MTL - Doomsday Wonderland-v9 Chapter 2271

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This is anti-theft, the main text will be there one day...


Lin Sanjiu turned around and roared angrily. Seeing Bohemia's shadow closely following her, she let go of her speed and ran forward with all her might. The rippling pink, blue, and pearly white light colors followed behind them with a gentle and indifferent momentum.

It's a force from another dimension—they can't hide, they can't block, the only thing they can do is run out of its reach on two legs.

"Quick, come with me," Lin Sanjiu shouted while running, "Go to the bow of the ship, to the medical room!"

Exodus has already set the destination and speed, no matter whether it is swallowed by the flood or not, it will always fly towards the hiding place of Bi Luo Huang Quan. Now, she can only hope that the great flood will suddenly slow down like a sudden acceleration, leaving them a chance not to be teleported; but let alone the possibility of this possibility, she has to do one thing first.

"How long until the medical room is unlocked?" Lin Sanjiu shouted loudly.

"There are still 14 minutes."

"Is the puppeteer awake?"

"The patient has not yet shown signs of sobriety."

What kind of big shot in the Twelve Realms is this! Lin Sanjiu scolded impatiently in her heart—isn't it very severe, the injury is not good no matter how old it is? If he wakes up, maybe he can try to forcefully break through from inside.

"What are you going to do?" Amidst the whistling wind, Bohemia asked loudly.

"Take him with you, lest he be teleported away by the flood!"

Bohemia nearly tripped in surprise. "Why are you not clear about your mind?" She quickly followed up, her face was anxious and angry: "There are still fourteen minutes, how can we avoid the flood while we are standing there waiting for the medical room to open? It's up to you Crosstalk to hold it back?"

Lin Sanjiu turned to look at her in his busy schedule.

"Do you still know cross talk?"

"Now is not the time to ask such questions!"

Regarding Bohemia's doubts, Lin Sanjiu actually had only one solution: go and talk.

When the two ran with all their strength, their speed was astonishingly fast. Even God knows what it was, the "big flood" never touched the corners of their clothes; Following behind them, they were like huge beasts that could not suppress their excitement when they smelled the scent of their prey.

When they finally rushed to the door of the medical room, Bohemia's face was full of sweat and tears, and she didn't know whether she was frightened or angry; she looked back and lost her temper with tears: "Look at the back! It will catch up in a minute or two at most!"

"Sales, how long until unlocking?"

"Five minutes before unlocking."

"Can you accelerate again?"

"I'm sorry, but it is already the highest speed that the hull load can achieve."

This answer can be regarded as expected... Thanks to the amazing size of Exodus, this gave them a buffer time. But the escape here is almost over, the remaining hull space in front is running out; they have nowhere to go, not to mention, she can't let the seriously injured and unconscious puppeteer be thrown into the doomsday alone again Go in reincarnation.

"You also have to think of a way," Lin Sanjiu stared at the brilliant light coming from a distance, sweating all over his head, "How do we get in?"

Bohemia stared blankly at the ground, as if she didn't hear her question. "There is always a feast that never ends, you took mine and didn't run away..."

There was no time to correct her mistakes, Lin Sanjiu shook her vigorously a few times: "Think about it!"

"How the **** would I know!" Bohemia got angry. In just a few words, a flickering color was faintly reflected on the half of the two of them: "You can't open the door, and I can't control the flood, why don't you and I break up here—eh...?"

Lin Sanjiu stared at her suddenly.

Bohemia suddenly opened her round eyes and tilted her head like an owl.

"Wait, wait, I seem to know," she stammered, "Didn't the great flood fall from top to bottom... like this? It hasn't fallen to our feet yet! Saras can't speed up Now, then can you make the spaceship descend obliquely and rapidly? If you can descend before the great flood..."

Before she finished speaking, this idea caused her to be slapped heavily on the shoulder by Lin Sanjiu. The latter's eyes were bright, and before he had time to praise her, he immediately raised his voice and gave an order to Saras; as soon as the words fell, the two of them felt that their feet were empty, and then they were thrown high by inertia—as if several days had passed. Seconds later, they fell back to the ground again.

