MTL - Douluo: Opening Sign In the God Tree Martial Arts-Chapter 116 Two women fight, Xiao Wu gets beat up!

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   Chapter 116 Two women fight, Xiao Wu gets beat up!


  The ant queen's body shines brightly, and she quickly turns on the ant **** form.

   This dead rabbit actually attacked her and kicked her nose on her face.

   "Get out of here!"

  The red light flashed on the queen ant's body, turning into an afterimage and hitting Xiao Wu.

   "Fourth Soul Skill: Moonlight Bite!"

   In the face of the beast-level attack, Xiao Wu chose to turn on invincibility.

   The speed advantage is zero, and the strength is completely crushed, so there are only soul skills left.

   A circle of ripples centered on Xiao Wu and quickly spread to a size of ten meters.

  The body of the ant queen stagnated violently, and she felt that the power she had stimulated was quickly disintegrated.

   "Look how long you can hold back!"

   "The superposition field is opened, and the overall increase!"

  The red light spread out, and the power, defense, and speed of the little ants instantly increased by twenty times.

   It is difficult to capture with the naked eye, and only the movement trajectory left by the fragmentation of space can be seen.


   The ground two meters away from Xiao Wu exploded, and Xiao Yi broke through the limit of his soul skills.

The power of the    domain was completely crushed, and the fourth spirit ability that was less than ten thousand years could not be stopped at all.

   "Lunar Domain!"

   "Double God Realm!"

  Xiao Wu made a decisive decision and quickly opened up her talent field.

  The sky dimmed instantly, and a bright moon appeared out of thin air.

  The gentle moonlight shone down, and all of Xiao Wu's attributes increased exponentially.

The martial spirit behind    changed, and the Moon God and Jade Rabbit appeared at the same time.

   The power of the soul skill is doubled.

   "The Fourth Soul Skill: Invincible Golden Body!"

   The soul fire on Xiao Wu's body has completely turned crimson.

   After the seven gates were opened, the spirit power reached the level of Contra.

   With so many attribute stacks, he can already fight Titled Douluo.

   The two fourth spirit abilities were superimposed, and a circle of golden ripples surrounded Xiao Wu’s body.

   "Bastard, don't look down on people, after all, it's just a mere soul sect!"

   "Break me~"

  Xiao Ant's eyes flashed red, and the spirit beast's desire to fight has been stimulated.

   Unreserved outbreak at this moment~

  Boom boom~

The    golden circles were constantly rippling, and they suffered more than a hundred attacks in an instant.

  Xiaoyi's power is so strong that the invincible aperture was actually compressed.

   It only takes a moment to break

   said that when the battle was over, Xiao Wu, who was at an absolute disadvantage, was overwhelmed.

   "Never allow you to hurt my friend!"

   "Eight gates, the gate of death, open!"


   The soul fire on Xiao Wu's body rose to the sky, and the powerful pressure turned into a shock wave and spread.

  The queen ant was shaken back

   "How could I possibly lose to you!"

   "Ant God Assault!"


  Little ants also came up, and the figure suddenly turned into a golden light and flew out.

  The terrifying force trampled the ground into a deep pit hundreds of meters.

   And because the speed is too fast, there are distortion channels in the space.



  The two sides are completely in a state of deathmatch, and it is necessary to decide the winner in this blow.


   "Ah, you are paralyzed!"

  Tang Chen's figure walked out of the space, facing Xiao Wu like a big-eared scratcher.

   knocked her out, and the opening eight doors were instantly suppressed.

   And the other hand stretched out and grabbed the fist of the little ant.

   and then slammed to the ground.


  A thick smoke rose, and the two who fought in the decisive battle were forcibly separated.

   "Brother~ you hit me"

  Xiao Wu jumped up first and got spanked a few times since she was a child.

   But this time, he scratched his ears directly, and the tears could not help but flow out.

   was about to question loudly, but stopped tremblingly.

