MTL - Doomsday Home is the Most Stable-Chapter 18 Can swearing increase combat effectiveness?

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  Chapter 18 Can swearing increase combat effectiveness?

   "Who are you going to kill?"

  Lu Qiang is like a demon from hell, his mouth is full of blood, his hair is disheveled, and his strength is infinite.

  Sink Jin only felt like he was being grabbed by Tyson, unable to move his hands at all!

  Lu Qiang used one hand to hold his sword holding hands!

   This terrifying power is about to catch up with the power-type zombies!

  Lu Qiang stood up, his movements were very fluent, it was not like being electrocuted at all.

   "Hehe~ Is this the feeling of power?"

  Lu Qiang looked at his hands intoxicated, and threw Shen Jin against the wall.


   "Cough. Gene Lock"

   Before Shen Jin could stand up, Lu Qiang took two steps across the distance, grabbed Shen Jin's neck like iron tongs, and lifted it abruptly.

   "Let me see who you are, dare to meddle in my crazy business"

   How can Shen Jin's body resist Lu Qiang who has opened the genetic lock, like a three-year-old child showing his teeth and claws in front of adults.

  Lu Qiang took off the sinking helmet, revealing the berserker hood?


   The atmosphere of the scene was suddenly a little weird.

  Lu Qiang stabilized his mind and grinned: "Don't you dare to let others see your true face? I have to see it today!"

   savagely pulled off the hood, revealing the Ultraman mask!


   Lu Qiang's hand trembled, and he didn't come up in one breath, and the gene lock was almost closed.

  Fortunately, he is now firm-willed. After so many years of compromise, bowing his head and pretending to be cowardly, his mind is full of thoughts of revenge.

   "cough~cough, yours" Shen Jin was caught in the neck, and the words were slurred, Lu Qiang let go a little,

   "What else do you have to say before you die?"

  Lu Qiang has given up on taking off the headgear, for fear that a Doraemon will come out later, and he will directly break the power.

   His current physical condition is very unstable, he must rely on strong willpower to support him, he can't laugh!

  Shen Jin felt that he could breathe air again, took a deep breath, and looked at Lu Qiang mockingly: "I said. You talk too much."

  In front of the weak hand, a handful appeared out of thin air.


With a    "Boom!", the locked door was knocked open!

   A figure wrapped in flames rushed over and hit Lu Qiang directly!

   "Boom! Boom~Boom~"

  Lu Qiang was knocked out by the figure behind the fire, but after adjusting the landing position in the air, a carp hit it straight, and instantly returned a few punches.

   Mars radiates in all directions.

  Shen Jin's locked body suddenly loosened and fell to the ground, and the things that had already manifested in his hands disappeared again.

   No one noticed what had just appeared in his hand,

   In the middle of the house,

  A handsome man with a smile on his face stood still, his hands surging with fire, just like the male protagonist who walked out of the anime.

   The man present was instantly sour.

   "Good guy, are you Awakening Power?" The manga man rubbed his wrists.

   "I don't know what you said at all, but even if the king of heaven is here today, he can't save her!"

  Lu Qiang felt that the fighting instinct in his body was constantly pouring out, and he could perfectly control every part of his body.

   In this state, he is not afraid of anyone at all!

   Even if there is an inexplicable flame power on the opposite hand, so what?

   Shen Jin squatted on the ground and looked at the man from the hole in the Ultraman mask, with an inexplicable familiarity in his heart, but he confirmed that he had never seen this man before.

   So handsome, you will definitely leave a lemon impression when you see it.

   But it is very familiar, have you ever dreamed of it?

   The only male protagonist in the room at the moment - a manga man, with his hands in a fighting shape, "It's a very strange power, let me defeat you first and then study it"

"Ha ha"

  Lu Qiang rushed directly to the manga man, using every inch of muscle to the extreme, using the least energy to achieve the strongest effect.


   Although the manga man's reaction was weaker, his strength was not inferior. Both of them took a half step back.

   But Lu Qiang's hand was black.

   It seems that in the fight just now, the manga man of Mowu Shuangxiu was slightly better.

  Lu Qiang was not afraid at all, the burnt blackness on his hand didn't seem to affect him at all.

   In other words, the opening of the gene lock has blocked the pain for him!

