MTL - Dragon Ball Z: Attack of Raditz-v5 Chapter 484 3 minutes start

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Everyone is ready, and the Universe Conference is about to begin. Both Vis and Barthos knocked on the Scepter, and the faint glow shone. The dome-shaped dome shrouded the entire platform, creating a completely enclosed space.

This protective cover is shaped by two angels to ensure the safety of the audience and to some extent limit the destructive power of the players.

Bardos is very satisfied with this and announced the rules before the pro:

"This competition is a competition between the two universes under the jurisdiction of Pa Da and Birus. It takes one-on-one combat form. The order of appearance is determined by both sides. If one party is eliminated, it will be disqualified. An appearance, until the last person on the last field represents the universe to win. As for the way to eliminate, let the opponent admit defeat, fall off the field or lose combat ability, not allowed to kill."

"The winner will get all the wish beads and can satisfy a wish. I hope that you will go all out."

Bardos smiled and announced the rules, and gave the next thing to the host.

The players of the two universes are serious, waiting for the beginning of the battle, and also discussing the order of appearance. Everyone at Latiz is strong and can only send Tapio to be a warm-up.

"Please send the first player on both sides!" The host is a professional who has experienced the great events of the universe. I have seen many big scenes. It is the first time for him to play together in two universes. The voice is a little excited. .

"Good! Come on!" Latiz patted Tapio's shoulder.

"Get rid of him! Bodhidharma." Xiang Pa raised his fist and shouted.

Both sides have already made a choice, and the players jumped up and jumped to the ring.

Bodhidharma is a tall, burly yellow bear wearing only a red vest with a short tail that looks bloated and clumsy. His appearance is not so fierce, but the more common the opponent is, the more Tapia is not taken lightly.

Latiz suddenly felt that he had chosen the right person. The difference between Tapio and Saiyan was that he never underestimated the enemy. More or less, the Saiyan had considerable confidence in the battle and it was easy to forget. Tapio is not the same, he is born with seriousness so that he can go all out to face every opponent.

Hey! Hey!

Bodhidharma took two shots and said in a provocative way: "Come on, just attack, I will let you play for ten minutes."

"You..." Tapio did not expect the opponent to look down on him so much, and his brow could not help but wrinkle.

And the elephant in the stands, Pahaha laughed, "That's the way, Bodhidharma, doing beautiful!" Don't say anything else, the phrase "Let you play for ten minutes" makes people feel long-faced, the momentum of the sixth universe. Already come out.

On the other hand, Latiz stood up and shouted at Tapio: "He wants to beat him and beat him!"


Tapio picked up the flute and played a wonderful tune. Everyone was stunned, what is this routine and played at the conference? This is a fighting competition is not a music competition.

But in the next second, the white mist appeared, and suddenly there was a monster with only the lower body on the ring. The huge body almost broke the platform and broke the protective cover.

Hilde just appeared!

Bodhidharma was so scared that he couldn’t help but step back and hurriedly shouted: "Playing! He is swearing!"

"This is my skill!" Tapio said coldly. He was dissatisfied with the contempt of Bodhidharma, which sent him to Hilde, making him violent.

"Hey, Bardos, isn't this a foul? They have two people!"

"I like the elephant, the monster is communicating with his soul. It is indeed a seal and summoning skill, or a hidden ‘weapon.’” Bardos shook her head. Obviously, she didn’t think it was a foul.

The host and the referee also stunned. He didn't know if he should decide the foul. He looked at the big gods on both sides. Wei Si smiled and Batos shook his head. No, let's continue, the host also made up his mind and did not obstruct the fight.

In the field, Hilde just ran into the past, with a shock to the Bodamo. Bodhidharma's body has rubber properties, physical attacks are almost immune, and Hilde just happens to be good at physical attacks.

A heavy hammer hitting Bodhidharma did not have a significant effect, but forced the retreat of Bodhidharma.

"That guy actually suffered such a blow, nothing happened!" Klin was so surprised that he had been cooled by Hilde just like this, and that Bodamo was holding up and still laughing.

"Is it? Hilde has just completely suppressed the opponent. Once Tapio has perceived the weakness of the other side, the battle is over." Latiz said disdainfully.

This guy from Bodamo is mainly relying on the body. His strength is not strong. As long as he attacks the next plate, he can't stand up and throw it out of the field. The battle is over.

In fact, Bertha has barely resisted Hilde’s attack and has no power to fight back. He was sweating, only maintaining the ease of the surface, but the inner shock. He underestimated the strength of the seventh universe and realized that he was too arrogant.


The phantom-like blows fiercely bombarded and smashed layers of ripples, pushing Bodhidharma to the corner of the ring!

"No, I have to fight back!" But Badamo will not be defeated if he is resisted, but he will be convicted of being forced out of the court. He is only pressing for resistance.

At this time Hilde just swept the tail, just on the Berda's leg that jumped up.


Bodhidharma was unstable and fell to the ground. It was difficult to get up after the bloated body fell. Tapio found his weakness.

"I thought how strong you were, but it wasn't like that." Tapio tightened the rhythm of the song, just like the sword that was in the skull suddenly appeared and shone brightly.

"Don't stop... don't, give me another chance!"

"Go on!"

Hilde had just swept his tail again. This time, there was no way for him to have a full body. The elastic body bounced on the edge of the ring, fell and fell down.

"What, in addition to the physical characteristics, there is no strength."

"I am amazed by one."

"Ha ha ha...Tapio refueling!"

The Seventh Universe has begun to celebrate, and a shout of shouting cheers.

The host responded after a while and immediately announced: "The Sixth Universe Bodhidharma is out of bounds, eliminated!"

After only three minutes, the first player has already regretted the scene. Like Pa Gao’s fist, there is no place to put it, his eyes are burning and he is furious: "This lost? Bodhidharma, you are not boasting to let him Play for ten minutes! Bastard!"

The wrath of God's wrath is extremely horrible, and almost the mind is shocked.

"Ha ha ha, elephant, want to be elegant." Birus ridiculed in a timely manner, persuaded the winner's gesture.

"Birus, don't be too happy!" Like a gnashing tooth, pointing to Magnata: "The next one is you, don't lose again!"

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