MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 17 Core matchup

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PS: Summoning Summoning Recommendation Ticket ...

"If there is no personal obstruction, the second tower on the road may soon be ..."

Zhao Dingguo's brow frowned slightly after the act of the newcomer.

He also knew that the natural disaster side should have a veteran user with the same strength as Lao Li. It was not realistic to want the newcomer to know that he was going to be killed. After all, this is a death squad randomly joined by strangers who do n’t know each other, not Zhao Dingguo ’s gang fight with the dead party Wang Xin before!

Even if I knew that I could be resurrected, the real feeling of being killed was uncomfortable.

"It doesn't matter, he is willing to come over and come over!" Lao Li groaned slightly, his eyebrows spreading as soon as he said, "If he is there, it is just a little delay. Instead, he has to catch another person. Come down. , The four of us joined forces to push them down the road, the speed may not be slower than the road! "

The development of the battle was similar to Lao Li's analysis.

Two towers of soldiers have been destroyed by the Scourge's Tower before the Scourge, and the heroes of the Scourge have also broken the tower of the Scourge's bottom.

With the help of Taqian and the previous assist reward, Zhao Dingguo co-prospered an artificial leg and successfully purchased a recovery headscarf with an animal messenger. The effect of this piece of equipment is average, which can speed up the life recovery of nearby units. However, its more important role is to synthesize Mekansm, the team equipment that can instantly restore 250 points of life to surrounding units.

With this piece of equipment, it is easier to fight in a team fight.

"Continue pushing them two towers?"

Zeus looked at the soldier line and thought it was not bad, so he proposed to Zhao Dingguo and Lao Li-in fact, mainly to Lao Li, after all, the strength and experience of Lao Li among the five guards ranked first.

Lao Li nodded in emphasis and said, "Why not push? Push! We just want to break them down!"

Under his firmness, the guard four began to approach the inner tower of the natural disaster!

The vengeful soul and the dwarven musketeer who had been killed out of the shadow said that they would not come to defend, and they chose to make money in the middle. In desperation, the Underworld Yalong, who was going to help out on the road, had to TP to the second tower of the lower road, ready to participate in the defense.

Unfortunately, his landing point was not very good, and appeared in front of the second tower after the teleportation was over.

This location is only three steps away from the Centaur Chieftain!

"so many people?"

后 After the rune of the Teleportation Matrix disappeared, the underworld yalong could not see the situation nearby, and could not help but look ashamed. He died only once in the middle and he couldn't escape this time. He was completely turned by four heroes. Even under his own defense tower, it didn't play any role!

This time, the head was taken by Zeus.

His lightning damage is very high, and the casting distance is long. Just need to raise your hand lightly at the back, there will be thunder and lightning to slash, and you can easily get the head.

By comparing the killing records of the two sides, the guards have far surpassed the natural disaster.

Without the hero's defense, the powerful second tower is nothing more than a paper tiger. After the two waves of Treeman soldiers serving as cannon fodder died, the second tower on the lower road was also blown by the guards. The ghost trapped inside the defense tower quickly turned into a green light and disappeared, allowing the road to the Scourge Heights!

"Keep pushing!"

Xun Lao Li identified the path to the natural disaster. Under his command, Zhao Dingguo and some of them did not leave after succeeding, but prepared to rush directly to the high ground.

At this time, the Scourge veteran who was still competing with the second tower of the guard on the road finally couldn't bear it.

Honestly, his strategy is similar to Zhao Dingguo's. It can actually be implemented, but the results achieved are not as good as the guards. On his side, the heroes each took up a line of soldiers, and then they didn't move. But on the side of the guard, driven by Centaur Chief Elder Li, he walked around the middle lane once and opened the breakthrough one after the other!

The current situation is that less than a quarter of the durability of the current Guard II tower is left.

It's a pity that I just gave up. However, the four heroes of the guard have already pushed their high ground. What's more terrible is that the two idiots in the middle are still making money leisurely and don't know how to back defense. Yalong, the third resurrection, leaned far behind alone, and did not dare to go up. If he and a new guy next to him do not return to defense immediately, I am afraid that even if they remove the other two towers on the road, his high ground will be destroyed!