In the spacecraft that plunged into the bottom and dived rapidly, all the things that were not fixed shook and fell to the ground; even a few fluorescent lamps embedded in the ceiling were thrown out, and as they continued to hit and sway, the medical staff The light and shadow flickering at the door of the room dazzled the eyes—not to mention seeing things for a while, even the body could not stabilize and balance.

But even in the dizzy state, Lin Sanjiu could still feel that the brilliant sea of ​​light that lit up the corridor in the distance seemed to have finally moved a little slowly—not forward, but obliquely upward.

Bohemia quickly got up and raised her head upwards.

"No," she murmured, "We haven't distanced ourselves from it yet...I don't think we can distance ourselves from it. Its speed and direction are really like a flood...There is no law to follow..."

As long as he hasn't opened his eyes in the next world, Lin Sanjiu will never give up. When the spaceship dived rapidly, she was also pushed against the door of the medical room due to the tilted angle: "Sales, you should start unlocking the fuck!"

"Yes. It is in preparation for unlocking,"

In the midst of staggering, alternation of light and shadow, and turmoil, Saraise's soft and calm voice echoed: "Please wait—five, four, three, two, one."

When the last word fell, Lin Sanjiu and Bohemia lost their stability for a moment, and immediately rolled into the door of the medical room that opened suddenly—until they bumped into some unknown equipment, the two gasped Get up.

Fortunately, the chaos outside did not affect the medical cabin. When the hatch was opened, the pale puppeteer was still sleeping peacefully inside, not even twitching his eyelashes.

Lin Sanjiu stretched out his hand and slapped him on the face a few times. It wasn't heavy, but it still made Bohemia turn pale with shock.

"It seems that I won't be able to wake up." Before she was disappointed, she turned her head and ordered: "Quick, before the flood comes, you and I will look for it together!"

"Looking for what?"

"Visa! Last time he asked Sibaan to bring him a visa officer, because he said he needed a lot of visas..." Lin Sanjiu frowned and recalled for a while, and could only vaguely recall the general idea; The teacher patted and groped for the place where he could hold things: "But he can't have to wait for help to get the visa, he must already have it on him! Come and help find it together!"

"But didn't you say that the visa might not work in the great flood?" Bohemia shrank her hands and refused to move, "And we obviously want to go back to the blue sky!"


Lin Sanjiu didn't raise his head, and his voice was a little dignified: "Even if the flood continues to maintain this speed, it will only be a matter of time before Exodus is swallowed by it... It is impossible for us to return to Biluohuangquan. If we have a visa, we just There is a possibility that we will be sent randomly; but if we don't have a visa, then three of us will be sent randomly."

Bohemia froze for a few seconds. Then she got up and reached out to touch a small piece of leather on the puppeteer's shoulder.

"...What about Exodus?" She lowered her head, her golden-brown curly hair covered her face, and she sniffed as she searched.

"Siba'an will take care of it. I told him before. At that time... we will find a way to come back." Lin Sanjiu has experienced countless times of parting, but every time he is about to break up with his friends, he seems to be with him. It was the same as the first time, so heavy and vivid that it made people uncomfortable.

Especially this time, she was also separated from Exodus. This snow-white ring, which has only been with her for only a few months, seems to have become her home, a part of her belonging. It will stop quietly in a certain mountain in Biluohuangquan in the future, waiting for her to return and open it again; but Lin Sanjiu doesn't know if she will see it again.

...After all, even with the visa of Bi Luo Huang Quan, she may not be able to come back.

She swallowed the lump in her throat, and said in a low voice: "If the puppeteer has prepared many visas, then there may be more than one visas for the same world... Even if the flood comes and the rules are invalidated, we will not Gotta try it. What if?"

Bohemia lowered her head and said "hmm". She was lucky, she searched for it, then suddenly paused, and when she raised her head again, she found a stack of visas out of nowhere. With a face full of surprise, she hastily divided a part of the visas and handed them to Lin Sanjiu: "Take a look too, are there any similar ones? If there are similar ones, let's each get another one—"

The gentle and beautiful light of the great flood silently engulfed the entire medical room at this moment.