open the ranking of the full service combat strength. The second-ranked Thor has 30,000 combat strengths, and it has been able to clean a top European trade union by itself, and the ranking of the milk **** is first. The combat strength is more than 270,000! How powerful do you think he is? "

"No! It's such a high combat power! It's too scary!"

"Otherwise, why do you think the milk **** is called a god? At present, there are only two players who have reached the **** level in all services, that is, those with a combat power of more than 0 million, only the milk **** and Thor! Hang Thor directly in a full-service competitive event, the combat power is more than double that of Thor! Do you think you are kidding? "


Xiao Feng also saw Qin Hao above the city wall, and then looked at Qin Hao's words, the wide open main city gate, with a hint of contempt in his eyes, and then touched the top of Xiaoxue's head, and flew to the main hall of the Iron Cross City Over the sky, followed by a wave of the staff in his hand.


As if the bell of Hong from heaven sounded, the sky dome slowly cracked a huge crack, and the dazzling divine light projected towards the earth!

An immense giant, like a holy gun poured from gold, slowly appeared in this world from the cracks of the sky dome, with the might of ruining the world, stabbed at the main hall of the Iron Cross City!
