MTL - Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces-Chapter 964 Repeatedly toss

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Since Wang Kun was defeated by Qin Yuan in front of everyone last time, he has become a lot more low-key. He silently glanced at the front and gasped for breath. s reason.

"What's going on in front? I read it right, it looks like a stretcher with a dummy on it."

"Yes, you read that right, and I have a very bad feeling."

As soon as the soldier finished speaking, he heard Qin Yuan standing on the small **** next to him and shouting loudly to them with a loudspeaker:

"Did you see it? A group of seriously wounded people appeared right in front of you. Now everyone is moving forward quickly to rescue the wounded and transport them to the top of the mountain."

Everyone is cursing secretly in their hearts now, the journey is really tossing, let alone an hour, it is even more hopeless now.

The person standing at the front of the line had already started to try, he weighed it, good guy, he couldn't lift one hand, it's not right, the dummy they usually train is about 60 kg.

After everyone got closer, they realized that the dummy was not that simple. There were still iron bars tied underneath, which together with the stretcher must weigh at least 80 kilograms.

It was originally a group of two people before, but this rugged mountain road is not good at all, and they are still carrying heavy loads, so they must be in a group of four people.

Looking at the stretchers in front of him, Wang Kun couldn't help sighing, Qin Yuan must have collected all the stretchers of the regiment in this place, and some of them were built with temporary bamboo sticks and sheets.

The team in front had already set off, and Qin Yuan asked the ones behind to follow up quickly. The ones behind became more and more crude, but their weight was definitely no less than that of the ones in front.

While urging them, Qin Yuan explained: "Remember, these are seriously wounded. Pay attention to the gentle movements of your hands, and don't throw them down, otherwise they are our own comrades."

This guy is really fighting one after another, and there is nothing he can do about it. The speed of the entire team is completely and greatly reduced.

At this time, Wang Kun just wanted to go up to his teammates and pull him, "Are you stupid? Wait a minute, haven't you seen it? This stretcher is probably not enough, maybe we will wait until we get to the back." It's nothing, we can still pick up a bargain."

Wang Kun quit after hearing this. Although he was very rich before and thought of some opportunistic tricks, it's just that it doesn't count. He just wants to know how to train.

But in his opinion, this is complete cheating. He doesn't think there is any good in winning in this way, so he just gave up.

"What you do has nothing to do with me. I have to choose now, or I won't have any in the future. I will use these things to prove my strength."

The soldier who spoke just now curled his lips when he heard him say this, thinking that this kid is really putting on too much, why haven't he seen him like this before?

Wang Kun didn't care what others said, strode forward and formed a team with several soldiers in front, and then set off with the stretcher in his hand, everyone was a little unstable just after lifting it, and the back was carrying a heavy load.

The weight on their hands made it even more difficult. In addition, Qin Yuan took them on a small path, which was completely a mountain road. The current situation is fine, but as they go uphill behind them, it will be troublesome. The road ahead will only get harder and harder.

The sky hadn't completely lit up yet, and it was pitch black everywhere. Everyone was walking forward in the dark, with very low visibility, and only the figures of the people in front could be seen.

When the selection was at the end, these soldiers secretly laughed behind them. After all, there was indeed no stretcher, and Qin Yuan never expected to make mistakes.

These soldiers also chose to follow behind silently, at this time Qin Yuan stopped them directly.

"Instructor Qin, it's not that we're being lazy. We plan to change with the people in front. When they die later, we'll replace them. After all, there are really no stretchers."

Although the soldier said this, he was already snickering in his heart, but the next second he couldn't laugh anymore, Qin Yuan directly parked the car on the side of the road, and then walked off.

"Don't worry, how could I be less prepared? There is also a makeshift stretcher in the car, go ahead and take it off."

The few soldiers who were secretly glad to have escaped just now also smiled wryly. Seeing this, they could only carry the burden with everyone.

The soldier ran over to take down the stretcher. When he got the stretcher, he also felt a little strange. This stretcher was obviously unique.

A relatively soft blanket was tied with a rope on it, and it looked very comfortable. The soldier shook his head, but unfortunately there was no substitute for it now. He probably had to pick up stones on the side of the road, but he had experience picking up stones. Try to pick up the big ones, that's fine.

Just as everyone was getting ready, Qin Yuan lay directly on the stretcher, and several people stared at each other. What does this mean?

"What is there to see? Hurry up and hurry up and continue walking. What are you looking at me for?"

The few people were completely confused. They thought they could pick up a bargain, but they didn't expect that this was really shooting themselves in the foot, so they could only bite the bullet and go up to lift Qin Yuan.

"Hey! I said, will you take care of Sanyuan? I am seriously injured and can't move now. Don't lift me up and fall. The person who fell did 50 push-ups."

The others all snickered when they saw this scene. These boys still wanted to be lazy, and now they have suffered a big loss. The team continued to move forward. These people did not dare to neglect at all, and it is okay to be flat now , but soon the front is on the hillside.

It is very difficult to walk on the hillside. Although the road is not very narrow, it is full of slopes, so this increases the pressure on the back. Everyone immediately adjusted it and basically kept the stretcher in balance.

The stretcher is covered with dummies, no matter how you adjust it, it will be better, but the people behind are not so lucky.

The soldier behind quickly rubbed his sore shoulders. His legs were already shaking. He had to try to maintain his balance in front. It was really too difficult, and the speed had to be accelerated.

The others could quietly put down the stretcher and rest for a while, but they didn't dare at all. A slight movement by Qin Yuan could make several people's hands and feet numb, so they quickly controlled it.

