MTL - Doupo: Life Simulator-Chapter 18 Inn

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   Chapter 18 The Inn

   squinted his eyes and looked at it carefully for a while, as if he couldn't feel the other side's path, the big man weighed the bag Xiao Ming threw over, and responded with a smirk on his face.

   "Okay, my lord, sit here."

  Xiao Ming looked in the direction he pointed, but found that all the tables over there were full of people, and there were no empty tables.

   "There is no place over there."

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please sit here." After Xiao Ming's reminder, the scarred-faced man seemed to have just realized it.

   then pointed to the empty table on the other side, "Sir, please go over there and do it."

   glanced at the scarred-faced man, and Xiao Ming walked towards that position without saying a word.

   Watching Xiao Ming leave his back, the scarred-faced man showed a sinister smile and walked backstage.


   A black-faced fat man with a fat upper body asked the scar-faced man.

   "How about it, have you figured out what's coming?"

   "Hey, he should be a hairy boy who came out of nowhere."

"Really? Don't make a mistake, don't think that someone is short as a hairy boy. The races here in the Black Corner are mixed, and it's not that there are no shorter races. The last time you saw someone pale and said they were injured, it's not enough. For fear, we have suffered a big loss because of our carelessness, if it weren't for the strength of the big brother, we would have planted it." Fatty Weng Sheng said in a arrogant voice, his words were full of distrust, obviously he had been miserable by him.

  The scar-faced man was told this, his face was a bit unbearable, his face flushed and he wanted to refute loudly, but he was afraid of attracting other people's attention, so he could only shout in a low voice.

"Fuck, there's a reason for that, who would have known that the tuberculosis ghost was actually practicing a cold and cold technique called Xuanyinjue, and it's so perfect that it's not a ghost or a ghost. Besides, we didn't lose any money last time. Yin Jue is a low-level profound technique."

   Seeing that Fatty still has some distrust, the big man had to explain.

   "Don't worry, I won't be wrong this time. Although this kid deliberately pretended to be an old man, hid in a black robe, and even made a disguise on his hands, he still showed a flaw just now."

"When he threw the money over just now, his wrist was exposed. Compared with the wrinkles on his palm, the skin on his wrist is not knowing how many years younger, and I deliberately asked him to sit at a seat without an empty table, but he was still calm. He told me that there is no place, hey hey, this is definitely a hairy boy who doesn't know where he came from, he is not very old, and his strength will definitely not be very high."

   "Since that's the case, I took care of him by the way when I was doing errands at night, hehe." A fierce smile appeared on the fat man's simple and honest face.

"By the way, to be on the safe side, add some ingredients to his dishes." The scarred-faced man also showed a sinister smile. Although according to his judgment, he thought that the black robe boy would not be too strong, but for the sake of safety, he thought it was still Some very tricks are needed.

   "Well, I'll add some soft tendons."

   As soon as the two of them finished their discussion, they heard a scuffle from the lobby.

   The two frowned.

   "Damn, how dare you make trouble here, go out and kill these garbage."


   Go back in time a little.

   On the other side, after Xiao Ming sat down, another guy came to pour water for him.

   After thanking him in an old voice, he just put the porcelain bowl in front of him and didn't mean to drink.

   ignored some secret inquiries, Xiao Ming just concentrated on listening to the surrounding conversation.

   Xiao Ming came to Lvyan Town not by accident, he came to find Lvyan Xuanshui.

   He still remembered that the two fishermen who owned Greenyan Xuanshui in the simulator liked to pretend to talk in the inn in Greenyan Town to reveal the location of Xuanshui, attracting passers-by who wanted to find leaks.

   When passers-by get fooled and run to the location they said, they will be taken away by two people who have been waiting for a long time.

   The key point is that the strength of these two fishermen is not weak. They have the strength of five-star fighting masters, and their behavior is so clumsy. Even if someone is lucky enough to escape their attack, it will be more unfortunate to face them alone in the future.

  The self in the simulator was tricked a wave, and finally swallowed the drug and exploded the seeds to kill the two of them.

   But let’s not say, at least these two fishermen are not white wolves with empty gloves, the green rock profound water is really on them.

   So this time, he naturally wanted to "take" this item away. It is a wonder of the world, and it is good for his "spirit".

   Anyway, these two fishing guys are not good things.

   "Ahahaha, the girl I caught yesterday is so tender."

   "Oh yeah, next time together."


   "Big Brother, I had a fight with the gangster a few days ago, and several brothers died. We can't forget it!"


   "Drink and eat!"

   "Do one!"

   "Bah, **** beast, actually betrayed Lao Tzu."

   "Fuck, Xiao Za Mao, you spit into your grandpa's bowl!"

   "What are you looking at?"

   "Look at you!"

"It's nothing to do with anything!" Xiao Ming's face under the black robe was very bright. Obviously, Xiao Ming did not find the trace of the two fishing men, but heard other incredible conversations and turned his head to just now. Call in the direction of the slave's house.

   "Ouch." Feeling attacked by his soul, Xiao Ming quickly turned his head and looked to the other side.

   If he didn't turn to the other side again, he was afraid that yesterday's overnight meal would be vomited out.

   As soon as he turned to the other side, Xiao Ming found that two groups of people were shouting and confronting each other.

   But it was someone who was teaching his younger brother a lesson just now, spitting saliva into someone else's bowl, and provoking another group of people.

   However, the strength of the two groups may be equal, so there is no action. At this moment, the two sides are having a very high-level dialogue.

  The leaders of both sides stood together, spittle flying.

   The voices of the two sides became louder and louder. Xiao Ming found that they did not fight because of their similar strengths, but because of something.

   Xiao Ming guessed that they might not fight because of the strength of the owner of the inn. Although Heijiaoyu claims to have no rules, there are indeed no rules. Killing and arson, and robbery in the street are not controlled.

   However, in order to stabilize their own territory and obtain more benefits, some forces will customize rules in their own territory. For example, auctions are not allowed to take action, and people from other forces in the city cannot fly beasts, etc.

  If you open an inn, if the guests are always fighting, not to mention whether the chairs and tables are expensive or not, just simply changing them will be annoyed.

   So this inn should have rules that you can't do it, Xiao Ming thought with his head down.

   This is also the idea of ​​most business people, but to make these thugs in the Black Corner Domain so peaceful, the owner of this inn is quite powerful.

   Using his soul to perceive that the leader of the two sides is almost the same as the Seven Star Dou Shi because of the confrontation, Xiao Ming came to this conclusion.

  It was impossible to do anything in the inn. The two parties agreed to go out and fight. At this moment, the younger brother who was kneeling on the ground with blood on his face and being reprimanded, suddenly stood up and gave his boss a kick.

   Thanks to the little thief bookworm for the 1500 point reward.



   (end of this chapter)