   Because Tang Chen at this time is very scary.

   His whole body was overflowing with black soul power, and his body swelled abruptly.

  The terrifying muscles pierced through the clothes, exuding a power of destruction.

   "Master. I was wrong."

  Little ants knelt down with a light-speed shovel. No matter what the reason, it is a sin to face the master with his fist.

   "Xiao Wu, who allowed you to open the Eight Gates of Dunjia?"

   "If you dare to mess around again, I promise to seal all your soul power!"

   "Being an ordinary girl will also be happy"

  Tang Chen showed a devil-like smile, not joking at all.

   has long regretted teaching her eight ways of armor, and then forgot this girl's lifeless character.

   If you dare to mess around again in the future, it will directly shatter her martial spirit.

   Be a virtuous daughter-in-law at home.

  Xiao Wu's face changed greatly when she heard the words, and she realized that she had violated Ni scale.

  Tang Chen will never be angry for letting Erming go, nor will he be angry for fighting with Xiaoyi.

   But she ruined her life, which is absolutely taboo.

  Xiao Wu doesn't know if Tang Chen treats everyone like this.

   But if she dares to provoke again, it will definitely not end well.

   "Brother~ I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, please don't seal me!"

   After thinking about the pros and cons, Xiao Wu knelt down in seconds, she was not as smart as the queen ant, she knelt down with a light-speed shovel.

   "Remember what you said!"

  Tang Chen's body returned to normal, and he used the body activation technique just now.

   Although it is said to be comparable to Bamen Dunjia, it is still slightly inferior.

  The burning life force is replaced by the dark soul force.

   Although it is not life-threatening, it has lost the terrifying outburst of Kai God.

   After all, the death blow that ignites life may even make God tremble.

   Overall it’s still pretty good and can be used as a regular ability.

   In the future, there will be more dark soul power, and it will also be emotional when you fight people.

   took Xiaoyi's full blow, but it wasn't intact on the surface.

   It's just that the active state is very active, and it is quickly repaired.

   Similar to Tsunade's regeneration technique, it also consumes life force.

   If the little ants attacked with a weapon just now, the scene would be different.

   Of course, it won't be like now, just let her kneel.

   "Little Ant, I'll say it again for the last time, since I joined this big family, we must learn to help and love each other."

   "Otherwise you will always be a lonely soul beast."

  Tang Chen put down the words, such a high IQ should be able to understand.

   "Brother~ I'm really wrong."

  Xiao Wu began to act like a spoiled child every day, this move will definitely ask for something.

   "Why are you always bullying Erming? Although he is a little naive, he has a good personality."

   "Come on, it has tossed our little black into this, so you want to forget it easily?"

   Tang Chen said coldly, just worried that Daming would not agree to enter the inner circle.

   even took the initiative to deliver it to the door.

   "But it's all gone. Are we still trying to find it? The Star Dou Forest is huge," Xiao Wu said weakly.

   "What does it matter, if you can run the monk, you can't run away from the temple, just ask its big brother to explain it!" Tang Chen showed a wicked smile.

   "What? You still want to bully Daming? What the **** are you going to do!"

  Xiao Wu wanted to cry but had no tears, but she really couldn't run without a foundation.

   Unless you give up that treasure, it seems too late now.

   "For the sake of our little dance, we can't be too extreme."

   "If you really like our little black, you can marry that Erming!"

   "But the dowry. Help me win the inner circle."

   Tang Chen suddenly said with a serious face, this is the most important thing at the moment.

  In order to reduce risks, some small measures are not enough.


  Xiao Wu showed a moved look, firmly believing that Tang Chen's expedition against the inner circle was all for her.

   "Leave this to me, and promise not to disappoint my brother!"

  The Lake of Life is not far away, Xiao Wu rushed out after saying that.

  Da Ming's character is very clear to her, if Tang Chen goes there in person.

  It is estimated that there will be another battle.

   (end of this chapter)