MTL - DOTA’s Madness-Chapter 665 Cemetery emergency defense strategy

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It took five minutes for the first extraction in the Scourge Cemetery.

If you count the magic array and erase the traces afterwards, Zhao Dingguo spent more than ten minutes before and after. Just as he carefully smoothed the last trace, and reentered more than ten seconds after re-entering, the skeletal dragon appeared again in the hazy sky in the distance.

This thrilling, naturally need not say much.

If Zhao Dingguo clears the magic circle a little slower, or the bone dragon comes a minute and a half ahead of time, Zhao Dingguo will be out of luck.

In any case, the successful completion of the Saint ’s energy extraction for the first time greatly increased Zhao Dingguo ’s confidence. Moreover, this somewhat risky experience also allowed Zhao Dingguo to sum up an experience that the objects selected for extraction are not the more energy they have, the better. Therefore, after the bone dragon left, Zhao Dingguo immediately turned back and turned back on the historical age of choosing to suspend the hero for one to two hundred years.

This time, the conversion is much faster.

定 Zhao Dingguo successfully completed the second transformation in just over three minutes, then had enough time to deal with the follow-up matters, and finally entered the stealth calmly, waiting for the skeletal dragon to fly by. Although some time may be wasted in the middle, ranging from half a minute to as much as a minute or two, it is safer.

With a steady stream of energy injection, this mottled sword edge also became brighter.

The energy needed to transform an ordinary sword into a famous saint's relic is very scary. According to the experience of mentor Jia Ruo, at least 17 or eight plot heroes' bodies must be transformed to complete this process. Moreover, if the energy of the extracted hero's body is relatively large, this number will increase accordingly.

这 Before this, Shen Caiwei's sword blade mainly extracted the energy of burning super legion super monsters. Although it can also be used, the drawn sword faint gives a kind of chaotic dark red. It looks not only not sacred, but rather disgusting. The hero energy that is continuously extracted now undoubtedly dilutes the chaos energy, and as the transformation progresses, the sword blade also reappears a faint golden ochre color, faintly adding the sacred atmosphere that Zhao Dingguo is familiar with in the death group battle.

的 The beginning of the whole process is quite smooth.

Because Zhao Dingguo was careful enough, the graves of the heroes he chose were also scattered and hidden in large tombs, so he didn't notice them without careful consideration. Apparently, the skeletal dragon flying across the sky did not notice any abnormalities, and continued to fly away in a circle. However, after Zhao Dingguo successively extracted seven or eight heroes' graves, the bone dragon that flew over again began to notice that it was wrong.

This time, two bone dragons flew over Zhao Dingguo's head.

Moreover, the two bone dragons did not leave in a circle as before, but flapped their wings and dangled on Zhao Dingguo's head for more than a minute. They also dived to a low altitude of 20 to 30 meters above the ground, as if it were I want to see what is happening here. They didn't leave until they found nothing.

If it wasn't for Zhao Dingguo's ghost walk that lasted long enough, and there was no fade time when he started it, the whole process was perfectly connected, maybe he was really discovered by the bone dragon.

The unusual behavior of the enemy was a wake-up call for Zhao Dingguo.

冇 Although the story heroes and most of the legionnaire soldiers guarding here have been removed, it seems that it is still not easy to do something about it. Shortly surprised by the reaction speed of the Bone Dragon Guard, Zhao Dingguo could not help secretly speeding up his hand movements.

As the operation of drawing the magic array becomes more and more proficient, the time required by Zhao Dingguo for a single time is also getting shorter and shorter.

However, the situation is getting worse for Zhao Dingguo. As the bodies of heroes drawn increased, the holes in the entire cemetery net became more and more obvious. The skeletal dragons that flew by clearly began to get irritated, intensifying patrolling in the area where Zhao Dingguo was located. By the time Zhao Dingguo transformed the bodies of fourteen or five heroes, the time that the bone dragon circled over Zhao Dingguo had increased to four or five minutes.

This makes Zhao Dingguo more and more available time, and each action becomes more and more tense.

Alas, this is not the end. It didn't take long for the footsteps to be heard faintly covered by the fog. Fortunately, Zhao Dingguo had just begun to set up a magic formation, and found that the abnormal consequences were cancelled immediately, which prevented premature exposure.

Soon, a small group of undead creatures appeared in front of Zhao Dingguo. These include an apostate mage who has a dusk-level template, and others are ordinary undead summoned creatures, such as monsters such as the Skeleton Guard. It turned out that after the light patrol was found to be ineffective, the Bone Dragons dispatched only one apostate mage left, ready to keep guard here for a moment.

This team has eight or nine skeleton guards, scattered around, and patrolling irregularly.

The appearance of them suddenly made Zhao Dingguo's actions ten times more difficult.