   The two got a few more tricks right in an instant, Shen Jin was rescued by the crowd outside, and Zhao Mingkai also took the opportunity to pull Shang Qian out.

  The small dormitory has become a battlefield for two people. The figure is extremely fast, and it is not at all the speed and strength that ordinary humans can have.

   "I really didn't realize that Lu Qiang is so powerful, so is the special forces?"

   "I heard that I have been imprisoned for committing crimes before, and it really isn't a good bird"

   "You guys talk first, I'll help President Shang to my room to rest for a while." Zhao Mingkai was about to leave while supporting Shang Qian.

  Qi Tong stopped him: "Don't move! Mr. Fushang will come to my house"

   Shang Qian wanted to say something, but watching Qi Tong speak, she simply closed her eyes and pretended to be unconscious.


  Shang Qian now feels sore and weak, as if paralyzed, and infinite fear surges in her heart.

  ‘Fortunately, I wasn’t caught.’

   But before being carried away, Shang Qian glanced at the person who first stunned Lu Qiang. It was a mysterious person with an Ultraman mask.

   This person is definitely not their colleagues who are stuck on the third floor, because everyone else has already arrived.

   Then where did he come from?

  After Shang Qian was carried away, I always felt that the figure of that person was a bit familiar, but I couldn't tell who it was.

  Shen Jin looked at the two people in the battle and clicked his tongue secretly.

   "Is this the state of unlocking the genetic lock? How can an ordinary person have such strength and fighting consciousness?"

   "Who is this man with his hands on fire? Is this an ability? Is his power so strong?"

   "Also, why does it feel so familiar. I must have seen him somewhere!"

   sinks into the last minute without using one of his hole cards.

   This fiery man rushed over.

   Suddenly, a voice came from my ear,

   "Little brother, who are you? Why are you in the Shang Zong's house?" The Mediterranean King supported Shen Jin and said, he had long noticed this extra-ordinary superman.

Depend on! Isn't this the vampire king!

  Shen Jin pulled down the Ultraman mask, coughed a few times, and pretended to be speechless.

  Others didn't pay attention to him for a while because it was too intense in the room!

   The two fought like a storm, almost tearing down the dormitory and knocking out potholes on the walls.

  The current situation of the manga man is not good.

   From the beginning, they were evenly matched, and now they are almost beaten.

  Lu Qiang has gradually mastered the power after unlocking the genetic lock, and his skills are more agile and ferocious.


  Lu Qiang hit his knees, knocking the manga man flying, landing on the ground and spitting out a few mouthfuls of hot blood, still steaming.

  Lu Qiang turned his wrists, his hands were pitch black, and many places were burnt.

   Jieao's eyes swept away: "Who the **** is coming?"

  Everyone was silent.

  Shen Jin stood up and spat out a mouthful of blood, "I'm coming!"

   Shen Jin was moved by the manga man. A person who he didn't know could work hard for him, he had no reason to stay behind. Even if he exposed one or two trump cards, he had to kill Lu Qiang!

  Shen Jin held the model in his hands, his arms trembling slightly.

  The manga man secretly took out a zombie crystal core and was absorbing it. He almost lost his breath when he heard Shen Jin's words.

   Can't stabilize him? Don't you see me recovering here?

   "Hey~ so annoying!"

   sighed, the manga man swallowed the red crystal core, and a large amount of energy spurted out of his body, which was instantly absorbed by him.

   "Ah! Hmm~~"

  The meridians of the manga man's body seemed to be bursting, and he groaned in pain.

   But. Plenty of power!


  The flames of the manga man's whole body soared, and he jumped in front of Lu Qiang.

   At this moment, he is like the lord of the devil descending from the sky, he is really the Taisui God on earth!

   Shen Jin looked at the manga man with a face full of dementia,

   "Sitting up from a dying illness, the clown is actually me?"

   Wasn't it dead just now? Why did it get stronger again?

   is really a Japanese manga template for the male protagonist!

   Before the manga man's arrogance was even better this time, the smile on his face was no longer, and he put on a mask of pain.

   "Ouch, it hurts!"

   "I hammered you to death!"

   "Look, Dad can't burn you to death!"

  The people watching the battle outside instantly had black lines all over their faces. By the way, can speaking swear words increase their combat effectiveness?

   (end of this chapter)