For a two-tower exchange for high ground, the guards naturally make a lot of money.


The veteran platform user who also got the Dawning Tavern-level nameplate hesitated for a moment, or decided to give up the inner tower. He stepped back a few steps, quickly returned to the city in a safe place TP, and went directly to his own high ground. At the same time, he also summoned the two idiots in his own middle through the nameplate.

"I'm coming!"

I saw the main force of his own words, the vengeful spirit and the dwarf musketeer hurriedly killed the wave soldiers and began to turn around and rush to the house.

However, neither of them had TP on them, and the middle of the river was not far from the natural disaster, but it was by no means three or two steps away. Taking advantage of this gap, Zhao Dingguo and the four of them have begun to launch an attack on the highlands where the natural disaster is underway!

Leaving aside two rookies, there are only five real exhibitors on both sides!

Jianwei's side is the centaur chieftain of old Li, Zeus the king of gods and the silent warlock of Zhao Dingguo.

Scourge side, there is Yalong of the underworld, and the senior super-god user who is a level with Lao Li, the hero soul he summoned is called soul guard!

This is the first head-to-head confrontation between the cores of the two sides since the start of the death group battle!

It's a coincidence that, like the dwarf musketeers, the soul of revenge, and other heroes, the soul guard is also an agile hero. However, this hero can be very powerful in the later period. Not only does he have a range slowing ability, he can also become a demon that can attack from a long range, and create several illusions at the same time. As for his big move, he is extremely powerful, and can instantly exchange the health percentage of the opponent and his own!

Think about it, when he was beaten by the other party, and he was about to die, he instantly changed his blood ...

This is a sufficient skill to reverse the situation instantly!

Of course, such heroes are not without their disadvantages. First, his body is relatively fragile, and it is easy to be spiked by several skills together, and it is even too late to change blood. The second one is even simpler, with a few more control skills to keep him in a dizzy, sheep-changing and other abnormal state!

On Jane Guard's side, the horseshoe trample of the centaur chieftain is undoubtedly a strong control. Zhao Dingguo's Silencer's big move is also one. The three-second full map silence can definitely prevent the soul guard from releasing any skills. The two skills, if connected well, can definitely make the soul guard unable to put up a big move!

Alas, of course, his own shortcomings, of course, the soul guard is also clear. So, the key is still playing!

Under the leadership of Lao Li, the Qianwei side did not try too much, and rushed forward with a wave of Shuren soldiers. They wanted to end the battle before the vengeful soul and the dwarf musketeer arrived. UU reading book Although the latter two are very good, at any rate there is also a limited skill and a range slow down. And even if it ’s cannon fodder, it can always help block some damage. If they were there, it would be difficult for the guard to think of a wave uphill.

"Let's hit this?"

Yalong of the Netherworld has a little lack of confidence. Although he is also a veteran, he is relatively bleak. The initial equipment brought in is only a pair of speed boots and an agile strap. Compared with Lao Li's four pieces of equipment, it is a half worse!

"Try to hold off for a while!"

Jian Wei's plan to speed up the battle, of course, summoning the soul-guarding senior super-god users will certainly not know. Therefore, he released his slowing skills as soon as possible. This skill can create an imaginary mirror behind enemies in a certain range in the front, which can not only slow down the speed, but also cause certain damage to the target.

However, he obviously underestimated the determination of the Guards in this battle, and the speed increase brought by the phase shoes equipped by Lao Li!

The decelerated Centaur chief is still rushing towards him firmly, the goal of the guard is obvious, that is to kill the soul guard together. Without this core, Yalong of the Underworld alone can't stop their attack!

Yalong of the Underworld certainly realized this. He naturally would not let his own main force be killed, so he directly opened his own orb attack. In addition to adding some damage, he could reduce the target's movement by up to 40%. speed. The speed of Lao Li, who had hit the effect of the orb, was greatly reduced immediately, and he was about to approach the soul guard, but the distance was again opened!

For a melee power hero, being unable to approach the opponent means being unable to launch an attack!

This situation is not what Zhao Dingguo and the **** Zeus hoped to see!