As far as results are concerned, Zhao Dingguo's trip can be said to be a huge gain. This mottled sword blade, which was originally only slightly shiny, is now full of energy and golden sacred breath. Zhao Dingguo can infer from his feelings that it is already filled with about 70% of the saint's energy. The remaining missing parts are put into the real world, and you can collect them by collecting the bodies of the top monsters that burn the Legion. However, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is so rare now!

I missed this time and next time I don't know when I will catch up.

After all, if there is a strong plot person sitting here, Zhao Dingguo would definitely not dare to sneak in easily.

As a result, Zhao Dingguo was unwilling to leave like this. If taking some risks can fill the relics of the Holy One at once, Zhao Dingguo will definitely bet on it. What's more, at this stage, the natural counterattack of natural disasters has attracted the attention of all the powerful plotters. Even if he was unlucky and was found by Bone Dragon, Zhao Dingguo lost most of the work at hand and immediately fled. It was not a big problem to retreat all over!

After making up his mind, Zhao Dingguo was ready to shoot at this apostate mage.

精英 The atmosphere of this elite elite at dusk is not very strong, much worse than the guardians of the sea giant and the lord of thunder that Zhao Dingguo once participated in the killing. However, Zhao Dingguo still did not dare to be too mean. Because there are still a bunch of skeleton guards of the rising sun to help. In addition, the shape of the Renegade Mage is also scary. The staff like a dagger-like style and the grey inscription robe worn on his body are faintly bloodied, and it looks like a belligerent and brutal feeling.

Zhao Dingguo's battle plan is to clear the mobs one by one, then avoid a wave of bone dragon inspections, and then focus the wave of firepower to solve the apostate mage.

I may be very confident in this elite monster. The next patrolling rules of several skull dragons have returned to normal, which also gave Zhao Dingguo a chance. While one of the ordinary skeleton guards patrolled back and forth to the edge, Zhao Dingguo covered with bóbó's gray mist and there was no second monster in his field of vision, and suddenly rushed out to launch an attack on the skeleton guard.

骷 This skeleton guard in the graveyard is undoubtedly stronger than those low-level undead creatures commonly found on the theme. Its hand held a sharp bone machete, and its thick bones had a faint dark gray luster, full of texture and strength. If it was before dusk, Zhao Dingguo would have to work hard to pack it. But now, Zhao Dingguo had almost no hesitation, and when he rushed out, he opened the crazy mask!

The state of 加 blessing to the body together is still agile and swift.

骷 The skeleton guard didn't understand how the human suddenly rushed out to hide his perception, so he slightly hesitated. In such a short time, its blood volume was gradually reduced by Zhao Dingguo in the extreme output mode. Before it could react, Zhao Dingguo cut out the lava elves again. Subsequently, the two lava elves alternated to stun the Skeleton Guard with their throwing skills, and simultaneously turned on the armor-breaking skills to assist Zhao Dingguo's output.

With his current ability, hitting an ordinary monster in the rising sun is not a problem.

In the time of a big move CD, it was hard to get close to Zhao Dingguo's skeleton guard who had lost one third of his health. Before he waved the weapon in his hand to cut the first knife, Zhao Dingguo quickly cooled it and continued to output.

It was exactly at the end of the crazy mask madness effect that the skeleton guard's health went to zero and was killed by Zhao Dingguo!

Even though it is a little stronger than ordinary undead, the difference is nothing more than an ant and a bigger ant ...

The dark gray mist is full of the breath of death and decay of the undead, and the nearby energetic and mighty powers of the corpses of the [Sailing House S] nearby heroes have partially masked the perception of the apostate mage. Therefore, this short battle far from the apostate mage did not attract its attention.

Zhao Dingguo will naturally not give the enemy reaction time ~ ~ Uses thunder to quickly solve the skeleton guards one by one.

Within a few minutes, the apostate mage was surprised to find that his skeleton guard was not even half over. When the angry and strange renegade mage finally made up his mind to recall the remaining skeleton guards, Zhao Dingguo chased him all the way, and forcibly killed the seventh skeleton guard.

With only two skeleton guards left, there is no need to worry so much.

Scrutinizing that the battle was going much smoother than he thought, Zhao Dingguo calculated the time and finally decided to take some risks and start directly with the apostate mage. If you drag it for a round, I don't know if this furious apostate mage will communicate with the bone dragon. He didn't want to cause any more variables, so he decided to get the apostate mage together.

So, after re-recruiting the lava elves, Zhao Dingguo met the apostate mage with a fair and honest attitude.

The subordinates brought by Xun lost most of them, but he did not even see what the enemy looked like, which made the apostate mage extremely angry. Now that the enemy was finally out of the fog, the apostate wizard immediately waved his scepter and fired a black chaotic ray towards Zhao Dingguo!

This is a very strange soft limit skill. (To be continued) [This text is the smartest, witty, innocent, kind, innocent, pure, cute, upright, shy, savvy, mighty, mighty, and mighty, sometimes seductive, sometimes fanatic, sometimes nervous, and sometimes springing and melancholic.蕾 大大】】 If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.