Today, Qin Yuan actually wanted to consume their physical energy, and in this case, they had to push their limits. In this way, the original half-hour mountain road, under this extreme load, everyone walked for two hours abruptly. just go up.

The few people who were in charge of carrying Qin Yuan were completely exhausted and collapsed on the ground. Wang Kun could only look at them with sympathy, but whoever let these guys want to take advantage of it ended up shooting himself in the foot.

Qin Yuan stood up with his hands behind his back. He felt very comfortable, so he stretched and walked to the top of the mountain.

"It's still pretty good. Don't you think this is just catching up with the sunrise? It's just a little bit later than before. Thanks to me, I've calculated all this early, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see such a good sunrise." Out."

Now everyone is too tired to talk, so there is no time to appreciate the sunrise, but the next second Qin Yuan walked to the side of the cliff and stomped his feet.

"Okay, we have now received another new order to go down the mountain quickly."

Everyone had just rested for a minute, and they could only stand up quickly, and came to the cliff he mentioned, and began to prepare rope equipment. They were going to descend quickly from this place.

This cliff is still relatively high, but the **** is not that exaggerated, so the speed of going down is relatively fast and convenient.

But there were too many people, and they could only wait for batches of people to go down, so a lot of time was wasted. Coupled with the weight on their bodies, they had to prepare two more ropes than usual.

In this way, when everyone finally came to the place where they had just set off at the foot of the mountain, Qin Yuan took another look at them and said loudly:

"I said, what's the matter with you? How can we put our seriously injured people directly on the top of the mountain? Hurry up and lift all the seriously injured people down."

Isn't this tossing people? Everyone was very unconvinced when they heard this, they were just playing, but what could be done, as they said before that they should follow his arrangement for training.

In this way, he continued to set off towards the mountain according to the path he had instructed before, crossed the stream again, and climbed up again, but this time there was no stretcher, and the speed was relatively faster.

Qin Yuan followed them all the way and monitored them non-stop, just to prevent them from being lazy. Whenever he saw someone lagging behind, he basically went up and beat them up.

By the time everyone finally got the stretcher off, it was almost noon, and everyone was so tired that they didn't want to talk. The weight on their hands and backs really made people tremble.

Then Qin Yuan just came down and announced another news to them, "It's all because of your negligence that the seriously wounded above died completely. Do you know what mistake you made this time? You completely left the wounded on the top of the mountain."

Now everyone has only one thought in their hearts, and they are speechless. What kind of logic is this?

After finishing speaking, Qin Yuan stepped on the ground with his hands behind his back. The soil here is relatively hard, because all the roads are down the mountain, and this place has been trampled on too many times.

"I think this place is a treasure land of geomantic omen, so let's hurry up, dig a hole, and bury our comrades on the spot."

Finally, someone in the team couldn't take it anymore, isn't this a joke? Complain directly next to him.

"Instructor Qin, I really think your training is very unreasonable. This is completely torturing us. We have gone back and forth so many times, and now you want us to dig a hole. What do you mean?"

"Oh, it seems that some comrades still have opinions, so I have to explain to you well, if this is really a group of seriously wounded, and you forget them there, what do you say?"

"Then this situation is absolutely impossible for us."

"Hey, don't say that it can't happen, everything is possible, besides, I said it many times before, this is a seriously injured person, did any of you notice what I said?"

At this moment, no one was talking, and everyone could only be silent. At this time, Qingyuan tore off the backpack of one of them and told them to throw all the stones in it into the air. So many people asked them to see how much they had to dig. The pit, anyway, can't see any traces.

"And let me say it again, I only give you 20 minutes, 20 minutes is enough, if it is not completely resolved, then all of you will be punished."

Having said that, the people next to him couldn't wait to start taking action. They knew that this guy really kept his word, and punished him as he said, so no one dared to hesitate.

But everyone scolded while digging pits, thinking that Qin Yuan was too pitiful, and several teammates who were with Wang Kun and the others kept complaining.

"Damn, I only heard that he was a devil instructor before. I don't think he is a devil like this. He is the King of Hades. He is really the King of Hades."

"Hurry up and say a few words, in case we will be heard later, we will definitely not be able to eat and go around, dig a hole quickly, or we will all be punished."

The soil below here is really too hard. Everyone has already been exhausted after carrying so many loads up and down.

Everyone was exhausted. After they dug the hole and put the stones in, everyone was filling the landfill. Everyone thought that the time should be about the same, but they didn't know when Qin Yuan counted the time.

After everyone was done, they looked in Qin Yuan's direction, and Qin Yuan was not in a hurry, scrubbing his shoes with stream water with his hands behind his back.

At this time, someone in the crowd reacted and shouted loudly, "Report to the instructor, we are done."

Only then did Qin Yuan come over. He was quite satisfied with the traces on the surface, and there was no problem dealing with the traces. It's a pity, he shook his head and pointed to his watch.

"Other aspects are good, but your time is overdue, half a minute overdue."

Everyone is vomiting blood when they hear this. What is a half-minute timeout? Does that count? Qin Yuan said that this is the most authentic expression on the battlefield, half a minute may change a lot of things, so this is the rule.

In fact, if they hadn't hesitated just now and just typed the report, it would be no problem, but they all forgot, because they were too tired and didn't consider these details at all.

"Since none of you can complete it, you can only accept the punishment. Everyone has 100 push-ups, let's go."

Everyone scolded Qin Yuan secretly in their hearts, but they couldn't stop the movements of their hands and could only do push-ups. Some people had already been trembling because of lack of physical strength, so they were doing it bravely.

They didn't even eat breakfast in the morning, so they were dragged here and there, back and forth, now it's past noon, who knows when they can eat, but no one dared to say anything more.


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