MTL - Doomsday: I Have One More Keyword Than Others-Chapter 40 Feng Qi must die

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  Chapter 40 Feng Qi Must Die

   "Master Han, how is my father?" Seeing Han Zuo approaching on horseback, Qiu Feipeng quickly grabbed the reins and asked anxiously.

   "Feng Qi was conducting a public trial outside Luyang City. The eldest son wanted to save the old gang leader, but was severely injured by Feng Qi..." Han Zuo also stopped his horse, and told Qiu Feipeng what happened to the Iron Palm Gang in a few words.

  After hearing this, Qiu Feipeng's eyes spewed fire, and he clenched his fist and hammered at his chest: "It's too much to deceive people. If I don't tear him into pieces, I, Qiu Feipeng, swear not to be human."

  Inside the carriage.

Hearing the change of the Iron Palm Gang, the regret in Feng Shiyi's eyes became more and more intense. He sighed and muttered to himself: "The peacekeeping gang, the peacekeeping vanguard. Feng Qi finally made it this far. He really did it." When we arrived, he didn't lie, and I don't know if he will still remember the Feng family's kindness."

"He came from the Demon Realm and was born out of a house. He has a fart of kindness with your Feng family. Even if he is the real Feng Qi, you beat him to death and left him where you don't care, and point him at him to be grateful?" Feng Jiu glanced at Feng Shiyi and sneered.

He took the water bag and flushed the meat in his mouth, burped, stopped eating temporarily, and continued to mock: "You don't even think about it, who brought you to this point. Feng Qi fooled me a few words, One by one, the little mice want to swallow the world, and they don't care if you have the appetite. It's your own fault that you fell into the current situation. In the final analysis, the Feng family is just a springboard for Feng Qi."

"Feng Jiu, don't talk nonsense." Feng Shiyi said angrily, "Feng Qi gave up his life to protect the Feng family, I saw it with my own eyes. We have fallen to this point, Feng Zhong is the culprit, I believe Feng Qi, he will save us of…"

  Feng Shiren glanced at several people and said nothing.

"Hehe." Feng Jiu laughed disdainfully, he was too lazy to pay attention to the group of idiots in front of him, he stuffed a Xiaoshi pill into his mouth, listened to the conversation outside for a while, stretched out his hand to lift the curtain on the carriage, and shouted Said, "Several hall masters, the method is wrong. Feng Qi's power has already been established, and his attributes are now unknown, and Qiu Gang is in his hands. You can't kill him with this method."

   "Who is he?" Han Zuo asked.

"Another Heavenly Demon of the Feng family is called Feng Jiu, and his attribute is gluttonous." Yan Wu looked back at Feng Jiu and said, "We have already verified that if you give him enough food, his strength will increase infinitely. From morning to now, he has been eating non-stop, eating laxatives, and then eating after laxatives. He broke his stomach a few times, but he was unscathed, but his strength has at least doubled. If it weren't for him, we would have been able to do so earlier. Came back in half an hour. I took him with me to deal with Feng Qi, Feng Qi tricked him once at Feng's house."


  Looking at Feng Jiu, who was covered in oily white clothes, Han Zuo frowned subconsciously, but soon, he covered up his disgust, cupped his fists and said, "Dare to ask Mr. Jiu, why is our method wrong?"

Feng Jiu suffered betrayal and tortured himself crazily. He was so determined that he didn't care about other people's eyes. He smiled: "Our demons grow by their own attributes. Feng Qi is now making a fuss in Luyang City, and his words and deeds fit his attributes. The greater the impact, the faster his strength will grow. It can be said that his strength is growing every moment.

   When you think of a countermeasure and move in to rescue soldiers, his strength may be so high. Maybe at that time, there is no need to threaten you with Qiu Yuanlang. With force, he will be able to put all of you down. "

  When he was in the Feng family, he wanted to overthrow the theory of demons and deny Feng Qi fundamentally, but his theory of virtual world could not convince Feng Shiyi and others at all.

   Simply, he also followed the theory of demons, planning to use this to trick Feng Qi at a critical moment.

   "Mr. Jiu, how should we deal with him?" Han Zuo asked after thinking about what happened later, his face changed.

"Destroying his attributes can truly weaken him, just like preventing me from eating." Feng Jiu couldn't hide his secret for a long time, and simply broke the jar, "If he wants to maintain it, you can destroy his maintenance results , Let people realize that his maintenance is not effective, or it is counterproductive, and his attributes will naturally be weakened.

   Didn't he distribute money to those victims? You can wear the clothes of the peacekeeping gang, grab the money back, and threaten the victims not to speak out, if you don’t do it a few times, Luyang City will be angry, and no one will believe in the peace and morality he maintains..."

   "Mr. Jiu, are you serious?" Qiu Feipeng asked with his eyes brightened.

   "Didn't you prove it on me." Feng Jiu said with a smile, "We are the same kind of people. It doesn't make sense that attributes only work on me, not on him."

   "We can give it a try." Han Zuo looked at the people around him and said, "Feng Qi doesn't have so many people, so he can't take care of such a big Luyang City. It's easy to do."

   "Okay." Qiu Feipeng said.

   "However, you have to be prepared to fail." Feng Jiu said.

   "Why?" Han Zuo asked.

"Because I highly suspect that Feng Qi's keyword is not maintenance at all, and maintenance is just an illusion created by him." Feng Jiu restrained his smile and said seriously, "Heavenly Demon is good at disguising, revealing his keywords is tantamount to putting himself Weaknesses are made public.

  In the Feng family, Feng Qi betrayed me without any scruples, and sold the Feng family he maintained, but his attributes did not weaken at all, but became stronger and stronger. This is very abnormal. Maintenance might just be his disguise to hide his real keywords. "

   Several people looked at each other, Han Zuo asked: "Mr. Yijiu's guess, what is his attribute?"

"It's very likely to be a fraud." Feng Jiu said, "In the name of maintenance, he lied to me, the Feng family, and the people of Luyang City. He can also achieve the goal of rapid growth." He glanced at Feng Shiyi and said, "As long as Some people are still being deceived by him, and if he is convinced of his lies, his attributes will not be weakened."

   "If his attribute is really a fraud, the method Mr. Jiu said just now will work." Han Zuo said, "Take back the property he distributed, and people's trust in him will naturally disappear."

   It would be nice if it were that simple, Feng Jiu sighed silently in his heart, maintaining peace is a trivial matter, the most important thing is the theory of demons spread by him, which is the highest method of deception!

   It is easy to spread rumors and difficult to refute them, and it is too difficult to eliminate the influence of Omen theory.

"Several hall masters can naturally give it a try. Anyway, there is no loss for us." Feng Jiu smiled, "However, only the demons in the past can deal with the demons. The best way is to find more demons and use matching attributes How to train them, and then use them to deal with Feng Qi, he leaked the details of Tianmo, he is equivalent to a traitor in the Demon Realm, I don’t know how many Tianmo hate him to death!"

  Feng Jiu still didn't believe that Duge's key word was maintenance, and he didn't really believe that these guys in front of him could deal with the shrewd Feng Qi.

  He has to make more preparations. He can't break the demon theory by himself, but there are more candidates for the joint test. When everyone grows up, it will be much easier to come out to refute the rumors.

  Of course, maybe he can be killed directly without dispelling the rumors.

  Feng Jiu was cheated by Du Ge from the very beginning, he finally showed his kindness once, and suffered betrayal again, but Feng Qi was prosperous all the way, his jealousy rushed from his heels to Tianlinggai.

  At this moment, Feng Jiu had only one thought left in his mind. The simulation field can lose, but Feng Qi must die.

  (end of this chapter)